Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

View attachment 125464

LMFAO, this reminds me of the story how a few illegal kids snuck in here and Obama sent them free of charge to fucking Hawaii.

Good ol' Obama

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on


LMFAO, this reminds me of the story how a few illegal kids snuck in here and Obama sent them free of charge to fucking Hawaii.

Good ol' Obama

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?
Worst economy ever....longest lasting recession ever. You can come up with all of the fake news stories you want to but the bottom line is; If the economy under Obama was good Hillary would have been elected, not Trump.
So Obama didn't "invent" the term as you falsely claimed. You lied and got caught. What a shame you're not man enough to own up to your lie and apologize.

What's amusing, Faun is that you're not even attempting to claim that Obama didn't use "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs he created with his stimulus...you think for some reason that because two people in the Bush Administration used a similar phrase in two speeches that it's something that "Jobs created or saved" was also used in the Bush Administration to hide how many jobs THEY created! Which is total bullshit and par for the course when it comes to you!

More deflection from the forum liar. You keep acknowledging the Bush administration used the term, yet you refuse to apologize to the forum for lying when you falsely claimed Obama "invented" the term.


And I never claimed Obama invented the term...I stated that he invented a new economic statistic to hide how few jobs he'd really created. Nobody used "Jobs created or saved" as an economic statistic before Barry and his minions started using it.
And I showed you where the Bush administration used it as such to claim half a million jobs were saved or created.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


You showed me one instance of the Bush Secretary of Agriculture attempting to use the same bullshit statistic in one speech and that's it! Then you make the quantum leap of logic and accuse the Bush Administration of doing what the Obama Administration did...as if using that term once in a speech is the same thing as a well coordinated misinformation campaign designed to mislead the American people...something that was done REPEATEDLY by numerous members of the Obama Administration...aided by a compliant main stream media that went along with the narrative.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I showed you only "one instance?" From just "one speech?"

Here's my post....

Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

Not "one instance" as you falsely claim -- but three. Not "one speech," three different speeches. Not only one person, but three.

Hell, you can't even keep track of your own lies....

you think for some reason that because two people in the Bush Administration used a similar phrase in two speeches that it's something that...

You showed me one instance of the Bush Secretary of Agriculture attempting to use the same bullshit statistic in one speech and that's it!

So? Where's you're apology to the forum for being such an unabashed liar?
LMFAO, this reminds me of the story how a few illegal kids snuck in here and Obama sent them free of charge to fucking Hawaii.

Good ol' Obama

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?

There's nothing in that act that requires the federal government to go to foreign country, pick them up, and bring them here. Citing that law is a ruse. It's the work of lying scumbags.
LMFAO, this reminds me of the story how a few illegal kids snuck in here and Obama sent them free of charge to fucking Hawaii.

Good ol' Obama

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?

You god damn moron.this has to do with ice burg slim.post..

Again Obama signs the dream act...

We then get flooded with minors
... Jesus Christ stay in your own country threads.

Here's another lie from the forum liar...

explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people?
(emphasis added)

Forget the argument of whether or not ARRA was a failure.... and forget the argument of whether or not the Obama administration invented that term ...the Obama administration did not "start using" it "after."

They used it in the January, 2009, release of their plan before it even went to Congress and before a dime was even spent on it...

The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


LMFAO, this reminds me of the story how a few illegal kids snuck in here and Obama sent them free of charge to fucking Hawaii.

Good ol' Obama

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?

For the ignorant

On June 15, 2012, President Barack Obama announced that his administration would stop deporting young illegal immigrants who match certain criteria previously proposed under the DREAM ACT.[37]

On August 15, 2012, the same day thatU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began accepting applications under the Obama administration’s new Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program

Then when the word got out.

Unaccompanied Children from Central America, One Year Later | HuffPost
You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?

You god damn moron.this has to do with ice burg slim.post..

Again Obama signs the dream act...

We then get flooded with minors
... Jesus Christ stay in your own country threads.

I love when you retards scream with big fonts what an absolute imbecile you are....

Imbecile.... minors coming into the U.S. were not covered by Obama's Dream act; which required such candidates of the act to be here for at least 5 years. Even worse for your dementia, unlike the 2008 act mentioned above -- the Dream Act never became law.

What DID encourage minors to come here unaccompanied was Bush's William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, which was responsible for the kids in your article to be dispersed throughout the nation and to be cared for.

So? Where's your outrage at Bush? :mm:

Your next post will be your next moronic contribution to this forum.
You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?

For the ignorant

On June 15, 2012, President Barack Obama announced that his administration would stop deporting young illegal immigrants who match certain criteria previously proposed under the DREAM ACT.[37]

On August 15, 2012, the same day thatU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began accepting applications under the Obama administration’s new Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program

Then when the word got out.

