Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

View attachment 125464

LMFAO, this reminds me of the story how a few illegal kids snuck in here and Obama sent them free of charge to fucking Hawaii.

Good ol' Obama

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

There are fewer than half a million people who are not in the labor force because they "gave up." And that's not necessarily due to being unemployed for a long time....Some who lost his job, looked once for work and then gave up would be not in the labor force for discouraged reasons 4 weeks later.

Half a million? You are far more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal!


Sure does reflect a number far, far higher than half a million!
You're a fucking moron.....LFPR is NOT a proxy for "discouraged workers". BLS tracks the actual number....
Damned cretin..

You're so cute!

The Labor Force Participation Rate are all the people of working age who are employed. As you can see, as petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama touted that the unemployment rate was dropping, the number of workers has plunged. From 67.2% when Obama took office down to 62.9 in January. That's a huge drop.

Jeeezus whats with you rightwingers?

"Number of" is NEVER expressed as a %, that is what RATE is.

So no dummy, LFPR % is NOT "all the people of working age who are employed".

Number of people working increased by 11 million since Obama got into office, 16 million in the last 6 years.

As far as participation RATE, that was carefully explained here:

LFPR trends explained
So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.
Last edited:
So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

And for about the tenth time...there is a HUGE difference between two obscure people in a previous administration using a phrase that sounds similar to "jobs created and saved" in two isolated speeches to a small crowd and a President, Vice President and Press Secretary that deliberately attempted to mislead the American people about how many jobs the stimulus program that they just spent close to a trillion dollars on created by repeatedly quoting how many jobs they "created or saved"!
What's laughable, Anton...is that you quote government sources back in 2010 on how many jobs the Obama Stimulus created...numbers that subsequently were shown to be complete bullshit. When the claims that were being made by the Obama Administration were investigated by reporters it was found that huge numbers of those supposed jobs didn't exist. Yet here you are still claiming that they did? You're a buffoon!
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

View attachment 125464
Trump is spending about $6 million a month just to go to Mar-a-Lago. Where's your outrage, con?

That's just like me going to Myrtle Beach ..but I don't need 85 security men , planes and shit.

It is funny how the left all of a sudden forgot about Obama sending out a Hallmark card and we got flooded for a bit with illegal children... selective memory....
Cause it never happened......

Like much of what you selectively remember....
What's laughable, Anton...is that you quote government sources back in 2010 on how many jobs the Obama Stimulus created...numbers that subsequently were shown to be complete bullshit. When the claims that were being made by the Obama Administration were investigated by reporters it was found that huge numbers of those supposed jobs didn't exist. Yet here you are still claiming that they did? You're a buffoon!
No...it appears that you are, once again, making shit up as you go along.....

CBO: Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs

Now don't come back here telling tales........If you don't have a citation, you have nothing.

Ya follah?
So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

And for about the tenth time...there is a HUGE difference between two obscure people in a previous administration using a phrase that sounds similar to "jobs created and saved" in two isolated speeches to a small crowd and a President, Vice President and Press Secretary that deliberately attempted to mislead the American people about how many jobs the stimulus program that they just spent close to a trillion dollars on created by repeatedly quoting how many jobs they "created or saved"!
You're a meathead.

CBO was only one of SEVERAL entities concluding that ARRA added substantially to US employment.

There were private sector economists at Moody's, IHS, and Macroeconomic Advisors, as well as several Wall street banks who ALL concluded the same thing.

In fact, it is something behind which there exists a very rare consensus among economists.

Let’s start with Obama’s stimulus. The standard Republican talking point is that it failed, meaning it didn’t reduce unemployment. Yet in a survey of leading economists conducted by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, 92 percent agreed that the stimulus succeeded in reducing the jobless rate. On the harder question of whether the benefit exceeded the cost, more than half thought it did, one in three was uncertain, and fewer than one in six disagreed.

The U.S. Economic Policy Debate Is a Sham

Now, given that you don't know anything, let me inform you that seeing that level of agreement among economists is rare.....very rare.......it takes something really obvious.....

Like this,

Analysis | 35 of 37 economists said Trump was wrong. The other two misread the question.
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

View attachment 125464

You found a MEME? How long did it take you to finish it?

Do you have any idea why you are so abysmally ignorant?
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

View attachment 125464

LMFAO, this reminds me of the story how a few illegal kids snuck in here and Obama sent them free of charge to fucking Hawaii.

