Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

Let's talk about what's 'Real' and what's 'Fake' regarding Barry's 'Legacy' Economy / Record:

Real Unemployment: 9.3%

Despite Zero Percent Interest Rates, Obama’s Economy Ranks Worst Post WW2 - Trading with The Fly


Obama's Final Economic Numbers Are In - And They're Devastating!

"- There were 5,669,000 Americans working part-time in November who would rather have a full-time job but cited economic reasons for not having such employment.

According to the bureau, involuntary part-time workers are “persons who indicated that they would like to work full time but were working part time (1 to 34 hours) because of an economic reason, such as their hours were cut back or they were unable to find full-time jobs.”

Obama can white-wash it all he wants, but the fact is people are still struggling to make ends meet and find good steady jobs.

Obama touts that he created 10 million jobs over his 2 terms, but Obama’s own former economic advisor Alan Krueger says that 95 percent of the jobs that were counted in that number were temporary or part time

- Barack Obama’s budget is projected to run a deficit of $7.3 trillion over his eight years, making him the president with the largest budget deficit. George W. Bush is second, with a deficit of $3.29 trillion over his eight years. Ronald Reagan is third at $1.412 trillion deficit in eight years and George H.W. Bush comes in fourth with a $1.03 trillion deficit in his single term.

- On the day President Obama was sworn into office (January 20, 2009) the national debt stood at an historic high of $10.6 trillion dollars. As of January 5, 2017, Obama has almost doubled the debt to an astounding $19.9 trillion.

Remember when candidate Obama said in 2008 that 43rd President George W. Bush was “driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents. Number 43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.”

Well, Obama drove up our national debt from $10.6 trillion for the first 43 presidents, and number 44 added over $9 trillion all by his lonesome – as of
January 5, 2017, Obama has almost doubled the debt to an astounding $19.9 trillion that we are going to have to pay back – over $61,000 for every man, woman and child, and over $166,000 per U.S. taxpayer, according to the U.S. National Debt Clock on January 7, 2017. How irresponsible and unpatriotic is that?!"

wow...talk about "Fake News".....


Alexa is the Social Media Editor at Red Alert Politics. Originally from Boston, she went to Washington and Lee University, graduating with a B.A. in Politics. Alexa has worked in various new media and communications positions, most recently with the Republican National Committee, Citizens United, and Students for Life of America. She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband where she enjoys blogging in her pajamas, watching cheesy reality TV shows, and rooting on the 2012 Super Bowl Champion Ravens. You can follow Alexa on Twitter at @AlexaShrugged.
Read more at Alexa Coombs


Are you fucking kidding me?

This is who tells you what to think?
Democratic Coverup for Fannie and Freddie Led to 2008 Meltdown | Human Events

"But when even Bill Clinton has to admit the truth, you know it’s not just a matter of parsing words: “The responsibility that the Democrats have may rest more with resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was president to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”

Part of the reason the Democrats are so angry about the Paulson bailout proposal failing is that it allows the public that much longer to figure out who is primarily responsible for the current debt market turmoil.

The villains in this story are primarily Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd, with conspirators throughout the Democratic Party, the Congressional Black Caucus, and corrupt leftist organizations like ACORN, which not only received Fannie Mae money despite repeated convictions for voter fraud, but which was slated by the Democrats to share in any future potential profits from the bailout."
Why don't we put up the whole picture with some demographic context?


Notice something? From as far back as early 2000s, before anyone has heard the name Obama, it was clear that regardless of business cycle demographic patterns will depress LFPR well into 2030s.

LFPR dropped under Bush, it dropped under Obama and it will drop under Trump, just as surely as it increased through recessions since 1960s to 2000.
so? what's your point?

so you don't know what your point was? just say dot.com. over and over then ask again, what's your point?

It's not clear how this helps obummer's numbers. that's my point.
No...YOU don't know what his point was......because you are thicker than pig shit....

the decline in LFPR has been anticipated for a long time....the evidence of which was before you...
so what? how in the fk does that improve obummer's numbers like you and he stated? derp!!!!

