Obama White House Hid Intelligence On Iran To Push Through Nuclear Deal


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Wait–Obama White House Hid Intelligence On Iran To Push Through Nuclear Deal

"as negotiations were occurring between the Iranians, then-Secretary of State John Kerry, and the four other nations that make up the permanent wing of the United Nationals Security Council, the Obama White House hid information that Iran was transporting militants to Syria in order to push through the agreement"


"The Obama administration likely hid information about Iran illicitly ferrying militants into Syria on commercial aircraft in order to promote the landmark nuclear deal and foster multi-billion dollar business deals with Tehran's state-controlled airline sector, according to lawmakers and other sources familiar with the matter.

The Washington Free Beacon first disclosed last week that congressional leaders are calling for an investigation into Iran for using its state-controlled air carrier, Iran Air, to ferry militant fighters into Syria, where they are taking up arms in defense of embattled President Bashar al-Assad.

Photographs provided to Congress show Iran using Iran Air to ferry these soldiers between 2016 and 2017, in part when the Obama administration removed sanctions on Iran Air and promoted multi-billion dollars sales between the carrier and aircraft manufacturer Boeing, which is seeking to provide Iran Air with a fleet of new planes that many suspect will be used to carry terrorist fighters and weapons into regional hotspots.

This behavior violates international laws governing the nuclear deal and has now led lawmakers and others to accuse the Obama administration of downplaying Iran's illicit activity in order to promote the nuclear deal and ensure Tehran receives a new commercial fleet."

Wait–Obama White House Hid Intelligence On Iran To Push Through Nuclear Deal

"as negotiations were occurring between the Iranians, then-Secretary of State John Kerry, and the four other nations that make up the permanent wing of the United Nationals Security Council, the Obama White House hid information that Iran was transporting militants to Syria in order to push through the agreement"


"The Obama administration likely hid information about Iran illicitly ferrying militants into Syria on commercial aircraft in order to promote the landmark nuclear deal and foster multi-billion dollar business deals with Tehran's state-controlled airline sector, according to lawmakers and other sources familiar with the matter.

The Washington Free Beacon first disclosed last week that congressional leaders are calling for an investigation into Iran for using its state-controlled air carrier, Iran Air, to ferry militant fighters into Syria, where they are taking up arms in defense of embattled President Bashar al-Assad.

Photographs provided to Congress show Iran using Iran Air to ferry these soldiers between 2016 and 2017, in part when the Obama administration removed sanctions on Iran Air and promoted multi-billion dollars sales between the carrier and aircraft manufacturer Boeing, which is seeking to provide Iran Air with a fleet of new planes that many suspect will be used to carry terrorist fighters and weapons into regional hotspots.

This behavior violates international laws governing the nuclear deal and has now led lawmakers and others to accuse the Obama administration of downplaying Iran's illicit activity in order to promote the nuclear deal and ensure Tehran receives a new commercial fleet."
Your source is a conservative website.
Nice try.
Your source is a conservative website.
Nice try.

Yeah, which tend to be something liberals can't fathom....honest.

Gee....let's trust good news sources that we can trust to tell it like it is....you know liberal sources like CNN, BSNBC and the Puffington Post

While we're at it, let's go ahead and trust the guy who said there's not a "smidgen" of corruption at the IRS and "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

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Keep in mind that Iran was smuggling forces to help Assad, who is beloved by Trump, Putin, and the alt-right, to fight against ISIS.
Your source is a conservative website.
Nice try.

Are you snowflakes REALLY going to try to claim anyone else's sources are not legitimate when Liberal media sources have continuously been exposed as Fake News, have had to issue retractions, have had to fire reporters for being busted spreading fake news, and after MSNBC just recently used a white supremacist web page as a 'legitimate' news source and tried to use it to attack Trump?

Keep in mind that Iran was smuggling forces to help Assad, who is beloved by Trump, Putin, and the alt-right, to fight against ISIS.
Must you always lie in order to attack Trump? I guess you prefer the former President who took the US into it's 2nd un-Constitutional War to inject itself into another govt's political business - something Obama and Democrats have expressed hatred of Russia for doing - in an attempt to overthrow Assad and hand control of Syria over to ISIS, the way Barry handed control of Libya over to Al Qaeda?!
Keep in mind that Iran was smuggling forces to help Assad, who is beloved by Trump, Putin, and the alt-right, to fight against ISIS.
Must you always lie in order to attack Trump? I guess you prefer the former President who took the US into it's 2nd un-Constitutional War to inject itself into another govt's political business - something Obama and Democrats have expressed hatred of Russia for doing - in an attempt to overthrow Assad and hand control of Syria over to ISIS, the way Barry handed control of Libya over to Al Qaeda?!
Next time, ifyou're going to tell a bunch of lies, it's probably not best to start by claiming someone else is lying.
Next time, ifyou're going to tell a bunch of lies, it's probably not best to start by claiming someone else is lying.
I did not lie. You just claimed I did...much like you snowflakes have claimed 'Collusion' now for almost a year without having any evidence to support your BS.
Next time, ifyou're going to tell a bunch of lies, it's probably not best to start by claiming someone else is lying.
I did not lie. You just claimed I did...much like you snowflakes have claimed 'Collusion' now for almost a year without having any evidence to support your BS.
After birtherism, Jade Helm, ebola, Benghazi, and countless others... you dumb motherfuckers have zero right to complain about any alleged conspiracies.

And you actually did lie a bunch. I worry you can't tell the difference anymore.
Next time, ifyou're going to tell a bunch of lies, it's probably not best to start by claiming someone else is lying.
I did not lie. You just claimed I did...much like you snowflakes have claimed 'Collusion' now for almost a year without having any evidence to support your BS.
After birtherism, Jade Helm, ebola, Benghazi, and countless others... you dumb motherfuckers have zero right to complain about any alleged conspiracies.

And you actually did lie a bunch. I worry you can't tell the difference anymore.
Triggered....that's what happens when you call out snowflakes for lying....especially when they have no evidence to back their lies up. :p
Triggered....that's what happens when you call out snowflakes for lying....especially when they have no evidence to back their lies up. :p

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