Obama uses Teleprompter for 6th Grader Audience at Elementary School.

Excuse himself from the classroom, get updated on the situation and start getting ready to address the nation.

Hindsight is always 20/20, but there is a thing called shock, which probably overwhelmed the moment.
Gee...Didn't he pretty much do that after taking a few minutes to collect himself ?

too bad Bush didn't have a teleprompter telling him to do something ....anything but sitting there like a dumbfounded dipshit in front of those kids in that classroom on 9-11
What was he supposed to do, go running out of the room like his head was on fire?

Mebby SuperBarry could've slipped into a phone booth, flown out of the school and thrown himself in front of the second jet, were he in the same situation, huh? :rolleyes:

if SuperBarry had been in that secnario and hadn't flown out of there like you say u and the rest of the talking heads would have accused him of dithering.

Horseshit. John Kerry admitted that he was so shocked he couldn't do anything for 45 minutes. Obama probably wouldn't have done any better.
Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the President's Daily Brief given to U.S. President George W. Bush on August 6, 2001. The President's Daily Brief (PDB) is a brief of important classified information on national security collected by various U.S. intelligence agencies given to the president and a select group of senior officials. The brief warned of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda over a month before the September 11, 2001 attacks.[1]


" I don't got time for PDB's ......he he......I've got brush to clear on the ranch!"

And what could have he done with that knowledge? Do you truly believe the American people would have allowed any further security measures that would have threatened their rights to carry things onto a plane? In fact was there even any warning about this attack happening on Aircraft? Give me a break.
Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was the President's Daily Brief given to U.S. President George W. Bush on August 6, 2001. The President's Daily Brief (PDB) is a brief of important classified information on national security collected by various U.S. intelligence agencies given to the president and a select group of senior officials. The brief warned of terrorism threats from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda over a month before the September 11, 2001 attacks.[1]


" I don't got time for PDB's ......he he......I've got brush to clear on the ranch!"

And what could have he done with that knowledge? Do you truly believe the American people would have allowed any further security measures that would have threatened their rights to carry things onto a plane? In fact was there even any warning about this attack happening on Aircraft? Give me a break.

Not only that, but U.S. intelligence continually intercepts thousands and thousands of communications that obviously are related to intended threats, are probably related to intended threats, are possibly related to intended threats, are mostly unlikely to be related to intended threats, and/or are just noise with little or no threat attached to them. Determining which are which and when and how much to take each seriously is a major function of our intelligence departments, and it is simply dumb to think that they will get it right every single time. They did a hell of a job following 9/11, however, and without that effort, we would almost certainly have been hit as hard again.

If they personally informed the President, no matter who he is, of each and every one he would have to be briefed 24 hours every day of the week and would have no time to even think about anything else. And if we took all of them seriously, the country would be under constant lockdown with no freedoms afforded to anybody.

To expect George W. Bush or any other human to know that those hijackers would take those planes at that specific time on that specific day is totally unrealistic. And had anybody anticipated a 9/11 type attack prior to 9/11 and had attempted to enforce the security measures we now enforce, they would have been crucified as alarmists or attempting to impose a dictatorship on the country. Just look at how many couldn't accept the Patriot Act as necessary even after 9/11.
for starters maybe showing up to work and reading his daily PDB's would have been helpfull -

USATODAY.com - White House to move to Texas for a while
White House to move to Texas for a while
By Laurence McQuillan, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Six months after taking office, President Bush will begin a month-long vacation Saturday that is significantly longer than the average American's annual getaway. If Bush returns as scheduled on Labor Day, he'll tie the modern record for presidential absence from the White House, held by Richard Nixon at 30 days. Ronald Reagan took trips as long as 28 days.

But some Republican loyalists worry about critics who say Bush lets Vice President Cheney and other top officials do most of the work. They're also concerned about the reaction of the average American, who gets 13 vacation days each year.

"It can foster other images," says William Benoit, a professor of political communication at the University of Missouri-Columbia. "Maybe he's lazy, maybe he's not determined. It feeds into the impression that he's not in charge."
Bush, who is scheduled to return to Washington on Sept. 3 (8 days before 9-11), is taking his vacation while Congress is in recess. Cheney will be in Wyoming.