Because they are NOT "his numbers"......Should he go back to 1946 and tell returning GIs to stop fornicating?

Should he have urged Scrub NOT to bequeath an 8 million jobs shortfall?

If you want to measure the relative strength of the job market, see how net gains compare to New Entrants....
Back with more CNS, and a few obscure blogs........
Snowflake, no one buys that liberal BS anymore. The tactic of declaring any media that says anything negative about Democrats is as old as pulling the race card. It has been used so many times it mimics the story of the boy who cried wolf one too many times. Go peddle that crap elsewhere.
Democratic Coverup for Fannie and Freddie Led to 2008 Meltdown | Human Events

"But when even Bill Clinton has to admit the truth, you know it’s not just a matter of parsing words: “The responsibility that the Democrats have may rest more with resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was president to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”

Part of the reason the Democrats are so angry about the Paulson bailout proposal failing is that it allows the public that much longer to figure out who is primarily responsible for the current debt market turmoil.

The villains in this story are primarily Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd, with conspirators throughout the Democratic Party, the Congressional Black Caucus, and corrupt leftist organizations like ACORN, which not only received Fannie Mae money despite repeated convictions for voter fraud, but which was slated by the Democrats to share in any future potential profits from the bailout."
Ross Kaminsky has been a professional derivatives trader for over 20 years. Ross is a fellow of the Heartland Institute

For fucks sake....was he given this assignment by that imbecile Peter Ferrara?

With what part of the actual default data are you struggling?
Back with more CNS, and a few obscure blogs........
Snowflake, no one buys that liberal BS anymore. The tactic of declaring any media that says anything negative about Democrats is as old as pulling the race card. It has been used so many times it mimics the story of the boy who cried wolf one too many times. Go peddle that crap elsewhere.

Now why don't you focus on explaining how jobs data is "manipulated".....
Back with more CNS, and a few obscure blogs........
Snowflake, no one buys that liberal BS anymore. The tactic of declaring any media that says anything negative about Democrats is as old as pulling the race card. It has been used so many times it mimics the story of the boy who cried wolf one too many times. Go peddle that crap elsewhere.
Tell me what you think Alexa knows about economics.....
Now why don't you focus on explaining how jobs data is "manipulated".....
I pointed out that D-Warren, potentially the 2016 DNC Presidential Candidate, declared Obama's Economic Legacy Claims to be bullshit, citing how American families are struggling and feel left behind, a sentiment shared by other Democrats. If that 'triggered' you and you feel so compelled, why don't you contact HER and call one of your Liberal leaders a liar...ask her to explain it to you. :p
Tell me what you think Alexa knows about economics.....
Unlike snowflakes, I try not to speak for others. Usually when snowflakes try to do that they just look stupid. Why don't you contact her and demand she justify herself to you. :p
Now why don't you focus on explaining how jobs data is "manipulated".....
I pointed out that D-Warren, potentially the 2016 DNC Presidential Candidate, declared Obama's Economic Legacy Claims to be bullshit, citing how American families are struggling and feel left behind, a sentiment shared by other Democrats. If that 'triggered' you and you feel so compelled, why don't you contact HER and call one of your Liberal leaders a liar...ask her to explain it to you. :p
She doesn't tell me what to think....the facts do.......

I understand that this may cause you a great deal of confusion, but that is how I roll......
Tell me what you think Alexa knows about economics.....
Unlike snowflakes, I try not to speak for others. Usually when snowflakes try to do that they just look stupid. Why don't you contact her and demand she justify herself to you. :p
The manifest idiot is the one telling you what to think....one might believe that you would do some basic due diligence on those who inform your perspective.....but hey, it's on the innertubes and confirms your uninformed biases, so you don't hesitate to cite it......

Allow me.....Alexa is a mindless tool......which makes you the Useful Idiot of a Mindless Tool...

Let's talk about what's 'Real' and what's 'Fake' regarding Barry's 'Legacy' Economy / Record:

Real Unemployment: 9.3%

Despite Zero Percent Interest Rates, Obama’s Economy Ranks Worst Post WW2 - Trading with The Fly


Obama's Final Economic Numbers Are In - And They're Devastating!

