Obama Went to Hawaii all December Every Year, Where Is Trump?

In the oval office hard at work during the holidays.

Moron....its called hiding out in a bunker...The orange lard did not want to show his fat ass golfing while the government was shut down....BY HIM.

Besides, the secret service that is NOT getting paid, presents a problem for the fat ass' "protection.".............LOL..



The above moron is "thinking" that going to Iraq is the same as going on vacation.

Did you read how fucking scared the orange clown was about going to a war zone?...LOL
In the oval office hard at work during the holidays.

Moron....its called hiding out in a bunker...The orange lard did not want to show his fat ass golfing while the government was shut down....BY HIM.

Besides, the secret service that is NOT getting paid, presents a problem for the fat ass' "protection.".............LOL..

Hiding out in a bunker? WTF, are you calling that visit to troops in Iraq fake? Are you trying out for a slot at CNN....dumbass.
In the oval office hard at work during the holidays.

Moron....its called hiding out in a bunker...The orange lard did not want to show his fat ass golfing while the government was shut down....BY HIM.

Besides, the secret service that is NOT getting paid, presents a problem for the fat ass' "protection.".............LOL..



The above moron is "thinking" that going to Iraq is the same as going on vacation.

Did you read how fucking scared the orange clown was about going to a war zone?...LOL

You said "hiding out in bunker". Now you deflect to another no substance reply. How great is that while Trump is working during this shutdown!
the MSM is CRAP
Obama was racist/hated America/whites--the MSM says nothing
Trump wants to protect America and the MSM yell RACIST
the Dems/leftists/MSM are idiots

Yet another racist fuck. Why don't you take you & your ilk of white Supremacists & go somewhere you can create your own Nazi empire & get the fuck out of my country you worthless piece of shit.

Calm down on your fear mongering, snowflake. If you're that under a rock going on 2019. There's actually a supremacy group for every race now. Though, I get it you project 1 percent white supremacists... When there's 1 percent of Black Panther's. So enough with your gaslight.
Hiding out in a bunker? WTF, are you calling that visit to troops in Iraq fake? Are you trying out for a slot at CNN....dumbass.

Mr. Fuckhead......YOUR orange piece of shit was planning a 14 day "vacation" at Mar=A-Lago.......How much time did he spend in Iraq and Germany???

What the fuck is he planning on doing with the rest of his vacation after screwing up ROYALLY by shutting the Gov. down????

In the oval office hard at work during the holidays.

Moron....its called hiding out in a bunker...The orange lard did not want to show his fat ass golfing while the government was shut down....BY HIM.

Besides, the secret service that is NOT getting paid, presents a problem for the fat ass' "protection.".............LOL..



The above moron is "thinking" that going to Iraq is the same as going on vacation.

Did you read how fucking scared the orange clown was about going to a war zone?...LOL

Quit being an assclown.

"Are you afraid to go into a war zone?" a reporter asked Trump as he was leaving the White House on Tuesday for Mar-a-Lago.

"No, I'm going to a war zone," the president retorted without specifying which combat area or when he may go..."

Trump says he's going to a war zone
General Mattis even cautioned Trump about visiting a war zone, but Trump went anyway. And there were soldiers standing around with fully-loaded full-automatic weapons. Unlike Obama, who was so afraid of his own military that he required them to lock away all firearms when he visited.
Hiding out in a bunker? WTF, are you calling that visit to troops in Iraq fake? Are you trying out for a slot at CNN....dumbass.

Mr. Fuckhead......YOUR orange piece of shit was planning a 14 day "vacation" at Mar=A-Lago.......How much time did he spend in Iraq and Germany???

What the fuck is he planning on doing with the rest of his vacation after screwing up ROYALLY by shutting the Gov. down????


Well, dumbass, evidently PLANNING and DOING don't mean the same thing. You may want to look them up before saying more stupid shit.
In the oval office hard at work during the holidays.

Moron....its called hiding out in a bunker...The orange lard did not want to show his fat ass golfing while the government was shut down....BY HIM.

Besides, the secret service that is NOT getting paid, presents a problem for the fat ass' "protection.".............LOL..



The above moron is "thinking" that going to Iraq is the same as going on vacation.

Did you read how fucking scared the orange clown was about going to a war zone?...LOL

Quit being an assclown.

"Are you afraid to go into a war zone?" a reporter asked Trump as he was leaving the White House on Tuesday for Mar-a-Lago.

"No, I'm going to a war zone," the president retorted without specifying which combat area or when he may go..."

Trump says he's going to a war zone
General Mattis even cautioned Trump about visiting a war zone, but Trump went anyway. And there were soldiers standing around with fully-loaded full-automatic weapons. Unlike Obama, who was so afraid of his own military that he required them to lock away all firearms when he visited.

Love it.
President Trump is no doubt sitting in the White House right now, thinking up more things to piss off the Democrats.

That's just the kinda guy he is. :laughing0301:

Yep, a childish, incompetent asshole.
the MSM is CRAP
Obama was racist/hated America/whites--the MSM says nothing
Trump wants to protect America and the MSM yell RACIST
the Dems/leftists/MSM are idiots

Yet another racist fuck. Why don't you take you & your ilk of white Supremacists & go somewhere you can create your own Nazi empire & get the fuck out of my country you worthless piece of shit.

"Your" country is becoming a shithole, dumbass.
Thanks to Trump & his racist, bigoted, uneducated supporters
You said "hiding out in bunker". Now you deflect to another no substance reply. How great is that while Trump is working during this shutdown!


Mentally Destroyed Trump Is Holed Up, Watching Fox News, And ...

"I Am All Alone (Poor Me) In White House": Trump Tweets On Christmas
President Trump, who had not been seen in public since before the government closed Friday, appeared Monday evening with the first lady

at least we had a quiet weekend......~S~
Working on the shutdown he caused? He could be in Hawaii too if he gave up this ridiculous wall bullshit. :laugh:

Yep he caused it and it is a badge of honor.
Any comment on the market rally.... Is this now Obama's economy again until something bad happens so you can give it back to Trump?

Working on the shutdown he caused? He could be in Hawaii too if he gave up this ridiculous wall bullshit. :laugh:

Yep he caused it and it is a badge of honor.
Any comment on the market rally.... Is this now Obama's economy again until something bad happens so you can give it back to Trump?

I know he caused it. It must not be too much of a badge because now he is claiming its the Dems fault. :rolleyes:
Obama was a worthless POS as president. He didn’t care about anyone but himself.

Here he is at a funeral....


Here he is in the WH.....


He loves taking selfies....


That dumb fuck didn’t know how many states there are, but was still able to sucker his stupid followers into thinking he was the greatest thing on earth. :laugh:

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