Obama To Unleash "Truth Teams" To Counter Negative Coverage...

Sure, it's legal to propagandize.

That doesn't mean it's not propaganda.

Nor does it mean that it isn't indicative of a darker purpose, or negate the parallel between this regime's methods, and the methods of other tyrannical regimes.
If Republicans don't lie.......They don't have anything to worry about, do they?

so what's going to prevent you "truth goons" from lying?
Or are we to believe you and your Dear Leader NEVER LIE?...:lol:

how much more pathetic can a President of OUR country be folks? so Juvenile

PLEASE WAKE UP in November..

We live in a free country with first amendment rights

Those rights permit Republicans to present any untruths about Obama they wish. It also allows Obama to present his side of the story

You believe in the first amendment don't you?

oh hell ya, knock yourselves out...It's not like this isn't something the people haven't seen before...I mean, attackwatch went over SO BIG...:lol::lol:
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media trackers is right wing.

at least according to breitbart

Last December, Wisconsin-based conservative watchdog Media Trackers earned a special evaluation from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s PolitiFact team for an article detailing privacy and security concerns over information contained on public recall petitions. PolitiFact chose to evaluate the truthfulness of this Media Trackers statement from November 17, 2011:

» Media Trackers - Big Government

you know, just for the sake of truthiness...
Sure, it's legal to propagandize.

That doesn't mean it's not propaganda.

Nor does it mean that it isn't indicative of a darker purpose, or negate the parallel between this regime's methods, and the methods of other tyrannical regimes.

If you disagree with what Obama supporters are saying you are free to present your own opinion

Romney will present his opinions
Obama will present his opinions

Nothing stops you from refuting what they say
See, the difference between sharing facts and propagandizing is that when you share facts, they are, of course...factual.

Propaganda is, of course, just meant to delude people. Generally speaking, with no basis or relation to "fact". It's meant to sway a group to a certain mindset, and uses diverse, untruthful and frequently violent methods to do it.
See, the difference between sharing facts and propagandizing is that when you share facts, they are, of course...factual.

Propaganda is, of course, just a statement meant to delude people. Generally speaking, with no basis or relation to "fact". It's meant to sway a group to a certain mindset, and uses diverse, untruthful and frequently violent methods to do it.

yes, hence saying the president is a socialist is propaganda and not fact.

See, the difference between sharing facts and propagandizing is that when you share facts, they are, of course...factual.

Propaganda is, of course, just a statement meant to delude people. Generally speaking, with no basis or relation to "fact". It's meant to sway a group to a certain mindset, and uses diverse, untruthful and frequently violent methods to do it.

yes, hence saying the president is a socialist is propaganda and not fact.


"Socialism—defined as a centrally planned economy in which the government controls all means of production—was the tragic failure of the twentieth century. Born of a commitment to remedy the economic and moral defects of capitalism, it has far surpassed capitalism in both economic malfunction and moral cruelty. "
Socialism: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of Economics and Liberty

Gosh...where have I seen ideology that resembles that...

Oh, wait...I KNOW!

Socialism is a political and economic theory which advocates that the community as a whole should own and control the means of production, distributions, and exchange.

Continue reading on Examiner.com Obama scaring Americans with his socialist tendencies? - National Watchdog Politics | Examiner.com Obama scaring Americans with his socialist tendencies? - National Watchdog Politics | Examiner.com

Who do I know that promotes such a theory? Hmmmm...

"Obama has never exactly been shy about his belief in the benefits of “spreading the wealth” or the need for the rich to “pay their fair share.”

Perry: Yep, last time I checked, Barack Obama is still a socialist « Hot Air

There have been many, many instances where Obama’s Socialist bent has flooded to his surface, like when he mentioned “spreading the wealth around” to a stunned Joe The Plumber, or when he mentioned last year in a “campaign stop” in Quincy, IL that he feels that “…[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgP2LcSwjQk"]at some point you’ve made enough money[/ame]“; or when he said “[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cqN4NIEtOY"]We are five days away from fundamentally transforming America”[/ame] on October 31, 2008 at the University of Missouri at Columbia. I know and you know that there are many many more instances of blatant socialistic references that he has made since he assumed office on January 20, 2009, but these are the three foremost that come to my mind.

Obama Proudly Displays his Socialist Tendencies to Chamber of Commerce | DRScoundrels

It's not exactly propaganda when the subject has said the damning words himself.
We live in a free country with first amendment rights

Free up to the point that the President sends thugs out to coerce those on his enemies list.

Those rights permit Republicans to present any untruths about Obama they wish.

The "Truth Squads" might just have to beat them or disappear them though...

It also allows Obama to present his side of the story

Yeah, he has 7 television networks to carry his every thought.

Not sure what he needs thugs for, unless it's to suppress the opposition.

You believe in the first amendment don't you?

I think the second amendment defines how to deal with the "Truth Squads."
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We live in a free country with first amendment rights

Free up to the point that the President sends thugs out to coerce those on his enemies list.

Those rights permit Republicans to present any untruths about Obama they wish.

The "Truth Squads" might just have to beat them or disappear them though...

It also allows Obama to present his side of the story

Yeah, he has 7 television networks to carry his every thought.

Not sure what he needs thugs for, unless it's to suppress the opposition.

You believe in the first amendment don't you?

I think the second amendment defines how to deal with the "Truth Squads."

I know it is asking a lot

But do you have any proof that supports ANY of the nonsense you just posted?

I know it is fun to make shit up but sooner or later you have to have some link to reality
Another Obama Jihad against his fellow Americans. What else is new?
Only people whom are so insecure of themselves while knowing they're in trouble with the people do crap like this.

How many organizations as this has the O created now? This is all about himself and nothing to do with the people. He's launched a war on the people.

What a malignant narcissist.

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