Obama would have been called a Dictator if he had said this.

Tucker Carlson hits Trump due process comments: Obama would've been called a dictator for that

But since everyone...including Repubs...understand that this man has a serious mental defect....they write off a stupid statement such as this. Trump plays to the camera. He did it with DACA and now he is doing it with Guns.

Why...? Cause Narcissistic Sociopaths just wanna be loved.
I absolutely do not agree with what he said, but he does not have a mental defect. He is just WRONG, like Obama was always was wrong.
His Due Process remarks were made in connection with Mentally Ill people.

Some are trying to make it sound like it was all guns.

If somebody is deemed a mental danger to society. You take his weapons
and then go to court for Due Process.

All Trump is suggesting is following a procedure similar to a restraining order,
with the mentally ill.

Husbands or soon-to-be ex-husbands have been dealing with having due process come after a restraining order is issued, forcing him out of a home,
limiting contact with his children, any number of items. Judges have
always ruled..."It's better to be safe than sorry."

This ain't that big of a fucking deal. The media is trying to make it that way,
but I would suggest the GOP get their act together and understand what he
was talking about.

What are we gonna do...have a shrink determine someone to be unstable
and allow him to keep his weapon until after trial? Personally, I believe
shrinks fail the country because when they discover someone in lala land
they let them stay on the street. I'd confine them somewhere.
I keep explaining the ERPO laws, but no one wants to hear it. It's a lot more fun to go into hysterics.

Well restraining orders, probably 50% of them, are issued to gain leverage
in a divorce. Some states went on the offensive about that.

It used to be, and probably still is, in a number of states, that the restraining
order was only for the person it was placed against. Some states changed
it for the person asking for it also. Examples would be...Under the old way
if the Hubbie was eating at a restaurant and the wife walked in, he had to get
up and leave. Now, in some states if she walks in, she has to leave.

Or, he could never contact her or converse with her, but she could contact
him. Now, in some states, she also is forbidden from making contact.
Well, that hurts her leverage or using the children as a ploy to milk him
for temporary cash. He doesn't control the situation, but neither does she.
Which is why states changed their laws.

With this gun stuff. I have no problem with a red flag law. If the person
is a danger to themselves or others, take the weapon from them and
then let them settle it in court. Where the law doesn't go far enough is
when they don't get him off the street. He may not have to go to Alcatraz
but he has to be removed from the street.

Taking a nut job's weapon has zero to due with due process.

If someone is arrested for murder, he doesn't get to go back home
and await trial. He goes to the slammer, right then and there and he
doesn't get out until he is found not guilty. And all that time he loses
behind bars, he doesn't get back, if he is found not guilty.

You can't fight every fight. You pick your fights. The GOP should be
explaining Trump's message and moving on. Not making asinine
comments about due process. Half the fucking crimes in this country,
due process comes second not first.

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