Obama to send U.S. Troops to Moscow to March in Parade Celebrating Stalins Red Army.

Why is this a bad idea, again?

I mean, what do we lose? It's damned impressive from an international relations standpoint, costs us virtually nothing, and serves as a reminder to the Chinese to not overreach.

If Russia is offering cooperation, we ought to accept it.
Some think our troops will see a billboard of Stalin and switch sides.

How many on this board would accept as normal if the NFL were to have a centennial celebration and included it in was a whole section on OJ Simpson?

Sure, he was a murderer later in life, but he helped put the sport on the map.

Well, sure, Stalin was a murderer later in life, but he helped defeat the enemy in WWII.

Anyone else see the hypocirsy of those that say "Without him we may have lost the war, and this is celebrating him as a war hero well BEFORE he became a murderer."

You can't just take Stalin out of the context of history and ignore what the event actually is about: The allied forces defeating Hitler in one of the worst wars in modern history. On top of that - it is only some in Moscow's city government that is attempting to reconstruct Stalin and that is not sufficient reason to insult Britain, France and Russia by refusing to participate.

Look at it another way: Do you refuse to respect Christmas because Christianity has close ties with horrific wars and human rights abuses? Do you teach the history of the U.S. white washed of any reference to religion's role? Some want to - but it becomes meaningless because you are removing a lot of context.

No one is saying to eliminate him from history.

We are simply saying that we do not agree with the idea of having our bravest march in his honor.....and according to what I have read and heard, it is a celebration of not only his victory, but his military leadership as well.

There were many that deserve recogniotion...and few that dont. They may have originally earned it, but in my eyes, he gave up what he earned the day he intentionally and knowingly took the life of an innocent civilian.

All sides in that war intentionally and knowingly killed innocent civilians. Didn't they?
You can't just take Stalin out of the context of history and ignore what the event actually is about: The allied forces defeating Hitler in one of the worst wars in modern history. On top of that - it is only some in Moscow's city government that is attempting to reconstruct Stalin and that is not sufficient reason to insult Britain, France and Russia by refusing to participate.

Look at it another way: Do you refuse to respect Christmas because Christianity has close ties with horrific wars and human rights abuses? Do you teach the history of the U.S. white washed of any reference to religion's role? Some want to - but it becomes meaningless because you are removing a lot of context.

No one is saying to eliminate him from history.

We are simply saying that we do not agree with the idea of having our bravest march in his honor.....and according to what I have read and heard, it is a celebration of not only his victory, but his military leadership as well.

There were many that deserve recogniotion...and few that dont. They may have originally earned it, but in my eyes, he gave up what he earned the day he intentionally and knowingly took the life of an innocent civilian.

All sides in that war intentionally and knowingly killed innocent civilians. Didn't they?

Yeah, Stalin only killed people when there was a war on.

This whole thread is moot, Russian news sources are the only sources confirming US participation. Pravda is a joke, their news is nonsensical and makes about as much sense as the Tehran Telegram....lol.

Wake me up when the AP confirms US participation......yawn.
Why do we have a problem with US troops marching in a parade that honors and army that essentially won WW2. I know we like to think that it all us, but in fact we did not invade until June of 1944. By the time we invaded, the Soviets had already begun pushing the Germans back. They did the bulk of the fighting as our ally in the war. Sending a battalion to march in their honor is a non issue.

We do not have a monopoly on war heroes in our country.
Why do we have a problem with US troops marching in a parade that honors and army that essentially won WW2. I know we like to think that it all us, but in fact we did not invade until June of 1944. By the time we invaded, the Soviets had already begun pushing the Germans back. They did the bulk of the fighting as our ally in the war. Sending a battalion to march in their honor is a non issue.

We do not have a monopoly on war heroes in our country.

True, I do concede that the Russians did do more than us in bringing about the final demise of the Third Reich, especially in the final drive to Berlin.

Just doesn't feel right to march alongside Russians though, not sure why, maybe its having posters of Stalin all over the city, it would feel like a celebration for a man who murdered as many Jews as Hitler.