Unaccompanied Children from Central America, One Year Later | HuffPost
The Dream Act never became law, you putz. So how could it send kids to Hawaii and Alaska, as your cried about earlier. :eusa_doh:

It's the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008 which enabled that.

Tell me again, what's the name of the president who signed that into law? The clue is in the law's title ... 2008.

You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?

You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?

There's nothing in that act that requires the federal government to go to foreign country, pick them up, and bring them here. Citing that law is a ruse. It's the work of lying scumbags.
Great, the forum moron chimes in.

No one said anything about the government going into foreign nations to pick them up. Did you read the article your fellow snowflake posted earlier?

Over 30,000 unaccompanied minors that have illegally crossed the U.S. border have been transported to sponsor families across the United States, including some in Alaska and Hawaii.

Do you ever post anything to demonstrate you have any brain activity at all?

We now have 7 full years of economic data since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”). So, as Republicans in Washington continue their relentless assault on the ACA, it’s a good time to take stock of how America actually fared in the Obamacare Economy.

Before turning to the facts, a reminder of the narrative that the GOP has been pushing about the ACA for so long:

“It will bankrupt our nation, and it will ruin our economy! … This health care law … is already destroying jobs in our country.” — John Boehner, 2011

“We now know that Obamacare has been one of the single biggest drags on job creation since early 2010.” — Mitch McConnell, 2012

“[T]his is going to blow a hole through the deficit even more than we had already thought.” — Paul Ryan, 2012

“Obamacare is directly responsible for destroying jobs and lowering wages for workers” — Senate Republican Policy Committee, 2014

“It is the biggest job-killer in this country.” — Ted Cruz, 2016

“Obamacare is devastating businesses." — Donald Trump, 2016

“Obamacare … this disastrous policy that's been killing jobs." — Mike Pence, 2016

Let’s tackle these false “job-killing, wage-reducing, deficit-busting” myths one by one:

The Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 Million Jobs Created, Middle-Class Incomes Up $3K
Looks pretty good.
You fuck tard who sent those illegals kids a god damn Hallmark card?

Ice burg fag wants the world to believe that the Messiah lowered the illegal rate, hoping no one brings up the onslaught of children.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?

There's nothing in that act that requires the federal government to go to foreign country, pick them up, and bring them here. Citing that law is a ruse. It's the work of lying scumbags.
Great, the forum moron chimes in.

No one said anything about the government going into foreign nations to pick them up. Did you read the article your fellow snowflake posted earlier?

Over 30,000 unaccompanied minors that have illegally crossed the U.S. border have been transported to sponsor families across the United States, including some in Alaska and Hawaii.

Do you ever post anything to demonstrate you have any brain activity at all?

What does that have to do with "trafficking?" You just admitted the crossed the border illegal, which means the only thing they are entitled to is a bus ride to Tijuana.
The saddest thing, is that we are witnessing a conman fooling millions of people. This guy has nothing conservative about him, a fake 1%er....hires crooks and people from the swamp, no transparency (taxes), no Christian values, narcissist beyond belief. And yet they follow him with folded eyes. Just got from overseas everyone is speechless how my countrymen can distinguish between fake and real.
This guy and his family were sleeping in bed with wall street and DC and still are, and you think you voted for an outsider??......insults aside, what do u see that no one in the world can see? Lack of rducation? Hatred towards minorities? What...?
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

View attachment 125464

LMFAO, this reminds me of the story how a few illegal kids snuck in here and Obama sent them free of charge to fucking Hawaii.

Good ol' Obama

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

Oh, wait -- this gets even better.....

Your own link ....

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

has a link in the article....

Unaccompanied Children Released to Sponsors By State

^^^ That link ^^^ takes you to the Department of Health & Human Resources website which describes the program that allows the government to shuffle kids, caught illegally crossing the border, to all over the U.S.

That page also has a link ...

Unaccompanied Children Program Reunification Packet for Sponsors

...which takes you to the Unaccompanied Children Program page ... which contains a section outlining the authority behind the program that bear513 is crying about....

Yup, you guessed it.... listed there is a link to .......... Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

Your own link leads you there, ya flamin' rightard.

The Obama economy sucked. I ran a business through it and NEVER saw a large bump to indicate things were going up. Just year after of year of next to no growth.

On the contrary December thru April were booming for us. I do see signs that things are slowing a bit but it's too early to tell.

We now have 7 full years of economic data since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”). So, as Republicans in Washington continue their relentless assault on the ACA, it’s a good time to take stock of how America actually fared in the Obamacare Economy.

