Obama was kept informed of the conversations by wire tap. No spin. No more BS libs

Remember all the times the Trumptards around here said that it didn't matter if the DNC/Hillary emails were hacked ILLEGALLY,

because it was worth it to get to what the Trumptards called the truth?????

lol, I remember, and therefore,

why aren't you applying that reasoning to wiretapping Trump, if any such thing occurred?
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.


Without bothering to read it all you're doing is conceding that if there were wiretaps,

they were legal.
how? name the probable cause. can you? oh no you can't so more made up shit from the left.
Ask the FBI if you dont have the intellect to look up why they were investigating him.
Idiot, this wiretapping was not of Trump's personal lines by Obama, this was part of CIA investigation of a specific SERVER where Trump's CAMPAIGN organization was suspected of having communication with Russian bank.

There is a gigantic difference.
based off of what? site the crime that initiated it.

IRS did not make their investigation details public, but whatever the reasons are, claiming that IRS conducting official investigation is somehow evidence of Obama ordering wiretapping Trump is idiocy of the highest order.
but obummer did that right? precedence has been set. can't change that now.
How can a sever talk ter a bank? In Russia. I mean, do thay talk English?

......are you fn serious? you cannot be, yet here you are.
Ah'm jus trying ter falla JC here.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.


Without bothering to read it all you're doing is conceding that if there were wiretaps,

they were legal.
how? name the probable cause. can you? oh no you can't so more made up shit from the left.

I'm not the FISA court. Are you?
The Trumptards here are trying to sell a conspiracy 1000 times bigger than the Birther conspiracy,

and 10,000 times more preposterous.
The Trumptards here are trying to sell a conspiracy 1000 times bigger than the Birther conspiracy,

and 10,000 times more preposterous.
JC typifies the average Drumpfster. Poorly informed and sheep like in their acquiescence.
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.


Look at the headline of your linked article.

Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

Intercepted Russian communications. What part of that leads you to believe that Trump's phones were tapped?

The Russians were tapped, dope.
When you call a number that is being recorded, there tends to be a recording.

Moron thread.
So if Obama had to be informed of what another part of government was doing, it shows he didn't order it, and clears him completely.

Obama-haters really are the stupidest humans to ever walk the planet.

I thought there was no wiretapping?
And if you think the first time barry knew about it was when they gave him the results...or lack thereof,you're a complete idiot.

The RUSSIANS were under surveillance. Trump's people called them and their conversations were recorded as a result.
That is not wiretapping Trump.
the deeper Trump gets in his own bullshit the dumber Russian-Wingers get on every level.

keep it up dipshits you're closing in on Benghazi-dumb .. only 2-3 more years to go !
What are you talking about, Siete...the NYT just proved that the Obama administration DID wire-tap Trump. You more pissed that it came out or that you can't deny it anymore?

The article said no such thing. It said the Russian's communications were intercepted.

Are you a native speaker?
the deeper Trump gets in his own bullshit the dumber Russian-Wingers get on every level.

keep it up dipshits you're closing in on Benghazi-dumb .. only 2-3 more years to go !
What are you talking about, Siete...the NYT just proved that the Obama administration DID wire-tap Trump. You more pissed that it came out or that you can't deny it anymore?

The article said no such thing. It said the Russian's communications were intercepted.

Are you a native speaker?

I saw something somewhere that foreign intelligence agencies were sending intercepted communications between the Russians and Trump's team to U.S. intelligence agencies this week. So is Trump going to call out those countries for that and do something stupid about it?
We've known that Russian communications were monitored and there were transcripts since the hacking story broke last year, ya ignorant wretch.

Yes, yes we have known that...so why did Obama and Clapper say it did not happen?
Remember all the times the Trumptards around here said that it didn't matter if the DNC/Hillary emails were hacked ILLEGALLY,

because it was worth it to get to what the Trumptards called the truth?????

lol, I remember, and therefore,

why aren't you applying that reasoning to wiretapping Trump, if any such thing occurred?

If Barack Obama, the most corrupt president in the history of the nation, illegally wire tapped the President Elect, as it appears he indeed did, then this is constitutional crises that dwarfs Watergate.

