Obama to place government 'monitors' in newsrooms?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Ok, just a proposal at this point, and now that people know about it funding should hopefully never be approved, but sending the FCC to newsrooms to 'question' how stations make their news decisions, conduct interviews, and represent certain groups? How Chavez can this president get?


"The Obama Administration’s Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is poised to place government monitors in newsrooms across the country in an absurdly draconian attempt to intimidate and control the media.

Before you dismiss this assertion as utterly preposterous (we all know how that turned out when the Tea Party complained that it was being targeted by the IRS), this bombshell of an accusation comes from an actual FCC Commissioner."
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Obama to place government 'monitors' in newsrooms?
Welcome to the Third World
There is absolutely no way anyone Democrat or Republican can defend this action.
It is absolutely indefensible, if anyone wants to sample what this might be like, watch MSNBC.
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It's the Obama way!
What is wrong with you people. Is every bullshit story fed into your echo chamber? There IS ALREADY A THREAD ON THIS.

The ACLJ is Pat Robertson.


Try harder.
And you Far Left maniacs wonder why we act the way we do.. But I'm certain you zealots are for going against the 1st Amendment when it more than likely favors your Leftists views..
This sounds bit crazy given that broadcast standards and practices have been around for a very long time and according to the judiciary the Fox news and others are not required to tell the truth.
What is wrong with you people. Is every bullshit story fed into your echo chamber? There IS ALREADY A THREAD ON THIS.

The ACLJ is Pat Robertson.


Try harder.

This is not the first time the agency has meddled in news coverage. Before Critical Information Needs, there was the FCC's now-defunct Fairness Doctrine, which began in 1949 and required equal time for contrasting viewpoints on controversial issues. Though the Fairness Doctrine ostensibly aimed to increase the diversity of thought on the airwaves, many stations simply chose to ignore controversial topics altogether, rather than air unwanted content that might cause listeners to change the channel.

The Fairness Doctrine was controversial and led to lawsuits throughout the 1960s and '70s that argued it infringed upon the freedom of the press. The FCC finally stopped enforcing the policy in 1987, acknowledging that it did not serve the public interest. In 2011 the agency officially took it off the books. But the demise of the Fairness Doctrine has not deterred proponents of newsroom policing, and the CIN study is a first step down the same dangerous path.

The FCC says the study is merely an objective fact-finding mission. The results will inform a report that the FCC must submit to Congress every three years on eliminating barriers to entry for entrepreneurs and small businesses in the communications industry.

This claim is peculiar. How can the news judgments made by editors and station managers impede small businesses from entering the broadcast industry? And why does the CIN study include newspapers when the FCC has no authority to regulate print media?

Ajit Pai: The FCC Wades Into the Newsroom - WSJ.com

Mr. Pai is a commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission.

The FCC says the study is merely an objective fact-finding mission. The results will inform a report that the FCC must submit to Congress every three years on eliminating barriers to entry for entrepreneurs and small businesses in the communications industry. This claim is peculiar. How can the news judgments made by editors and station managers impede small businesses from entering the broadcast industry? And why does the CIN study include newspapers when the FCC has no authority to regulate print media?”

Anti-NSA web protest goes live ? Feds take on app piracy cases ? NTIA worries about domain name rollout - MPOLITICO Morning Tech - POLITICO.com
Tbis president is the most informed president in history. Until something happens that makes his admistration look bad. Then be finds out at the sametime i do, on the news..
this is just a ruse to go after FoxNews The other news outlets will just get a wink wink
and Fox will be the one that obama will try and suppress, go after donors, harass reporters, and threaten exec
who can't see thru this.
Think obama cares where msnbc gets their news

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