Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

No it doesn't moron

here is one that does:


So the net was negative for his administration - and still considerably below the value in 2000
Did Obama's predecessor exceed the high point of the administration prior?

I would be the last person to defend Bush's record.
You couldn't even bring yourself to answer the question....

How about this one -

How many votes did you cast for Scrub?
hahahhahaha, like AL Gore or John Kerry. Really? too funny. Let's face it, we have had candidates that leave a lot in question. Bush was necessary for the 9/11 event. A dem would have destroyed the US. So yeah, two votes for Bush. Now how many libturds did you vote into the congress during the last year of Bush's run? See now there is the real issue. The ones writing the laws. you simpletons have erased the bank scandal created by the dems in those last three years. Dodd, Frank maybe?

keep your heads up your ass and never admit anything. I can at least admit that Bush handled the last two years badly. he should have tested the dems and didn't. I am disappointed. Doesn't mean it didn't need my vote to stop the dems. I'm just saying.
Bush was necessary for the 9/11 event.
True....Osama could never have done it without him..

The book's opening anecdote tells of an unnamed CIA briefer who flew to Bush's Texas ranch during the scary summer of 2001, amid a flurry of reports of a pending al-Qaeda attack, to call the president's attention personally to the now-famous Aug. 6, 2001, memo titled "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US." Bush reportedly heard the briefer out and replied: "All right. You've covered your ass, now."
The Shadow War, In a Surprising New Light


A dem would have destroyed the US.

Yeah....sure.....you mean like?


yeah.....that was as narrow escape...but for Scrub's steely resolve and eyeontheball thingy....

Explain to me how nominal employment data can be "manipulated".... Then tell me how the 2nd order effects can be faked. We are about to see who is "the simplest of minds"....

Explain to me how Obama claimed to have saved more jobs with his failed Stimulus Bill than there were actual employees working for the company... :p

Much like the title of this thread does, Obama had a habit of over-inflating his success claims:

Early White House Counts Overstate Number of Jobs Created by Stimulus

White House Overstates Number of Stimulus Jobs Created, Reviews Find

Is the Obama Administration Still Artificially Inflating Job Numbers By Counting 'Lives Touched'? | FreedomWorks

Exclusive: Obama Administration Strips 60K Phantom Jobs From Stimulus Report

Number of Utah jobs created by federal stimulus 'inflated'


Politifact attempts to cover Barry's ass / LIE by giving his LIE, based on predicted not existing jobs created, a 'Half-True' rating. Something is either TRUE or it is NOT. Obama LIED when he declared the following:

"So far, the Recovery Act is responsible for the jobs of about 2 million Americans who would otherwise be unemployed.."

Yeah, as Politifact pointed out, he was only wrong by about 1 MILLION:

"the independent economists who have produced studies agree that the stimulus has saved or created upwards of 1 million jobs...'

In other words, trying their best not to do so, Politifact proved that Obama LIED, over-inflating his numbers to try to make the failed nearly $1 trillion Stimulus Bill look like a success.
Last edited:
Median income: The jump in median income was one of the largest annual increases Census has recorded. The growth was also widespread, with geographic regions and races (except for Asians) seeing increases.

Behind the pay hike is the big increase in employment, Census officials said. Some 3.3 million more Americans were working full-time, year-round, pushing up median income. Some 1.4 million more men and 1 million more women had jobs last year.

"Strong labor markets make a big difference in helping to connect low- and middle-income working families to the broader economy," said Jared Bernstein, senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Median income jumps 5.2% in 2015

Note the underlined....what do you figger will happen to real median household income consequent to a Lost Decade where private sector payrolls SHRANK over the course of 8 years?

Of course, it still didn't make up for the decline that occurred during his administration. The net result is that average income declined under Obama, It sill hasn't risen above the level we enjoyed in 2000. That's a record no sane person would crow about.

Why are you still here? Have you no shame?

The "decline" occurred because a guy for whom you cast 2 enthusiastic votes left the US (and world) economy a smoking crater. This was, by far, the worst economic disaster to befall the nation since The Great Depression. That labor markets have recovered to their present state is a miracle. The ONLY way income were going to rise was if the economy could generate enough jobs to make up for the slack of the previous 8 years......that "slack" represented about 8 million private sector jobs....

And unlike every other post WW2 recovery, this one - in the wake of the WORST recession during that time - had to proceed without the benefit of discretionary fiscal lift.

