Obama Warns Super Committee Co-Chairs Not To Change Triggers In Deal


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
WASHINGTON -- With the deadline fast approaching for the congressional super committee to make its deficit reduction recommendations, President Barack Obama phoned the committee's two co-chairs on Friday to urge swift action.

The White House released a sparse summary of the president's separate phone calls to Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), made from aboard Air Force One. But one detail notably stood out.

The President also made clear that he will not accept any measure that attempts to turn off part of the sequester. The sequester was agreed to by both parties to ensure there was a meaningful enforcement mechanism to force a result from the Committee. Congress must not shirk its responsibilities. The American people deserve to have their leaders come together and make the tough choices necessary to live within our means, just as American families do every day in these tough economic times. The President urged the leaders to get this done.
There has been a lot of chatter on the Hill about changing the parameters of the trigger currently in place so that the cuts to the defense budget -- that would be made a year after the committee fails to reach a deal, should it fail to reach a deal -- would be softened. And the expectation among Democrats is that enough lawmakers within their party would join with Republicans to do just that.

Obama Warns Super Committee Co-Chairs Not To Change Triggers In Deal

Dick Tater has spoken.
I think Obama wants congressional failure so he has a foil to run against next year. He doesn't want a deal even if it's better for the country, he sure as hell can't run on his record.

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