Obama uses Teleprompter for 6th Grader Audience at Elementary School.

I believe so.

President Barack Obama points to the media, as he enters to speak, after a discussion with 6th grade students at Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, Va., Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

It probably would have been best

Since kids tend to be more honest, they should have take them out of the room for Papa Obama speech

Due to the honest nature of most children, they probably saw it as a case of that classic childhood fairy tale-:

"The Emperor’s New Clothes".

But among the crowds a little child suddenly gasped out, "But he hasn't got anything on."

Indeed, they can see better than some adults the novice in front of them. One does wonder if any were brave enough to yell out, "But he hasn't got anything on" after seeing the "real president" the TOTUS in action.

Even if it was for a presser and they took ALL the children out of the room, needing a teleprompter is still kind of embarrassing. We're talking about giving a prepared statement and answering a few questions here, not the Gettysburg Address.
So in your opinion presidents should memorize each and every speech they give?:lol:

But in my opinion, a President should not memorize a speech given to a 6th grade class.
If he wants to address children it should come from his heart...not a speech writer.
A fundraiser candy bar: $1.00
School lunch: $1.50
Tickets to the school dance: $5.00

Obama using his teleprompters to give a speech to 6th graders: PRICELESS!!!
That kind of confirms that he can't really perform without it. I wonder if Michel minds very much?


Since kids tend to be more honest, they should have take them out of the room for Papa Obama speech

Due to the honest nature of most children, they probably saw it as a case of that classic childhood fairy tale-:

"The Emperor’s New Clothes".

But among the crowds a little child suddenly gasped out, "But he hasn't got anything on."

Indeed, they can see better than some adults the novice in front of them. One does wonder if any were brave enough to yell out, "But he hasn't got anything on" after seeing the "real president" the TOTUS in action.


BTW....can anyone here spell "p h o t o s h o p?"
Michelle is doing a PSA for Haiti relief. It's 15-20 seconds and she is reading the text. Guess teleprompting is an 'all in the family' thing.

I saw that, too. She's not a great speaker, either.

There's just something about her and her husband I don't trust. When she said to donate to the American Red Cross, my first thought was, "is there something seriously wrong with the Red Cross?" Still, I'm glad she got the message out.

(BTW, she has a slight negro dialect.)

Agree with all of the above.

The bolded: :lol: :lol:

She is not as light-skinned as Barry.

:( That means she'll never get a vote from Harry Reid.
Without a doubt, many of the attacks from the far-right against President Obama have amounted to nothing more than the political equivalent of speaking in tongues. The attacks are only marginally more coherent than Steve Carell's Brick Tamland character from Anchorman shouting "LOUD NOISES!" for the sake of shouting something. Anything.

The most ridiculous of the loud noises are the ones that entirely ignore the legacy of the previous president. Specifically, the very same people making the loudest noises about President Obama have also spent the last eight years spastically applauding President Bush's worst trespasses every step of the way. The far-right's staggering disregard for the significant flaws of the former Republican president confounds logic when measured against their ridiculous attacks on the current president.

ATTACK: President Obama's budget could double the national debt.
REALITY: President Bush's spending actually did.

ATTACK: President Obama is "shredding the Constitution."
REALITY: You mean there's a Constitution left to be shredded?

ATTACK: President Obama chuckled while talking about bailing out the auto industry.
REALITY: President Bush routinely smirked and grinned while talking about the significantly more serious issues of war and military casualties.

ATTACK: President Obama is incompetent.
REALITY: Do I even need to do the list?

ATTACK: President Obama took a vacation to Hawaii.
REALITY: President Bush set a record for presidential vacations during two wars and a major hurricane.

ATTACK: President Obama is presiding over a one-party fascist government.
REALITY: This is not a joke.

The teleprompter attacks have become so inexplicably widespread that, Monday night, David Letterman aired a bit called "Teleprompter vs. No Teleprompter" about how stupid the whole teleprompter thing has become. Leading into a video comparing a clip of President Obama using a teleprompter and George W. Bush stammering without one, Letterman basically said (paraphrasing): "This is seriously all they've got?"

In politics and the media, teleprompters are about as commonplace as microphones and people named "O'Donnell." Some use a teleprompter, some use paper, some use cue cards, some use both. Really, what difference does it make whether prepared remarks are read from paper or Perspex? Either way, we're talking about prepared text printed on a readable medium. The teleprompter isn't some space-age interdimensional portal that automatically injects your audience with nitrous oxide and mild doses of heroin, drugging them into an involuntary state of euphoric torpor. It simply allows the reader to deliver a speech without looking down at the podium. That's all.

Once again, there's no other way to describe this attack other than to call it "loud noises!" amounting to schizoid, nonsensical garble. Just like any Glenn Beck show, in fact -- maudlin platitudes that, if shouted loudly enough, sound very serious.

