Obama traveling to Colorado for a Photo opp with shooting victums

Sierra Club? WRONG!

Photo Op? WRONG.

The dupes just neg me and run away...gd idiots...they never learn a damn thing either.

Ah I love ya I won't neg you. I'm serious on the water conservationist shit though franco.

You have to remember that I was more lib than libs on these boards for forever. I hate the labels. I can go both ways. Boy that doesn't sound good does it?:lol:
Where are the photo op pictures w Obama & the shooting 'victums'?

If there some they'll be out soon enough, Obama the solo artist. It’s too soon to be down there with those victims and their families. Obama is all about Obama

I don't know who is handling him right now but his whole campaign is in a shambles and if he goes now to CO aye carumba it's wrong, it's so wrong.

I'm stunned at how stupid this is.
Where are the photo op pictures w Obama & the shooting 'victums'?

If there some they'll be out soon enough, Obama the solo artist. It’s too soon to be down there with those victims and their families. Obama is all about Obama

I don't know who is handling him right now but his whole campaign is in a shambles and if he goes now to CO aye carumba it's wrong, it's so wrong.

I'm stunned at how stupid this is.

He's already been there

President Obama offers comfort to victims of Colorado
Where are the photo op pictures w Obama & the shooting 'victums'?

If there some they'll be out soon enough, Obama the solo artist. It’s too soon to be down there with those victims and their families. Obama is all about Obama

I don't know who is handling him right now but his whole campaign is in a shambles and if he goes now to CO aye carumba it's wrong, it's so wrong.

I'm stunned at how stupid this is.

He was here today.
Where are the photo op pictures w Obama & the shooting 'victums'?

If there some they'll be out soon enough, Obama the solo artist. It’s too soon to be down there with those victims and their families. Obama is all about Obama

I don't know who is handling him right now but his whole campaign is in a shambles and if he goes now to CO aye carumba it's wrong, it's so wrong.

I'm stunned at how stupid this is.

I fail to see what the problem is.
If there some they'll be out soon enough, Obama the solo artist. It’s too soon to be down there with those victims and their families. Obama is all about Obama

I don't know who is handling him right now but his whole campaign is in a shambles and if he goes now to CO aye carumba it's wrong, it's so wrong.

I'm stunned at how stupid this is.

He's already been there

President Obama offers comfort to victims of Colorado
"After three hours of private visits with the shooting victims and their families"...

President Obama offers comfort to victims of Colorado
As always, your facts are TOTAL Pub/Rush/Beck/Fox CRAPPE fit only for dupes...

"...The Sierra Club and other environmental groups had nothing to do with the flooding that resulted from Hurricane Katrina that killed hundreds, [David Bookbinder, senior attorney for Sierra Club] said. "It's unfortunate that the Bush administration is trying to shift the blame to environmental groups. It doesn't surprise me at all."
...[Contrary to what the NRO article says,] The levees that broke causing New Orleans to flood weren't Mississippi River levees. They were levees that protected the city from Lake Pontchartrain levees on the other side of the city..."

levees | Katrina Coverage

Oh don't even with me franco on water conservation. I've been at this for decades. I know the game inside and out and how the likes of the Sierra Club play it ok?

The Sierra Clubs and the PETAS of the universe are all about themselves and raising money for themselves and keeping themselves running with Paris Hilton and Susan Sarondon.

They are living walking and breathing douche bags buddy. And they love the red carpet.

Good for you, but doesn't change the fact the Sierra Club lawsuit, etc, were about the RIVER LEVEES, not the Lake levees that broke. Tiny Dancer, Listening, and the other dupes knee jerk BULLSHYTTE was just that, and the creed of the Pub propaganda machine. AS ALWAYS, a disgrace and the country's shame. The GOP SUCKS and is killing us...see sig.
If there some they'll be out soon enough, Obama the solo artist. It’s too soon to be down there with those victims and their families. Obama is all about Obama

I don't know who is handling him right now but his whole campaign is in a shambles and if he goes now to CO aye carumba it's wrong, it's so wrong.

I'm stunned at how stupid this is.

I fail to see what the problem is.

Strictly from a promo point in time and all the politico years I've put in up here, if Obama goes to CO watch his numbers drop to beyond a danger zone.

Obama even if his heart is in the right place will be seen as a political opportunist. And if I was running Romney's campaign, damn straight I'd work this angle.

You've got real issues Bod. This is why Carville is starting to freak big time.
I don't know who is handling him right now but his whole campaign is in a shambles and if he goes now to CO aye carumba it's wrong, it's so wrong.

I'm stunned at how stupid this is.

He's already been there

President Obama offers comfort to victims of Colorado
"After three hours of private visits with the shooting victims and their families"...

President Obama offers comfort to victims of Colorado

Jroc I dont trust Obama either, he's a piece of shit, but in this case it seems like he did the right thing, and I always back the right thing. Sure it may have been politically motivated, but it is cool that they got to talk with the President and they may have gotten some comfort from this tradgety, now all we need to have Obama say is which aircraft carrier he'll be Keelhauled from and I'll have a lot more respect for the man.
As always, your facts are TOTAL Pub/Rush/Beck/Fox CRAPPE fit only for dupes...

