Obama uses FAA to hit Israel hard


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Obama using another Fed agency to do his bidding. Just like the IRS and the EPA and the NSA and the FBI and the CIA........You libs had better wake up! you're next! He is flooding the nation with anti gay anti global warming voters.
SO wait a minute, the week after a missile takes out an airliner in a war zone in the Ukraine, the president advises that we not have airplanes flying into an ACTIVE WAR ZONE?

If Hamas had managed to take down an American Airliner, you winguts would be the first ones back here complaining he wasn't doing enough to safeguard American lives.
He is also ordering states to strike down bans on marriage equality, and on vacation, all at the same time. I think he also spiked my antibiotic with cauliflower or some other noxious substance.
Ramidiot is a moron.

Yeah I get just what I expect from a lib idiot every single time. An insult without any substance so I will return the favor. It's fucking assholes like you that are fucking this country up. Your belief system is flawed because you do not have the intelligence to see when you're wrong or to see the world as it is. Your president of choice is a loser. He is the worst President ever and morons like you will never realize it until it's too late. In short we would be better off without people like you. :smiliehug:
The FAA lifted the INSTRUCTION. Now that Obama has worked day & night at 15 different things just to p*ss of right wingers, what happened to "always on vacation"?

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