Obama trip to Africa June 26 could cost $60 to $100 million

The first family is making back-to-back stops from June 26 to July 3 in three countries where U.S. officials are providing nearly all the resources, rather than depending heavily on local police forces, military authorities or hospitals for assistance.

Wingnuts are also hypocrites:

Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also made trips to multiple African nations involving similarly laborious preparations. Bush went in 2003 and 2008, bringing his wife on both occasions. Bush’s two daughters went along on the first trip, which included a safari at a game preserve on the Botswana-South Africa border.

Don't you just love when the wingnuts leave out the pertinent info?
The Bushs went to Africa and all the taxpayers got was this lousy picture:

Considering Africa is a major potential investment spot of the US it is appropriate for the President to go on such a trip. quite frankly it has been a long time coming and it is a little disappointing that it took him to his second term to get around to it.

Why do we have to pay for the extra security, vehicles, food, etc for the rest of the family? Why can't he go by himself? You know....save the taxpayers a few bucks!
The first family is making back-to-back stops from June 26 to July 3 in three countries where U.S. officials are providing nearly all the resources, rather than depending heavily on local police forces, military authorities or hospitals for assistance.

Wingnuts are also hypocrites:

Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also made trips to multiple African nations involving similarly laborious preparations. Bush went in 2003 and 2008, bringing his wife on both occasions. Bush’s two daughters went along on the first trip, which included a safari at a game preserve on the Botswana-South Africa border.

Don't you just love when the wingnuts leave out the pertinent info?
The Bushs went to Africa and all the taxpayers got was this lousy picture:

Wingnuts wonder where all the "Bush as a chimp" photos came from. :lol:
Considering Africa is a major potential investment spot of the US it is appropriate for the President to go on such a trip. quite frankly it has been a long time coming and it is a little disappointing that it took him to his second term to get around to it.

Why do we have to pay for the extra security, vehicles, food, etc for the rest of the family? Why can't he go by himself? You know....save the taxpayers a few bucks!

Yeah, that Malia practically eats an adult portion at dinner! It's an OUTRAGE!!!!
They cancelled the safari, isn't that enough suffering for the obamas go to through?

Surely there are some programs to cut so they can have a nice vacation. White house tours h ave been cut, but maybe they can close the national park system for the summer. Americans don't need to visit Yellowstone as much as obama needs to go to Africa.

Veterans with high powered rifles near the president?

Out of the question.

They can do the same with drones.
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Remind me again, what the downside to the United States would be, if Obama simply cancelled the trip due to excessive cost?

How, exactly, would our country be worse off?

Alternatively, could we save some money if we made the trip one-way? The article mentions long-term accommodations available on Robben Island.

That alone might make the expenditure worth it.

Are all of you retards on the same mass email list? This is the third topic in two days where someone has whined about this and exposed what incredible hypocrites they are.

I see Katzndogz was the first person to respond to your post and he didn't have the common courtesty to tell you he got his assed burned on this subject yesterday?

Wow. You guys really know how to look out for each other.


Bush on his African safari:

The first family is making back-to-back stops from June 26 to July 3 in three countries where U.S. officials are providing nearly all the resources, rather than depending heavily on local police forces, military authorities or hospitals for assistance.

Wingnuts are also hypocrites:

Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also made trips to multiple African nations involving similarly laborious preparations. Bush went in 2003 and 2008, bringing his wife on both occasions. Bush’s two daughters went along on the first trip, which included a safari at a game preserve on the Botswana-South Africa border.

Don't you just love when the wingnuts leave out the pertinent info?
The Bushs went to Africa and all the taxpayers got was this lousy picture:


Can I call this a thread killer?
nobody travels unless they absolutely have to. But we all know this isn't good enough for dear leader. It would even be better if he just left his whole family at home instead of the cost of taking all of them! There are 3 extra people for security to cover....talk about a waste!