It's crazy I know and not exactly in tune with the Libs Global Love Methodology, but what would this forum be without a difference in opinions ?
For the first time ever a United Stated President is sending U.S. Soldiers to march in a Parade in Red Square May 9th celebrating Communist Joseph Stalin and his Red Army’s victory in reaching Berlin 65 years ago. I don’t like this idea one bit even though Russia is not Communist anymore because of Ronald Reagans tough stance against the USSR which led to their downfall. Also Stalins image will be plastered all over Moscow for the Victory Celebrations for our troops to march by. This is bad politics and demoralizing for our troops.

Stalin to be celebrated as a war hero for 65th anniversary of Nazi defeat - Times Online

U.S., British Soldiers Will Mark Hitler?s Defeat in Red Square - BusinessWeek


Are you certain this is correct? I can't imagine even Russian's celebrating Stalin--he murdered MILLIONS of them.

As far as our troops marching in the Red Square--that's kind of hard to believe too.
For the first time ever a United Stated President is sending U.S. Soldiers to march in a Parade in Red Square May 9th celebrating Communist Joseph Stalin and his Red Army’s victory in reaching Berlin 65 years ago. I don’t like this idea one bit even though Russia is not Communist anymore because of Ronald Reagans tough stance against the USSR which led to their downfall. Also Stalins image will be plastered all over Moscow for the Victory Celebrations for our troops to march by. This is bad politics and demoralizing for our troops.

Stalin to be celebrated as a war hero for 65th anniversary of Nazi defeat - Times Online

U.S., British Soldiers Will Mark Hitler?s Defeat in Red Square - BusinessWeek


Where does it state in your linked article that American troops will be a part of this parade:cuckoo::cuckoo: I didn't see it anywhere.
Why do we have a problem with US troops marching in a parade that honors and army that essentially won WW2. I know we like to think that it all us, but in fact we did not invade until June of 1944. By the time we invaded, the Soviets had already begun pushing the Germans back. They did the bulk of the fighting as our ally in the war. Sending a battalion to march in their honor is a non issue.

We do not have a monopoly on war heroes in our country.

True, I do concede that the Russians did do more than us in bringing about the final demise of the Third Reich, especially in the final drive to Berlin.

Just doesn't feel right to march alongside Russians though, not sure why, maybe its having posters of Stalin all over the city, it would feel like a celebration for a man who murdered as many Jews as Hitler.

It's crazy I know and not exactly in tune with the Libs Global Love Methodology, but what would this forum be without a difference in opinions ?

Americans do not fear to see the posters with Stalin on the square, where they will go.
They will not see Stalin.

Interfax News Agency
Moscow. March 13. INTERFAX.RU - Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov says the noise of political games that has been raised around the accommodation in the capital of portraits of Stalin during the celebration of 65 anniversary of Victory.

He recalled that from 2 thousand visual elements that will be deployed during the celebration of Victory in the city, only 10 booths will be the image of Joseph Stalin as the commander in chief.

"At these stands will be located posters of the war years with the image of a man who was Commander in Chief", - noted Yury Luzhkov.

But Americans have to go to the mausoleums, which still is not buried the body of Lenin.
Why Americans are not outraged, or they feel better Lenin Stalin?
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Why do we have a problem with US troops marching in a parade that honors and army that essentially won WW2. I know we like to think that it all us, but in fact we did not invade until June of 1944. By the time we invaded, the Soviets had already begun pushing the Germans back. They did the bulk of the fighting as our ally in the war. Sending a battalion to march in their honor is a non issue.

We do not have a monopoly on war heroes in our country.

True, I do concede that the Russians did do more than us in bringing about the final demise of the Third Reich, especially in the final drive to Berlin.

Just doesn't feel right to march alongside Russians though, not sure why, maybe its having posters of Stalin all over the city, it would feel like a celebration for a man who murdered as many Jews as Hitler.

It's crazy I know and not exactly in tune with the Libs Global Love Methodology, but what would this forum be without a difference in opinions ?

Americans do not fear to see the posters with Stalin on the square, where they will go.
They will not see Stalin.