In fact, the recovery in labor markets was strong enough to grow real median household income at the highest annual rate recorded, in 2014.
You liberals love to fuck things up then blame others when the shit hits the fan. That disaster was caused by Bill Clinton and then when it was pointed out the failings that were going to occur, good ole liberals Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd, used the race card to keep the program going. You mother fuckers never take responsibility for your screwed up actions. This is why liberals are the stupidest people in the Universe.

Clinton's Legacy: The Financial and Housing Meltdown
Then why is Clinton culpable? Because his secretary of housing and urban development, Andrew Cuomo, current governor of New York and a likely 2016 presidential aspirant, accelerated easy-housing policies and inflated the housing bubble, setting the stage for its collapse.

You liberals love to fuck things up then blame others when the shit hits the fan.

5, 4, 3, 2......

That disaster was caused by Bill Clinton

Just another of the many reasons why you are Bripat's Moron-in-Waiting.

he was spot on. too bad for a you.

Read the two lines in bold again.....

Fucking moron.
It looks like read per capita income decreased every year of his administration.

Way to go, Obama!

LOL you do know that Obama's presidency didn't end in 2013, right?

The chart goes to 2015, moron.

No it doesn't dummy, its dated 2014 right on it.

Here is one with 2015 data (but still no 2016):


...and it shows real income growth that started in 2012 and grew past what it was when Obama got into office in 2009.

You do know how to read a basic graph, right?
who was running the congress then? Come on man, obummer fked us all. the turn was thanks to voters. plain and simple.
Explain to me how nominal employment data can be "manipulated".... Then tell me how the 2nd order effects can be faked. We are about to see who is "the simplest of minds"....

Explain to me how Obama claimed to have saved more jobs with his failed Stimulus Bill than there were actual employees working for the company... :p
Let's address your first idiocy....

unless you'd prefer not to humiliate yourself......

Explain to me how Obama claimed to have saved more jobs with his failed Stimulus Bill than there were actual employees working for the company... :p
I've got an idea....why don't you just link me directly to the person whose strict instructions you are fucking up....
LOL you do know that Obama's presidency didn't end in 2013, right?

The chart goes to 2015, moron.

No it doesn't dummy, its dated 2014 right on it.

Here is one with 2015 data (but still no 2016):


...and it shows real income growth that started in 2012 and grew past what it was when Obama got into office in 2009.

You do know how to read a basic graph, right?
who was running the congress then? Come on man, obummer fked us all. the turn was thanks to voters. plain and simple.
For a guy who doesn't know shit, you do a lot of Assertin'.....
LOL you do know that Obama's presidency didn't end in 2013, right?

The chart goes to 2015, moron.

No it doesn't dummy, its dated 2014 right on it.

Here is one with 2015 data (but still no 2016):


...and it shows real income growth that started in 2012 and grew past what it was when Obama got into office in 2009.

You do know how to read a basic graph, right?
who was running the congress then?


Classic dumbass rightwinger hack playbook.

Stage 1: Deny and lie about anything good happening while Democrat was in office.

Stage 2: When presssed with counter-facts resort to claiming that whatever good happened under Democrat is cause of Republicans.

It's the other other perpetual motion machine:

Last edited:
No....you tried to distract from THE FACTS with someone's opinion.....The Facts remain unsullied.

Wrong. I was pointing out that Obama's fellow Democrat, D-Warren, just stated his / snowflake 'facts' are just OPINION.
his / snowflake 'facts' are just OPINION

Facts are facts, Idiot......

If not from BLS, where do you get your employment data?
So the net was negative for his administration - and still considerably below the value in 2000
Did Obama's predecessor exceed the high point of the administration prior?

I would be the last person to defend Bush's record.
You couldn't even bring yourself to answer the question....

How about this one -

How many votes did you cast for Scrub?
hahahhahaha, like AL Gore or John Kerry. Really? too funny. Let's face it, we have had candidates that leave a lot in question. Bush was necessary for the 9/11 event. A dem would have destroyed the US. So yeah, two votes for Bush. Now how many libturds did you vote into the congress during the last year of Bush's run? See now there is the real issue. The ones writing the laws. you simpletons have erased the bank scandal created by the dems in those last three years. Dodd, Frank maybe?

keep your heads up your ass and never admit anything. I can at least admit that Bush handled the last two years badly. he should have tested the dems and didn't. I am disappointed. Doesn't mean it didn't need my vote to stop the dems. I'm just saying.

Love it!

A whole system of Presidential performance analysis built on baseless fantasies about Democrats destroying United States, conveniently divorced from economic concern.