An extended political travel for his administration to Africa is long overdue. African leaders travel to the US for relation building and important events as well.
Who paid for W to fly out to Saudi Arabia to dance around with muslims, while he held the ceremonial sword, the same type that was used to behead numerous americans in the name of Allah?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUoycVXw9ew]Bush Saudi Arabia Sword Dancing - YouTube[/ame]
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nobody travels unless they absolutely have to. But we all know this isn't good enough for dear leader. It would even be better if he just left his whole family at home instead of the cost of taking all of them! There are 3 extra people for security to cover....talk about a waste!

An extended political travel for his administration to Africa is long overdue. African leaders travel to the US for relation building and important events as well.
Yup. And Chinese influence in Africa is growing at a HUGE rate. They know that Africa has large oil reserves, and want to steer those countries toward Chinese long-term deals.

When the Chinese decide they are interested in an area, they waste little time. Have any of you ever been to Panama City, Panama? You would think you were in Shanghai, especially around the hotels and casinos.
That's the trouble with retards.

"Hey, let's attack Obama for doing THIS!"

Never occurs to them to see how anyone on their side of the spectrum would stand up to the same test before splooging themselves in the face.

The way they never learn, the definition of retarded.
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That's the trouble with retards.

"Hey, let's attack Obama for doing THIS!"

Never occurs to them to see how anyone on their side of the spectrum would stand up to the same test before splooging themselves in the face.

The way they never learn, the definition of retarded.

I agree, being a right winger is quite possibly the most severe mental illness on the face of the earth.
That's the trouble with retards.

"Hey, let's attack Obama for doing THIS!"

Never occurs to them to see how anyone on their side of the spectrum would stand up to the same test before splooging themselves in the face.

The way they never learn, the definition of retarded.

Problem is Obama is the true hypocrite.

He gives excess a new name. He has stretched the boundaries of what is excessive spending. He spent more money in his first 3 years than Bush and Reagan combined.

He tells everyone else to do one thing and he does another like he could give a flying fuck how bad it looks. He knows you bunch of scupper-lips will still back him up no matter what.
Seems to me the reatard is you.
nobody travels unless they absolutely have to. But we all know this isn't good enough for dear leader. It would even be better if he just left his whole family at home instead of the cost of taking all of them! There are 3 extra people for security to cover....talk about a waste!

An extended political travel for his administration to Africa is long overdue. African leaders travel to the US for relation building and important events as well.

Yeah, he's been cooped up too damned much.

Give em a chance to kill a few goats. Watch the blood go spurting.

Good times.
That's the trouble with retards.

"Hey, let's attack Obama for doing THIS!"

Never occurs to them to see how anyone on their side of the spectrum would stand up to the same test before splooging themselves in the face.

The way they never learn, the definition of retarded.

Or we could just be equal opportunity condemners. There is no reason Bush should have spent all that money either.
That's the trouble with retards.

"Hey, let's attack Obama for doing THIS!"

Never occurs to them to see how anyone on their side of the spectrum would stand up to the same test before splooging themselves in the face.

The way they never learn, the definition of retarded.

I agree, being a right winger is quite possibly the most severe mental illness on the face of the earth.

Logic and common sense are a mental illness now?
That's the trouble with retards.

"Hey, let's attack Obama for doing THIS!"

Never occurs to them to see how anyone on their side of the spectrum would stand up to the same test before splooging themselves in the face.

The way they never learn, the definition of retarded.

I agree, being a right winger is quite possibly the most severe mental illness on the face of the earth.

I am a right winger. :evil:
That's the trouble with retards.

"Hey, let's attack Obama for doing THIS!"

Never occurs to them to see how anyone on their side of the spectrum would stand up to the same test before splooging themselves in the face.

The way they never learn, the definition of retarded.

Or we could just be equal opportunity condemners. There is no reason Bush should have spent all that money either.

That's your idea of common sense? The President of the wealthiest, most powerful nation in the world should hole up and never travel?

Do you have any fricking clue of the strategic value of Africa and the attempts China is making to wrest influence away from the US there?

There is a whole fuck of a lot more at stake than $80 million, I can tell you that!

Blind mice...

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