Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

CBO was only one of SEVERAL entities concluding that ARRA added substantially to US employment.

As you know, the CBO is little more than a calculator. They are only allowed to do their calculations according to the instructions they receive. They are also not allowed to use dynamic insofar as that is a hypothetical estimate. That prohibits the use of a far more accurate and realistic figure.

Progressives LOVE the use of static calculations since it ignores THE REAL WORLD.

Jeeezus whats with you rightwingers?

"Number of" is NEVER expressed as a %, that is what RATE is.

So no dummy, LFPR % is NOT "all the people of working age who are employed".

Number of people working increased by 11 million since Obama got into office, 16 million in the last 6 years.

As far as participation RATE, that was carefully explained here:

LFPR trends explained

You're cute! Thank you so much!

What is the labor force participation rate?

Today's jobs report, while overall very strong, showed a slight tick down in the labor force participation rate, from 62.8% last month to 62.7% this month. It's now at the lowest rate since 1978.
Labor Force Participation Rate September 2014 - Business ...

Labor force participation rate equation
You calculate the labor force participation rate by dividing the number of people actively participating in the labor force by the total number of people eligible to participate in the labor force. You can then multiply the resulting quotient by 100 to get the percentage.
The Labor Force Participation Rate: Equation & Concept ...
Describe the population in the denominator.....
CBO was only one of SEVERAL entities concluding that ARRA added substantially to US employment.

As you know, the CBO is little more than a calculator. They are only allowed to do their calculations according to the instructions they receive. They are also not allowed to use dynamic insofar as that is a hypothetical estimate. That prohibits the use of a far more accurate and realistic figure.

Progressives LOVE the use of static calculations since it ignores THE REAL WORLD.

No...When performing mandated analyses CBO must deal exclusively with knowns....It can also provide reports where the client specifies the assumptions....

Dynamic scoring is too unreliable to inform policy....
CBO was only one of SEVERAL entities concluding that ARRA added substantially to US employment.

As you know, the CBO is little more than a calculator. They are only allowed to do their calculations according to the instructions they receive. They are also not allowed to use dynamic insofar as that is a hypothetical estimate. That prohibits the use of a far more accurate and realistic figure.

Progressives LOVE the use of static calculations since it ignores THE REAL WORLD.

How would dynamic scoring have affected CBO's analysis of ARRA?
LMFAO, this reminds me of the story how a few illegal kids snuck in here and Obama sent them free of charge to fucking Hawaii.

Good ol' Obama

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

The Dream Act applied exclusively to immigrants who had been in the US, without leaving, for the 5 years prior to the proposal.

If anything triggered the "invasion" which kept you sleeping with the dust bunnies, it was domestic events in central american countries....

Then why did they come alone?

Who are you trying to bull shit?

It was an Obama Hallmark card

You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

The Dream Act applied exclusively to immigrants who had been in the US, without leaving, for the 5 years prior to the proposal.

If anything triggered the "invasion" which kept you sleeping with the dust bunnies, it was domestic events in central american countries....

Then why did they come alone?

Who are you trying to bull shit?

It was an Obama Hallmark card

I can lead you to the facts.....whether they will make an impression on you is a matter of indifference...
Oh, jesus...THIS again? 92 percent of economists surveyed agreed that the stimulus succeeded in reducing the jobless rate? And I'm supposed to be impressed by that? Are you kidding me? When you spend upwards of 800 BILLION dollars it's a given that you're going to reduce the jobless rate...what makes that survey totally useless (unless of course you're a propagandist pushing the narrative that the stimulus was a "success"!) is that they didn't ask those economists is if they thought spending over $250,000 per job was a good use of stimulus funds!

What's disturbing is that those "leading" economists weren't honest enough to admit that the benefit didn't come close to exceeding the cost...something that they would have obviously known...yet chose to ignore! That's letting your political viewpoint totally cloud your professional opinion.

We (Tallahassee) received a (no kidding) $3.2 MILLION TURTLE TUNNEL. Something we didn't need or want. We have a large bass fishing lake called Lake Jackson. A small portion of the lake is on the other side of US 27 North coming out of town. An environmental whacko had petitioned the county for years to build a tunnel under the road for the turtles. I traveled that road thousands of times and never saw a turtle on the 4-lane divided highway nor one that was smushed. Volunteers had for years maintained low, environmental screening held up with wooden stakes. The whacko had plans and everything drawn for this boondoggle. So, it was SHOVEL READY.

The amusing part is that due to the tunnel which draws other animals as well, the alligators camp out at each end so it's sort of a fast food stop for gators.

The Obama economy sucked. I ran a business through it and NEVER saw a large bump to indicate things were going up. Just year after of year of next to no growth.

On the contrary December thru April were booming for us. I do see signs that things are slowing a bit but it's too early to tell.
But still, year after year of growth.

In a mature economy, it's difficult to even make it to 2% a year. More is laughable. And Trump has said 6%. Who could believe such nonsense?

By "mature economy" you mean one bogged down by socialism. The trick is to make it younger by dumping the socialism.
Oh stop. That's silly. It doesn't even make sense.
You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

The Dream Act applied exclusively to immigrants who had been in the US, without leaving, for the 5 years prior to the proposal.

If anything triggered the "invasion" which kept you sleeping with the dust bunnies, it was domestic events in central american countries....

Then why did they come alone?

Who are you trying to bull shit?

