Obama wants to shut down the real news in favor of CNN fake news

Yes INFOWARS is telling you the truth.

Republicans have destroyed public education to the point where a large percentage of the American public is unable to apply critical thinking and are just prepared to go with what "feels" right.

Then they distract them with fake news items which are never fact checked, and they vote against their own best interests

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Liberals has been in charge of education for decades. Your ignorance proves you were part of the system.
Alex Jones is now the real news? The guy who believes Sandy Hook was faked?

At last we're getting into the real brain of modern American conservatism.
Yes INFOWARS is telling you the truth.

Republicans have destroyed public education to the point where a large percentage of the American public is unable to apply critical thinking and are just prepared to go with what "feels" right.

Then they distract them with fake news items which are never fact checked, and they vote against their own best interests

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Liberals has been in charge of education for decades. Your ignorance proves you were part of the system.

They have? Liberals control education in Mississippi? Alabama? Utah? How? Why?
For weeks I asked conservatives to name the objective news outlets they get their news from.

Never got an answer.

Now we have an answer. Infowars!
Yes INFOWARS is telling you the truth.

Republicans have destroyed public education to the point where a large percentage of the American public is unable to apply critical thinking and are just prepared to go with what "feels" right.

Then they distract them with fake news items which are never fact checked, and they vote against their own best interests

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Liberals has been in charge of education for decades. Your ignorance proves you were part of the system.

They have? Liberals control education in Mississippi? Alabama? Utah? How? Why?
Through federal funding, the same as Obama said if schools don't have bathroom choice their funds could be cut.
Yes INFOWARS is telling you the truth.

Republicans have destroyed public education to the point where a large percentage of the American public is unable to apply critical thinking and are just prepared to go with what "feels" right.

Then they distract them with fake news items which are never fact checked, and they vote against their own best interests

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Liberals has been in charge of education for decades. Your ignorance proves you were part of the system.

They have? Liberals control education in Mississippi? Alabama? Utah? How? Why?
Through federal funding, the same as Obama said if schools don't have bathroom choice their funds could be cut.

Oh, like cutting funding to so-called sanctuary cities. I guess that sort of thing isn't just about liberalism.

btw, can't they elect conservative school boards in Mississippi? The most conservative state in the union?
Yes INFOWARS is telling you the truth.

Republicans have destroyed public education to the point where a large percentage of the American public is unable to apply critical thinking and are just prepared to go with what "feels" right.

Then they distract them with fake news items which are never fact checked, and they vote against their own best interests

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Liberals has been in charge of education for decades. Your ignorance proves you were part of the system.

They have? Liberals control education in Mississippi? Alabama? Utah? How? Why?
Through federal funding, the same as Obama said if schools don't have bathroom choice their funds could be cut.

I thought Congress was Republican.
Yes INFOWARS is telling you the truth.

Republicans have destroyed public education to the point where a large percentage of the American public is unable to apply critical thinking and are just prepared to go with what "feels" right.

Then they distract them with fake news items which are never fact checked, and they vote against their own best interests

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Liberals has been in charge of education for decades. Your ignorance proves you were part of the system.

They have? Liberals control education in Mississippi? Alabama? Utah? How? Why?
Through federal funding, the same as Obama said if schools don't have bathroom choice their funds could be cut.

Oh, like cutting funding to so-called sanctuary cities. I guess that sort of thing isn't just about liberalism.

btw, can't they elect conservative school boards in Mississippi? The most conservative state in the union?
Sanctuary cities are breaking the law.
Yes INFOWARS is telling you the truth.

Republicans have destroyed public education to the point where a large percentage of the American public is unable to apply critical thinking and are just prepared to go with what "feels" right.

Then they distract them with fake news items which are never fact checked, and they vote against their own best interests

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Liberals has been in charge of education for decades. Your ignorance proves you were part of the system.

They have? Liberals control education in Mississippi? Alabama? Utah? How? Why?
Through federal funding, the same as Obama said if schools don't have bathroom choice their funds could be cut.

I thought Congress was Republican.
Oh all these college students needing counseling are republicans?
Who needs CNN when you have Alex Jones?

