Obama: We Must Stop the Corporate Takeover of Our Democracy


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Is the Obama starting to sound more and more like HUGO CHAVEZ?:eek:


By Doug Powers • August 21, 2010 05:21 PM **Written by Doug Powers

Here’s the eye-roller of the day from President Obama’s Saturday radio address. This was recorded Thursday at the White House due to a vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, which is the perfect command center from where to monitor the Iranians firing up their nuclear reactor (which is being overseen for safety by the people who brought the world Chernobyl — whew!).

Here’s part of Obama’s address:

As the political season heats up, Americans are already being inundated with the usual phone calls, mailings, and TV ads from campaigns all across the country. But this summer, they’re also seeing a flood of attack ads run by shadowy groups with harmless-sounding names. We don’t know who’s behind these ads and we don’t know who’s paying for them [the only time we shouldn't care who's paying for something is if that something is a mosque near ground zero -- DP].

The reason this is happening is because of a decision by the Supreme Court in the Citizens United case – a decision that now allows big corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence our elections. They can buy millions of dollars worth of TV ads – and worst of all, they don’t even have to reveal who is actually paying for them. You don’t know if it’s a foreign-controlled corporation. You don’t know if it’s BP. You don’t know if it’s a big insurance company or a Wall Street Bank. A group can hide behind a phony name like “Citizens for a Better Future,” even if a more accurate name would be “Corporations for Weaker Oversight.”
Well, we cannot allow the corporate takeover of our democracy. So we’re going to continue to fight for reform and transparency. And I urge all of you to take up the same fight. Let’s challenge every elected official who benefits from these ads to defend this practice or join us in stopping it.

This is a Republic and not a Democracy, but that’s of little importance at this point because we’re getting bilked out of both just so they can be sure.

Naturally, labor unions don’t fall under the “corporations” umbrella, but they do their share of advertising — it’s just that most of it goes toward helping Democrats:

Since 1990, labor unions have contributed over $667 million in election campaigns in the United States, of which $614 million or 92 percent went to support Democratic candidates. In 2008, unions spent $74.5 million in campaign contributions, with $68.3 million going to the Democratic Party. Already, unions have contributed $6.5 million to the 2010 elections, and $6 million has gone to Democrats, according to the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington, D.C.
In ads sponsored by labor unions it isn’t always obvious that the ad is paid for at least in part by unions either. “Health Care for America Now” is just one example. Watch this ad from the 2008 campaign and see if it’s obvious that it’s paid for in part by the SEIU, AFSCME, NEA and UFCW.

And forget the “corporate takeover” nonsense. Ever since the Supreme Court ruling freed up corporate political spending, labor unions are still out-spending corporations:

read it all here and comments.
Michelle Malkin Obama: We Must Stop the Corporate Takeover of Our Democracy
So can we assume then that you're in favor of the corporate takeover of our democracy?

The OBAMA is so friggen SMART. he doesn't even know WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY.:eusa_whistle:

wake up and vote these COMMIES out starting in NOVEMBER.
Lobbyists spent $3.5 billion lobbying last year. And that's understating because it doesn't include the lawyers who lobby but aren't registered as lobbyists. Most of that was underwritten by corporations.

The total amount spent by the Chamber of Commerce alone was more than all the Congressional resources combined.
Obama is great at telling half truths and speaking in the gray area, what is taking over our Republic may include corporatism but it doesn't end there, it also includes other special interests groups such as Unions,AARP,ALPAC ,etc. and their manipulation of government to serve their interests, government should be as neutral as possible regarding special interests,imho.
Obama is great at telling half truths and speaking in the gray area, what is taking over our Republic may include corporatism but it doesn't end there, it also includes other special interests groups such as Unions,AARP,ALPAC ,etc. and their manipulation of government to serve their interests, government should be as neutral as possible regarding special interests,imho.

Derp free!

:thup: :thup:
So can we assume then that you're in favor of the corporate takeover of our democracy?

How about he's full of shit and so are you? there is no corporate takeover of our democracy that's just some more of that fear mongering bullshit you demonRats do so well.
So can we assume then that you're in favor of the corporate takeover of our democracy?

We live in a REPUBLIC. If Obama doesn't know that, he shouldn't be running the fucking REPUBLIC.

Ben Franklin, on the Founding of the United States of America "We have a Republic, if we can keep it."
We live in a REPUBLIC. If Obama doesn't know that, he shouldn't be running the fucking REPUBLIC.

One could point out the silliness of saying the job of the President is to "run the republic." But first one would have to give a shit about dissecting the minutia of another person's diction when their meaning is already obvious. Let's move past the colloquialisms and get back to the real point: should elections be for sale?

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