Obamacare could be a nightmare for the GOP

Why would the ACA covering more people than expected, costing less than expected, and improving quality in the delivery system hurt the GOP?

Oh right.

What will Republicans run on?

How they can make Obamacare better? No
How they have a better plan than Obamacare? No

Repeal Obamacare and take away insurance from 10 million people? Yea...thats it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAdrQ2RpdM]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]

still struck in the stupid mode I see racist ...
these progressives write like children... I guess that what they think of the people in the Democrat base

we need to write on their level or what

how do they know people are sweating? they send out someone to check?

that site post nothing but stink bombs

they shouldn't be taken seriously

the problem you have stephoney is, we don't write in smaller word for you to understand stephoney ... you don't understand the word serious ... or the word communist or socialist, or Fascist or what the constitution actually says
"Thirty-eight Republican lawmakers are signaling support for a lawsuit filed by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) that challenges a rule by the Obama administration allowing the federal government to subsidize health insurance for lawmakers and some congressional staffers.

With the health-care law exceeding enrollment expectations and legislative attempts to undo the law failing to advance beyond the GOP-controlled House, Johnson's lawsuit is one of the few other attempts underway to chip away at the law."
38 GOP lawmakers join Ron Johnson?s Obamacare lawsuit

Interesting short term memory br republicans

The federal government has always subsidized FEHB for its employees, as do most responsible employers

they subsidize the farmers, the oil companies, the green energy companies the railroads, I mean we could go on and on with sompanies who have subsidies... PoliticalChic has never been too bright about what the constitution says in the first place .... and I would say these republicans would be fucking themselves if the SUPREME COURT declared subsidies are unconstitutional .... look at all their donors who are on the government subsidy plan ... I guess if the did get it struck down, the billions would start going into the dems reelection bank accounts ... I can hear these republicans now ...we need to put caps on what companies can contribute or we need to repeal the law that says compainies are people .... they would be whining their asses off ... I can see it now ... :lol::lol::lol:
What will Republicans run on?

How they can make Obamacare better? No
How they have a better plan than Obamacare? No

Repeal Obamacare and take away insurance from 10 million people? Yea...thats it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAdrQ2RpdM]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]

still struck in the stupid mode I see racist ...

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period" -- Lie of the Decade

obama himself saw a need to DELAY MAJOR PARTS OF HIS OWN LAW; until not only after this fall's elections; but until he is out of office. by that time it will be several years since passing the law and it still wont be fully implemented


libs are losers who lie to themselves
Bernie Sanders Sends Republicans Into Cold Sweats With a Truth Bomb About Obamacare

So the truth comes out! The GOP is doing everything they can to make the ACA fail, even if it means people die.

No, the nightmare for the GOP has been
A. the conflict whether to let it fail on its own, so the blame is clearly on the original ACA and not on attempts to correct or reform its flaws
vs. whether to go ahead and push to repeal, replace or reform it to prevent further damage, but at the risk of getting blamed politically if this doesn't work or the proposals fail to pass

B. the conflict over what to replace it with
the Singlepayer advocates also disagree on how to go about pushing for reforms
given what ACA already put in place, so this part is everyone's nightmare
but is depicted as only the GOP's issue or opposition. People on the left who are opposed are not speaking out or represented publicly, but riding in the shadows of outspoken GOP who are put in the spotlight, and letting them take the hits, either way, for good or bad!
still clueless as ever ecinicola
Why would the ACA covering more people than expected, costing less than expected, and improving quality in the delivery system hurt the GOP?

Oh right.

I look forward to the conversion of the ACA to single payor during the first Warren--Sanders administration.

Of course you do, but then you are a Communist....how many friendly's did you kill in Nam?

ia rther a better site for you paid posters to go to ans spew your hatred ... I know your paid posters a scared to death of Sanders ... people listen to him Lots of people in the millions listen to him ... but you paid poster will say differently ... right !!!!

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period" -- Lie of the Decade

I repeat .... still struck in the stupid mode I see racist

and loser, who sounds like a broken record the biggest lie of this century is_______________ wait for it loser .... her it come

and you're saying you can't keep your plan is worse ??? what happen their is Obama didn't realize insurance companies would cancel your policy ... as for you can keep your doctor ... you can keep your doctor providing what plan you pick if you picked a LPO they pick your doctor ... the problem you loser republicans have is you don't look before you leep...
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obama himself saw a need to DELAY MAJOR PARTS OF HIS OWN LAW; until not only after this fall's elections; but until he is out of office. by that time it will be several years since passing the law and it still wont be fully implemented


libs are losers who lie to themselves

you sure do say the stupidest shit ... but then again you're a repub-LIE-tard
Bernie Sanders Sends Republicans Into Cold Sweats With a Truth Bomb About Obamacare

So the truth comes out! The GOP is doing everything they can to make the ACA fail, even if it means people die.

Bernie Sanders? Wtf is he and why should we care what he says?

Bernie Sanders and his pals:

1. Creation of the Progressive Caucus is credited to Bernie Sanders. The groups in the radical network include a) the Congressional Progressive Caucus, b) the Congressional Black Caucus, c) the Populist Caucus, and the d) Progressive Democrats of America.
a. Allied with the above is ACORN, SEIU, and the Institute for Policy Studies
b. And, indirectly, the Center for American Progress and the Apollo Alliance.

2. DSA/USA, the "Democratic Socialists of America" are the U.S. arm of the Socialist International. They share the symbol of the fist holding the rose, and they share the tasks to be accomplished - in our case, an altogether different America. You may verify all this at Democratic Socialists of America.

3. Some time ago - the date is missing from the descriptions - 58 members of the U.S. House of Representatives formed a subdivision of the Democratic Socialists of America and called it the Progressive Caucus. Their statement of purpose, as well as their membership list, formed an integral part of the dsausa web site. The membership list appeared on the screen with the continuous background of the fist holding the rose, should anyone have missed the connection with the Socialist International.

4. Following the exposure in this newspaper of the Progressive Caucus (November 10 & 11, 1998), action was taken to hide the true nature of the organization, and its membership list was eventually taken off the dsausa web site.

In fact, the only listing to be found right now is a web site maintained by Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), the only member professing to be a socialist. But interested parties can type "Progressive Caucus" in a search engine, such as Google, and find the dsausa link right up front. The link brings up a screen saying "the page cannot be displayed," but the listing confirms its prior existence.
From "Red Army," by Aaron Klein

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