President Bush just happened to have an Office set up in his ranch in Texas. I don't see you Lib Wack Tards attacking Obama for his numerous vacations since becoming President (Chicage, Hawaii, nights out in New York on the tax payers dime, not to mention his world apology tour). Give it a break. President Bush isn't in office anymore, get over it. Your messiah has fucked up royally and the voters in one of the most liberal states in the nation told him that last week.
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This is unbelievable. I don't recall other presidents when speaking to school children having a podium with a seal much less a teleprompter.

Photos at links:

obama Graham falls church - News, photos, topics, and quotes
Obama Uses Teleprompter for 6th Grade Audience | Feed Your ADHD

What the Obama School Teleprompter Photos Really Show - Sphere News

Video posted on sites such as Right Pundits as evidence of Obama's alleged teleprompter dependence actually shows the journalists, not students, in those little chairs. Another piece of official White House video shows the president entering a different room and meeting with children. (Click to watch)

Some bloggers posted updates backing off the original story slightly, but still ridiculed the president for using the teleprompter to make brief remarks to the media.
Why do bloggers need to misrepresent the truth (aka lie)? When the truth will not get them the outrage they seek.
This is unbelievable. I don't recall other presidents when speaking to school children having a podium with a seal much less a teleprompter.

Photos at links:

obama Graham falls church - News, photos, topics, and quotes
Obama Uses Teleprompter for 6th Grade Audience | Feed Your ADHD

What the Obama School Teleprompter Photos Really Show - Sphere News

Video posted on sites such as Right Pundits as evidence of Obama's alleged teleprompter dependence actually shows the journalists, not students, in those little chairs. Another piece of official White House video shows the president entering a different room and meeting with children. (Click to watch)

Some bloggers posted updates backing off the original story slightly, but still ridiculed the president for using the teleprompter to make brief remarks to the media.

Barry needs a teleprompter to make brief statements to the press...

Yes, that is just SO much better...

Why do bloggers need to misrepresent the truth (aka lie)? When the truth will not get them the outrage they seek.
I dunno...E-mail Arianna Huffington and/or Markos Moulitsas and ask 'em.
Well if it was a photoshopped photo of Obama with a podium and teleprompter in a elementary school classroom, then yeah, it's unfair to gig him for that. We certainly don't appreciate the many times the left photoshops hate signs, etc, etc. etc. in dishonest efforts to show how terrible or ignorant or stupid Tea Partiers or Republicans or conserviatives in general are. So if the photo is in fact photoshopped, we need to apologize for jumping to the conclusion that it was real.

But seriously, if that was in fact a press conference, how genuine could it be if the President needs a teleprompter to answer impromptu questions from the press? Does that strike anybody else as odd? How impromptu could questions that can be answered with a teleprompter be?
Well if it was a photoshopped photo of Obama with a podium and teleprompter in a elementary school classroom, then yeah, it's unfair to gig him for that. We certainly don't appreciate the many times the left photoshops hate signs, etc, etc. etc. in dishonest efforts to show how terrible or ignorant or stupid Tea Partiers or Republicans or conserviatives in general are. So if the photo is in fact photoshopped, we need to apologize for jumping to the conclusion that it was real.

But seriously, if that was in fact a press conference, how genuine could it be if the President needs a teleprompter to answer impromptu questions from the press? Does that strike anybody else as odd? How impromptu could questions that can be answered with a teleprompter be?

Was it JUST impromptu questions? Or did he give a speech beforehand?
Has anyone ever thought how presidents and great orators of this nation ever pulled it off before telepromters?
My opinion is that they were truely gifted. :eusa_whistle:
Has anyone ever thought how presidents and great orators of this nation ever pulled it off before telepromters?
My opinion is that they were truely gifted. :eusa_whistle:
Note cards.

Technology is useful.
Has anyone ever thought how presidents and great orators of this nation ever pulled it off before telepromters?
My opinion is that they were truely gifted. :eusa_whistle:

No, they just looked down at their notes more.

Or, wait....................................................................you thought they did it without notes?


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