obamacare and the second amendment


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Here we go how they will disarm the American citizen using government controlled healthcare.
Mainstream Doctors Say Supporting the 2nd Amendment is a Mental Disorder
The medical industry in conjunction with Big Pharma want to classify the right to keep and bear arms as a mental disorder in another power grab to circumvent and eventually destroy our Constitutional 2nd Amendment.

More and more doctors are forcing the idea that we need a national healthcare approach to the problem that the recent shootings provide. While tobacco and alcohol is regulated, why not include the right to bear arms?
Mainstream Doctors Say Supporting the 2nd Amendment is a Mental Disorder | Prepper Central

I've said it many times an over zealous anti gun doctor can take a persons guns away.

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