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Obama Worrying About U.S. Elections "Tarnishing" U.S. Image Overseas...

Ahhhh. Sure. As if he hasn't done nothing but acted stellar these last eight years to improve U.S. relations overseas. Hell, we have more enemies now than the fucking Klingons on Star Trek. And please don't give us that election behavior bullshit Barry. Remember your thug Black Panthers with baseball bats at polling stations during your elections?


2016 elections may be tarnishing the US image abroad, worries Obama - Firstpost

Actually Obama has improved the image of the US abroad. Not hard after what Bush did.

In a constellation of stupid posts.....this one may be the paragon of stupidity.

For edification:

1. "Sept. 25, 20156:00 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON—China’s PresidentXi Jinpingmade a public commitment for the first time on Friday not to “militarize” artificial islands that Beijing has been building in the disputed South China Sea."

China’s President Pledges No Militarization in Disputed Islands

To show the depth of their respect for Barack Hussein Obama....this is how China kept its promise:

March 4, 2016

"China has stationed surface-to-air missiles on a contested island in the South China Sea and is expanding its footprint in the waterway through energetic island-building. New runways allow Chinese fighter jets to land on disputed turf, ..." China to U.S.: It's Not Us Who's Militarizing, It's You

2. "... at the end of September 2015,Vladimir Putinsuddenly started moving Russian aircraft, tanks and troops into Syria. At the time,President Obamapredicted the Russian intervention would fail.... Obama tries to wave away what Putin has done in Syria and Ukraine: "The fact that he invades Crimea or is trying to prop up Assad doesn't suddenly make him a player. You don't see him in any of these meetings out here helping to shape the agenda. For that matter, there's not a G20 meeting where the Russians set the agenda around any of the issues that are important."... from the narrow vantage point of Russian self-interest, Putin has pulled off another coup and shown that he is a more adept international poker player than his counterpart in Washington." How a monstrous Putin beat the U.S. in Syria

3." The president has convinced himselfthat the open-ended appeasement of Iran will replicate the Nixon-Kissinger triumph with China. But they made no concessions to the Chinese: They agreed that there was one China but that Taiwan would not be reunited with the mainland by force, and it has not been.

Mr.Obama is handing Iraq to Iranashe gives Iran a green light to nuclear weapons,at the latest in ten years, as he unblocks $150 billion that has been frozen,without even getting a reduction in rhetorical abusefrom Tehran. Tom Friedman of theNew York Timesinfamously called it a “doctrine,” in the sense of the Stimson or Truman or Nixon doctrines.

But insipidity, irresolution, and obfuscation do not constitute a doctrine.

America’s traditional allies havelost all respect for [Obama's] foreign-policy-making...

As the U.S. cranks up to another presidential election, and rhetoric echoes loudly around the country about “the greatest nation in human history” (certainly a fair description in many respects),Americans should be aware of how the country is perceivedby foreigners. .... it has almost become, as President Nixon warned,“a pitiful, helpless giant.”
Incredulity Among Allies Greets U.S. Policy After Years of Folly - The New York Sun

"...insipidity, irresolution, and obfuscation do not constitute a doctrine."

And theObama legacy: America as “a pitiful, helpless giant.”

And....after the above list ofObama's gaffes, flubs, missteps, and outright incompetence......
Sorry, but you FAIL! I don't listen to the pompous, conceited blowhard.

But you follow his rhetoric.
How would YOU know unless you listen to his show? Rush and all right-wing radio are nothing but paid, controlled opposition. Before Rush got his huge radio deal, he spoke out against the criminal entity that is the Federal Reserve central bank...after he sold out, he will not even allow callers on his show to talk about it. Mark Levin? I thought he was great because he hates liberals as much as I do but the same thing with him...for an alleged "constitutionalist", he avoids the topic of the Fed, CFR or the Trilateral Commission like the plague. People that listen to the tripe are just as clueless as the useful idiots that make up the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools.
Listen, Dale. Everyone you see that just jumped on board recently for Trump including Newt Gingrich? Have Jesuit educations and stay in contact with Rome. Newt is at the top of the list. He is inside every election reporting back to them what is going on. I have witnessed it personally in my own state. He pretends to be behind the candidate to get inside the inner circle and he uses his name to do it. Karl Rove is another agent of Rome. Ditto for mainstream media. It's all corrupt.

