Obama: US arms could help defeat Assad is 'fantasy'

If the US gets involved we are blamed for interfering. It we try to stay out, we are blamed for ignoring the problems of the world. If we give a little, it is not enough and of course, if we give a lot we are the cause of the problem. Fortunately we have Obama and we can just go ahead and blame him for everything, anytime. We can even blame him for the centuries old religious wars of the Muslim world and the mid east.
She´s a girl profiting from the government´s secularity in a part of the world, where she would be killed for her lifestyle.
So in essence, you support dictators as long as they are secular?

I guess N. Korea and China would also meet your standards. .. :lol:
President Assad is a democratically elected President.

Yep he was democratically elected by his father to continue seize the country.


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