Obamacare Co-Ops Are Failing At A Rate Of Nearly 50%


...did not write the blog post you started this thread with. If you're not clear on that, we can't proceed.
ok..... I fixed it for you hows that?

Better. :)

Single payer FTW...
Private competition is better, and cheaper. for those that cant afford it, vouchers for private insurance can be provided:cool:


competition brings down prices:cool:
Single payer will fix everything

Government screws up everything...always does:slap:

How about if we allow a choice between single payer and private insurance and see who wins?
With government we loose. how many people could have been insured for all the money wasted on Obamacare? The website and the co-op failures alone cost us over 2 billion dollars..Wtf?:eusa_wall:

10 million weren't insured...they are now thanks to Obamacare
Single payer will fix everything

Government screws up everything...always does:slap:

How about if we allow a choice between single payer and private insurance and see who wins?
With government we loose. how many people could have been insured for all the money wasted on Obamacare? The website and the co-op failures alone cost us over 2 billion dollars..Wtf?:eusa_wall:

10 million weren't insured...they are now thanks to Obamacare

What % of those 10 million had insurance they paid for but their insurance was canceled thanks to Obamacare? Private insurance, with increased competition is what we need.:thup:
Single payer will fix everything

Government screws up everything...always does:slap:

How about if we allow a choice between single payer and private insurance and see who wins?
With government we loose. how many people could have been insured for all the money wasted on Obamacare? The website and the co-op failures alone cost us over 2 billion dollars..Wtf?:eusa_wall:

10 million weren't insured...they are now thanks to Obamacare

What % of those 10 million had insurance they paid for but their insurance was canceled thanks to Obamacare? Private insurance, with increased competition is what we need.:thup:
You still repeating that old tale?
All of those people found new insurance
Government screws up everything...always does:slap:

How about if we allow a choice between single payer and private insurance and see who wins?
With government we loose. how many people could have been insured for all the money wasted on Obamacare? The website and the co-op failures alone cost us over 2 billion dollars..Wtf?:eusa_wall:

10 million weren't insured...they are now thanks to Obamacare

What % of those 10 million had insurance they paid for but their insurance was canceled thanks to Obamacare? Private insurance, with increased competition is what we need.:thup:
You still repeating that old tale?
All of those people found new insurance
Sure for more money, government subsidies or moved to Medicaid...Stupid :cuckoo:
Time to stop the charade and move to single payer like we should have from the start
Why not just give the people a choice

If you hate the Government, you can still buy private insurance on the open competitive market

For those who are willing to take a Governement option their will be plans run and controlled by the Government with government hospitals and government doctors

Lets see if government is as bad as you think
Why not just give the people a choice

If you hate the Government, you can still buy private insurance on the open competitive market

For those who are willing to take a Governement option their will be plans run and controlled by the Government with government hospitals and government doctors

Lets see if government is as bad as you think

lol... government hospitals and Doctors? People are dying waiting for the V.A. would these government doctors be unionized?:slap:

Junior doctors to be balloted for strike action, says British Medical Association
Why not just give the people a choice

If you hate the Government, you can still buy private insurance on the open competitive market

For those who are willing to take a Governement option their will be plans run and controlled by the Government with government hospitals and government doctors

Lets see if government is as bad as you think

lol... government hospitals and Doctors? People are dying waiting for the V.A. would these government doctors be unionized?:slap:

Junior doctors to be balloted for strike action, says British Medical Association
Are you afraid?

Dont want to use Government healthcare, you have the option to use the private market

Why are you afraid to allow others to use single option if they choose?

My money says it puts the insurance based system out of business

So what does government to well again? oh yeah it employees people in the bureaucracy, which siphons off money that is supposed to go to help people. The Social Security money is gone. We are currently running 1/2 trillion dollars deficits. We have somewhere around 100 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and you want the federal government to take over your health care? :uhoh3:

So what does government to well again?

Any number of things, but since you're petitioning it to convert to single-payer, we'll have to wait and see, won't we?
Nope privatize the whole system with interstate competition:thup:

So what does government to well again?

Any number of things, but since you're petitioning it to convert to single-payer, we'll have to wait and see, won't we?
Nope privatize the whole system with interstate competition:thup:

That was talked about for decades, but Congress didn't seem interested. Why do you suppose that is?

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