Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

Fewer people are working:

That's a RATIO, you fucking idiot.....and it is dated at the bottom.....does that year sound familiar?

Do you ever learn?

All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls

It's the most up-to-date graph I could find.

Because you are bad at finding or understanding data.
He ripped off all the share holders and bond holders.
If the company was in bankruptcy , how could he screw the shareholders, you fucking idiot?

Instead of paying off the bond holders and the share holders first, as is customary in bankruptcies, he gave all the remaining equity to the union, which had no legal right to any of it.

Bankrupt does not necessarily mean worthless.

There was no "remaining equity".....that's why it was in BANKRUPTCY.

GM filed chapter 11........the current shares traded are of a new entity...

Be quiet....you are a moron.
Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

Fewer people are working:

That's a RATIO, you fucking idiot.....and it is dated at the bottom.....does that year sound familiar?

Do you ever learn?

All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls

It's the most up-to-date graph I could find.

Because you are bad at finding or understanding data.

I don't feel like wasting a lot of time hunting down statistics for morons.
With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

Fewer people are working:

That's a RATIO, you fucking idiot.....and it is dated at the bottom.....does that year sound familiar?

Do you ever learn?

All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls

It's the most up-to-date graph I could find.

Because you are bad at finding or understanding data.

I don't feel like wasting a lot of time hunting down statistics for morons.


You don't know shit and you don't know how to support your baseless assertions.
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

Fewer people are working:

That's a RATIO, you fucking idiot.....and it is dated at the bottom.....does that year sound familiar?

Do you ever learn?

All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls

Obama stopped being president on 2017-1, not 2017-4

He sure as shit didn't stop being POTUS in 2014.....Just back out roughly. 500, 000 and you'll be in Jan 2017....

Tell me if that is higher or lower than the 2007 number...
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

Fewer people are working:

That show a lower PERCENT of people (age 16+ who aren't in the military, prison, or an institution) working.
That just means that the population was growing faster than the number of employed.
One thing to consider is the percent of the population that does Not want to work (mostly retired and students)
I take that as an admission that you CAN'T find a single example of George W. Bush using the term "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Yet you accused him of creating that false economic statistic? According to you HE created it...yet you can't provide a single example of him using the term? I on the other hand can provide dozens of examples of Barack Obama claiming to have Created or Saved jobs! So who's the liar here?

Your whole premise is a lie.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said the Bush administration lied when they used the term, "jobs saved or created."

And so what if there were only two people in his administration who used the term. I needed to show only one to prove Obama did not invent that tern, as you falsely claimed and for which you flat out refuse to accept the personal responsibility of owning up to your lie.

I also note that you are continuously trying to project your shortcomings upon me. When I prove you lied about Obama inventing that term, you tried to turn that on me and falsely claim I said that about Bush. When I proved you have no character because you refuse to own up to the fact that you lied about Obama inventing that term, you tried to turn that on me and falsely claim I have no character because you deny the Bush administration used it.

Lies and false projection are all you do.

Lies and false projections are what "I" do? So why is it you can't show me a single example of George W. Bush using the phrase "Jobs created or saved" but I can show you scores of examples of Barack Obama using the phrase? The lie and false projection is YOURS, Faun! It's a lie that Bush used that statistic. It's a projection when you make that claim!

You don't have much choice though...do you? I mean the alternative is to admit the truth...that the Obama Stimulus failed to create jobs...failed so badly in fact that the Obama Administration came up with a way to confuse the American people about how bad it really was...they used a statistic over and over again that couldn't be verified...for the sole reason that it COULDN'T be verified! It's the perfect choice when you're attempting to lie. It allows you to make a false projection that the Stimulus was a success even though that wasn't the case!

Again... I'm not saying Bush personally used the term. I've pointed out repeatedly it was used by his administration. So you continually pointing out that I can't quote Bush saying it is nothing but a well-worn strawman.

Your strawman aside -- the term was not new when Obama became president. It was used during the Bush administration. You've been shown this over and over again. So for you to maintain your notion that Obama "invented" the term is nothing but pure unadulterated bullshit.

