Obama would have been called a Dictator if he had said this.

Tucker Carlson hits Trump due process comments: Obama would've been called a dictator for that

But since everyone...including Repubs...understand that this man has a serious mental defect....they write off a stupid statement such as this. Trump plays to the camera. He did it with DACA and now he is doing it with Guns.

Why...? Cause Narcissistic Sociopaths just wanna be loved.
/-----/ On a completely unrelated topic:
In Revealing Article, Obama Puts 'Progressive Goals' Before Due ...
Jan 9, 2017 - The president made clear that he favors far-left policy outcomes over due process.
Tucker Carlson hits Trump due process comments: Obama would've been called a dictator for that

But since everyone...including Repubs...understand that this man has a serious mental defect....they write off a stupid statement such as this. Trump plays to the camera. He did it with DACA and now he is doing it with Guns.

Why...? Cause Narcissistic Sociopaths just wanna be loved.
/-----/ On a completely unrelated topic:
In Revealing Article, Obama Puts 'Progressive Goals' Before Due ...
Jan 9, 2017 - The president made clear that he favors far-left policy outcomes over due process.

Really all you got....a lame article like this?
Tucker Carlson hits Trump due process comments: Obama would've been called a dictator for that

But since everyone...including Repubs...understand that this man has a serious mental defect....they write off a stupid statement such as this. Trump plays to the camera. He did it with DACA and now he is doing it with Guns.

Why...? Cause Narcissistic Sociopaths just wanna be loved.

If you believe a lot of Republicans are going to write off Trump's Due Process comments, I think you're going to be surprised.
Tucker Carlson hits Trump due process comments: Obama would've been called a dictator for that

But since everyone...including Repubs...understand that this man has a serious mental defect....they write off a stupid statement such as this. Trump plays to the camera. He did it with DACA and now he is doing it with Guns.

Why...? Cause Narcissistic Sociopaths just wanna be loved.

If you believe a lot of Republicans are going to write off Trump's Due Process comments, I think you're going to be surprised.

Again...he is playing to the audience at the moment. Whatever he thinks the cameras will like. I don't know how anyone can believe anything the man says.
Trump is wrong in that. That is NOT how we do things in this country.
His Due Process remarks were made in connection with Mentally Ill people.

Some are trying to make it sound like it was all guns.

If somebody is deemed a mental danger to society. You take his weapons
and then go to court for Due Process.

All Trump is suggesting is following a procedure similar to a restraining order,
with the mentally ill.

Husbands or soon-to-be ex-husbands have been dealing with having due process come after a restraining order is issued, forcing him out of a home,
limiting contact with his children, any number of items. Judges have
always ruled..."It's better to be safe than sorry."

This ain't that big of a fucking deal. The media is trying to make it that way,
but I would suggest the GOP get their act together and understand what he
was talking about.

What are we gonna do...have a shrink determine someone to be unstable
and allow him to keep his weapon until after trial? Personally, I believe
shrinks fail the country because when they discover someone in lala land
they let them stay on the street. I'd confine them somewhere.
Trump forgot which side his bread was buttered on when he commented congress was afraid of the NRA then made the due process remark .. his handlers bitch slapped him and here we are today - hes doing a 180 just like I said he would, and just like he always does when he tries to talk trash and be the tough guy hes not.
#137 of “imagine if the black guy did this?”

Trump does crazy crap on the daily and gets a pass.
Tucker Carlson hits Trump due process comments: Obama would've been called a dictator for that

But since everyone...including Repubs...understand that this man has a serious mental defect....they write off a stupid statement such as this. Trump plays to the camera. He did it with DACA and now he is doing it with Guns.

Why...? Cause Narcissistic Sociopaths just wanna be loved.
Obama WAS a wannabe-dictator. He constantly violated both Constitution and Law, aided and abetted terrorists / this nation's enemies / Mexican Drug Cartels / Hezbollah Drug Ops / Human Traffickers / MS13 / violent illegals, illegally spied on reporters / the media / Americans / US Senators / USSC Justices, illegally politically weaponized the IRS and used it against his political enemies - only the 2nd US President to ever do so (Slick Willy was the 1st), etc...

Obama SHOULD have been Impeached several times over and many of his Cabinet members indicted / charged / jailed for Perjury and other crimes...instead of just being bi-partisanly Censured.

He was the worst President in US History, the biggest Presidential threat to this nation, the biggest violator of both Constitution and Law of any President...
#137 of “imagine if the black guy did this?”

Trump does crazy crap on the daily and gets a pass.
Trump does 'crazy crap'. Obama did 'Un-Constitutional' / 'Illegal' crap and got a pass. Big difference.

