Obama war on 1st Amendment rebuked


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
The Obama administration is at war with the Constitution, particularly the 1st amendment guarantees of free exercise of religion. The Administration had attempted to mandate that the Catholic church provide abortion, but failed at that undertaking a couple of years back. The Administration retreated to mandating that the Church offer contraception and abortificants instead.

Yesterday a federal judge invalidated the unconstitutional act by Obama and rebuked Obama personally for his abuse of power and contempt for the Constitution.

{It would set a dangerous precedent to hold that if the Executive Branch cannot act unilaterally, then there is no alternative solution. If defendants lack the required statutory authority, Congress may pass appropriate legislation. }

Federal Judge Calls Obamacare "Totally Ineffective" While Striking Down Contraception Mandate - Conn Carroll
As all the cases against Obama's overreach work their way through the court, that will become Obama's legacy.

The same slow justice he counted on to allow him to get away with the kind of grievous offense he claimed Bush did will mean that there will be a slow steady drip of revelations about Obama's abuses as the courts make their rulings for years to come.

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