Interfax News Agency
Moscow. March 13. INTERFAX.RU - Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov says the noise of political games that has been raised around the accommodation in the capital of portraits of Stalin during the celebration of 65 anniversary of Victory.

He recalled that from 2 thousand visual elements that will be deployed during the celebration of Victory in the city, only 10 booths will be the image of Joseph Stalin as the commander in chief.

"At these stands will be located posters of the war years with the image of a man who was Commander in Chief", - noted Yury Luzhkov.

But Americans have to go to the mausoleums, which still is not buried the body of Lenin.
Why Americans are not outraged, or they feel better Lenin Stalin?

That puts a bit of perspective on marching in Stalin's honor (according to the wingnuts).

Wasn't Stalin a bit worse then Lenin?
Why do we have a problem with US troops marching in a parade that honors and army that essentially won WW2. I know we like to think that it all us, but in fact we did not invade until June of 1944. By the time we invaded, the Soviets had already begun pushing the Germans back. They did the bulk of the fighting as our ally in the war. Sending a battalion to march in their honor is a non issue.

We do not have a monopoly on war heroes in our country.

True, I do concede that the Russians did do more than us in bringing about the final demise of the Third Reich, especially in the final drive to Berlin.

Just doesn't feel right to march alongside Russians though, not sure why, maybe its having posters of Stalin all over the city, it would feel like a celebration for a man who murdered as many Jews as Hitler.

It's crazy I know and not exactly in tune with the Libs Global Love Methodology, but what would this forum be without a difference in opinions ?

Americans do not fear to see the posters with Stalin on the square, where they will go.
They will not see Stalin.

Interfax News Agency
Moscow. March 13. INTERFAX.RU - Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov says the noise of political games that has been raised around the accommodation in the capital of portraits of Stalin during the celebration of 65 anniversary of Victory.

He recalled that from 2 thousand visual elements that will be deployed during the celebration of Victory in the city, only 10 booths will be the image of Joseph Stalin as the commander in chief.

"At these stands will be located posters of the war years with the image of a man who was Commander in Chief", - noted Yury Luzhkov.

But Americans have to go to the mausoleums, which still is not buried the body of Lenin.
Why Americans are not outraged, or they feel better Lenin Stalin?

Thanks for clarifying. As you can see, our right wing extremists are as bad as yours when it comes to having facts to support your extreme theories
Why do we have a problem with US troops marching in a parade that honors and army that essentially won WW2. I know we like to think that it all us, but in fact we did not invade until June of 1944. By the time we invaded, the Soviets had already begun pushing the Germans back. They did the bulk of the fighting as our ally in the war. Sending a battalion to march in their honor is a non issue.

We do not have a monopoly on war heroes in our country.

True, I do concede that the Russians did do more than us in bringing about the final demise of the Third Reich, especially in the final drive to Berlin.

Just doesn't feel right to march alongside Russians though, not sure why, maybe its having posters of Stalin all over the city, it would feel like a celebration for a man who murdered as many Jews as Hitler.

It's crazy I know and not exactly in tune with the Libs Global Love Methodology, but what would this forum be without a difference in opinions ?

Americans do not fear to see the posters with Stalin on the square, where they will go.
They will not see Stalin.

Interfax News Agency
Moscow. March 13. INTERFAX.RU - Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov says the noise of political games that has been raised around the accommodation in the capital of portraits of Stalin during the celebration of 65 anniversary of Victory.

He recalled that from 2 thousand visual elements that will be deployed during the celebration of Victory in the city, only 10 booths will be the image of Joseph Stalin as the commander in chief.

"At these stands will be located posters of the war years with the image of a man who was Commander in Chief", - noted Yury Luzhkov.

But Americans have to go to the mausoleums, which still is not buried the body of Lenin.
Why Americans are not outraged, or they feel better Lenin Stalin?


Thanks for clearing that up, and thanks for not insulting me.

I wish that my own countrymen were as respectful of a difference of opinions as you are, many feel it necessary to insult me because I am not in tune to their message of Global Love and Harmony.
Hey, I just got insulted in another thread for saying I wouldn't listen to insults. It's wild and woolly in here :)

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