Obama Welcomes Castro's Criticism of America: 'I Personally Would Not Disagree'

I am so sick of that purple-lipped, whining, sniveling, spoiled ingrate cocksucker Typhoid Barry and his nonstop, sniveling grudge against this country. This is the ONLY white-majority to have elected a black leader. Twice. And yet still, these two white-hating glorified bonobos are such sociopaths, they have ZERO pride and appreciation of that feat and all of America's many other accomplishments. I'm so fucking tired of liberals and their bitter, jealous, small-dick complex about this country. That THING in the WH is a PUNK! That's all he ever was, a punk.

Loser says what?
why is he more concerned over the mess Cuba is in , when we have so many crises here in the USA,,,,LA could of been hit with a 10.0 and Chicago could be on fire, and he still would of flown to Cuba
I am so sick of that purple-lipped, whining, sniveling, spoiled ingrate cocksucker Typhoid Barry and his nonstop, sniveling grudge against this country. This is the ONLY white-majority to have elected a black leader. Twice. And yet still, these two white-hating glorified bonobos are such sociopaths, they have ZERO pride and appreciation of that feat and all of America's many other accomplishments. I'm so fucking tired of liberals and their bitter, jealous, small-dick complex about this country. That THING in the WH is a PUNK! That's all he ever was, a punk.

Now That you've seen the full quote, you should apologize for the awful things you said .

Fuck you, I will NEVER apologize for condemning the most American-hating-traitor (Bowe Bargdahl deal), white-hating, BLM-supporting, Sharpton jizz-cup your White House feces is. You liberals are such self-hating Americans spoiled brats, I wish you would be honest and move to the 3rd world you love to glorify.

yes WE are the hatefilled ones . Lol!

You liberals are the ones fellating the most American-hating genocide-ideology, cousin-inbreeding filth on this planet, Pisslam.
I am so sick of that purple-lipped, whining, sniveling, spoiled ingrate cocksucker Typhoid Barry and his nonstop, sniveling grudge against this country. This is the ONLY white-majority to have elected a black leader. Twice. And yet still, these two white-hating glorified bonobos are such sociopaths, they have ZERO pride and appreciation of that feat and all of America's many other accomplishments. I'm so fucking tired of liberals and their bitter, jealous, small-dick complex about this country. That THING in the WH is a PUNK! That's all he ever was, a punk.

Loser says what?

I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand plain, straight-forward English, sir.
I am so sick of that purple-lipped, whining, sniveling, spoiled ingrate cocksucker Typhoid Barry and his nonstop, sniveling grudge against this country. This is the ONLY white-majority to have elected a black leader. Twice. And yet still, these two white-hating glorified bonobos are such sociopaths, they have ZERO pride and appreciation of that feat and all of America's many other accomplishments. I'm so fucking tired of liberals and their bitter, jealous, small-dick complex about this country. That THING in the WH is a PUNK! That's all he ever was, a punk.

Loser says what?

I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand plain, straight-forward English, sir.

What I understand is how fun it is to watch you wingnuts demonstrate your butthurt over the current occupant of the WH constantly eating your collective lunch.

Carry on, nutbag.

Typically taken out of context quotes.

"President Castro, I think, has pointed out that in his view making sure that everybody is getting a decent education or health care, has basic security and old age, that those things are human rights as well. I personally would not disagree with him," Obama said.
That's it. Obama thinks HC is a right. Well, I'm glad I didn't vote for him. LOL
I am so sick of that purple-lipped, whining, sniveling, spoiled ingrate cocksucker Typhoid Barry and his nonstop, sniveling grudge against this country. This is the ONLY white-majority to have elected a black leader. Twice. And yet still, these two white-hating glorified bonobos are such sociopaths, they have ZERO pride and appreciation of that feat and all of America's many other accomplishments. I'm so fucking tired of liberals and their bitter, jealous, small-dick complex about this country. That THING in the WH is a PUNK! That's all he ever was, a punk.
I'm so sick of the GOP being so focking out of step with a near supermaj of Americans that we couldn't beat him.
What more can one expect from one that applauds the Iranian Nuclear agreement as a glowing foreign policy achievement, bows before kings and queens, blames present day Muslim extremism on Christians of the Crusades, brought us ISIS, Arab Spring, and all that is wrong in the world as America's fault, and the list goes on and on...., but let one not forget it was and has always been someone else's fault. Face it the man is and has been totally delusional out of touch with reality, lost within his liberal hypocrisy.
What more can one expect from one that applauds the Iranian Nuclear agreement as a glowing foreign policy achievement, bows before kings and queens, blames present day Muslim extremism on Christians of the Crusades, brought us ISIS, Arab Spring, and all that is wrong in the world as America's fault, and the list goes on and on...., but let one not forget it was and has always been someone else's fault. Face it the man is and has been totally delusional out of touch with reality, lost within his liberal hypocrisy.