'If you want something different, win some elections."
--- Former President Barak Obama

It is just sad to see so many conservatives reacting in such a silly, juvenile manner to Trump's comments about guns and due process. Trump merely made the simple, rational point that in cases of dangerously mentally ill people, "due process" can take weeks or longer, and that therefore the police should be able to take the person's guns until the person has gone through that due process. He did not say that there should be no due process, but just that in extreme cases like these it is wise to take the guns first and then do the investigation and evaluation.
dailysignal, you alt right goofs? Like 90% of the country laughs at you.

mikegriffith's post in #13 would have fit right into 1933 Germany's climate.
His Due Process remarks were made in connection with Mentally Ill people.

Some are trying to make it sound like it was all guns.

If somebody is deemed a mental danger to society. You take his weapons
and then go to court for Due Process.

All Trump is suggesting is following a procedure similar to a restraining order,
with the mentally ill.

Husbands or soon-to-be ex-husbands have been dealing with having due process come after a restraining order is issued, forcing him out of a home,
limiting contact with his children, any number of items. Judges have
always ruled..."It's better to be safe than sorry."

This ain't that big of a fucking deal. The media is trying to make it that way,
but I would suggest the GOP get their act together and understand what he
was talking about.

What are we gonna do...have a shrink determine someone to be unstable
and allow him to keep his weapon until after trial? Personally, I believe
shrinks fail the country because when they discover someone in lala land
they let them stay on the street. I'd confine them somewhere.
I keep explaining the ERPO laws, but no one wants to hear it. It's a lot more fun to go into hysterics.
dailysignal, you alt right goofs? Like 90% of the country laughs at you.

mikegriffith's post in #13 would have fit right into 1933 Germany's climate.
Ask Connecticut, Indiana, California, Washington and Oregon if that is so.
His Due Process remarks were made in connection with Mentally Ill people.

Some are trying to make it sound like it was all guns.

If somebody is deemed a mental danger to society. You take his weapons
and then go to court for Due Process.

All Trump is suggesting is following a procedure similar to a restraining order,
with the mentally ill.

Husbands or soon-to-be ex-husbands have been dealing with having due process come after a restraining order is issued, forcing him out of a home,
limiting contact with his children, any number of items. Judges have
always ruled..."It's better to be safe than sorry."

This ain't that big of a fucking deal. The media is trying to make it that way,
but I would suggest the GOP get their act together and understand what he
was talking about.

What are we gonna do...have a shrink determine someone to be unstable
and allow him to keep his weapon until after trial? Personally, I believe
shrinks fail the country because when they discover someone in lala land
they let them stay on the street. I'd confine them somewhere.
I keep explaining the ERPO laws, but no one wants to hear it. It's a lot more fun to go into hysterics.
Amend the Constitution
It is just sad to see so many conservatives reacting in such a silly, juvenile manner to Trump's comments about guns and due process. Trump merely made the simple, rational point that in cases of dangerously mentally ill people, "due process" can take weeks or longer, and that therefore the police should be able to take the person's guns until the person has gone through that due process. He did not say that there should be no due process, but just that in extreme cases like these it is wise to take the guns first and then do the investigation and evaluation.

I believe Trump was not thinking when he made the comment. However, in my state, a police officer can suspend your drivers license on the spot and have your vehicle towed away if he believes something is wrong.

After the law passed about 25 years ago, one of our drivers was pulled over by a cop at 8:00am. This driver is a hyper person, moves very quickly, and talks non-stop when he gets nervous. So the officer gave him a breathalyzer test which he passed. Then he performed a field sobriety check which he passed with flying colors. The cop then figured something must be wrong with this guy, so he suspended his license right there.

It took two weeks for the drug test results to come back, have his case heard in court, then they returned his license.

Not that I agree with it, but what Trump was suggesting is not that much different than our suspension law that our state (and I'm sure many others) have. It's just that it involves guns this time.
It is just sad to see so many conservatives reacting in such a silly, juvenile manner to Trump's comments about guns and due process. Trump merely made the simple, rational point that in cases of dangerously mentally ill people, "due process" can take weeks or longer, and that therefore the police should be able to take the person's guns until the person has gone through that due process. He did not say that there should be no due process, but just that in extreme cases like these it is wise to take the guns first and then do the investigation and evaluation.

I believe Trump was not thinking when he made the comment. However, in my state, a police officer can suspend your drivers license on the spot and have your vehicle towed away if he believes something is wrong.

After the law passed about 25 years ago, one of our drivers was pulled over by a cop at 8:00am. This driver is a hyper person, moves very quickly, and talks non-stop when he gets nervous. So the officer gave him a breathalyzer test which he passed. Then he performed a field sobriety check which he passed with flying colors. The cop then figured something must be wrong with this guy, so he suspended his license right there.

It took two weeks for the drug test results to come back, have his case heard in court, then they returned his license.

Not that I agree with it, but what Trump was suggesting is not that much different than our suspension law that our state (and I'm sure many others) have. It's just that it involves guns this time.

I hope the fundamental difference is appreciated here, - driving on State roads is a privilege as is having a DL to do so. Gun ownership in the home is another issue entirely, with the closest corollary being open or concealed carry out of the home, based on that States carry laws - even then it's a 'different animal'.

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