I honestly don't know how it works. Is it treason and sedition by Obama? On the face it is, but can a sitting president actually engage in treason? It IS shameful beyond anything ever done by a sitting president.
the deeper Trump gets in his own bullshit the dumber Russian-Wingers get on every level.

keep it up dipshits you're closing in on Benghazi-dumb .. only 2-3 more years to go !
What are you talking about, Siete...the NYT just proved that the Obama administration DID wire-tap Trump. You more pissed that it came out or that you can't deny it anymore?

The article said no such thing. It said the Russian's communications were intercepted.

Are you a native speaker?

I saw something somewhere that foreign intelligence agencies were sending intercepted communications between the Russians and Trump's team to U.S. intelligence agencies this week. So is Trump going to call out those countries for that and do something stupid about it?
In this article the New York Times not only discusses the wire taps but points out that the White House was given the information.

Whoooooooooooooooooo hoooooooo! Thank you NYT's. There's something I thought I would never say.

" The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit

The investigators have accelerated their efforts in recent weeks but have found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.

One official said intelligence reports based on some of the WIRE TAPPED COMMUNICATIONS had been provided to the White House."

Right there in the last line wiretaps and White House. Obama knew what was going on.


What exactly does that say? It says that the FBI were investigating Page, Mannafort and Stone for possible connections to the Russian hacking and Wikileaks. That investigation is hardly a secret.

The only reference to wire taps comes in a paragraph about Sessions at the end:

The lingering investigations will pose a test for Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, who has been nominated for attorney general. If Mr. Sessions is confirmed, he will for a time be the only person in the government authorized to seek foreign intelligence wiretaps on American soil.

Coyote. Come on. You are one of the most intelligent posters I've met all these years. To believe that the NSA was only conducting surveillance on associates and not Trump himself is koo koo bye bye.

Bi partisan here. If the intelligence community has grown as horrid as it has been proven to be via the unreal NSA monitoring wildly it is a threat to the Republic.

Where does your article say in any way that Trump was under electronic surveillance?
Remember all the times the Trumptards around here said that it didn't matter if the DNC/Hillary emails were hacked ILLEGALLY,

because it was worth it to get to what the Trumptards called the truth?????

lol, I remember, and therefore,

why aren't you applying that reasoning to wiretapping Trump, if any such thing occurred?

Did Obama order the hacking of the DNC/Hillary??? Now see there's your difference between the two.

Even if Obama didn't order the wiretap (which he's done on many others, so why not Trump too?), it's apparent that he still knew what was going on because of being briefed about it.

Is Trump making up stories just to fight back against the rail of his cabinet picks? Not so sure about that, since so many of his appointees have been accused or labeled as siding with Russia. It would stand to reason the possibility that he was tapped, as well.
It looks like Trump's off the wall accusation against Obama is simply him fishing for information on what the govt may have on him or his people on tape....

So he can figure out which lies he can continue spouting or not...

He learns from his mistakes well...Flynn lying about his Russian Ambassador conversations regarding the Sanctions and sending Pence out on National tv to spout Flynn's (and Trump's) lies,

caught him with his pants down....

when it was shown that our Intelligence communities had Flynn's conversation on tape due to monitoring the Ambassador in their 'routine surveillance'....

so now he is fishing to find out what they may or may not have in the Intel community's files.

Is my best bet as of now, and if I were reading a good ''Who done it?'' mystery book series or Spy Novels!!!!

Is that what Trump said on a recording Clapper gave to Obama? :dunno:
Doesn't matter - Obama / Clapper said it never happened...which the NYT reported they did.

We've known that Russian communications were monitored and there were transcripts since the hacking story broke last year, ya ignorant wretch.

Whether true or not it isn't relevant. Radical left site Slate published a fake news story claiming that there was a server in the Trump Tower that was secretly communicating with Russian banks. Based on this false story the corrupt Obama administration sought FISA warrants to spy on the opposition candidate and president elect.

Now we all know that Slate was lying.

A Group of Computer Scientists Believes a Trump Server Was Communicating With a Russian Bank

Slate wanted to tilt the election through slander and libel, the primary tools of leftist websites and yellow journalists. Slate was trolling fake news to hack the election for the democrats. So this has nothing to do with monitoring the Russians, Obama at least attempted to spy on Trump based on an absurd bit of demagoguery from a notorious leftist hate site that offers little other than fake news.DID Obama in fact tap the Trump Tower communications? Most likely though I have not seen solid proof of it.

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