Obama To Unleash "Truth Teams" To Counter Negative Coverage...

It is Republicans who endorse the form of torture known as waterboarding.......another Truth

So waterboarding was never used before 2004?

Is that your claim?

(You're a ringer, aren't you? You're here to put leftists in a bad light with your absurd, partisan antics. A spoof of the insane, lying left! You're good at it, hats off!)

Of course it was......

Waterboarding was used by Nazis, Imperial Japanese, Communist Chinese and Republicans

Republicans as well??!!!

Being compared to them puts the first three in a bad light...
Yes, and i said there are a few exceptions. But the vast majority of the MSM has licked this guy's boots from day one. He has numerous TV and Print Media Outlets that actually work for him. They dutifully spin his Talking Points on a daily basis. So he is full of shit when he whines about 'negative coverage.' He's the last person who should be whining about that. It's just another lie. So to Hell with his Lie Teams.

Go on, say it...say Lame Stream Media!
You know you want to!

Lame Stream Media!

There, don't you feel better now?
What negative coverage and lies? I guess it's just a coincidence 50% of the dupes believe Obama is a Marxist Kenyan Muslim, ACORN stole the election, or see sig pp3. Pubs lie like rugs...Only dupes of the huge Pub propaganda machine believe all this crappe and much more. Plus they never hear pp1....their ignorance and duperie is scandalous....

I take it you're on the Truth err uh, i mean Lie Team. :lol:

Quite a few here are. You can tell who they are because they post the same stuff about how GREAT he is and everything he SAVED., over and over..
Oh and don't forget all the websites they post showing us ALL his accomplishments..:lol:

These 'Truth Teams' will be made up of mostly deranged Obama-Bots. They should be some pretty fun entertainment. :)
I take it you're on the Truth err uh, i mean Lie Team. :lol:

Quite a few here are. You can tell who they are because they post the same stuff about how GREAT he is and everything he SAVED., over and over..
Oh and don't forget all the websites they post showing us ALL his accomplishments..:lol:

These 'Truth Teams' will be made up of mostly deranged Obama-Bots. They should be some pretty fun entertainment. :)

they'll consist of a bunch of college kids and his Union buds who like to shout down people and beat the shit out them too. Remember when his Union thug told us they were going to WAR with us?
With his Ows, and the rest I mentioned, these months before the elections could get very ugly..I hope people stay safe and then vote the Thug and his comrades in arms OUT.
'Negative Coverage.' Still LMFAO over that one. There is very very little negative coverage of the guy in our corrupt MSM. There might be a couple of exceptions, but for the most part the MSM has licked his boots from day one. So his whining on that is especially lame. Just one more lie to be told by his Lie Teams i guess.

do you consider Fox News, Seah and Rush part of the MSM?

Yes, and i said there are a few exceptions.

those are a couple of really big exceptions. Fox News is the most watched cable news and Rush is the most listened to radio political guy.

fact is, both sides lie like crazy. and with the internet anybody can start a "news" site and say anything about anybody and not have to back it up. i think politicians (as much as i despise many of them) are gonna have to find a way to fight back against mis-information. the funny thing is that if we'd just use the facts, we wouldn't have to lie to make our point against most of them.
What negative coverage? Just about the entire MSM licks his boots on a daily basis. And if he's calling them "Truth Teams", you know they're really just Lie Teams. Oh well, here come the Brown Shirts anyway. Isn't 'Hope & Change' fun?


The Obama campaign is to “educate” and deploy what it describes as “truth teams” to ensure that any attacks on the president’s record are feverishly countered in the run up to the general election.

ABC News reports that teams of Obamanoids will be launched initially in 13 “swing states,” including Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia.

“The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama’s record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives,” the campaign said in a statement.

“If the other guys are going to run a campaign based on misrepresenting the president’s record – and their own – we have two options: sit back and let these lies go unchallenged, or fight back with the truth,” deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said in an email. ”We’re fighting back.”

Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski issued a response to the news, noting “The Obama campaign is organizing propaganda teams to deceive voters because Americans are catching onto the reality that Obama’s record doesn’t match his rhetoric.”

“How else will they mask the broken promises like introducing another trillion dollar deficit or the fact that the president continues to recycle the same proposals without ever seeing results?” Kukowski told ABC News in an email.

This is not the first time the Obama campaign has deployed squads of jacked up supporters in such a way. In 2008, Obama’s “Fight the Smears” campaign involved more than 1 million supporters in “public education” roles.

One “Obama truth squad” in Missouri vowed to arrest anyone telling ‘lies’ about Obama, and acted to otherwise intimidate anyone criticizing him or his policies.

