Obamacare already costing US manufacturing jobs

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
If I were a petty person I would say I told you so.

Who am I kidding?

I told you so!

A year from now, the federal government will start collecting a new tax on medical devices from tongue depressors to imaging machines, thanks to the sweeping health-care overhaul that Democrats enacted in the spring of 2010. People in the industry say it’s already having an effect.
In November, citing the new tax, Stryker Corp. (SYK), whose products include artificial hips and knees, announced that it would let go about 1,000 of its workers. Earlier last year, Covidien Plc (COV), maker of surgical instruments, said it would lay off 200 workers in the U.S. and move production to Costa Rica and Mexico. It, too, cited the tax.
Other companies in the field have announced similar measures -- or plans to expand production overseas but not in the U.S. -- without mentioning the tax. The sluggish economy is clearly part of the explanation, but the medical-devices industry had been a relative bright spot within U.S. manufacturing, losing only 1.1 percent of its employees during 2007-2008 while manufacturing as a whole lost 4.8 percent. A study done for AdvaMed, a trade association for the industry, claims the tax could ultimately cost more than 45,000 jobs.
Medical-device companies employ more than 400,000 Americans. Their wages are higher than the national average. The U.S. is a net exporter of medical devices.
The tax will change these numbers for the worse. It will be levied at 2.3 percent of sales; on average, profits make up less than 4 percent of sales in the industry. The AdvaMed study concludes, “The new 2.3 percent excise tax will roughly double their total tax bill and raise the average effective corporate income tax rate to one of the highest effective tax rates faced by any industry in the world.”

Tongue-Depressor Tax Will Harm Jobs, Innovation: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg
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A year from now, the federal government will start collecting a new tax on medical devices from tongue depressors to imaging machines, thanks to the sweeping health-care overhaul that Democrats enacted in the spring of 2010.

Can't wait for the decrease in the cost of services!!!! Fuck yeah!!!
“The new 2.3 percent excise tax will roughly double their total tax bill and raise the average effective corporate income tax rate to one of the highest effective tax rates faced by any industry in the world.”

Tongue-Depressor Tax Will Harm Jobs, Innovation: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg[/QUOTE]

One problem in US is high corporate tax. That’s nescesccary so the CEOs and management are taxed. It would be easier for businesses if you could go in and regulate salaries on CEO and management people. Then the corporate tax could have been cut.

The income tax is low, but the corporate tax is high because of greedy CEOs and management people.If you’d cut the corporate tax and raised the income tax on the high incomers it would have been great for private sector business.

But I suspect that federal workers prefers low income tax before low corporate tax.
I don't think anyone credibly disputes that, all else equal, taxing an industry hurts it.

That being said, this is an editorial by an editor for the National Review, citing numbers from an industry advocacy group. It deliberately presents a very one-sided view of the tax.
If I were a petty person I would say I told you.

Who am I kidding?

I told you!

A year from now, the federal government will start collecting a new tax on medical devices from tongue depressors to imaging machines, thanks to the sweeping health-care overhaul that Democrats enacted in the spring of 2010. People in the industry say it’s already having an effect.
In November, citing the new tax, Stryker Corp. (SYK), whose products include artificial hips and knees, announced that it would let go about 1,000 of its workers. Earlier last year, Covidien Plc (COV), maker of surgical instruments, said it would lay off 200 workers in the U.S. and move production to Costa Rica and Mexico. It, too, cited the tax.
Other companies in the field have announced similar measures -- or plans to expand production overseas but not in the U.S. -- without mentioning the tax. The sluggish economy is clearly part of the explanation, but the medical-devices industry had been a relative bright spot within U.S. manufacturing, losing only 1.1 percent of its employees during 2007-2008 while manufacturing as a whole lost 4.8 percent. A study done for AdvaMed, a trade association for the industry, claims the tax could ultimately cost more than 45,000 jobs.
Medical-device companies employ more than 400,000 Americans. Their wages are higher than the national average. The U.S. is a net exporter of medical devices.
The tax will change these numbers for the worse. It will be levied at 2.3 percent of sales; on average, profits make up less than 4 percent of sales in the industry. The AdvaMed study concludes, “The new 2.3 percent excise tax will roughly double their total tax bill and raise the average effective corporate income tax rate to one of the highest effective tax rates faced by any industry in the world.”

Tongue-Depressor Tax Will Harm Jobs, Innovation: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

you are a heretic QW and I am reporting you to attackwatch btw.

those evil unctuous rich bastards who own these co's just want to see people die.
I don't think anyone credibly disputes that, all else equal, taxing an industry hurts it.