"yea he started a 10 year war of convenience...but at least he didn't destroy United States....by....well...ummm...well...you know how them Democrats do."
You are picking up that "Narrative Dependent" rhetorical style pretty quick.....
Look away from the numbers, Ease.........they will only confuse you....
As D-Warren pointed out, Obama's self-promoting numbers and Polls prove, numbers can be manipulated and used to convince the simplest minds of almost anything. :p
Explain to me how nominal employment data can be "manipulated"....

Then tell me how the 2nd order effects can be faked.

We are about to see who is "the simplest of minds"....
dude, that's fking simple. those who ran out of unemployment money stopped looking for jobs. They fell off the list. It's called now the employee participation number, but please, show us your ignorance and state otherwise.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Now would you take a fkin look at that.
So the net was negative for his administration - and still considerably below the value in 2000
Did Obama's predecessor exceed the high point of the administration prior?

I would be the last person to defend Bush's record.
You couldn't even bring yourself to answer the question....

How about this one -

How many votes did you cast for Scrub?
hahahhahaha, like AL Gore or John Kerry. Really? too funny. Let's face it, we have had candidates that leave a lot in question. Bush was necessary for the 9/11 event. A dem would have destroyed the US. So yeah, two votes for Bush. Now how many libturds did you vote into the congress during the last year of Bush's run? See now there is the real issue. The ones writing the laws. you simpletons have erased the bank scandal created by the dems in those last three years. Dodd, Frank maybe?

keep your heads up your ass and never admit anything. I can at least admit that Bush handled the last two years badly. he should have tested the dems and didn't. I am disappointed. Doesn't mean it didn't need my vote to stop the dems. I'm just saying.

Love it!

A whole system of Presidential performance analysis built on baseless fantasies about Democrats destroying United States, conveniently divorced from economic concern.

"yea he started a 10 year war of convenience...but at least he didn't destroy United States....by....well...ummm...well...you know how them Democrats do."
Dodd, Frank, just say those two names out loud until you have no voice, and those are the two responsible for the banking crisis that was 09. I'm just calling a spade a spade. Now again, Bush mishandled the situation, most likely because he didn't think the congress would have helped him. His error. he should have had meetings with the congress to shut Dodd, Frank down.
Did Obama's predecessor exceed the high point of the administration prior?

I would be the last person to defend Bush's record.
You couldn't even bring yourself to answer the question....

How about this one -

How many votes did you cast for Scrub?
hahahhahaha, like AL Gore or John Kerry. Really? too funny. Let's face it, we have had candidates that leave a lot in question. Bush was necessary for the 9/11 event. A dem would have destroyed the US. So yeah, two votes for Bush. Now how many libturds did you vote into the congress during the last year of Bush's run? See now there is the real issue. The ones writing the laws. you simpletons have erased the bank scandal created by the dems in those last three years. Dodd, Frank maybe?

keep your heads up your ass and never admit anything. I can at least admit that Bush handled the last two years badly. he should have tested the dems and didn't. I am disappointed. Doesn't mean it didn't need my vote to stop the dems. I'm just saying.

Love it!

A whole system of Presidential performance analysis built on baseless fantasies about Democrats destroying United States, conveniently divorced from economic concern.

"yea he started a 10 year war of convenience...but at least he didn't destroy United States....by....well...ummm...well...you know how them Democrats do."
Dodd, Frank, just say those two names out loud until you have no voice, and those are the two responsible for the banking crisis that was 09. I'm just calling a spade a spade. Now again, Bush mishandled the situation, most likely because he didn't think the congress would have helped him. His error. he should have had meetings with the congress to shut Dodd, Frank down.

I see...any legit economists sharing your surely well informed ASSertions?

I've never seen any. What I did see consensus around is pervasive irrational market exuberance, where barely anyone in the market recognized that real estate is not a magic risk-free, bubble-proof commodity.
No....you tried to distract from THE FACTS with someone's opinion.....The Facts remain unsullied.

Wrong. I was pointing out that Obama's fellow Democrat, D-Warren, just stated his / snowflake 'facts' are just OPINION.
his / snowflake 'facts' are just OPINION

Facts are facts, Idiot......

If not from BLS, where do you get your employment data?
from the Bureau of Labor...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Look at that decline. Mamooth.
Look away from the numbers, Ease.........they will only confuse you....
As D-Warren pointed out, Obama's self-promoting numbers and Polls prove, numbers can be manipulated and used to convince the simplest minds of almost anything. :p
Explain to me how nominal employment data can be "manipulated"....

