Obama Welcomes Castro's Criticism of America: 'I Personally Would Not Disagree'

You liberals (& your nagger little tin gods) are the ones going around committing CONSTANT violence

Yet you can never show any. It's always the thugs on your side that are on video attacking people.

At this point, even you have to understand how you've been played for a fool by your party leaders. But you're not brave enough to admit it, so you go off on this internet tough guy act that makes you look even more pathetic. Pity.

Oh well. You can always collect a mob of people like yourself and find a little Muslim girl to beat up. That is kind of your thing now.
We're not the crybaby minorities throwing rioting temper tantrums and violently try to subvert people's freedom of speech and assembly

Could have fooled everyone, because that's exactly what you appear to be devoting your life to. Just more proof of the old saying "If you want to know what a conservative is doing, simply listen to what he accuses liberals of."

Since you and your thug pals are going to behave badly no matter what, your threats to behave badly if we don't appease your terrorism are empty. As history shows, free people have to stand up to you, not appease you.

You liberals (& your nagger little tin gods) are the ones going around committing CONSTANT violence, you lying, stinking, horse-manure-smelling, gamma-ray-emitting slimebucket! Not me! My criminal record is 100% clean. I just believe in calling out you America-hating treasonous human pap-smears (who crawled out of the darkest gutters in all of Creation) for the arrogant, blathering, snobby, elitists ***** you are. That's all. Nothing personal.

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