Obama traveling to Colorado for a Photo opp with shooting victums

If the President didn't go to Colorado, he'd get criticized.

If he goes to CO, he gets criticized.

He is the President.

He SHOULD go to CO.

He should not get criticized for it.

I heartily recommend saving the criticism of the President for all the things he does or doesn't do which warrant criticism.

But for doing THIS? No. No criticism.
Katrina disaster was a SMALL part of GOP/Voodoo lack of investment in infrastructure, still playing out. A disaster and a disgrace. Pubs!!

Hello fuckhead!

The Sierra Club took the Army of Engineer Corps to court for a decade to save a fucking crustacean you moron.

If any one is to blame over the levees it's these numb nuts.

Link to that imaginary Pubcrappe?

Whoa geeze you really don't know this do you? I'm a huge water conservationist so I am very linked into the "enviro" world. Most are whackos. I do things like Ducks Unlimited where we actually make a difference.

Yeah. The Sierra Club fucked over the Corps for forever with different legal manouvers.

What type of links do you want? I can give you a quizzillion. I never lie.

Here's this for starters. Just the tip of the iceberg. And by the way, I know this area very well. My kennel came from this part of the world.

SOWL has always fought bitterly against the United States Army Corps of Engineers," the group's Web site boasts.

"In 1977, SOWL obtained an injunction from U.S. District Judge Charles Schwartz enjoining the Corps of Engineers from building a billion dollar dam at the Chef Mentaur Rigolets Fort Pike Area, where the Gulf of Mexico enters into Lake Ponchartrain," SOWL added. This is part of the project experts say would have saved New Orleans from Katrina.

Activists Blocked New Orleans Levee Plan | Heartlander Magazine

Let me know how many links you need.
If the President didn't go to Colorado, he'd get criticized.

If he goes to CO, he gets criticized.

He is the President.

He SHOULD go to CO.

He should not get criticized for it.

I heartily recommend saving the criticism of the President for all the things he does or doesn't do which warrant criticism.

But for doing THIS? No. No criticism.

With all due respect, why?

Why does the President have to go?

I guess I'm remembering WACO and a President not going to any of their funerals.
Oh, so it's a "photo op" instead of being presidential?

I can just hear you wingnuts whining if he didn't go: "Where's Obama?"... "He doesn't care"... "He's un-American"...

He should have invited Romney or Boehner to go with him.

It would have been a nice bipartisan gesture to invite Romney

No. Romney isn't even a gov't official. However, it would be appropriate to invite Rep Mike Coffman (R) CO.
As always, your facts are TOTAL Pub/Rush/Beck/Fox CRAPPE fit only for dupes...

"...The Sierra Club and other environmental groups had nothing to do with the flooding that resulted from Hurricane Katrina that killed hundreds, [David Bookbinder, senior attorney for Sierra Club] said. "It's unfortunate that the Bush administration is trying to shift the blame to environmental groups. It doesn't surprise me at all."
...[Contrary to what the NRO article says,] The levees that broke causing New Orleans to flood weren't Mississippi River levees. They were levees that protected the city from Lake Pontchartrain levees on the other side of the city..."

levees | Katrina Coverage
Guess compassion is one reason why he's been so embraced by the GOP in the primaries and now in the general election.

Nope... Compassion is one of his good qualities, the problem with Bush was he spent too much money
He sure run up the debt, didn't he?

yep he did, he did $5 trillion in 8 years, Obama has $4 trillion in 4 years....but we actually disagree and criticise Bush, because we're not in a cult with songs and seals and all the symbolism that OBama has....Heil Obama!
The big picture is Reaganist/Voodoo lack of investment in infrastructure is killing us in MANY ways. Feq greedy, myopic mega rich Pubs and their brainwashed (50%+ racist) dupes/haters. Change the channel.
If the President didn't go to Colorado, he'd get criticized.

If he goes to CO, he gets criticized.

He is the President.

He SHOULD go to CO.

He should not get criticized for it.

I heartily recommend saving the criticism of the President for all the things he does or doesn't do which warrant criticism.