Then tell me how the 2nd order effects can be faked.

We are about to see who is "the simplest of minds"....
dude, that's fking simple. those who ran out of unemployment money stopped looking for jobs. They fell off the list. It's called now the employee participation number, but please, show us your ignorance and state otherwise.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Now would you take a fkin look at that.

You're an idiot......there is no such thing as "employee participation number", if they are an "employee" they MUST be fucking "participating".....

The number of "Discouraged workers" is tracked by BLS......LFPR is NOT a proxy for unemployment......

Economic Research Division
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
LNU05026645 Not in Labor Force: Searched for Work and Available, Discouraged Reasons for Not Currently Looking, Thousands of Persons, Monthly, Not Seasonally Adjusted

Look away from the numbers, Ease.........they will only confuse you....
As D-Warren pointed out, Obama's self-promoting numbers and Polls prove, numbers can be manipulated and used to convince the simplest minds of almost anything. :p
Explain to me how nominal employment data can be "manipulated"....

Then tell me how the 2nd order effects can be faked.

We are about to see who is "the simplest of minds"....
dude, that's fking simple. those who ran out of unemployment money stopped looking for jobs. They fell off the list. It's called now the employee participation number, but please, show us your ignorance and state otherwise.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Now would you take a fkin look at that.
Winner x 1 easyt65

Why don't you two morons get together to figure out how nominal employment data is "faked" or "manipulated"...
No....you tried to distract from THE FACTS with someone's opinion.....The Facts remain unsullied.

Wrong. I was pointing out that Obama's fellow Democrat, D-Warren, just stated his / snowflake 'facts' are just OPINION.
his / snowflake 'facts' are just OPINION

Facts are facts, Idiot......

If not from BLS, where do you get your employment data?
from the Bureau of Labor...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Look at that decline. Mamooth.

Why don't we put up the whole picture with some demographic context?


Notice something? From as far back as early 2000s, before anyone has heard the name Obama, it was clear that regardless of business cycle demographic patterns will depress LFPR well into 2030s.

LFPR dropped under Bush, it dropped under Obama and it will drop under Trump, just as surely as it increased through recessions since 1960s to 2000.
Did Obama's predecessor exceed the high point of the administration prior?

I would be the last person to defend Bush's record.
You couldn't even bring yourself to answer the question....

How about this one -

How many votes did you cast for Scrub?
hahahhahaha, like AL Gore or John Kerry. Really? too funny. Let's face it, we have had candidates that leave a lot in question. Bush was necessary for the 9/11 event. A dem would have destroyed the US. So yeah, two votes for Bush. Now how many libturds did you vote into the congress during the last year of Bush's run? See now there is the real issue. The ones writing the laws. you simpletons have erased the bank scandal created by the dems in those last three years. Dodd, Frank maybe?

keep your heads up your ass and never admit anything. I can at least admit that Bush handled the last two years badly. he should have tested the dems and didn't. I am disappointed. Doesn't mean it didn't need my vote to stop the dems. I'm just saying.

Love it!

A whole system of Presidential performance analysis built on baseless fantasies about Democrats destroying United States, conveniently divorced from economic concern.

"yea he started a 10 year war of convenience...but at least he didn't destroy United States....by....well...ummm...well...you know how them Democrats do."
Dodd, Frank, just say those two names out loud until you have no voice, and those are the two responsible for the banking crisis that was 09. I'm just calling a spade a spade. Now again, Bush mishandled the situation, most likely because he didn't think the congress would have helped him. His error. he should have had meetings with the congress to shut Dodd, Frank down.
Dodd, Frank, just say those two names out loud until you have no voice, and those are the two responsible for the banking crisis that was 09. I'm just calling a spade a spade.

No...you are just sitting there filling up another diaper....

What did the FCIC conclude about the role of the GSEs in the crisis?
I would be the last person to defend Bush's record.
You couldn't even bring yourself to answer the question....

How about this one -

How many votes did you cast for Scrub?
hahahhahaha, like AL Gore or John Kerry. Really? too funny. Let's face it, we have had candidates that leave a lot in question. Bush was necessary for the 9/11 event. A dem would have destroyed the US. So yeah, two votes for Bush. Now how many libturds did you vote into the congress during the last year of Bush's run? See now there is the real issue. The ones writing the laws. you simpletons have erased the bank scandal created by the dems in those last three years. Dodd, Frank maybe?

keep your heads up your ass and never admit anything. I can at least admit that Bush handled the last two years badly. he should have tested the dems and didn't. I am disappointed. Doesn't mean it didn't need my vote to stop the dems. I'm just saying.

