Obama To McCain: Wanna Fight...? Fight Me!!!


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009


McCain has continued http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/211649-the-republican-war-on-women.html This is why Obama won the vote of women and why the Republicans lost so many of them.

The hits just keep on coming. Republicans just don't know when or how to stop digging.

President Obama Responds to Senator McCain's Criticism of U.N. Amabassador Susan Rice | Video - ABC News
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh boy, this is just about to *HIT THE FAN*!!!!!!!
2. These Senators have to go after him now,....!!!!!
3. And if they don't then they cut their own throats.
4. They just have to slam dunk the President now.
5. This should be *Very Entertaining*.
6. Impeachment is on its way folks.

Sorry bout that,

1. Oh boy, this is just about to *HIT THE FAN*!!!!!!!
2. These Senators have to go after him now,....!!!!!
3. And if they don't then they cut their own throats.
4. They just have to slam dunk the President now.
5. This should be *Very Entertaining*.
6. Impeachment is on its way folks.

I hope charges of impeachment are filed for what this son of a bitch done to those 4 men. This bastard craped over our freedom of speech to hide the fact that he didn't do shit to save them...Lied for weeks on end.

I'm sorry but Obama is trash. How could any one left or what ever support this shit is way over my understanding. wtf.
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McCain has continued http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/211649-the-republican-war-on-women.html This is why Obama won the vote of women and why the Republicans lost so many of them.

The hits just keep on coming. Republicans just don't know when or how to stop digging.

President Obama Responds to Senator McCain's Criticism of U.N. Amabassador Susan Rice | Video - ABC News

Obamination is a PUNK and if he thinks he's going to get Rice in he's got another thing coming. That mouthy corksucker wants to play?
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I hope charges of impeachment are filed for what this son of a bitch done to those 4 men. This bastard craped over our freedom of speech to hide the fact that he didn't do shit to save them...Lied for weeks on end.

I'm sorry but Obama is trash. How could any one left or what ever support this shit is way over my understanding. wtf.

Cantor knew about the Petraeus affair before most did.

Why did he help Obama with the cover up?
so lindsey gram and mccain go on a hateful unwarranted attack on susan rice when she only told the public what the FRICKING CIA TOLD HER in her CIA briefing on bengazi and these hateful assholes treat her like she is the biggest piece of crap out there while they said nothing and voted for condoleeza rice to be sec of state when she went on a tv spree telling us a MUSHROOM CLOUD was what we were going to awake to from Saddam if Bush didn't act this minute in going to war and that major major lie was okay?

what lying, partisan assholes those 2 republicans are....
With administration, Lie to the people and you get a promotion..

and Obama is going to punch you out for opposing it
I doubt anything will come of this investigation.

The American people voted that fuck back into office so I doubt if any care about those 4 American dead in Libya.

The fact that they fought a seven hour gunbattle for their lives sure didn't impress that fuck in the WH. He was busy going to another fundraiser in Vegas.

Is he a peice of shit?? You bet. He isn't worth the sweat off the balls of those four men.

Spoke with a good friend of mine who's a Desert Storm vet.

He told me he was absolutely flabbergasted that nothing was done to save those men. We talked about it for a few minutes and he told me "You know Claud? Guys like Barry, Pinetta and that pack of idiots he surrounds himself with are a dime a dozen. Men like those three in Libya?? Those guys are three in three million.

Gotta agree. Hope that fuck chokes on his second term.
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WHY did we have some Ambassador to THE UN coming out and telling us what was going on with this TO BEGIN WITH?

Don't we have a Secretary of STATE...where the hell WAS SHE?

you people are dupes, but will stand up for this crap
WHY did we have some Ambassador to THE UN coming out and telling us what was going on with this TO BEGIN WITH?

Don't we have a Secretary of STATE...where the hell WAS SHE?

you people are dupes, but will stand up for this crap

Hilary was probably helping that fuck pack for his Vegas trip.
Rice want out and said that it was a video that caused it. How the fuck can you back this shit up??? Is your socialism so important to you that the truth doesn't matter?

That is PRECISELY what she was told by the CIA in her briefing on Benghazi.....

what? are you saying the CIA lied to her? and she should have known?

Are you saying she was involved in any of the decisions made regarding Benghazi?

what exactly did she do wrong? repeating what the Cia told her??? I suppose you expected her to just make up stuff, outside of what the CIA briefed her on????

sheesh, you guys are the MOST HATEFUL, spiteful, whining pieces of crap, sore loser babies that I have EVER encountered in my life.

GROW UP Matthew.

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