Good ol' Obama

Feds flying illegal immigrant minors to Hawaii, Alaska; 30K transported across U.S.

You rightards are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

There's a law that requires the Department of Health & Human Services to take custody and to provide care for such kids....


Who was president in 2008?
So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

And for about the tenth time...there is a HUGE difference between two obscure people in a previous administration using a phrase that sounds similar to "jobs created and saved" in two isolated speeches to a small crowd and a President, Vice President and Press Secretary that deliberately attempted to mislead the American people about how many jobs the stimulus program that they just spent close to a trillion dollars on created by repeatedly quoting how many jobs they "created or saved"!
So Obama didn't "invent" the term as you falsely claimed. You lied and got caught. What a shame you're not man enough to own up to your lie and apologize.
So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

And for about the tenth time...there is a HUGE difference between two obscure people in a previous administration using a phrase that sounds similar to "jobs created and saved" in two isolated speeches to a small crowd and a President, Vice President and Press Secretary that deliberately attempted to mislead the American people about how many jobs the stimulus program that they just spent close to a trillion dollars on created by repeatedly quoting how many jobs they "created or saved"!
So Obama didn't "invent" the term as you falsely claimed. You lied and got caught. What a shame you're not man enough to own up to your lie and apologize.
You must be talking Celebrated Lying Coward, Old Style.....
So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

And for about the tenth time...there is a HUGE difference between two obscure people in a previous administration using a phrase that sounds similar to "jobs created and saved" in two isolated speeches to a small crowd and a President, Vice President and Press Secretary that deliberately attempted to mislead the American people about how many jobs the stimulus program that they just spent close to a trillion dollars on created by repeatedly quoting how many jobs they "created or saved"!
So Obama didn't "invent" the term as you falsely claimed. You lied and got caught. What a shame you're not man enough to own up to your lie and apologize.
You must be talking Celebrated Lying Coward, Old Style.....
If that yutz ever tells the truth, it'll be by accident.
So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

And for about the tenth time...there is a HUGE difference between two obscure people in a previous administration using a phrase that sounds similar to "jobs created and saved" in two isolated speeches to a small crowd and a President, Vice President and Press Secretary that deliberately attempted to mislead the American people about how many jobs the stimulus program that they just spent close to a trillion dollars on created by repeatedly quoting how many jobs they "created or saved"!
So Obama didn't "invent" the term as you falsely claimed. You lied and got caught. What a shame you're not man enough to own up to your lie and apologize.

What's amusing, Faun is that you're not even attempting to claim that Obama didn't use "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs he created with his stimulus...you think for some reason that because two people in the Bush Administration used a similar phrase in two speeches that it's something that "Jobs created or saved" was also used in the Bush Administration to hide how many jobs THEY created! Which is total bullshit and par for the course when it comes to you!
So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

And for about the tenth time...there is a HUGE difference between two obscure people in a previous administration using a phrase that sounds similar to "jobs created and saved" in two isolated speeches to a small crowd and a President, Vice President and Press Secretary that deliberately attempted to mislead the American people about how many jobs the stimulus program that they just spent close to a trillion dollars on created by repeatedly quoting how many jobs they "created or saved"!
So Obama didn't "invent" the term as you falsely claimed. You lied and got caught. What a shame you're not man enough to own up to your lie and apologize.

What's amusing, Faun is that you're not even attempting to claim that Obama didn't use "Jobs created or saved" to hide how few jobs he created with his stimulus...you think for some reason that because two people in the Bush Administration used a similar phrase in two speeches that it's something that "Jobs created or saved" was also used in the Bush Administration to hide how many jobs THEY created! Which is total bullshit and par for the course when it comes to you!

More deflection from the forum liar. You keep acknowledging the Bush administration used the term, yet you refuse to apologize to the forum for lying when you falsely claimed Obama "invented" the term.

The OP left out...

- Un-affordable Premiums

- Oppressive Govt Mandates

- Entire Communities left with no health Insurance as Companies pull out

- A collapsing ACA Snowflakes want to ride into the dirt like Slim Pickens on the back of a nuke in 'Dr. Strangelove'

So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

And for about the tenth time...there is a HUGE difference between two obscure people in a previous administration using a phrase that sounds similar to "jobs created and saved" in two isolated speeches to a small crowd and a President, Vice President and Press Secretary that deliberately attempted to mislead the American people about how many jobs the stimulus program that they just spent close to a trillion dollars on created by repeatedly quoting how many jobs they "created or saved"!
You're a meathead.

