Obama Went to Hawaii all December Every Year, Where Is Trump?

Working on the shutdown he caused? He could be in Hawaii too if he gave up this ridiculous wall bullshit. :laugh:

Yep he caused it and it is a badge of honor.
Any comment on the market rally.... Is this now Obama's economy again until something bad happens so you can give it back to Trump?

I know he caused it. It must not be too much of a badge because now he is claiming its the Dems fault. :rolleyes:

Three are no mutual exclusives in your superfluous statement. It is the dems fault, Trump did cause it and it is indeed abadge of honor.

In the oval office hard at work during the holidays. Working on a way to stop the shutdown. The Fake News shouldn't be complaining when Trump went to Mar-a-Lago. This is nothing compared to the countless times nObama going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard constantly now. Meanwhile at this moment Pelosi is sipping her overly priced wine at the vacation resort. In Hawaii of all places. All bought and paid for by the tax payer expense. Sad!

Nancy Pelosi is vacationing at Hawaii resort during shutdown

Obama’s Hawaii Christmas vacations cost taxpayers $35 million over 8 years
Lol, hes not working. He's having his little temper tantrum.

That no substance just helped Trump.
Obviously you think that meant something, care to elaborate?
Working on the shutdown he caused? He could be in Hawaii too if he gave up this ridiculous wall bullshit. :laugh:

I heard on ABC news the white house if offering $2.1B instead of the $5.


If I'm the democrats, I'm holding firm.

Of course, once Fox News criticizes this reported deal...; the $2.1B compromise will disappear faster than a Big Mac in front of the blob. Fox and Friends programs the blob.
In the oval office hard at work during the holidays. Working on a way to stop the shutdown. The Fake News shouldn't be complaining when Trump went to Mar-a-Lago. This is nothing compared to the countless times nObama going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard constantly now. Meanwhile at this moment Pelosi is sipping her overly priced wine at the vacation resort. In Hawaii of all places. All bought and paid for by the tax payer expense. Sad!

Nancy Pelosi is vacationing at Hawaii resort during shutdown

Obama’s Hawaii Christmas vacations cost taxpayers $35 million over 8 years

Had Obama gone to Hawaii for a month's vacation AFTER having shut down a chunk of the government, the asshole O/P would have a point.....

But, being a moron, and trump ass kisser......he doesn't...lol
Obama was a worthless POS as president. He didn’t care about anyone but himself.

Here he is at a funeral....

View attachment 237277

Here he is in the WH.....

View attachment 237279

He loves taking selfies....

View attachment 237280

That dumb fuck didn’t know how many states there are, but was still able to sucker his stupid followers into thinking he was the greatest thing on earth. :laugh:

So you, a right wing unemployed (probably) punch press operator who memorized how many states there are, is more intelligent than the guy who graduated from law school. Got it!
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Obama was a worthless POS as president. He didn’t care about anyone but himself.

Here he is at a funeral....

View attachment 237277

Here he is in the WH.....

View attachment 237279

He loves taking selfies....

View attachment 237280

That dumb fuck didn’t know how many states there are, but was still able to sucker his stupid followers into thinking he was the greatest thing on earth. :laugh:

So you, a right wing unemployed (probably) punch press operator who memorized how many states there are, is more intelligent than the guy who graduated from law school. Got it!
I’m glad you understand.
So many butthurt Trumpflakes. And all so hypocritical. Trump's vacation spending is much more than Obama's was, yet they only whimper about Obama.
Obama was a worthless POS as president. He didn’t care about anyone but himself.

Here he is at a funeral....

View attachment 237277

Here he is in the WH.....

View attachment 237279

He loves taking selfies....

View attachment 237280

That dumb fuck didn’t know how many states there are, but was still able to sucker his stupid followers into thinking he was the greatest thing on earth. :laugh:

So you, a right wing unemployed (probably) punch press operator who memorized how many states there are, is more intelligent than the guy who graduated from law school. Got it!

Um yeah I think we all know about his affirmative action degree.

Wow! There's unemployed government workers right now. Not to mention things that could get done, this lady Pelosi is laughing it up at the tax payer expense. Check out the resort she's in sipping on the hard working American tears with no care about our country.


They don't call her Fancy Pelosi for nothing.
The Fake News shouldn't be complaining when Trump went to Mar-a-Lago.

I hate those stories too. Unfortunately Trump opened the door to this criticism when he blasted Obama for golfing and stating if president he'd be too busy working for the people and not have time for golf. He talks too much without thinking. Elections have consequences then too so do the words a person chooses.
President Trump is no doubt sitting in the White House right now, thinking up more things to piss off the Democrats.

That's just the kinda guy he is. :laughing0301:

He did a much better job pissing off Republicans last week when he had them crying about backing off his talk of a government shutdown if there's no $5 billion for the wall.
Trump is sitting in the Whitehouse with Fox playing on all screens and frantically refreshing Twitter so that Ann, Sean and Steve can give him his instructions.
...its called hiding out in a bunker...

Good way to put it. I was at a lost for words over Trump's poor lonesome me tweet earlier this week. I found it reminiscent of Jimmy Carter holding himself hostage in Washington during a good part of the Iranian hostage crisis.
Working on the shutdown he caused? He could be in Hawaii too if he gave up this ridiculous wall bullshit. :laugh:

I get it you don't care about legal immigration. Nor the safety of our border patrol. But keep writing your jargon. It helps prove Trump's point.:thup:

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof (not opinions, factual proof) that Trump's wall will make ANY appreciable difference to border security?
In the oval office hard at work during the holidays. Working on a way to stop the shutdown. The Fake News shouldn't be complaining when Trump went to Mar-a-Lago. This is nothing compared to the countless times nObama going to Hawaii and Martha's Vineyard constantly now. Meanwhile at this moment Pelosi is sipping her overly priced wine at the vacation resort. In Hawaii of all places. All bought and paid for by the tax payer expense. Sad!

Nancy Pelosi is vacationing at Hawaii resort during shutdown

Obama’s Hawaii Christmas vacations cost taxpayers $35 million over 8 years

They are probably complaining because it is HIS SHUTDOWN.


He owns it and he said he would be proud to own it.
I'll put it out there: Either these fucks fund the wall, or we'll privately fund it and fire them all.

Pitchforks n torches, bitches.
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