So ultimately if the intention is to turn "teleprompter" into a bad word, then good luck running Sarah Palin in 2012. Sarah Palin -- whose one bright shining moment came complete with a teleprompter, and whose most damning moments came without one.

Bob Cesca: Why Does Obama's Teleprompter Hate America?

This is exactly why Obama is being compared to Bush. The right wing finds everything Obama does should be criticized. Yet there was never one criticism from the right on anything Bush did. It doesn't make sense.
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That kind of confirms that he can't really perform without it. I wonder if Michel minds very much?


Since kids tend to be more honest, they should have take them out of the room for Papa Obama speech

Due to the honest nature of most children, they probably saw it as a case of that classic childhood fairy tale-:

"The Emperor’s New Clothes".

But among the crowds a little child suddenly gasped out, "But he hasn't got anything on."

Indeed, they can see better than some adults the novice in front of them. One does wonder if any were brave enough to yell out, "But he hasn't got anything on" after seeing the "real president" the TOTUS in action.


BTW....can anyone here spell "p h o t o s h o p?"

Nope. Not photoshopped....and by no means a travesty.

But we must ask ourselves.....wouldnt it be nice to see him speak from his heart? I mean....he really needed a speech writer to write his message to 6th graders?

I mean....really?
You know, George W. Bush was slammed for eight years for mangling his words and sentences, but however badly he mangled them, he could articulate his opinion about something without benefit of a teleprompter. And he sounded better without one. Whenever he used the teleprompter, he came across as flat, mechanical, and wooden as well as mangling words and sentences.

Obama is a master with a teleprompter. One of the best I've ever observed. But take that teleprompter away and other than on a very few selective subjects which he has had time to study for in advance, he frequently becomes incoherant, disjointed, and/or a gaffe machine. Which is probably why his handlers don't allow him to leave the house without it. Which makes one wonder how well he actually knows his subject matter, how much he believes what he is saying, and how commited he is to any clear conviction.

It's just too bad that we did not learn of this teleprompter during all those campaign speeches. We might just have had a different outcome.

Someone who knows their material and has passion about what they are saying has no trouble communicating it to others. They don't need a teleprompter.

That's why Obama is nothing more than an empty suit and salesperson for Reid and Pelosi.
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If you have something to say Rinata, just go ahead and say it, we're all ears.
Since kids tend to be more honest, they should have take them out of the room for Papa Obama speech

Due to the honest nature of most children, they probably saw it as a case of that classic childhood fairy tale-:

"The Emperor’s New Clothes".

But among the crowds a little child suddenly gasped out, "But he hasn't got anything on."

Indeed, they can see better than some adults the novice in front of them. One does wonder if any were brave enough to yell out, "But he hasn't got anything on" after seeing the "real president" the TOTUS in action.


BTW....can anyone here spell "p h o t o s h o p?"

Nope. Not photoshopped....and by no means a travesty.

But we must ask ourselves.....wouldnt it be nice to see him speak from his heart? I mean....he really needed a speech writer to write his message to 6th graders?

I mean....really?

Sorry, I call bs. look at the proportions, they are all wrong...and too sharp.
You know, George W. Bush was slammed for eight years for mangling his words and sentences, but however badly he mangled them, he could articulate his opinion about something without benefit of a teleprompter. And he sounded better without one. Whenever he used the teleprompter, he came across as flat, mechanical, and wooden as well as mangling words and sentences.

Obama is a master with a teleprompter. One of the best I've ever observed. But take that teleprompter away and other than on a very few selective subjects which he has had time to study for in advance, he frequently becomes incoherant, disjointed, and/or a gaffe machine. Which is probably why his handlers don't allow him to leave the house without it. Which makes one wonder how well he actually knows his subject matter, how much he believes what he is saying, and how commited he is to any clear conviction.

It's just too bad that we did not learn of this teleprompter during all those campaign speeches. We might just have had a different outcome.

Someone who knows their material and has passion about what they are saying has no trouble communicating it to others. They don't need a teleprompter.

That's why Obama is nothing more than an empty suit and salesperson for Reid and Pelosi.

So, anyone who uses notes or a teleprompter is an empty suit?
BTW....can anyone here spell "p h o t o s h o p?"

Nope. Not photoshopped....and by no means a travesty.

But we must ask ourselves.....wouldnt it be nice to see him speak from his heart? I mean....he really needed a speech writer to write his message to 6th graders?

I mean....really?

Sorry, I call bs. look at the proportions, they are all wrong...and too sharp.

It's an AP photograph...

Are you claiming the Associated Press doctored their photograph?

too bad Bush didn't have a teleprompter telling him to do something ....anything but sitting there like a dumbfounded dipshit in front of those kids in that classroom on 9-11

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