Obama wants to shut down the real news in favor of CNN fake news

A Harvard study found that 75% of mainstream media stories were intentionally negative about Trump. We know for a fact that Hillary was given the debate questions by CNN and other alleged "news" networks cleared stories through the Clinton campaign before they were printed. We know that CBS used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election during the Bush presidency. The NY Times admitted that they skewed articles and editorials to favor Hillary and they promised to "do better" in the future. Obama has ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS and the freaking Comedy Channel but he rails out against little old Fox and talk radio. The left has become paranoid and psychotic. The sooner January 20th comes the better.

They were negative about Trump because they were reporting what he was saying

How to you put pussy grabbing in a positive light?
How to you put pussy grabbing in a positive light?
How can committing treason be taken so lightly?

Trump has not committed treason......Yet
A Harvard study found that 75% of mainstream media stories were intentionally negative about Trump. We know for a fact that Hillary was given the debate questions by CNN and other alleged "news" networks cleared stories through the Clinton campaign before they were printed. We know that CBS used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election during the Bush presidency. The NY Times admitted that they skewed articles and editorials to favor Hillary and they promised to "do better" in the future. Obama has ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS and the freaking Comedy Channel but he rails out against little old Fox and talk radio. The left has become paranoid and psychotic. The sooner January 20th comes the better.

They were negative about Trump because they were reporting what he was saying

How to you put pussy grabbing in a positive light?
How to you put pussy grabbing in a positive light?
How can committing treason be taken so lightly?

Trump has not committed treason......Yet
Trump has not committed treason......Yet
Well, I know one thing, if he ever so blatantly does,
I hope his lies aren't so pathetic, they insult my intelligence
and amount to more then, What? Like with a cloth or something he he

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