What the American people should glean from this is that these are the establishment GOP that need to be shut down once Trump is in. He can play nice until then and talk about unity but there is no unity with a corrupt political party. It has to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. Vote out all the career politicians, every single one of them. I would carefully look at those who got behind Trump first because they have the most to hide. Newt Gingrich is at the top of the list as enemy #1. He's not what he appears to be.
Totally agree....Trump went to Fordham, a Jesuit school. It's pretty cool to come across people like you that know about the Jesuit connection.

Trump went to Wharton too and he isn't Catholic. You've got to chew the meat and spit out the bones, Dale. Clinton was educated by the Jesuits and he is Catholic - but pretends to be Protestant - it's how the Jesuits infiltrated Pentecostal - Protestant churches ( in order to destroy Christianity that rejects the paganism in Catholicism) So is Pat Robertson. He's an agent of Rome - so is Billy Graham - that should shock some folks. Graham is a 33rd degree mason -Jesuit.

As for Jesuit connection - that is rather mild. What I see is that the Jesuits are the people behind the scenes of forming a new world order through the UN (*which they also founded TWICE) that even Kennedy spoke of before he was assassinated. I believe the orders to kill him came from the Black pope after Kennedy secretly became a born again Christian (the mafia did work for the Vatican and still does)

We know there is ample documentation that Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits. We know the Jesuits were behind the founding of the KKK, the Mormon doctrines - the Freemasons, Club of Rome, and Loyola was the founder of the Illuminati AND the Jesuits - he was an occultist. The Jesuits are not Christians. They are the military arm of the Vatican taking orders from the black pope. With a first time Jesuit Pope who is itching to wage war against Christians (who refuse to unite with Catholic Church) and has made quite a few statements that should alarm people. When I look at his countenance he has the same spirit Herod had. He will shock the world with what he plans to do to those who reject his one world religion of "interfaithism"...

Barack Obama was vetted by Rome. They love him because as you know the Pope wants mass Muslim immigration into every country no matter how many people are murdered. The end justifies the means with these guys.

___ one more point - If Clinton had been raised by a protestant family you can be sure a Jesuit Catholic school education would have been the last place they would have sent their son. THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH.

I totally agree with everything you said and I have done my own research on everything you covered. The Jesuit connection behind the Lincoln and Kennedy murders are well documented. Every head of the CIA has been Jesuit schooled as well. One night I decided to do a Google search of every member that belonged to both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission and I found that every single one went to either a Jesuit college or went to an Ivy League college and belonged to a Jesuit secret society like Skull and Bones, Quill and Dagger, Cap and Gown, etc, etc. For the first time EVER we have a Jesuit Pope? The Bavarian Illuminati was started by Adam Weisphat that was Jesuit trained in Canon Law and the goal is a one world government and one world religion...most definitely into the occult...the "kabbala" to be exact. Black masses have been held in the 13 catacombs beneath the Vatican for decades where human sacrifice (mostly children) are the rule of the day, word was getting out about this two years ago with the death of Jimmy Savile and it went all the way to the House of Windsor....it had gained some serious traction in the U.K until the false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo and the media diverted it's attention. I am glad to come across someone that is awake....look forward to reading your posts.
Last edited:
But you follow his rhetoric.
How would YOU know unless you listen to his show? Rush and all right-wing radio are nothing but paid, controlled opposition. Before Rush got his huge radio deal, he spoke out against the criminal entity that is the Federal Reserve central bank...after he sold out, he will not even allow callers on his show to talk about it. Mark Levin? I thought he was great because he hates liberals as much as I do but the same thing with him...for an alleged "constitutionalist", he avoids the topic of the Fed, CFR or the Trilateral Commission like the plague. People that listen to the tripe are just as clueless as the useful idiots that make up the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools.
Listen, Dale. Everyone you see that just jumped on board recently for Trump including Newt Gingrich? Have Jesuit educations and stay in contact with Rome. Newt is at the top of the list. He is inside every election reporting back to them what is going on. I have witnessed it personally in my own state. He pretends to be behind the candidate to get inside the inner circle and he uses his name to do it. Karl Rove is another agent of Rome. Ditto for mainstream media. It's all corrupt.