A Harvard study found that 75% of mainstream media stories were intentionally negative about Trump. We know for a fact that Hillary was given the debate questions by CNN and other alleged "news" networks cleared stories through the Clinton campaign before they were printed. We know that CBS used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election during the Bush presidency. The NY Times admitted that they skewed articles and editorials to favor Hillary and they promised to "do better" in the future. Obama has ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS and the freaking Comedy Channel but he rails out against little old Fox and talk radio. The left has become paranoid and psychotic. The sooner January 20th comes the better.
A Harvard study found that 75% of mainstream media stories were intentionally negative about Trump. We know for a fact that Hillary was given the debate questions by CNN and other alleged "news" networks cleared stories through the Clinton campaign before they were printed. We know that CBS used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election during the Bush presidency. The NY Times admitted that they skewed articles and editorials to favor Hillary and they promised to "do better" in the future. Obama has ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS and the freaking Comedy Channel but he rails out against little old Fox and talk radio. The left has become paranoid and psychotic. The sooner January 20th comes the better.

They were negative about Trump because they were reporting what he was saying

How to you put pussy grabbing in a positive light?
A Harvard study found that 75% of mainstream media stories were intentionally negative about Trump. We know for a fact that Hillary was given the debate questions by CNN and other alleged "news" networks cleared stories through the Clinton campaign before they were printed. We know that CBS used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election during the Bush presidency. The NY Times admitted that they skewed articles and editorials to favor Hillary and they promised to "do better" in the future. Obama has ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS and the freaking Comedy Channel but he rails out against little old Fox and talk radio. The left has become paranoid and psychotic. The sooner January 20th comes the better.

They were negative about Trump because they were reporting what he was saying

How to you put pussy grabbing in a positive light?
Trump just said he could grab pussy, but ole Bill prefers to stick cigars in them in the oval office.
Ask Donald Trump to Fight Back Against 'Fake News' Attacks » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

This is an emergency people, without infowars the USA would have no idea what is real from the fiction that CNN spews as news.

However Trump will be President soon and anything that Obumma signs will be burned with the trash
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump becomes a 1 man infowar
ranting about exactly what he's walked into, what's really been going on

Probably why so much resistance from both sides...
An outsider, a loaded cannon, Twitter and an inside view....I expect it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yep , I look forward to just that scenario happening KIReal !!
I look forward to just that scenario happening KIReal !!
You and me both!

I believe it was before the election, BuckToothMoron started a thread
...create your dream senario, something like that.

I tried finding the thread but, nada...anyhoo, it went something like....

Trump wins the election and after taking office,
seeing how fucked up shit really is, he goes on national TV,
he's on a rampage....
Are yous aware.......
And did you know........
And this........is unfuckingbelievable!

Voters....I need your help...we can do this together
I have signed an executive order granting me the authority
to hold emergency elections to replace every member of Congress

Yes we can Yes we can Yes we can

Lol...I can dream, can't I

Well, maybe it wasn't so far fetched after all.
A Harvard study found that 75% of mainstream media stories were intentionally negative about Trump. We know for a fact that Hillary was given the debate questions by CNN and other alleged "news" networks cleared stories through the Clinton campaign before they were printed. We know that CBS used fake documents to try to influence a presidential election during the Bush presidency. The NY Times admitted that they skewed articles and editorials to favor Hillary and they promised to "do better" in the future. Obama has ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS and the freaking Comedy Channel but he rails out against little old Fox and talk radio. The left has become paranoid and psychotic. The sooner January 20th comes the better.

They were negative about Trump because they were reporting what he was saying

How to you put pussy grabbing in a positive light?
How to you put pussy grabbing in a positive light?
How can committing treason be taken so lightly?
Ask Donald Trump to Fight Back Against 'Fake News' Attacks » Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

This is an emergency people, without infowars the USA would have no idea what is real from the fiction that CNN spews as news.

However Trump will be President soon and anything that Obumma signs will be burned with the trash
You heard it here first!!!

"without infowars the USA would have no idea what is real from the fiction that CNN spews as news."

You nutters get crazier by the minute. ROTFLAMAO

The OP'er and you have a lot in common with the crazy way the two of you are so blinded by your partisan whore hate!

If all news is fake, then Trump did not win the presidency..

Thats more of a current event.....
Yet news just the same..

You do always say that about Fox
They, like other outlets, do report on just plain old news...The parts I do not like is their special features and partisan bickering along with bias. To ad, the repetitiveness of the same news item they deem important to thrash redundantly about..

Yes, you don't like hearing both sides. Liberal media has already figured out what you need to think, I mean know for you. Why waste the great work they did?

As for hearing the same points reiterated, seriously? You are full of shit, the liberal media is the worst.

All you're saying is you only want to hear the left of it all
Yes, you don't like hearing both sides. Liberal media has already figured out what you need to think, I mean know for you. Why waste the great work they did?

As for hearing the same points reiterated, seriously? You are full of shit, the liberal media is the worst.

All you're saying is you only want to hear the left of it all
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.
~Jim Morrison~

There are laws to protect the freedom of the press's speech,
but, none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.
~Mark Twain~

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