But for doing THIS? No. No criticism.

The president should go to the public memorial not run down there solo and yes I criticize him for his ignoring the killings of children in Chicago only a couple of miles away from his house. This president could have been a good example for these kids, the first black president, he should have been out there inspiring people, promoting what’s right, and promoting what he has, a great family, instead of pandering and dividing people. He’s a miserable failure as president and as an example to the black community can't wait till he is out in Jan.
I have no patients for idiots who regularly use profanity, who mindlessly throw out stupid attempts at insults and name calling. Those practices are a sign of a small mind

ah so you have no evidence.

Here let me help you out. calling me a whackjob is an insult. So i guess by your own standards you are small minded.

I go by the quality of your posts, whack job is actually pretty mild with compared to your vicious stupidity.

More insults, your self loathing must be really hard on yourself....

Doht worry someday you will find love, if not you can always buy a goldfish. Same intellectual level.
In April of 09 13 people were killed in a rampage in Binghamton NY

He didn't go there,but then NY is never a swing state

Last fall binghamton and much of the surrounding ares were flooded badly,Obamma was 1/2 away in Scranton Pa on a campaign ops visit ,didn't show up then ether.

But then New york isn't a swing state
You know, I'm no fan of our President, but this is the right thing to do.

If he uses this visit as a campaign tool, then you can criticize the man.

Yes, it is very nice of him to do, but I will really be impressed when he gives a shit about the individuals dying in the inter city or along the mexican border every day. :eusa_whistle:

Can you say the Chicago way ?
ah so you have no evidence.

Here let me help you out. calling me a whackjob is an insult. So i guess by your own standards you are small minded.

I go by the quality of your posts, whack job is actually pretty mild with compared to your vicious stupidity.

More insults, your self loathing must be really hard on yourself....

Doht worry someday you will find love, if not you can always buy a goldfish. Same intellectual level.

You just demeaned all goldfish.
There ARE no pictures with the families...OBAMA has more compassion than the whole lying cheating obstructing hating GOP...Pub dupes! Making disgraceful hateful fools of themselves FOREVER...
Nope... Compassion is one of his good qualities, the problem with Bush was he spent too much money
He sure run up the debt, didn't he?

yep he did, he did $5 trillion in 8 years, Obama has $4 trillion in 4 years....but we actually disagree and criticise Bush, because we're not in a cult with songs and seals and all the symbolism that OBama has....Heil Obama!

At least 3 trillion of Obama's debt is paying for bailouts, tax cuts, and assistance for the victims of Booosh's meltdown. Pubs won't even pass the spending cuts Obama wants. If it's HIS idea, they're against it. Pub health reform, jobs bills, spending cuts, infrastucture investment.- you name it, dupes.

"No compromise, un-American, Tea Party GOP" (TIME).
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Sierra Club? WRONG!

Photo Op? WRONG.

The dupes just neg me and run away...gd idiots...they never learn a damn thing either.
As always, your facts are TOTAL Pub/Rush/Beck/Fox CRAPPE fit only for dupes...

"...The Sierra Club and other environmental groups had nothing to do with the flooding that resulted from Hurricane Katrina that killed hundreds, [David Bookbinder, senior attorney for Sierra Club] said. "It's unfortunate that the Bush administration is trying to shift the blame to environmental groups. It doesn't surprise me at all."
...[Contrary to what the NRO article says,] The levees that broke causing New Orleans to flood weren't Mississippi River levees. They were levees that protected the city from Lake Pontchartrain levees on the other side of the city..."

levees | Katrina Coverage

Oh don't even with me franco on water conservation. I've been at this for decades. I know the game inside and out and how the likes of the Sierra Club play it ok?

The Sierra Clubs and the PETAS of the universe are all about themselves and raising money for themselves and keeping themselves running with Paris Hilton and Susan Sarondon.

They are living walking and breathing douche bags buddy. And they love the red carpet.
Where are the photo op pictures w Obama & the shooting 'victums'?

If there some they'll be out soon enough, Obama the solo artist. It’s too soon to be down there with those victims and their families. Obama is all about Obama

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