Obama won't negotiate with Republicans in congress but he will with terrorists

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
How many hundreds of times did we hear that the Administration wouldn't negotiate with congress over budgetary issues for fear of harming the ECONOMY.

Yet here Obama negotiates with terrorists and it includes a HUGE threat to American LIVES
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How many hundreds of times did we hear that the Administration wouldn't negotiate with congress over budgetary issues for fear of harming the ECONOMY.

Yet here Obama negotiates with terrorists and it includes a HUGE threat to American LIVES
Because terrorists are easier to negotiate with than the right-wing extremists in the Republican party. If you think Democrats would ever agree to austerity without a fight, and without attacking Republican moves in that regard as much as they can, you are dreaming. :popcorn:
We have enemy's within folks

but who didn't know this already with this administration?
We have enemy's within folks

but who didn't know this already with this administration?

You meant enemies, lunch lady.

Also - it's rather ironic how you cry faux concern when people are hateful here all of the time and just yesterday you said the President, your own President, should be in the Taliban's hands instead of the GITMO detainees.

You need a break.
I'm waiting for the moment Obama tells us he really didn't know Bowe was a deserter when he let the Taliban terrorists go. And he only found out on television like we did.

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How many hundreds of times did we hear that the Administration wouldn't negotiate with congress over budgetary issues for fear of harming the ECONOMY.

Yet here Obama negotiates with terrorists and it includes a HUGE threat to American LIVES

That's because Obama loves and respects muslims and terrorists. But he hates America. Daddy hated America too and taught Barack that the U.S. is the great "imperialist". This is all documented in his book. Why do you think he declared that we have to "fundamentally change" America in all of his "Hope & Change" rhetoric? You only want to fundamentally change that which you hate. If you love something, the last thing you want to do is change it.
Yup, even terrorists are more flexible than Republicans!

Why would Obama even know how "flexible" terrorists are? He shouldn't be negotiating with them.

By the way, hilarious how Obama got bent over the negotiating table by the terrorists and had his little marxist ass fucked royally. He gave up FIVE terrorists for ONE idiot defector.

Proving once again that Obama is weak and dumb.
First of all, the GOP are an anti-American domestic terrorist organization.
Second, the Mullah Omar-led Afghani Taliban are not on the US Foreign Terrorist List.
Thirdly, it is the Tea Bag Brotherhood led GOP who will not negotiate with Obama.

Foreign Terrorist Organizations
You delusional liberals can't see the forest for trees. Those Taliban Terrorists are considered guilty of crimes against Humanity. They will be back with their Islamic terrorists soon.
This prisoner exchange will be ruled Unconstitutional. However, the damage has been done and has emboldened Taliban.

As far as the soldier who came back, there appears lots of alleged proof that will warrant a military investigation.

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