Obama also made use of incredibly Orwellian sounding “truth squads” to aid in flagging up and denouncing opponents of his health care plan in 2009. The Obama campaign asked supporters to report any negative press or emails to the White House.

Read More:
» Obama To Unleash “Truth Teams” To Counter Negative Coverage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

And who gets to pay for this propaganda?
The Republicans have given us a false choice: Freedom or Government. This is called a "Talk Radio" choice because it is a simplification sold to the low information voter.

Here is what Talk Radio and FOX news doesn't tell you: The real choice is Government or Monopoly.

Government should not exist to control markets, but rather, it should exist to facilitate competition by not letting the market winners gain extra-market leverage over laws and regulations.

Big Business uses[/] Big Government to fleece the taxpayer, i.e., there is no government per se; all our elected officials work for the special interests which put them office. They are literally paid employees of Drug, Insurance, & Oil companies, to name only a few. To see what I mean about how Big Business controls everything: check out the 2003 Drug Bill - passed when the Republicans controlled all three seats of power. The 2003 Drug Bill wasn't mentioned by Talk Radio - therefore - rightwing voters didn't know about it.

The Drug Bill was part of the largest entitlement expansion in Medicare's history. Specifically, the bill gave Eli Lilly extra-market power to determine drug prices - and to price drugs far above what they could get on the free market. The Republicans basically took competition out of play so that they could take care of the monopolists who put them in power. To make matters worse, they created a rat's nest of regulations which prevented the generics and foreign drug companies from competing for the business. Worse: now many important above-market medicinal treatments are built into almost all insurance plans, including Medicare. Same thing for Health Insurance where Washington simply protects monopolies, creating impossible entrance barriers to competitors. Indeed, Washington - which has become a reflex of the Drug, Insurance, and Energy industries - has allowed the Insurance companies to divide the states into a patchwork of no-competes; it has also allowed Big Oil to write energy police and to crush all energy competition. Republican Voters don't know this because they get their opinions from a media machine which is funded heavily by Big Energy.

Our political parties have created a system which insulates the market winners from the discipline of competition. In market after market, a particular set of special interests can raise prices and drop services without the fear of a better company taking their customers. This is what you NEVER hear Republicans or Libertarians talking about. Why? Because they don't do independent analysis. NONE of their information sources mention ANY of this stuff.

When a Republican or Libertarian says "Freedom or Government", they are participating in a terrible simplification - one common to low information voters who don't have a lot of university training. Republicans and Libertarians are completely missing the point. The question is not about limiting government's power, it's about limiting the power of business to use the power of government to control markets, and to control important elements of national life.

There is no government, there is only big business and the politicians who work for them. [Republicans act like there is a big evil government in order to take the focus off of who really owns government: large corporations.] If you move what little government there is out of the way, you will not have freedom, you will have the naked concentrated bureaucratic power of companies which are larger than the Edinburgh of Adam Smith's youth.

Study the phenomena of lobbying. Study how much money Wall Street pumped into the Clinton machine for the purpose of deregulating the derivatives market (so Bear, Lehman, AIG, and Goldman could destroy the global economy with risk). Study the relationship of Health Insurance and Drug companies to the Republican senators. The Republican party doesn't want freedom. They want to help big business fleece America. The Democratic party is so weak that they cannot be thought of as a separate party. They can't even pass legislation when they have overwhelming majorities in congress. They are Republican Lite. They too serve big business. Of course, you can never say this because Libertarians and Republicans have not been given a vocabulary of complaints which includes the nefarious power of business over Washington.
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The Republicans have given us a false choice: Freedom or Government. This is called a "Talk Radio" choice because it is a simplification sold to the low information voter.

Here is what Talk Radio and FOX news doesn't tell you: The real choice is Government or Monopoly.

Government should not exist to control markets, but rather, it should exist to prevent others from doing so.

But that is not how it works. Today, Big Business uses[/] Big Government to fleece the taxpayer, i.e., there is no government per se; all our elected officials work for the special interests which put them office. They are literally paid employees of Drug, Insurance, & Oil companies, to name only a few. To see what I mean about how Big Business controls everything: check out the 2003 Drug Bill - passed when the Republicans controlled all three seats of power. The 2003 Drug Bill wasn't mentioned by Talk Radio - therefore - rightwing voters didn't know about it.

