Obama to hold Super Spreader "LOOK AT ME" birthday party for himself.




Video (weed tent at 2:40):
Funny how the weed made it past the Secret Service dogs:
EXCEPT FOR ALL THE BLACKS - who are the #1 ethnic group unvaccinated, and just happen to be 90% DEMOCRATS.

Democrats like to tell things how they would like things to be. Another Democrat myth tale bites the dust.

California has the highest number of total Covid cases, AND highest number of Covid deaths.

And guess what group is the highest % of UNVACCINATED there ? >> BLACKS.

Vaccinations by race
Not vaccinated

Black - 55%
Latino - 54%
American Indian or Alaska Native - 42%
White - 41%

Tracking California COVID-19 vaccine distribution - Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)

California Department of Public Health

Moon Bats do the most bitching about people not being vaccinated.

Moon Bats mostly vote for Democrats.

Blacks are the main voting block of the filthy Democrat Party.

Blacks have the highest rate of not being vaccinated.

Ironic, isn't it?
Democrats all have the good sense to be vaccinated, and ensuring everyone around them is vaxxed

, so there aren't large swaths of unmasked, unvaxxed people seated together in the Rose Garden.

This never happens with Democrats.
The lies just flow from you as freely as a fountain, don't they, Dragon Breath? Sometimes I can't tell if you're a true imbecile or a parody of one.
Gatherings of Democrats haven't produced hundreds of cases of covids. Democrats all have the good sense to be vaccinated, and ensuring everyone around them is vaxxed, so there aren't large swaths of unmasked, unvaxxed people seated together in the Rose Garden.

The White House - a covid hot spot when Trump lived there, is no longer the most dangerous office building in Washington. Mar-a-lago had to be shut down after Trump moved there because of a covid outbreak.

This never happens with Democrats.
It happens. We just don't hear about it.
I feel like a Martian on earth living in retirement. I am a little bemused watching this pandemic theater unfold. This covid dance thing. My neighbors and even my nephew & sister received the vaccine and they ALL managed to get corvid anyway. (None of them died, BTW). And since being infected with corvid is little worse than getting a cold, and all the CDC approved preventive measures don't seem to work, why bother? Please. The CDC is the problem here, not COVID19. Their overreactions and abuse of their power is the problem here, destroying our economy over the freaking glorified frankenflu. A novel virus, yes, but of little consequence. 99% survivability rate. Not exactly Small pox, SARS or EBOLA.
What is corvid?
I dont understand why obama is having a birthday party.

When youre a child its one thing, when youre an adult why have a birthday party? No one cares anymore. The only birthday parties I can understand are ages like 4 to 12, and again at ages 90, 95, 100. THats about it, really young and really old.

Aside from that a birthday party could be hanging out with a few people for dinner somewhere or an excuse to bust out the grill for 6 or 7 people. But a big lavish 500 person birthday party for a dude that doesnt even qualify for social security yet? That just sounds like a "come kiss my ass and make me feel special so the news will pay attention to me" party.
I suppose the dems creating a super spreader event on the southern border wasn’t enough…they need one of the east coast as well.
I suppose the dems creating a super spreader event on the southern border wasn’t enough…they need one of the east coast as well.
Well, if another spread breaks out in areas where the attendees live, that they should hold Obama liable. Make sure he pays businesses in those areas reparation if they have to shutdown.

sulfur O.gif

Fauci berates mass outdoor gathering in South Dakota, but gives Obama's birthday bash a pass

Does Fauci put such short term political protection of Democrats over destroying what little is left of his credibility?

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