"- There were 5,669,000 Americans working part-time in November who would rather have a full-time job but cited economic reasons for not having such employment.

According to the bureau, involuntary part-time workers are “persons who indicated that they would like to work full time but were working part time (1 to 34 hours) because of an economic reason, such as their hours were cut back or they were unable to find full-time jobs.”

Obama can white-wash it all he wants, but the fact is people are still struggling to make ends meet and find good steady jobs.

Obama touts that he created 10 million jobs over his 2 terms, but Obama’s own former economic advisor Alan Krueger says that 95 percent of the jobs that were counted in that number were temporary or part time

- Barack Obama’s budget is projected to run a deficit of $7.3 trillion over his eight years, making him the president with the largest budget deficit. George W. Bush is second, with a deficit of $3.29 trillion over his eight years. Ronald Reagan is third at $1.412 trillion deficit in eight years and George H.W. Bush comes in fourth with a $1.03 trillion deficit in his single term.

- On the day President Obama was sworn into office (January 20, 2009) the national debt stood at an historic high of $10.6 trillion dollars. As of January 5, 2017, Obama has almost doubled the debt to an astounding $19.9 trillion.

Remember when candidate Obama said in 2008 that 43rd President George W. Bush was “driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents. Number 43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.”

Well, Obama drove up our national debt from $10.6 trillion for the first 43 presidents, and number 44 added over $9 trillion all by his lonesome – as of
January 5, 2017, Obama has almost doubled the debt to an astounding $19.9 trillion that we are going to have to pay back – over $61,000 for every man, woman and child, and over $166,000 per U.S. taxpayer, according to the U.S. National Debt Clock on January 7, 2017. How irresponsible and unpatriotic is that?!"

Back with more CNS, and a few obscure blogs.......offering various uninformed pillocks' economic "stylings"....all in an effort to deny that 4 is INDEED the sum of 2 and 2.....

Furthermore, though none of it addresses any of the issues at hand, it is offered in volume sufficient to leave an informed reader to conclude that it isn't worth the time to wade through...

Well, Obama drove up our national debt from $10.6 trillion for the first 43 presidents, and number 44 added over $9 trillion all by his lonesome
No.....he didn't.....your source is an imbecile.....it's called "Structural Deficit"...add it to the lengthy list of things of which you were entirely ignorant before I edified you.
well yes obummer did. holy fk, we're going nowhere until you can at least admit the numbers.

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush


(CBS News) The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency.

The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office.

The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion. It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office, which coincided with President Obama's first day."

just in three years, he had exceeded bush. And yet you wish to mingle on in here about obummer didn't.
so what? how in the fk does that improve obummer's numbers like you and he stated? derp!!!!

...Jesus fn Christ
You are saying that declining LFPR is proof of bad economy and I'm explaining to your thick, dumb ass, why it isn't. LFPR is a function of demographics that transcend economic cycle.

Don't want to accept that? Fine, I can't force you to be reasonable, but in short 4 years I'll be holding your nose to your very own silly standard when LFPR will continue it's decline under Trump.
And sorry, but that is smoke and mirror posting. the fact is that the numbers are the numbers. And nothing more you can say will boost your theory that obummer had the best economics in history. flat out bullcrap. facts are the facts.
so what? how in the fk does that improve obummer's numbers like you and he stated? derp!!!!

...Jesus fn Christ
You are saying that declining LFPR is proof of bad economy and I'm explaining to your thick, dumb ass, why it isn't. LFPR is a function of demographics that transcend economic cycle.

Don't want to accept that? Fine, I can't force you to be reasonable, but in short 4 years I'll be holding your nose to your very own silly standard when LFPR will continue it's decline under Trump.
And sorry, but that is smoke and mirror posting. the fact is that the numbers are the numbers. And nothing more you can say will boost your theory that obummer had the best economics in history. flat out bullcrap. facts are the facts.

Ok dummy, but what will you say in 4 years when Trump''s LFPR will also be down? Will you equally say that economy was bad under him?
The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office.

The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion.

The "Period of American WO" quadrupled the debt.

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