"...The Sierra Club and other environmental groups had nothing to do with the flooding that resulted from Hurricane Katrina that killed hundreds, [David Bookbinder, senior attorney for Sierra Club] said. "It's unfortunate that the Bush administration is trying to shift the blame to environmental groups. It doesn't surprise me at all."
...[Contrary to what the NRO article says,] The levees that broke causing New Orleans to flood weren't Mississippi River levees. They were levees that protected the city from Lake Pontchartrain levees on the other side of the city..."

levees | Katrina Coverage

Oh don't even with me franco on water conservation. I've been at this for decades. I know the game inside and out and how the likes of the Sierra Club play it ok?

The Sierra Clubs and the PETAS of the universe are all about themselves and raising money for themselves and keeping themselves running with Paris Hilton and Susan Sarondon.

They are living walking and breathing douche bags buddy. And they love the red carpet.

Good for you, but doesn't change the fact the Sierra Club lawsuit, etc, were about the RIVER LEVEES, not the Lake levees that broke. Tiny Dancer, Listening, and the other dupes knee jerk BULLSHYTTE was just that, and the creed of the Pub propaganda machine. AS ALWAYS, a disgrace and the country's shame. The GOP SUCKS and is killing us...see sig.

Franco how many links do you want? I can give you so many. Look. I am what I am. A huge water conservationist and I have lived this life for decades.

If it makes you feel good to call me a Pube just keep ranting on.

Now I hate to break it to you, the river levees and the lake levees are intertwined. One leads to another.
Your links are all Pure Pubcrappe. That's why they don't make the real news , only exist in the BS ether of the disgraceful Pub propaganda machine, where you DUPES get all your "facts". Read something. And good night dear. Sleep well.
If there some they'll be out soon enough, Obama the solo artist. It’s too soon to be down there with those victims and their families. Obama is all about Obama

I don't know who is handling him right now but his whole campaign is in a shambles and if he goes now to CO aye carumba it's wrong, it's so wrong.

I'm stunned at how stupid this is.

I fail to see what the problem is.
tinys retarded....that's about all ya need to know
Your links are all Pure Pubcrappe. That's why they don't make the real news , only exist in the BS ether of the disgraceful Pub propaganda machine, where you DUPES get all your "facts". Read something. And good night dear. Sleep well.

Well you have no links and pulling shit out of your ass doent make it any more truthful
I don't know who is handling him right now but his whole campaign is in a shambles and if he goes now to CO aye carumba it's wrong, it's so wrong.

I'm stunned at how stupid this is.

I fail to see what the problem is.

Strictly from a promo point in time and all the politico years I've put in up here, if Obama goes to CO watch his numbers drop to beyond a danger zone.

Obama even if his heart is in the right place will be seen as a political opportunist. And if I was running Romney's campaign, damn straight I'd work this angle.

You've got real issues Bod. This is why Carville is starting to freak big time.

See retarded and mittens wont touch this with a ten foot pole.

This why you are gutter trash.
I don't have a problem with the President going to visit the victims. Not everything is political.
Katrina disaster was a SMALL part of GOP/Voodoo lack of investment in infrastructure, still playing out. A disaster and a disgrace. Pubs!!

Hello fuckhead!

The Sierra Club took the Army of Engineer Corps to court for a decade to save a fucking crustacean you moron.

If any one is to blame over the levees it's these numb nuts.

not just them, the entire environmental movement. It needs to get out of the 1960s and learn that science and technology have improved significantly.
Hello fuckhead!

The Sierra Club took the Army of Engineer Corps to court for a decade to save a fucking crustacean you moron.

If any one is to blame over the levees it's these numb nuts.

Link to that imaginary Pubcrappe?

Whoa geeze you really don't know this do you? I'm a huge water conservationist so I am very linked into the "enviro" world. Most are whackos. I do things like Ducks Unlimited where we actually make a difference.

Yeah. The Sierra Club fucked over the Corps for forever with different legal manouvers.

What type of links do you want? I can give you a quizzillion. I never lie.

Here's this for starters. Just the tip of the iceberg. And by the way, I know this area very well. My kennel came from this part of the world.

SOWL has always fought bitterly against the United States Army Corps of Engineers," the group's Web site boasts.

"In 1977, SOWL obtained an injunction from U.S. District Judge Charles Schwartz enjoining the Corps of Engineers from building a billion dollar dam at the Chef Mentaur Rigolets Fort Pike Area, where the Gulf of Mexico enters into Lake Ponchartrain," SOWL added. This is part of the project experts say would have saved New Orleans from Katrina.

Activists Blocked New Orleans Levee Plan | Heartlander Magazine

Let me know how many links you need.

It doesn't matter how many links you post, they are all going to be pubcrap in his head.

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