What the American people should glean from this is that these are the establishment GOP that need to be shut down once Trump is in. He can play nice until then and talk about unity but there is no unity with a corrupt political party. It has to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. Vote out all the career politicians, every single one of them. I would carefully look at those who got behind Trump first because they have the most to hide. Newt Gingrich is at the top of the list as enemy #1. He's not what he appears to be.
Totally agree....Trump went to Fordham, a Jesuit school. It's pretty cool to come across people like you that know about the Jesuit connection.

Trump went to Wharton too and he isn't Catholic. You've got to chew the meat and spit out the bones, Dale. Clinton was educated by the Jesuits and he is Catholic - but pretends to be Protestant - it's how the Jesuits infiltrated Pentecostal - Protestant churches ( in order to destroy Christianity that rejects the paganism in Catholicism) So is Pat Robertson. He's an agent of Rome - so is Billy Graham - that should shock some folks. Graham is a 33rd degree mason -Jesuit.

As for Jesuit connection - that is rather mild. What I see is that the Jesuits are the people behind the scenes of forming a new world order through the UN (*which they also founded TWICE) that even Kennedy spoke of before he was assassinated. I believe the orders to kill him came from the Black pope after Kennedy secretly became a born again Christian (the mafia did work for the Vatican and still does)

We know there is ample documentation that Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits. We know the Jesuits were behind the founding of the KKK, the Mormon doctrines - the Freemasons, Club of Rome, and Loyola was the founder of the Illuminati AND the Jesuits - he was an occultist. The Jesuits are not Christians. They are the military arm of the Vatican taking orders from the black pope. With a first time Jesuit Pope who is itching to wage war against Christians (who refuse to unite with Catholic Church) and has made quite a few statements that should alarm people. When I look at his countenance he has the same spirit Herod had. He will shock the world with what he plans to do to those who reject his one world religion of "interfaithism"...

Barack Obama was vetted by Rome. They love him because as you know the Pope wants mass Muslim immigration into every country no matter how many people are murdered. The end justifies the means with these guys.

___ one more point - If Clinton had been raised by a protestant family you can be sure a Jesuit Catholic school education would have been the last place they would have sent their son. THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH.

I totally agree with everything you said and I have done my own research on everything you covered. The Jesuit connection behind the Lincoln and Kennedy murders are well documented. Every head of the CIA has been Jesuit schooled as well. One night I decided to do a Google search of every member that belonged to both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission and I found that every single one went to either a Jesuit college or went to an Ivy League college and belonged to a Jesuit secret society like Skull and Bones, Quill and Dagger, Cap and Gown, etc, etc. For the first time EVER we have a Jesuit Pope? The Bavarian Illuminati was started by Adam Weisphat that was Jesuit trained in Canon Law and the goal is a one world government and one world religion...most definitely into the occult...the "kabbala" to be exact. Black masses have been held in the 13 catacombs beneath the Vatican for decades where human sacrifice (mostly children) are the rule of the day, word was getting out about this two years with the death of Jimmy Savile and it went all the way to the House of Windsor....it had gained some serious traction in the U.K until the false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo and the media diverted it's attention. I am glad to come across someone that is awake....look forward to reading your posts.
Same to you. I'm amazed to see someone here who is up on this, Dale. Welcome to USMB! I think this is the first time I've talked to you here. Nice to meet you! p.s. I want to emphasize that the Catholic people are some of the most wonderful people - I do not wish to offend any of them. For the most part, this sounds like conspiracy stuff to them and they are innocent - totally innocent - of any part of what the Jesuits are into. It's a very hard subject because I am seeing more and more Catholic people who truly demonstrate a love for God and desire to do His will. It has led me to not talk about it as much. For instance, IrishLass. She is a great woman! I believe she loves the LORD very much and she's Catholic. The last thing I want to do is offend such a person. I have even considered dropping the subject altogether. It is natural for Catholics to feel you're talking about THEM and that is definitely not what has motivated me.
As someone who isn't an American, I can definitively say that Canadians are appalled that slime like Trump is considered a serious candidate for your Presidency.
Anti-American Globalists always 'worry' about such things. Hussein wanted to be 'President of the World.' He didn't work on behalf of American Citizens. He didn't represent Citizens' best interests. Globalists never do.