Before turning to the facts, a reminder of the narrative that the GOP has been pushing about the ACA for so long:

“It will bankrupt our nation, and it will ruin our economy! … This health care law … is already destroying jobs in our country.” — John Boehner, 2011

“We now know that Obamacare has been one of the single biggest drags on job creation since early 2010.” — Mitch McConnell, 2012

“[T]his is going to blow a hole through the deficit even more than we had already thought.” — Paul Ryan, 2012

“Obamacare is directly responsible for destroying jobs and lowering wages for workers” — Senate Republican Policy Committee, 2014

“It is the biggest job-killer in this country.” — Ted Cruz, 2016

“Obamacare is devastating businesses." — Donald Trump, 2016

“Obamacare … this disastrous policy that's been killing jobs." — Mike Pence, 2016

Let’s tackle these false “job-killing, wage-reducing, deficit-busting” myths one by one:

The Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 Million Jobs Created, Middle-Class Incomes Up $3K
Notice that she left out the 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money that the FED created. Someone will HAVE to pay for that private DEBT. I am sure Janet Yellow will spring that surprise on President Trump sometime soon.

It has also allowed Washington to pay less for the money it borrows. US government debt, already more than $17.7 trillion, would be substantially higher if the Treasury had been forced to pay normal interest rates to lenders over the past six years.
PRAVDA would be proud of the Commies of the liberal party today.

Notice that she left out the 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money that the FED created. Someone will HAVE to pay for that private DEBT.

The money they created did not create new debt.
No new debt to repay.

The money they created did not create new debt??? WTF, did it just magically appear?

Yes, the Federal Reserve, like all Central Banks, can make money magically appear.

When the Fed prints money...it makes the value of the money in your wallet shrink, Toddster. It's like they reached right into your pocket and stole from you.

Glad we're off that "new debt" claim.
You're blaming Obama for following the law??

Where's your outrage at Bush for signing that into law?


Still trying to play ignorant on his dream act and the invasion that followed?

Carry on

You really suck at this -- the Dream Act has absolutely nothing to do with the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008

How many more deviations will you take rather than blame the president who signed that into law?

There's nothing in that act that requires the federal government to go to foreign country, pick them up, and bring them here. Citing that law is a ruse. It's the work of lying scumbags.
Great, the forum moron chimes in.

No one said anything about the government going into foreign nations to pick them up. Did you read the article your fellow snowflake posted earlier?

Over 30,000 unaccompanied minors that have illegally crossed the U.S. border have been transported to sponsor families across the United States, including some in Alaska and Hawaii.

Do you ever post anything to demonstrate you have any brain activity at all?

What does that have to do with "trafficking?" You just admitted the crossed the border illegal, which means the only thing they are entitled to is a bus ride to Tijuana.
Sad thing is -- you really are too stupid to read the law for yourself. <smh>

We now have 7 full years of economic data since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”). So, as Republicans in Washington continue their relentless assault on the ACA, it’s a good time to take stock of how America actually fared in the Obamacare Economy.

Before turning to the facts, a reminder of the narrative that the GOP has been pushing about the ACA for so long:

“It will bankrupt our nation, and it will ruin our economy! … This health care law … is already destroying jobs in our country.” — John Boehner, 2011

“We now know that Obamacare has been one of the single biggest drags on job creation since early 2010.” — Mitch McConnell, 2012

“[T]his is going to blow a hole through the deficit even more than we had already thought.” — Paul Ryan, 2012

“Obamacare is directly responsible for destroying jobs and lowering wages for workers” — Senate Republican Policy Committee, 2014

“It is the biggest job-killer in this country.” — Ted Cruz, 2016

“Obamacare is devastating businesses." — Donald Trump, 2016

“Obamacare … this disastrous policy that's been killing jobs." — Mike Pence, 2016

Let’s tackle these false “job-killing, wage-reducing, deficit-busting” myths one by one:

The Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 Million Jobs Created, Middle-Class Incomes Up $3K
You would expect certain incomes to be up.

Rise of the machines: Fear robots, not China or Mexico

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Most US manufacturing jobs lost to technology, not trade
The US did indeed lose about 5.6m manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 2010. But according to a study by the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University, 85 per cent of these jobs losses are actually attributable to technological change — largely automation — rather than international trade.


How do you tell people jobs are coming back when they didn't move away, they WENT away?
The saddest thing, is that we are witnessing a conman fooling millions of people. This guy has nothing conservative about him, a fake 1%er....hires crooks and people from the swamp, no transparency (taxes), no Christian values, narcissist beyond belief. And yet they follow him with folded eyes. Just got from overseas everyone is speechless how my countrymen can distinguish between fake and real.
This guy and his family were sleeping in bed with wall street and DC and still are, and you think you voted for an outsider??......insults aside, what do u see that no one in the world can see? Lack of rducation? Hatred towards minorities? What...?

The saddest thing, is that we are witnessing a conman fooling millions of people. This guy has nothing conservative about him, a fake 1%er....hires crooks and people from the swamp, no transparency (taxes), no Christian values, narcissist beyond belief.

I know!!
But enough about Obama.

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