The Drug Bill was part of the largest entitlement expansion in Medicare's history. Specifically, the bill gave Eli Lilly extra-market power to determine drug prices - and to price drugs far above what they could get on the free market. The Republicans basically took competition out of play so that they could take care of the monopolists who put them in power. To make matters worse, they created a rat's nest of regulations which prevented the generics and foreign drug companies from competing for the business. Worse: now many important above-market medicinal treatments are built into almost all insurance plans, including Medicare. Same thing for Health Insurance in general where Washington simply protects monopolies, creating impossible entrance barriers to competitors. Indeed, Washington - which has become a reflex of the Drug, Insurance, and Energy industries - has allowed the Insurance companies to divide the states into a patchwork of no-competes; it has also allowed Big Oil to write energy police and to crush all energy competition. Republican Voters don't know this because they get their opinions from a media machine which is funded heavily by Big Energy.

Our political parties have created a system which insulates the market winners from the discipline of competition. In market after market, a particular set of special interests can raise prices and drop services without the fear of a better company taking their customers. This is what you NEVER hear Republicans or Libertarians talking about. Why? Because they don't do independent analysis. NONE of their information sources mention ANY of this stuff.

When a Republican or Libertarian says "Freedom or Government", they are participating in a terrible simplification - one common to low information voters who don't have a lot of university training. Republicans and Libertarians are completely missing the point. The question is not about limiting government's power, it's about limiting the power of business to use the power of government to control markets, and to control important elements of national life.

There is no government, only big business and the politicians who work for them. If you move what little government there is out of the way, you will not have freedom, you will have the naked concentrated bureaucratic power of companies which are larger than the Edinburgh of Adam Smith's youth.

Study the phenomena of lobbying. Study how much money Wall Street pumped into the Clinton machine for the purpose of deregulating the derivatives market (so Bear, Lehman, AIG, and Goldman could destroy the global economy with risk). Study the relationship of Health Insurance and Drug companies to the Republican senators. These people don't want freedom. They want to help big business fleece America.

You make a lot of very good points. I know what you're saying. I'm still not over this President appointing GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt as his 'Jobs Czar.' It was the most egregious act of corrupt cronyism i've ever seen. A Corporation that pays no Taxes and Outsources Thousands & Thousands of American Jobs, put in charge of creating American Jobs? What a scam. Thanks for your reply.
ironically, there is a huge amount of mis-information, pushed by the MSM (both left and right) about Ron Paul.

Do you have any Photoshopped pictures of him playing hackey-sack with Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer perchance?

You know...just to advance the conversation a little?
What negative coverage? Just about the entire MSM licks his boots on a daily basis. And if he's calling them "Truth Teams", you know they're really just Lie Teams. Oh well, here come the Brown Shirts anyway. Isn't 'Hope & Change' fun?


The Obama campaign is to “educate” and deploy what it describes as “truth teams” to ensure that any attacks on the president’s record are feverishly countered in the run up to the general election.

ABC News reports that teams of Obamanoids will be launched initially in 13 “swing states,” including Iowa, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio and Virginia.

“The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama’s record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives,” the campaign said in a statement.

“If the other guys are going to run a campaign based on misrepresenting the president’s record – and their own – we have two options: sit back and let these lies go unchallenged, or fight back with the truth,” deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said in an email. ”We’re fighting back.”

Republican National Committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski issued a response to the news, noting “The Obama campaign is organizing propaganda teams to deceive voters because Americans are catching onto the reality that Obama’s record doesn’t match his rhetoric.”

“How else will they mask the broken promises like introducing another trillion dollar deficit or the fact that the president continues to recycle the same proposals without ever seeing results?” Kukowski told ABC News in an email.

This is not the first time the Obama campaign has deployed squads of jacked up supporters in such a way. In 2008, Obama’s “Fight the Smears” campaign involved more than 1 million supporters in “public education” roles.

One “Obama truth squad” in Missouri vowed to arrest anyone telling ‘lies’ about Obama, and acted to otherwise intimidate anyone criticizing him or his policies.

Obama also made use of incredibly Orwellian sounding “truth squads” to aid in flagging up and denouncing opponents of his health care plan in 2009. The Obama campaign asked supporters to report any negative press or emails to the White House.

Read More:
» Obama To Unleash “Truth Teams” To Counter Negative Coverage Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Obama and the truth are like oil and water. Truth teams are code word for his thugs.
Yup, only bought off HS grads Rush and Beck know the truth, every respected news source in the world is wrong. You people are SOOO dumb. Wake up, facts are your friends, not hate mongering bullshytte.
Yup, only bought off HS grads Rush and Beck know the truth, every respected news source in the world is wrong. You people are SOOO dumb. Wake up, facts are your friends, not hate mongering bullshytte.

Poor deranged Obama-Bot. You just made the Lie Team. Congrats. :cuckoo:

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