It shows in the numerous terrible Trade Deals and the recent Iran Deal debacle. It's also reflected in his 'Open Border' policy. American Citizens' best interests are of little interest to this current U.S. President. It's exactly the right time for a guy like Trump.
Anti-American Globalists always 'worry' about such things. Hussein wanted to be 'President of the World.' He didn't work on behalf of American Citizens. He didn't represent Citizens' best interests. Globalists never do.

It shows in the numerous terrible Trade Deals and the recent Iran Deal debacle. It's also reflected in his 'Open Border' policy. American Citizens' best interests are of little interest to this current U.S. President. It's exactly the right time for a guy like Trump.
I agree. Obama needs to worry about getting his bags packed and leaving the White House and forget about "our image." We're not interested in anything he has to say. Just let him start packing, take the silverware and dishes - Trump will upgrade dinnerware. Not a problem. Just leave, Obama. LEAVE!
How would YOU know unless you listen to his show? Rush and all right-wing radio are nothing but paid, controlled opposition. Before Rush got his huge radio deal, he spoke out against the criminal entity that is the Federal Reserve central bank...after he sold out, he will not even allow callers on his show to talk about it. Mark Levin? I thought he was great because he hates liberals as much as I do but the same thing with him...for an alleged "constitutionalist", he avoids the topic of the Fed, CFR or the Trilateral Commission like the plague. People that listen to the tripe are just as clueless as the useful idiots that make up the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools.
Listen, Dale. Everyone you see that just jumped on board recently for Trump including Newt Gingrich? Have Jesuit educations and stay in contact with Rome. Newt is at the top of the list. He is inside every election reporting back to them what is going on. I have witnessed it personally in my own state. He pretends to be behind the candidate to get inside the inner circle and he uses his name to do it. Karl Rove is another agent of Rome. Ditto for mainstream media. It's all corrupt.

What the American people should glean from this is that these are the establishment GOP that need to be shut down once Trump is in. He can play nice until then and talk about unity but there is no unity with a corrupt political party. It has to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. Vote out all the career politicians, every single one of them. I would carefully look at those who got behind Trump first because they have the most to hide. Newt Gingrich is at the top of the list as enemy #1. He's not what he appears to be.
Totally agree....Trump went to Fordham, a Jesuit school. It's pretty cool to come across people like you that know about the Jesuit connection.

Trump went to Wharton too and he isn't Catholic. You've got to chew the meat and spit out the bones, Dale. Clinton was educated by the Jesuits and he is Catholic - but pretends to be Protestant - it's how the Jesuits infiltrated Pentecostal - Protestant churches ( in order to destroy Christianity that rejects the paganism in Catholicism) So is Pat Robertson. He's an agent of Rome - so is Billy Graham - that should shock some folks. Graham is a 33rd degree mason -Jesuit.

As for Jesuit connection - that is rather mild. What I see is that the Jesuits are the people behind the scenes of forming a new world order through the UN (*which they also founded TWICE) that even Kennedy spoke of before he was assassinated. I believe the orders to kill him came from the Black pope after Kennedy secretly became a born again Christian (the mafia did work for the Vatican and still does)

We know there is ample documentation that Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits. We know the Jesuits were behind the founding of the KKK, the Mormon doctrines - the Freemasons, Club of Rome, and Loyola was the founder of the Illuminati AND the Jesuits - he was an occultist. The Jesuits are not Christians. They are the military arm of the Vatican taking orders from the black pope. With a first time Jesuit Pope who is itching to wage war against Christians (who refuse to unite with Catholic Church) and has made quite a few statements that should alarm people. When I look at his countenance he has the same spirit Herod had. He will shock the world with what he plans to do to those who reject his one world religion of "interfaithism"...

