Obama Urges Soviet-Style Voting Laws

The headline was encouraging - suggested Obozo wanted to limit voting to actual CITIZENS. False. Misleading. Shame.
I'm all for it. If it means defeating big money in politics, then let's do it. Afterall, most Americans side with today's most important issues such as raising the minimum wage, raising taxes on the wealthy, and the government acting on climate change. Unfortunately, Americans seem confused which party supports what so too many vote republican which is a complete travesty.

Obama Maybe it s time for mandatory voting - CNN.com
does this include all dead people and animals?
Naturally and don't forget illegal Mexicans
I'm all for it. If it means defeating big money in politics, then let's do it. Afterall, most Americans side with today's most important issues such as raising the minimum wage, raising taxes on the wealthy, and the government acting on climate change. Unfortunately, Americans seem confused which party supports what so too many vote republican which is a complete travesty.

Obama Maybe it s time for mandatory voting - CNN.com
does this include all dead people and animals?
Naturally and don't forget illegal Mexicans
and trees.
Obama needs to force ANYONE that can legally vote and is NOT a registered Republican to vote.
Registered Republicans can view voting as an option.

That's a great idea right there.
I don't want mandatory voting. I want mandatory voter education. I don't care who you vote for, I just want you to know why you vote that way.

People vote according to the ads. Good ads, lots of votes. It has less to do with the value of the proposition
or candidate than the hype generated by the ads.

The "Reagan Democrats" are a good example of people being swayed by emotion and voting against their own best interests.

Our schools do such a crappy job of teaching government that most folks have no idea of how our government really works. The comments in many of the discussions on this site illustrate that.
So far, there have been two topics started by the mass email rubes on this "mandatory voting".

We should start a lottery pool which allows people to bet on how many total topics the rubes will start about it.
I don't get ANY emails about politics idiot. I am not on a single mailing list.
You remain a dedicated liberal troll
You remain a blind partisan tool who asks how high when Fox tells you to jump.
I'll take that over being a liberal ANY DAY
So, you like being an uninformed fool, you're even proud of it.


Well thanks for being honest :lol:
what next? Mandatory that all Americans use no more than 24 sheets of TP after finishing crapping? got to save those trees!
The funny thing is if a Republican suggested this the word dictator would be attached to him in a matter of minutes.
I have a question who would support mandatory voting if there was a none of the above option on the ballot?

kill yourselves, spare yourself and the rest of the world the misery.
If people are disgusted by all the available "major" candidates and don't want to vote, they will no longer be allowed to make that choice.

Obama is proposing that people be forced to vote even if they don't want to. Apparently he feels there aren't enough regulations and restrictions on the American people, and he wants more.

He has not yet announced what punishment they would get if they tried to not vote. But I'm sure he'll get around to it.

And it would just be a matter of time before the Supreme Court declared that the punishment wasn't a penalty, but just a tax.

The Constitution says clearly that poll taxes are forbidden. But how about a tax for NOT going to the polls?

Is there anything Obama won't try to impose on us?


Mandatory voting Obama says it would be transformative - Yahoo News

Mandatory voting? Obama says it would be 'transformative'

Associated Press
18 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — They say the only two things that are certain in life are death and taxes. President Barack Obama wants to add one more: voting.

Obama floated the idea of mandatory voting in the U.S. while speaking to a civic group in Cleveland on Wednesday. Asked about the corrosive influence of money in U.S. elections, Obama digressed into the related topic of voting rights and said the U.S. should be making it easier — not harder— for people to vote.

"If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country," Obama said, calling it potentially transformative. Not only that, Obama said, but universal voting would "counteract money more than anything."

Disproportionately, Americans who skip the polls on Election Day are younger, lower-income and more likely to be immigrants or minorities, Obama said.
You're a liar. And not a good one. You're a very stupid liar. All one has to do to expose your lies, is read the fucking article that YOU posted :rofl:

Dumb ass
I'm all for it. If it means defeating big money in politics, then let's do it. Afterall, most Americans side with today's most important issues such as raising the minimum wage, raising taxes on the wealthy, and the government acting on climate change. Unfortunately, Americans seem confused which party supports what so too many vote republican which is a complete travesty.

Obama Maybe it s time for mandatory voting - CNN.com
Wait are you one of the mass email rubes g500 is referring too?
Yes. Yes he is.
Lol yes let me tell you I feel oh so foolish now.
Why does it matter whether or not it has been discussed in congress? We aren't talking about the viability of the law. I am just expressing my opinion.
How do you discuss the viability of something that would be mandatory without knowing what the consequences would be for refusing? It seems to me if your aim was to make everyone vote the punishment for not doing so would have to be fairly severe.
Let me ask you this, if someone flat out refuses to pay their speeding ticket, what should their punishment be?
If they refuse long enough a warrant is issued for their arrest. So would you support making voting mandatory with the punishment being possible arrest for not doing so?
Yes, I would.
That's extremely disturbing.
It's really not.

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