Obama will clean up Wallstreet right???? He did promised to

He can't do it all alone...

I looked into this earlier and it seems there is not a firm legal framework to charge anyone with anything. Maybe the Republican house will pass something that makes such murky esoteric cases of fraud illegal, not holding my breath.
I looked into this earlier and it seems there is not a firm legal framework to charge anyone with anything. Maybe the Republican house will pass something that makes such murky esoteric cases of fraud illegal, not holding my breath.

If there was no legal framework then why did we spend millions of dollars on hearings and investigations?

All show huh?
I looked into this earlier and it seems there is not a firm legal framework to charge anyone with anything. Maybe the Republican house will pass something that makes such murky esoteric cases of fraud illegal, not holding my breath.

If there was no legal framework then why did we spend millions of dollars on hearings and investigations?

All show huh?

The people demanded at least a look but G+S was never worried since the only people who really understand these things work for them.
Remember when you ALL claimed that any settlement Cain made with former employees proved guilt?

I do so how do you explain this...

In a related civil case, Goldman settled with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for $550 million in July 2010, without admitting wrongdoing
Remember when you ALL claimed that any settlement Cain made with former employees proved guilt?

I do so how do you explain this...

In a related civil case, Goldman settled with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for $550 million in July 2010, without admitting wrongdoing

Are you somehow under the impression that I am in favor of Justice chickening out by barely slapping the wrist of G+S for betting against the worthless crap they were selling to various municipalities and pension funds? I want them to be given the corporate death penalty and broken up into tiny little pieces their board jailed for decades and laws enacted to insure it never happens again, unfortunately too many powerful people are against such "class warfare".
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Remember when you ALL claimed that any settlement Cain made with former employees proved guilt?

I do so how do you explain this...

In a related civil case, Goldman settled with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for $550 million in July 2010, without admitting wrongdoing

Are somehow under the impression that I am in favor of Justice chickening out by barely slapping the wrist of G+S for betting against the worthless crap they were selling to various municipalities and pension funds? I want them to be given the corporate death penalty and broken up into tiny little pieces their board jailed for decades and laws enacted to insure it never happens again, unfortunately too many powerful people are against such "class warfare".

Who are these people in the Justice Dept you speak of?
Remember when you ALL claimed that any settlement Cain made with former employees proved guilt?

I do so how do you explain this...

In a related civil case, Goldman settled with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for $550 million in July 2010, without admitting wrongdoing

Are somehow under the impression that I am in favor of Justice chickening out by barely slapping the wrist of G+S for betting against the worthless crap they were selling to various municipalities and pension funds? I want them to be given the corporate death penalty and broken up into tiny little pieces their board jailed for decades and laws enacted to insure it never happens again, unfortunately too many powerful people are against such "class warfare".

Who are these people in the Justice Dept you speak of?

As I said before Justice is both too scared and too hamstrung by a lack of regulation to do much, as to the political realities, congress could easily act to make future backstabbings illegal but they will not, think of that next time you are happily agreeing with someone that the watered-down practically toothless Dodd-Frank reform law needs to be struck down because it is a "tyrannical liberal business killer", we just do not have a legal framework in place to build a lawyer proof case against the vampire squid.
What's the matter grandpaw? Did you just realize that you are against the only piece of legislation passed to confront what you are complaining about? The Dodd-Frank act HAD language to address this kind of double dealing but it seems that it was one of the parts most rigorously attacked by both republican congressmen and the best lawyers Wall Street could buy.
What's the matter grandpaw? Did you just realize that you are against the only piece of legislation passed to confront what you are complaining about? The Dodd-Frank act HAD language to address this kind of double dealing but it seems that it was one of the parts most rigorously attacked by both republican congressmen and the best lawyers Wall Street could buy.

Nope, Im just not interested in talking with someone who can find no fault where it can easily be found.

The company in question shifted their donations from Obama to Romney and I suspect this decision like most is money based. Drop the case and get paid.
Obama can't clean up his own administration. When Michelle was asked about the Whitle House vegetable garden, she did say he can use a ho !
What's the matter grandpaw? Did you just realize that you are against the only piece of legislation passed to confront what you are complaining about? The Dodd-Frank act HAD language to address this kind of double dealing but it seems that it was one of the parts most rigorously attacked by both republican congressmen and the best lawyers Wall Street could buy.

Dodd-Frank never had anything in it to address the kind of fraud behind Abacus 2007-ac1. That legislation does not ban the kind of gambling which Fabrice Tourre and John Paulson abused.

Zip. Zero.

You know what it would take to make it impossible to make those kinds of bets? The solution is very simple. We did not need Dodd-Frank.

We simply needed to repeal the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 1999 and the Futures Securities Modernization Act of 2000.

Then write a law which allows existing regulators to regulate derivatives. Then ban credit default swaps and create similar instruments which are regulated the same way insurance is, and require an insurable interest requirement.

Believe me, Congress knows EXACTLY what must be done, and they are NOT doing it. And an R or a D behind someone's name is no guarantee of their position on this matter. Almost all of them are owned, or too damn stupid to understand what the fuck is going on.
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Actually, Brian Stoker was recently tried in court, and acquitted by the jury. The case was highly unusual in that the jury wrote a note to the judge that was read along with their verdict.

I just heard a long interview with the jury foreman and he said they acquitted Stoker because they felt the CEO of the bank (Vikram Pandit) is the one who should be sent to prison.

The foreman also expressed surprise and dismay at just how prevalent the thievery and fraud on Wall Street is.

The foreman said the government needed to stop going after the small fry and start taking down the big fish.

I agree, but I still think Stoker should be in prison for the rest of his natural life. I've mentioned him on this board a few times. The man is a piece of shit scumbag who ripped of investors (you) for hundreds of millions of dollars, for which he personally earned two and a half million dollars for just that one deal.

Stoker's judge also happened to be the same judge who oversaw the farce of a settlement between the bank and the investors. The judge threw out the settlement because he is sick of these criminals paying "pocket change" in fines with "no admission of wrongdoing".

It sounds like the tide is slowly turning.

Let's get these fuckers into prison. Start writing your Congressman and Senators. I have been. I have also been making public speeches about these guys.

Jury Acquits Brian Stoker in CDO Case, Tells SEC Not to Be Too Discouraged | Observer

Former Citigroup Manager Cleared in Mortgage Securities Case - NYTimes.com
G.E., Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan OWN Obama and his ENTIRE Cabinet so it's no surprise that any investigation gets dropped.
Pubs are obstructing implementation of Dodd/Frank...

Until then, most of what Wall St. did is not illegal, just the usual Pub cronyism and big money corruption. Certainly under Romney nothing would be done..
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Pubs are obstructing implementation of Dodd/Frank...

Until then, most of what Wall St. did is not illegal, just the usual Pub cronyism and big money corruption. Certainly under Romney nothing would be done..
Link to the lawsuit please.
Bill Clinton pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history at that time who was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list for a couple of bucks donated to his library foundation and guess who set it up? That's right, Barry Hussein's attorney general, Eric Holder. I wonder why the "justice dept" never went after former NJ democrat governor Jon Corzine who ran a crooked enterprise that defrauded investors out of billions? Democrats take care of democrats and the liberal media takes care of democrat administrations who take care of democrats.

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