Barack Obama was vetted by Rome. They love him because as you know the Pope wants mass Muslim immigration into every country no matter how many people are murdered. The end justifies the means with these guys.

___ one more point - If Clinton had been raised by a protestant family you can be sure a Jesuit Catholic school education would have been the last place they would have sent their son. THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH.

I totally agree with everything you said and I have done my own research on everything you covered. The Jesuit connection behind the Lincoln and Kennedy murders are well documented. Every head of the CIA has been Jesuit schooled as well. One night I decided to do a Google search of every member that belonged to both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission and I found that every single one went to either a Jesuit college or went to an Ivy League college and belonged to a Jesuit secret society like Skull and Bones, Quill and Dagger, Cap and Gown, etc, etc. For the first time EVER we have a Jesuit Pope? The Bavarian Illuminati was started by Adam Weisphat that was Jesuit trained in Canon Law and the goal is a one world government and one world religion...most definitely into the occult...the "kabbala" to be exact. Black masses have been held in the 13 catacombs beneath the Vatican for decades where human sacrifice (mostly children) are the rule of the day, word was getting out about this two years with the death of Jimmy Savile and it went all the way to the House of Windsor....it had gained some serious traction in the U.K until the false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo and the media diverted it's attention. I am glad to come across someone that is awake....look forward to reading your posts.
Same to you. I'm amazed to see someone here who is up on this, Dale. Welcome to USMB! I think this is the first time I've talked to you here. Nice to meet you! p.s. I want to emphasize that the Catholic people are some of the most wonderful people - I do not wish to offend any of them. For the most part, this sounds like conspiracy stuff to them and they are innocent - totally innocent - of any part of what the Jesuits are into. It's a very hard subject because I am seeing more and more Catholic people who truly demonstrate a love for God and desire to do His will. It has led me to not talk about it as much. For instance, IrishLass. She is a great woman! I believe she loves the LORD very much and she's Catholic. The last thing I want to do is offend such a person. I have even considered dropping the subject altogether. It is natural for Catholics to feel you're talking about THEM and that is definitely not what has motivated me.
I am right there with you on that. My best friend is Catholic and this is not an indictment against Catholicism at all. The Pentecostal movement was co-opted...any and every religion has been infiltrated by the Illuminati. If you have Jesus Christ in your life and you seek His will, you are good. But like JFK said in a very incredible speech "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic conspiracy" and he certainly wasn't talking about communism because the Jesuit bankers were behind the Bolshevik Revolution and made the USSR into a super-power. He was talking about people that belonged to secret societies and took secret oaths and their agenda is to take away the sovereignty of every nation and they do it through the Rothschild central banking scam. It's not a coincidence that nearly every country is about to experience a financial meltdown...this was all in the cards. Good on ya.....so glad to come across someone that knows what is REALLY going on....it can be really lonely sometimes.
As someone who isn't an American, I can definitively say that Canadians are appalled that slime like Trump is considered a serious candidate for your Presidency.

So someone slimey like Hillary Clinton is a better alternative? Have you done no vetting? Please tell me what you know about this woman that leads you to believe that she should be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Canada has their own problems with their Illuminati bankers that are sucking you dry......wake up, grow, evolve....learn.
Listen, Dale. Everyone you see that just jumped on board recently for Trump including Newt Gingrich? Have Jesuit educations and stay in contact with Rome. Newt is at the top of the list. He is inside every election reporting back to them what is going on. I have witnessed it personally in my own state. He pretends to be behind the candidate to get inside the inner circle and he uses his name to do it. Karl Rove is another agent of Rome. Ditto for mainstream media. It's all corrupt.