That being said, this is an editorial by an editor for the National Review, citing numbers from an industry advocacy group. It deliberately presents a very one-sided view of the tax.

present the other side, then. Show us where the tax is not the reason for the job cuts, as cited by the companies mentioned.
I don't think anyone credibly disputes that, all else equal, taxing an industry hurts it.

That being said, this is an editorial by an editor for the National Review, citing numbers from an industry advocacy group. It deliberately presents a very one-sided view of the tax.

Feel free to present an article from HoffPo quoting Pelosi that argues that taxes are good for the economy and how no company ever went out of business from taxes or government regulation.
"start collecting a new tax on medical devices from tongue depressors "

I can understand the right wing depression over this.

Heck! cutting govt spending will end Many jobs.

Sending must be cut, the only contention is what to cut.
If anything, it's the tidal wave of Pub BS fear mongering about Health Reform...Pub Dupes!

prove those companies lied about their cutting jobs because of Obamacare, dick-spittle. Go ahead.

I wonder how their executive bonuses and compensation is doing?
Stock prices?
Employees are a valuable asset when wanting to adjust the stock price a bit.
Could even net executives millions by utilizing their stock options.
"start collecting a new tax on medical devices from tongue depressors "

I can understand the right wing depression over this.

Heck! cutting govt spending will end Many jobs.

Sending must be cut, the only contention is what to cut.

Great idea. Let's put more stress on the cost of services with additional taxes. That will solve shit. :doubt:
Bush/Cheney/Paulson put approximatly 11 million out of work with their home loan fraud scheme kinda like what Reagan/Bush did by way of their home loan fraud scam.

This is what keeps the economy from moving. The crooks got our bailout money and won't lend it out.

Read this and tell me what you think:

"Good Billions After Bad" - One Year After Wall Street Bailout, Pulitzer Winners Barlett and Steele Investigate Where All the Money Went
Oh stop the "they did it too" bullshit.
The OP provides facts. And you in rebuttal, provide opinion.
"start collecting a new tax on medical devices from tongue depressors "

I can understand the right wing depression over this.

Heck! cutting govt spending will end Many jobs.

Sending must be cut, the only contention is what to cut.

Great idea. Let's put more stress on the cost of services with additional taxes. That will solve shit. :doubt:

Might also cut some waste?

Btw I am neutral on the tax. Do not know enough about it yet.
Is this a new tax or just taxing them like if they were in any other business?
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“The new 2.3 percent excise tax will roughly double their total tax bill and raise the average effective corporate income tax rate to one of the highest effective tax rates faced by any industry in the world.”

Tongue-Depressor Tax Will Harm Jobs, Innovation: Ramesh Ponnuru - Bloomberg

One problem in US is high corporate tax. That’s nescesccary so the CEOs and management are taxed. It would be easier for businesses if you could go in and regulate salaries on CEO and management people. Then the corporate tax could have been cut.

The income tax is low, but the corporate tax is high because of greedy CEOs and management people.If you’d cut the corporate tax and raised the income tax on the high incomers it would have been great for private sector business.

But I suspect that federal workers prefers low income tax before low corporate tax.[/QUOTE]
Ahh yes...More taxes and more government regulations..
Look genius, you cannot have the above and expect a robust economy. The two are mutually exclusive.
"start collecting a new tax on medical devices from tongue depressors "

I can understand the right wing depression over this.

Heck! cutting govt spending will end Many jobs.

Sending must be cut, the only contention is what to cut.

Great idea. Let's put more stress on the cost of services with additional taxes. That will solve shit. :doubt:

Might also cut some waste?

Btw I am neutral on the tax. Do not know enough about it yet.
Is this a new tax or just taxing them like if they were in any other business?

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"start collecting a new tax on medical devices from tongue depressors "

I can understand the right wing depression over this.

Heck! cutting govt spending will end Many jobs.

Sending must be cut, the only contention is what to cut.
Cutting government employment is a GOOD thing.
What cost us manufacturing jobs was Republicans moving millions to China from 2001 to 2008.

About 40,000 U.S. manufacturing plants closed between 2001 and 2008, resulting in the loss of millions of good-paying jobs. From 2001 to 2007, 2.3 million jobs were lost just from the U.S.’s huge trade deficit with China.

Manufacturing a Better Future for America | Alliance for American Manufacturing

You may be with the wrong party. Are you sure you've thought this through?

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