Obama to replace the founder of America's currency with a woman

Only half the bills will have the altered picture. Just do the same thing as was done to all the other rejected currencies. Reject it.
How about Sally Ride? An individual that inspires looking forward for all Americans.

How about Betsy Ross? Lets play the how bout game

OK--Here how it goes
You name a (famous?) female American, and a short explanation on why her!!

Anyone else wants to play?

Rosa Parks would work.

So would Helen Keller on a more unlimited basis (not confined to an Alabama special issue).
I'd be OK with Rosa
Tubman freed more slaves than Parks.
I heard a black commentator on NPR saying it was insulting to Tubman's legacy to put her on a bill because a bill was used to shackle her

There are some radicals, that it wouldn't matter what you did to honor someone, they would still bitch and moan.
"Obama to replace the founder of America's currency with a woman"

This just in: O'bama is now the Department of the Treasury. Surgery successful in landmark 13-hour operation.

This is Obummer's parting act, to usher in the Hillary as the first woman president following the first black president. Now, that's "president" setting, is it not?
I'd be OK with Rosa
Tubman freed more slaves than Parks.
I heard a black commentator on NPR saying it was insulting to Tubman's legacy to put her on a bill because a bill was used to shackle her

That doesn't even make any sense. :wtf:

Here, you want dead, female and inspiring? Run these two together:

Ironic that a black president would remove hamilton, who was one of the founders of the new york society for promoting the manumission of slaves, which was instrumental in the abolition of slavery in the state of new york.

I would say its ironic you fell for this and blame Obama for it, but its not. People are used to the stupidity by now

Who picked Lew?

Obama isnt Lew
Obama appointed Lew and Lew can't let a popcorn fart without Obama's approval.
Ironic that a black president would remove hamilton, who was one of the founders of the new york society for promoting the manumission of slaves, which was instrumental in the abolition of slavery in the state of new york.

I would say its ironic you fell for this and blame Obama for it, but its not. People are used to the stupidity by now

Who picked Lew?

Obama isnt Lew
Obama appointed Lew and Lew can't let a popcorn fart without Obama's approval.

Because you say so or do you have a link for that?
Ironic that a black president would remove hamilton, who was one of the founders of the new york society for promoting the manumission of slaves, which was instrumental in the abolition of slavery in the state of new york.

I would say its ironic you fell for this and blame Obama for it, but its not. People are used to the stupidity by now

Who picked Lew?

Obama isnt Lew
Obama appointed Lew and Lew can't let a popcorn fart without Obama's approval.

Because you say so or do you have a link for that?

That's the way it works in DC. Suck up or get replaced.
Unless The Treasury gets it right Democrats in Congress will do their best to defund the department. There is ONLY ONE new design for the tenner that wiil please them:


Note, this requires magic paper so the front can be printed at standard size and the back printed sufficiently wide as to make the picture recognizable.

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