What the American people should glean from this is that these are the establishment GOP that need to be shut down once Trump is in. He can play nice until then and talk about unity but there is no unity with a corrupt political party. It has to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. Vote out all the career politicians, every single one of them. I would carefully look at those who got behind Trump first because they have the most to hide. Newt Gingrich is at the top of the list as enemy #1. He's not what he appears to be.
Totally agree....Trump went to Fordham, a Jesuit school. It's pretty cool to come across people like you that know about the Jesuit connection.

Trump went to Wharton too and he isn't Catholic. You've got to chew the meat and spit out the bones, Dale. Clinton was educated by the Jesuits and he is Catholic - but pretends to be Protestant - it's how the Jesuits infiltrated Pentecostal - Protestant churches ( in order to destroy Christianity that rejects the paganism in Catholicism) So is Pat Robertson. He's an agent of Rome - so is Billy Graham - that should shock some folks. Graham is a 33rd degree mason -Jesuit.

As for Jesuit connection - that is rather mild. What I see is that the Jesuits are the people behind the scenes of forming a new world order through the UN (*which they also founded TWICE) that even Kennedy spoke of before he was assassinated. I believe the orders to kill him came from the Black pope after Kennedy secretly became a born again Christian (the mafia did work for the Vatican and still does)

We know there is ample documentation that Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits. We know the Jesuits were behind the founding of the KKK, the Mormon doctrines - the Freemasons, Club of Rome, and Loyola was the founder of the Illuminati AND the Jesuits - he was an occultist. The Jesuits are not Christians. They are the military arm of the Vatican taking orders from the black pope. With a first time Jesuit Pope who is itching to wage war against Christians (who refuse to unite with Catholic Church) and has made quite a few statements that should alarm people. When I look at his countenance he has the same spirit Herod had. He will shock the world with what he plans to do to those who reject his one world religion of "interfaithism"...

Barack Obama was vetted by Rome. They love him because as you know the Pope wants mass Muslim immigration into every country no matter how many people are murdered. The end justifies the means with these guys.

___ one more point - If Clinton had been raised by a protestant family you can be sure a Jesuit Catholic school education would have been the last place they would have sent their son. THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH.

I totally agree with everything you said and I have done my own research on everything you covered. The Jesuit connection behind the Lincoln and Kennedy murders are well documented. Every head of the CIA has been Jesuit schooled as well. One night I decided to do a Google search of every member that belonged to both the CFR and the Trilateral Commission and I found that every single one went to either a Jesuit college or went to an Ivy League college and belonged to a Jesuit secret society like Skull and Bones, Quill and Dagger, Cap and Gown, etc, etc. For the first time EVER we have a Jesuit Pope? The Bavarian Illuminati was started by Adam Weisphat that was Jesuit trained in Canon Law and the goal is a one world government and one world religion...most definitely into the occult...the "kabbala" to be exact. Black masses have been held in the 13 catacombs beneath the Vatican for decades where human sacrifice (mostly children) are the rule of the day, word was getting out about this two years with the death of Jimmy Savile and it went all the way to the House of Windsor....it had gained some serious traction in the U.K until the false flag event that was Charlie Hebdo and the media diverted it's attention. I am glad to come across someone that is awake....look forward to reading your posts.
Same to you. I'm amazed to see someone here who is up on this, Dale. Welcome to USMB! I think this is the first time I've talked to you here. Nice to meet you! p.s. I want to emphasize that the Catholic people are some of the most wonderful people - I do not wish to offend any of them. For the most part, this sounds like conspiracy stuff to them and they are innocent - totally innocent - of any part of what the Jesuits are into. It's a very hard subject because I am seeing more and more Catholic people who truly demonstrate a love for God and desire to do His will. It has led me to not talk about it as much. For instance, IrishLass. She is a great woman! I believe she loves the LORD very much and she's Catholic. The last thing I want to do is offend such a person. I have even considered dropping the subject altogether. It is natural for Catholics to feel you're talking about THEM and that is definitely not what has motivated me.
I am right there with you on that. My best friend is Catholic and this is not an indictment against Catholicism at all. The Pentecostal movement was co-opted...any and every religion has been infiltrated by the Illuminati. If you have Jesus Christ in your life and you seek His will, you are good. But like JFK said in a very incredible speech "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic conspiracy" and he certainly wasn't talking about communism because the Jesuit bankers were behind the Bolshevik Revolution and made the USSR into a super-power. He was talking about people that belonged to secret societies and took secret oaths and their agenda is to take away the sovereignty of every nation and they do it through the Rothschild central banking scam. It's not a coincidence that nearly every country is about to experience a financial meltdown...this was all in the cards. Good on ya.....so glad to come across someone that knows what is REALLY going on....it can be really lonely sometimes.
Exactly. You're right on about the Jesuit bankers. They have a great hatred for the Jews and are the ones behind the NWO -Jewish banker conspiracy thing - Bilderberg isn't a Jewish NGO - it's run by those who hate the Jews. Rothschild would be the exception as he is a Satanist who has been behind much of who gets elected here in America (along with the Collins family). It was designed to be complicated in order to ridicule those of us who see the truth of what is going on. It's a satanic agenda which is why I say the Catholic people are completely innocent. If they knew the truth? I'm sure they would be gone in 60 seconds or less.
As someone who isn't an American, I can definitively say that Canadians are appalled that slime like Trump is considered a serious candidate for your Presidency.
Justin Trudeau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He gained a high public profile in October 2000, when he delivered a eulogy at his father's state funeral.
Stay up in Canada, we don't want you down here either. One Socialist president in America is enough, the only thing going for you is your oil sands, and now HE(Trudy) and Barry have pretty much screwed you all up there by NOT allowing the Keystone pipeline.
Anti-American Globalists always 'worry' about such things. Hussein wanted to be 'President of the World.' He didn't work on behalf of American Citizens. He didn't represent Citizens' best interests. Globalists never do.