CBO was only one of SEVERAL entities concluding that ARRA added substantially to US employment.

There were private sector economists at Moody's, IHS, and Macroeconomic Advisors, as well as several Wall street banks who ALL concluded the same thing.

In fact, it is something behind which there exists a very rare consensus among economists.

Let’s start with Obama’s stimulus. The standard Republican talking point is that it failed, meaning it didn’t reduce unemployment. Yet in a survey of leading economists conducted by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, 92 percent agreed that the stimulus succeeded in reducing the jobless rate. On the harder question of whether the benefit exceeded the cost, more than half thought it did, one in three was uncertain, and fewer than one in six disagreed.

The U.S. Economic Policy Debate Is a Sham

Now, given that you don't know anything, let me inform you that seeing that level of agreement among economists is rare.....very rare.......it takes something really obvious.....

Like this,

Analysis | 35 of 37 economists said Trump was wrong. The other two misread the question.

Oh, jesus...THIS again? 92 percent of economists surveyed agreed that the stimulus succeeded in reducing the jobless rate? And I'm supposed to be impressed by that? Are you kidding me? When you spend upwards of 800 BILLION dollars it's a given that you're going to reduce the jobless rate...what makes that survey totally useless (unless of course you're a propagandist pushing the narrative that the stimulus was a "success"!) is that they didn't ask those economists is if they thought spending over $250,000 per job was a good use of stimulus funds!

What's disturbing is that those "leading" economists weren't honest enough to admit that the benefit didn't come close to exceeding the cost...something that they would have obviously known...yet chose to ignore! That's letting your political viewpoint totally cloud your professional opinion.
George W. Bush didn't use "Jobs created or saved" as a substitute economic statistic...that was done by Barack Obama and only Barack Obama! You keep trying to excuse the deception that Obama employed because two people in a previous administration used a phrase that sounded like "Jobs created or saved". It's a rather pathetic attempt to divert from what really took place.
So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did!

YOU JUST ADMITTED BUSH ADMINISTRATION WAS DOING IT, how the fuck do you then try to claim that Bush admin doing it is a lie???

You claimed Obama admin invented the term, you were PROVEN and even ADMITTED that to be false. So what the fuck is your malfunction and why are you so intent to flaunt it here?

And just in case your meds kick in and you temporarily start thinking rationally maybe you can get off your petty Obama obsessions and explain how 800 billion pumped into economy can possibly not create and save jobs.

Do you perhaps like this language more?

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs as of September.[1] In other words, between 1.4 million and 3.6 million people employed in September owed their jobs to the Recovery Act.

New CBO Report Finds Up to 3.6 Million People Owe Their Jobs to the Recovery Act

Asd that is EXACTLY SAME THING as saying ARRA saved/created between 1.4 and 3.6 million jobs. And in no way saying it THIS way changes any numbers as you keep claiming Obama admin did.

How stupid do you have to be if you can't realize that an "estimate" that ranges between 1.4 million and 3.6 million is a farce?

And for about the tenth time...there is a HUGE difference between two obscure people in a previous administration using a phrase that sounds similar to "jobs created and saved" in two isolated speeches to a small crowd and a President, Vice President and Press Secretary that deliberately attempted to mislead the American people about how many jobs the stimulus program that they just spent close to a trillion dollars on created by repeatedly quoting how many jobs they "created or saved"!
So Obama didn't "invent" the term as you falsely claimed. You lied and got caught. What a shame you're not man enough to own up to your lie and apologize.
What is shameful is how Barry got busted lying about how many jobs he supposedly 'created / saved' in an attempt to try to make the failed nearly $1 Trillion Stimulus Bill appear 'successful'... But since none of this has nothing to do with the main topic, which is the 'OBAMACARE Economy' we should get back on topic before someone reports us t one of the mods. :p
George W. Bush didn't use "Jobs created or saved" as a substitute economic statistic...that was done by Barack Obama and only Barack Obama! You keep trying to excuse the deception that Obama employed because two people in a previous administration used a phrase that sounded like "Jobs created or saved". It's a rather pathetic attempt to divert from what really took place.
^^^ more diversion to deflect attention away from his lie that Obama invented a term already used by the previous administration.

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