You've been caught lying again and sadly, because you lack even the minimal spec of character needed to own up to your lie, you continue to scratch and claw rather than simply apologize for lying.

It's a lie that Bush used that statistic.
I didn't say Bush used it. I quoted his Secretary of Agriculture who did. Now you're lying again by trying to ascribe words to me I did not say.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did! It's the same kind of lie that you liberals tried to use to claim that Hillary conducting all of her State Department business on secret servers hidden away in her house in New York isn't anything different than what various Secretary's of State did during the Bush Administration. Or the lies you told about Fast & Furious being a Bush Administration program that the Obama White House simply continued. Or the lies you told about Solyndra.

The fact is, Faun...every time you progressive screw something up and get caught doing it...you try and blame what happened on the GOP! You NEVER take responsibility for anything that your policies FUBAR! According to you, Benghazi wasn't the fault of Hillary Clinton failing to adequately protect the people who worked for her in the State Department...oh no...that was the fault of the GOP because they didn't give the Obama Administration all of the State Department budget that they'd requested!
Hillary Clinton didn't lose the election because she's a corrupt, sleazy politician who raked in millions through a hidden pay for play scheme and then got caught doing so because she didn't come clean about the Benghazi debacle or because she and her DNC and CNN minions got exposed for how they cheated the election process!

Oh, no...it was the Russians!!!! Give me a break...
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

Fewer people are working:

Employment Ratio IS NOT how many people are working, Civilian Employment is:


11 million more people were working when Obama was leaving WH compared to when he got into office..

Oh, so sorry, Obama was wrong, sitting and watching television is not really a job.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said the Bush administration lied when they used the term, "jobs saved or created."

And so what if there were only two people in his administration who used the term. I needed to show only one to prove Obama did not invent that tern, as you falsely claimed and for which you flat out refuse to accept the personal responsibility of owning up to your lie.

I also note that you are continuously trying to project your shortcomings upon me. When I prove you lied about Obama inventing that term, you tried to turn that on me and falsely claim I said that about Bush. When I proved you have no character because you refuse to own up to the fact that you lied about Obama inventing that term, you tried to turn that on me and falsely claim I have no character because you deny the Bush administration used it.

Lies and false projection are all you do.

Lies and false projections are what "I" do? So why is it you can't show me a single example of George W. Bush using the phrase "Jobs created or saved" but I can show you scores of examples of Barack Obama using the phrase? The lie and false projection is YOURS, Faun! It's a lie that Bush used that statistic. It's a projection when you make that claim!

You don't have much choice though...do you? I mean the alternative is to admit the truth...that the Obama Stimulus failed to create jobs...failed so badly in fact that the Obama Administration came up with a way to confuse the American people about how bad it really was...they used a statistic over and over again that couldn't be verified...for the sole reason that it COULDN'T be verified! It's the perfect choice when you're attempting to lie. It allows you to make a false projection that the Stimulus was a success even though that wasn't the case!

Again... I'm not saying Bush personally used the term. I've pointed out repeatedly it was used by his administration. So you continually pointing out that I can't quote Bush saying it is nothing but a well-worn strawman.

Your strawman aside -- the term was not new when Obama became president. It was used during the Bush administration. You've been shown this over and over again. So for you to maintain your notion that Obama "invented" the term is nothing but pure unadulterated bullshit.

You've been caught lying again and sadly, because you lack even the minimal spec of character needed to own up to your lie, you continue to scratch and claw rather than simply apologize for lying.

It's a lie that Bush used that statistic.
I didn't say Bush used it. I quoted his Secretary of Agriculture who did. Now you're lying again by trying to ascribe words to me I did not say.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



So two obscure members of the Bush Administration use the term during his two terms and that's the same as Barack Obama using it repeatedly...Joe Biden using it repeatedly...and Robert Gibbs using it repeatedly? The big lie here is you trying to claim that the Obama Administration was doing something that the Bush Administration also did! It's the same kind of lie that you liberals tried to use to claim that Hillary conducting all of her State Department business on secret servers hidden away in her house in New York isn't anything different than what various Secretary's of State did during the Bush Administration. Or the lies you told about Fast & Furious being a Bush Administration program that the Obama White House simply continued. Or the lies you told about Solyndra.