It shows in the numerous terrible Trade Deals and the recent Iran Deal debacle. It's also reflected in his 'Open Border' policy. American Citizens' best interests are of little interest to this current U.S. President. It's exactly the right time for a guy like Trump.
I agree. Obama needs to worry about getting his bags packed and leaving the White House and forget about "our image." We're not interested in anything he has to say. Just let him start packing, take the silverware and dishes - Trump will upgrade dinnerware. Not a problem. Just leave, Obama. LEAVE!

Yeah, i don't understand why so many believe that Anti-American Globalists like Obama and Clinton, represent American Citizens' best interests. Obviously they don't. Just loook at the numerous awful Trade Deals, Iran Deal disgrace, and Open Border Policy. It says it all.
Globalists like Obama, care more about Illegals than our honorable Veterans. Illegals are receiving better treatment at this point. Something's very wrong. Time to boot the Globalists. The Country's over folks like Obama and Clinton.
Ahhhh. Sure. As if he hasn't done nothing but acted stellar these last eight years to improve U.S. relations overseas. Hell, we have more enemies now than the fucking Klingons on Star Trek. And please don't give us that election behavior bullshit Barry. Remember your thug Black Panthers with baseball bats at polling stations during your elections?


2016 elections may be tarnishing the US image abroad, worries Obama - Firstpost

Actually Obama has improved the image of the US abroad. Not hard after what Bush did.
Barrypuppet and Eric Holder gave guns to the drug cartels, leaves our southern border totally unprotected, he is flying in unvetted muslims, he illegally took out Gadaffi, has funded ISIS to fight a proxy war with Syria to take out Assad while creating mass immigration all over Europe....he has been a real blessing to the world.......said by only fools and idiots.
Not sure who "Barrypuppet" is.
However in the last 7 years the view of foreign countries towards the US has improved. Stating things like this (especially with your own bias) doesn't help.

Obama didn't invade Iraq. Obama didn't go around treating other foreign countries like dirt.

Under Bush things got bad:

But under Obama things rebounded.


46% approve, 24% disapprove. Compare to the last two years of Bush's presidency when you have approval and disapproval at 34% in his last year.