Love it!

A whole system of Presidential performance analysis built on baseless fantasies about Democrats destroying United States, conveniently divorced from economic concern.

"yea he started a 10 year war of convenience...but at least he didn't destroy United States....by....well...ummm...well...you know how them Democrats do."
Dodd, Frank, just say those two names out loud until you have no voice, and those are the two responsible for the banking crisis that was 09. I'm just calling a spade a spade. Now again, Bush mishandled the situation, most likely because he didn't think the congress would have helped him. His error. he should have had meetings with the congress to shut Dodd, Frank down.

I see...any legit economists sharing your surely well informed ASSertions?

"I've never seen any. What I did see consensus around is pervasive irrational market exuberance, where barely anyone in the market recognized that real estate is not a magic risk-free, bubble-proof commodity.

The Financial Panic of 2008 and Financial Regulatory Reform

The interbank credit markets seized up. The market value of US financial institutions, especially US mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, [1] collapsed throughout the summer. The US Government was particularly concerned about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because of their size and importance to the US housing market. On 30 June 2008, these two institutions had combined liabilities of over US$5.5 trillion, on a combined total regulatory capital base of approximately US$100 billion. Moreover, a widespread perception existed that their obligations were backed by an implicit guarantee from the US Government. The US Treasury asked Congress for a blank cheque – the power to inject unlimited amounts of additional capital into Fannie and Freddie, arguing that if the market knew that the Treasury had a ‘bazooka’ instead of a ‘squirt gun’, it was substantially less likely that the Treasury would be required to provide any financial assistance at all. Congress gave the Treasury that authority on 30 July 2008. [2]

The market value of Fannie and Freddie, however, continued to collapse throughout August. The Government determined that many of their assets needed to be written down, and concluded that they would not be able to plug the hole by raising additional capital from the capital markets. Alarmed that a failure of Fannie or Freddie could pull down the rest of the financial system, the US Treasury decided to exercise its new ‘bazooka’ authority on 6 September 2008 – approximately five weeks after receiving it – concluding that such action would calm the financial markets. The Government put Fannie and Freddie into conservatorship and pledged to inject up to US$200 billion of new capital in the form of senior preferred stock and warrants. The terms of the transaction resulted in an immediate dilution of 80 per cent of common shareholder value, and a sharp drop in the value of junior preferred stock. The value of Fannie’s and Freddie’s senior and subordinated debt, however, soared because it was senior to the Government’s investment."
No....you tried to distract from THE FACTS with someone's opinion.....The Facts remain unsullied.

Wrong. I was pointing out that Obama's fellow Democrat, D-Warren, just stated his / snowflake 'facts' are just OPINION.
his / snowflake 'facts' are just OPINION

Facts are facts, Idiot......

If not from BLS, where do you get your employment data?
from the Bureau of Labor...

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


Look at that decline. Mamooth.

Why don't we put up the whole picture with some demographic context?


Notice something? From as far back as early 2000s it was clear that regardless of business cycle demographic patterns will depress LFPR well into 2030s

LFPR is a function of DEMOGRAPHICS?

F'n A! The things one learns.....
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
66.4 66.3 66.2 65.9 66.0 66.0 66.0 65.8 66.0 65.8 66.0 66.0
2008 66.2 66.0 66.1 65.9 66.1 66.1 66.1 66.1 66.0 66.0 65.9 65.8
2009 65.7 65.8 65.6 65.7 65.7 65.7 65.5 65.4 65.1 65.0 65.0 64.6
2010 64.8 64.9 64.9 65.2 64.9 64.6 64.6 64.7 64.6 64.4 64.6 64.3
2011 64.2 64.1 64.2 64.2 64.1 64.0 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.1 64.1 64.0
2012 63.7 63.8 63.8 63.7 63.7 63.8 63.7 63.5 63.6 63.8 63.6 63.7
2013 63.6 63.4 63.3 63.4 63.4 63.4 63.3 63.3 63.3 62.8 63.0 62.9
2014 62.9 62.9 63.1 62.8 62.8 62.8 62.9 62.9 62.8 62.9 62.9 62.7
2015 62.9 62.7 62.7 62.8 62.9 62.6 62.6 62.6 62.4 62.5 62.5 62.7
2016 62.7 62.9 63.0 62.8 62.6 62.7 62.8 62.8 62.9 62.8 62.6 62.7
2017 62.9 63.0 63.0

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