The fact is, Faun...every time you progressive screw something up and get caught doing it...you try and blame what happened on the GOP! You NEVER take responsibility for anything that your policies FUBAR! According to you, Benghazi wasn't the fault of Hillary Clinton failing to adequately protect the people who worked for her in the State Department...oh no...that was the fault of the GOP because they didn't give the Obama Administration all of the State Department budget that they'd requested!
^^^ more diversion in lieu of owning up to his lie and apologizing for it.

Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?

There are fewer than half a million people who are not in the labor force because they "gave up." And that's not necessarily due to being unemployed for a long time....Some who lost his job, looked once for work and then gave up would be not in the labor force for discouraged reasons 4 weeks later.

Half a million? You are far more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal!


Sure does reflect a number far, far higher than half a million!
You're a fucking moron.....LFPR is NOT a proxy for "discouraged workers". BLS tracks the actual number....
Damned cretin..

You're so cute!

The Labor Force Participation Rate are all the people of working age who are employed. As you can see, as petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama touted that the unemployment rate was dropping, the number of workers has plunged. From 67.2% when Obama took office down to 62.9 in January. That's a huge drop.

How do you figure that? The labor force participation rate in no way represents people who gave up looking for work. The vast majority of those not in the labor force don't want a job.

Thank you for substantiating my point.
There are fewer than half a million people who are not in the labor force because they "gave up." And that's not necessarily due to being unemployed for a long time....Some who lost his job, looked once for work and then gave up would be not in the labor force for discouraged reasons 4 weeks later.

Half a million? You are far more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal!


Sure does reflect a number far, far higher than half a million!
You're a fucking moron.....LFPR is NOT a proxy for "discouraged workers". BLS tracks the actual number....
Damned cretin..

You're so cute!

The Labor Force Participation Rate are all the people of working age who are employed. As you can see, as petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama touted that the unemployment rate was dropping, the number of workers has plunged. From 67.2% when Obama took office down to 62.9 in January. That's a huge drop.

You're fucking deranged to think the labor force participation rate was 62.7 when Obama became president; especially since you yourself just posted the numbers from the BLS.
Fewer people are working:

That's a RATIO, you fucking idiot.....and it is dated at the bottom.....does that year sound familiar?

Do you ever learn?

All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls

It's the most up-to-date graph I could find.

Because you are bad at finding or understanding data.

I don't feel like wasting a lot of time hunting down statistics for morons.


You don't know shit and you don't know how to support your baseless assertions.

I didn't post any, moron.
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

He ripped off all the share holders and bond holders.
If the company was in bankruptcy , how could he screw the shareholders, you fucking idiot?

Instead of paying off the bond holders and the share holders first, as is customary in bankruptcies, he gave all the remaining equity to the union, which had no legal right to any of it.

Bankrupt does not necessarily mean worthless.

There was no "remaining equity".....that's why it was in BANKRUPTCY.

GM filed chapter 11........the current shares traded are of a new entity...

Be quiet....you are a moron.


LMFAO that was no bankruptcy, it was a scam to get The US government to save it's Union pension program
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

View attachment 125464
Trump is spending about $6 million a month just to go to Mar-a-Lago. Where's your outrage, con?
He worked tirelessly for the working class and for the planet. We came so close to saving the middle class and catching up to the rest of the world.

With the last election, the right's race to the bottom has accelerated to the speed of light, the middle will very quickly be the the working poor and become the permanent servants to trump's 1% cronies.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Obama destroyed the middle class and especially the working poor. Now an illegal has their job.

With FEWER illegals than in 2007?

And more people working?

View attachment 125464
Trump is spending about $6 million a month just to go to Mar-a-Lago. Where's your outrage, con?

That's just like me going to Myrtle Beach ..but I don't need 85 security men , planes and shit.

It is funny how the left all of a sudden forgot about Obama sending out a Hallmark card and we got flooded for a bit with illegal children... selective memory....

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