This is what we're talking about. Not issues Americans care about, but issues that foreigners outside of the US care about.
Ahhhh. Sure. As if he hasn't done nothing but acted stellar these last eight years to improve U.S. relations overseas. Hell, we have more enemies now than the fucking Klingons on Star Trek. And please don't give us that election behavior bullshit Barry. Remember your thug Black Panthers with baseball bats at polling stations during your elections?


2016 elections may be tarnishing the US image abroad, worries Obama - Firstpost

Actually Obama has improved the image of the US abroad. Not hard after what Bush did.
How so? Obama became a laughing stock. From economics to deficits to foreign policy to continuous scandals....

To simply choose one of the most embarrassing acts in Obama's Presidency is tough, but I would have to say it is a tie between his 'Red Line' debacle and his declaration in Paris that he had confined ISIS only to have them respond by initiating the largest attack against Paris / France since WWII.

His most despicable is east ,no pun intended, and that is his giving the order for the Quick Reaction Force already inbound to Benghazi to turn around and go home, as recently uncovered. According to that team they could have arrived in time to save the last 2 Americans...but it would have exposed Obama's declaration that 'Al Qaeida is on the run and the War on Terror is over' to be a lie!

No one is afraid of us anymore, no one respects us, and no one trusts us, to include our allies. Way to go ,Barry.


No, Obama has "become" a laughing stock among the right in the US. I mean, he was already blamed for messing up the economy before he'd taken office. Nothing much has changed. We're talking about NON-AMERICANS. I know this must be hard for you people, but the rest of the world prefers Obama to Bush.

Actually Obama has improved the image of the US abroad. Not hard after what Bush did.

Oh, give me a fucking break. He's Putin's bitch, ISIS is blowing up everything under the sun, Mexico's laughing at us and North Korea is firing missiles over Japan, daily. What fucking planet are you living on, asshole.

And again, you can't think like an American.


You can see why the problems in Iraq happened. Americans went in to Iraq believing the Iraqis thought the same as they do. They don't.
Actually Obama has improved the image of the US abroad. Not hard after what Bush did.

Oh, give me a fucking break. He's Putin's bitch, ISIS is blowing up everything under the sun, Mexico's laughing at us and North Korea is firing missiles over Japan, daily. What fucking planet are you living on, asshole.

Some people prefer not see things as they really are. It's easier

Yes you do Stephanie, and SeniorChief Polock.

I notice that none of you who have made the statement have either backed up your argument with facts, or even made a real argument that discusses the issue. Rather, you just go off attacking Obama for things he may or may not have done wrong.

Just doing things wrong doesn't make people hate you. Doing things wrong that annoy the right wing in America doesn't mean that foreigners hate the President. In fact, many foreigners are more likely to like him for doing so.
Actually Obama has improved the image of the US abroad. Not hard after what Bush did.

Oh, give me a fucking break. He's Putin's bitch, ISIS is blowing up everything under the sun, Mexico's laughing at us and North Korea is firing missiles over Japan, daily. What fucking planet are you living on, asshole.

Some people prefer not see things as they really are. It's easier

Yes you do Stephanie, and SeniorChief Polock.

I notice that none of you who have made the statement have either backed up your argument with facts, or even made a real argument that discusses the issue. Rather, you just go off attacking Obama for things he may or may not have done wrong.

Just doing things wrong doesn't make people hate you. Doing things wrong that annoy the right wing in America doesn't mean that foreigners hate the President. In fact, many foreigners are more likely to like him for doing so.
yes foreign countries love when Obama does nothing. China building an island in the China sea. ISIS expanding 10 fold, because the feckless Muslim president doesn't do anything. Russia taking over Ukraine because Obama and the other spineless liberal politicians don't stand firm(that requires a backbone). Yet Obama does attack his enemies of the Republicans by having the IRS and other agencies go after those who disagree with his viewpoint. If George Bush would of done that, the liberals would of impeached him, the only reason Obama doesn't get impeach? They would be called racists for attacking a white black man. Such stupid people who CONTINUE to vote for liberals, who have fucked them royally. You deserve all the misery the left has FORCED upon you.


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