Obama To Unleash "Truth Teams" To Counter Negative Coverage...

What negative coverage? Just about the entire MSM licks his boots on a daily basis. And if he's calling them "Truth Teams", you know they're really just Lie Teams. Oh well, here come the Brown Shirts anyway. Isn't 'Hope & Change' fun?


The Obama campaign is to “educate” and deploy what it describes as “truth teams” to ensure that any attacks on the president’s record are feverishly countered in the run up to the general election.

ABC News reports that teams of Obamanoids will be launched initially in 13 “swing states,” including Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia.

“The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama’s record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives,” the campaign said in a statement.

“If the other guys are going to run a campaign based on misrepresenting the president’s record – and their own – we have two options: sit back and let these lies go unchallenged, or fight back with the truth,” deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said in an email. ”We’re fighting back.”

Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski issued a response to the news, noting “The Obama campaign is organizing propaganda teams to deceive voters because Americans are catching onto the reality that Obama’s record doesn’t match his rhetoric.”

“How else will they mask the broken promises like introducing another trillion dollar deficit or the fact that the president continues to recycle the same proposals without ever seeing results?” Kukowski told ABC News in an email.

This is not the first time the Obama campaign has deployed squads of jacked up supporters in such a way. In 2008, Obama’s “Fight the Smears” campaign involved more than 1 million supporters in “public education” roles.

One “Obama truth squad” in Missouri vowed to arrest anyone telling ‘lies’ about Obama, and acted to otherwise intimidate anyone criticizing him or his policies.

Obama also made use of incredibly Orwellian sounding “truth squads” to aid in flagging up and denouncing opponents of his health care plan in 2009. The Obama campaign asked supporters to report any negative press or emails to the White House.

Read More:
» Obama To Unleash “Truth Teams” To Counter Negative Coverage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Obama and the truth are like oil and water. Truth teams are code word for his thugs.

President Obama is a sworn defender of truth, justice and the American way
Well perhaps you can give me a history lesson.

Who was it that put Jews into ovens? White Christians? Or Black ones?

Not sure about this..

How's Ron "The Racist" Paul doing these days?

You just can't make up irony like that.....

You got a King Shabazz billy club for when you're out "Truth Squadding" for your Messiah®, Shallow? You know, in case some old blue hair fails to bow when you mention Lord Obama.
The truth team may be provided with credit card readers like the campaign team so you can prove your belief by making a donation.
OK, I see where 30% of Dems at one point believed the PUBS stole Ohio...never disprovenof course, the 2000 one I'll argue now. But what about all the Pubcrappe believed when it's easily proven wrong or BS spin:

Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists etc etc etc.

or the stats dupes have never heard- Fox News is proven to make people LESS informed- not to mention Rush/Beck/Savage...:

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

There you went, "nobody disproved it", no one proved it either, but you sound like a doubter and then you go after the Republicans, what a hypocrite! You have your slant, it is no better or worse than anyone else. The truth squads are propaganda to make people think that lies abound, it is no worse than other Presidents, it seems Obama is just more paranoid.
As these pseudo-conservatives get more and more desperate we'll see more and more attacks like the Nazi-comparison from these loons.

The more and more rabid they get the more and more independent voters will see their true colours.

Just saying......
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As these pseudo-conservatives get more and more desperate we'll see more and more attacks like the Nazi-comparison from these loons.

The more and more rabid they get the more and more independence will see their true colours.

Just saying......

Nah, we know you model yourself after Mao....
As these pseudo-conservatives get more and more desperate we'll see more and more attacks like the Nazi-comparison from these loons.

The more and more rabid they get the more and more independence will see their true colours.

Just saying......

Nah, we know you model yourself after Mao....

Sure thing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_leY_LgOuQ&feature=related]Pink Floyd - The Wall Movie - In The Flesh - YouTube[/ame]
As these pseudo-conservatives get more and more desperate we'll see more and more attacks like the Nazi-comparison from these loons.

The more and more rabid they get the more and more independent voters will see their true colours.

Just saying......

I love how they scream....Obama is a LIAR!

And in their next breath......Obama is a Marxist, Communist, Fascist, Socialist aligned with Hitler, Mao and Stalin
Last night all the big hitting Democrats in Michigan went on the news to counter the Romney commercials flooding our airwaves claiming that Romney is from and cares/loves Michigan. He may care about Michiganders, but only the top 1%. The rest of us he wanted to send our jobs overseas and bankrupt our pensions and break our unions. Take away collective bargaining. All this isn't going to fly in Michigan and its also going to cost the GOP Ohio.

And every Republican is on record for agreeing with Romney on these things, so none of them will win Michigan or Ohio. And you know you must win Ohio to win the White House.

And so not only does Romney have to battle Santorum, or whoever the new flavor of the month is, he has to battle Levin, Stabinow, Conyor & even Jennifer Granholm was attacking Romney last night.
Even the GOP admits their candidates might be moving too far to the right in order to win the GOP nomination and it might cost them during the general election. We will have them on tape saying one thing so it will be hard for them to change their position later. And if they try they will be exposed as flip floppers. Plus they will turn off their base if they move to the center so damned if they do and damned if they don't.

More lame "Attack Watch" type bullshit from the 0bama camp...

What a joke this man is...
If Republicans don't lie.......They don't have anything to worry about, do they?

so what's going to prevent you "truth goons" from lying?
Or are we to believe you and your Dear Leader NEVER LIE?...:lol:

how much more pathetic can a President of OUR country be folks? so Juvenile

PLEASE WAKE UP in November..
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If Republicans don't lie.......They don't have anything to worry about, do they?

so what's going to prevent you "truth goons" from lying?
Or are we to believe you and your Dear Leader NEVER LIE?...:lol:

how much more pathetic can a President of OUR country be folks? so Juvenile

PLEASE WAKE UP in November..

We live in a free country with first amendment rights

Those rights permit Republicans to present any untruths about Obama they wish. It also allows Obama to present his side of the story

You believe in the first amendment don't you?

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