It was an Obama Hallmark card

I can lead you to the facts.....whether they will make an impression on you is a matter of indifference...

What facts..

Simple history..

2012 Obama signs the dream act

Word gets around and we end up with thousands of illegal children coming to this country.

Remember this?

You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

The Dream Act applied exclusively to immigrants who had been in the US, without leaving, for the 5 years prior to the proposal.

If anything triggered the "invasion" which kept you sleeping with the dust bunnies, it was domestic events in central american countries....

Then why did they come alone?

Who are you trying to bull shit?

It was an Obama Hallmark card

I can lead you to the facts.....whether they will make an impression on you is a matter of indifference...

What facts..

Simple history..

2012 Obama signs the dream act

Word gets around and we end up with thousands of illegal children coming to this country.

Remember this?

View attachment 125635

It's normally parents and children...but not in this case, quit the bullshit.

No it's not. The Labor Force is Employed PLUS Unemployed, and the Labor Force participation rate is the Labor Force divided by the adult civilian noninstitutional population.

Wrong pinqy.

Labor force participation rate equation
You calculate the labor force participation rate by dividing the number of people actively participating in the labor force by the total number of people eligible to participate in the labor force. You can then multiply the resulting quotient by 100 to get the percentage.
The Labor Force Participation Rate: Equation & Concept ...
No it's not. The Labor Force is Employed PLUS Unemployed, and the Labor Force participation rate is the Labor Force divided by the adult civilian population.

Wrong pinqy.

Labor force participation rate equation
You calculate the labor force participation rate by dividing the number of people actively participating in the labor force by the total number of people eligible to participate in the labor force. You can then multiply the resulting quotient by 100 to get the percentage.
The Labor Force Participation Rate: Equation & Concept ...
So BLS is wrong about their own definition? That's your claim?
BLS glossary L
Labor force (Current Population Survey)
The labor force includes all persons classified as employed or unemployed in accordance with the definitions contained in this glossary.

Labor force participation rate
The labor force as a percent of the civilian noninstitutional population.

Oh, and
Civilian noninstitutional population (Current Population Survey)
Included are persons 16 years of age and older residing in the 50 states and the District of Columbia who do not live in institutions (for example, correctional facilities, long-term care hospitals, and nursing homes) and who are not on active duty in the Armed Forces.

And to prove BLS is wrong about their own definition, you cite a link whose definition does not disagree with the BLS definition, it just words it differently
Your link is correct....the labor force are those actively participating in the labor market: those working (employed) and looking for work (unemployed) as a percent of those eligible to participate in the labor force: those age 16 and older who are not in the military or in an institution.

But please, explain how BLS is wrong, and how your link doesn't say the same thing.
Describe the population in the denominator.....

Once again, for the obviously very slow.

Labor force participation rate equation
You calculate the labor force participation rate by dividing the number of people actively participating in the labor force by the total number of people eligible to participate in the labor force.
You can then multiply the resulting quotient by 100 to get the percentage.
The Labor Force Participation Rate: Equation & Concept ...
You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?

There's nothing in that act that requires the federal government to go to foreign country, pick them up, and bring them here. Citing that law is a ruse. It's the work of lying scumbags.
Great, the forum moron chimes in.

No one said anything about the government going into foreign nations to pick them up. Did you read the article your fellow snowflake posted earlier?

Over 30,000 unaccompanied minors that have illegally crossed the U.S. border have been transported to sponsor families across the United States, including some in Alaska and Hawaii.

Do you ever post anything to demonstrate you have any brain activity at all?

What does that have to do with "trafficking?" You just admitted the crossed the border illegal, which means the only thing they are entitled to is a bus ride to Tijuana.
Sad thing is -- you really are too stupid to read the law for yourself. <smh>

If you could quote the section that supports your idiotic claim, you would have done so.
See that? I'm 100% right. You are too stupid to read the law for yourself. You need me to do it for you.

Since I feel pity for you, here ya go...

(c) PROVIDING SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS FOR CHILDREN.— (1) POLICIES AND PROGRAMS.—The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Homeland Security, Attorney General, and Secretary of State shall establish policies and programs to ensure that unaccompanied alien children in the United States are protected from traffickers and other persons seeking to victimize or otherwise engage such children in criminal, harmful, or exploitative activity, including policies and programs reflecting best practices in witness security programs. (2) SAFE AND SECURE PLACEMENTS.—Subject to section 462(b)(2) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 279(b)(2)), an unaccompanied alien child in the custody of the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be promptly placed in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child. In making such placements, the Secretary may consider danger to self, danger to the community, and risk of flight. Placement of child trafficking victims may include placement in an Unaccompanied Refugee Minor program, pursuant to section 412(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1522(d)), if a suitable family member is not available to provide care. A child shall not be placed in a secure facility absent a determination that the child poses a danger to self or others or has been charged with having committed a criminal offense. The placement of a child in a secure facility shall be reviewed, at a minimum, on a monthly basis, in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Secretary, to determine if such placement remains warranted.
(3) SAFETY AND SUITABILITY ASSESSMENTS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the requirements of subparagraph (B), an unaccompanied alien child may not be placed with a person or entity unless the Secretary of Health and Human Services makes a determination that the proposed custodian is capable of providing for the child’s physical and mental well-being. Such determination shall, at a minimum, include verification of the custodian’s identity and relationship to the child, if any, as well as an independent finding that the individual has not engaged in any activity that would indicate a potential risk to the child.

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