Obama to Screw the Troops for His Wall Street Backer


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Guess whose been a big donor to Obama? And guess who'll be in the cat seat if the Pentagon's proposal for future military pensions comes into effect? BlackRock. Find out about them @ Financial Planning & Investment Management | BlackRock

Under the details of the Pentagon plan, the federal government would divert 3 percent of service members’ pay into a 401(k)-style plan that would be managed largely by BlackRock, a financial firm whose executives helped bankroll President Barack Obama’s election campaigns.

Okay, so perhaps diverting some of their less-than-sterling salaries into a private retirement fund isn't a bad idea. My thought is – if this is a good idea, why not do it for ALL government employees? And members of Congress? After all, if it's good enough for the men and women who defend this country, it should be good enough for all.

Read more @ BlackRock, Obama Campaign Donors Stand To Benefit From Cuts To Military Pensions

And, then comes this: IF YOU LIKE YOUR 401(k), YOU CAN KEEP YOUR 401(k): Obama Labor Dept. Sets Stage for Nationalizing Retirement Accounts @ Doug Ross @ Journal: IF YOU LIKE YOUR 401(k), YOU CAN KEEP YOUR 401(k): Obama Labor Dept. Sets Stage for Nationalizing Retirement Accounts

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