Loser says what?
I am so sick of that purple-lipped, whining, sniveling, spoiled ingrate cocksucker Typhoid Barry and his nonstop, sniveling grudge against this country. This is the ONLY white-majority to have elected a black leader. Twice. And yet still, these two white-hating glorified bonobos are such sociopaths, they have ZERO pride and appreciation of that feat and all of America's many other accomplishments. I'm so fucking tired of liberals and their bitter, jealous, small-dick complex about this country. That THING in the WH is a PUNK! That's all he ever was, a punk.

Now That you've seen the full quote, you should apologize for the awful things you said .

Fuck you, I will NEVER apologize for condemning the most American-hating-traitor (Bowe Bargdahl deal), white-hating, BLM-supporting, Sharpton jizz-cup your White House feces is. You liberals are such self-hating Americans spoiled brats, I wish you would be honest and move to the 3rd world you love to glorify.

yes WE are the hatefilled ones . Lol!

You liberals are the ones fellating the most American-hating genocide-ideology, cousin-inbreeding filth on this planet, Pisslam.
Racist vulgar functional cretin^^ hater dupe...
I am so sick of that purple-lipped, whining, sniveling, spoiled ingrate cocksucker Typhoid Barry and his nonstop, sniveling grudge against this country. This is the ONLY white-majority to have elected a black leader. Twice. And yet still, these two white-hating glorified bonobos are such sociopaths, they have ZERO pride and appreciation of that feat and all of America's many other accomplishments. I'm so fucking tired of liberals and their bitter, jealous, small-dick complex about this country. That THING in the WH is a PUNK! That's all he ever was, a punk.

Now That you've seen the full quote, you should apologize for the awful things you said .

Fuck you, I will NEVER apologize for condemning the most American-hating-traitor (Bowe Bargdahl deal), white-hating, BLM-supporting, Sharpton jizz-cup your White House feces is. You liberals are such self-hating Americans spoiled brats, I wish you would be honest and move to the 3rd world you love to glorify.

yes WE are the hatefilled ones . Lol!

You liberals are the ones fellating the most American-hating genocide-ideology, cousin-inbreeding filth on this planet, Pisslam.
Racist vulgar functional cretin^^ hater dupe...

Left-wing muslim cocksucker, traitor dupe.
OBAMA TO CASTRO: You have two Cuban-Americans in the Republican Party running against the legacy of a black man who was president while arguing that they're the best person to beat the Democratic nominee who will either be a woman or a democratic socialist. Who would have believed that in 1959?
We're not the crybaby minorities throwing rioting temper tantrums and violently try to subvert people's freedom of speech and assembly

Could have fooled everyone, because that's exactly what you appear to be devoting your life to. Just more proof of the old saying "If you want to know what a conservative is doing, simply listen to what he accuses liberals of."

Since you and your thug pals are going to behave badly no matter what, your threats to behave badly if we don't appease your terrorism are empty. As history shows, free people have to stand up to you, not appease you.
barack hussein obama wants to turn the united states into cuba. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA WANTS TO TURN THE UNITED STATES INTO CUBA.

We're not the crybaby minorities throwing rioting temper tantrums and violently try to subvert people's freedom of speech and assembly

Could have fooled everyone, because that's exactly what you appear to be devoting your life to. Just more proof of the old saying "If you want to know what a conservative is doing, simply listen to what he accuses liberals of."

Since you and your thug pals are going to behave badly no matter what, your threats to behave badly if we don't appease your terrorism are empty. As history shows, free people have to stand up to you, not appease you.

You liberals (& your nagger little tin gods) are the ones going around committing CONSTANT violence, you lying, stinking, horse-manure-smelling, gamma-ray-emitting slimebucket! Not me! My criminal record is 100% clean. I just believe in calling out you America-hating treasonous human pap-smears (who crawled out of the darkest gutters in all of Creation) for the arrogant, blathering, snobby, elitists ***** you are. That's all. Nothing personal.

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