Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

Lying con tool... you claimed Obama created the term.

As I just showed, your lies are demonstratable. Obama got the term from the Bush administration.

It outraged you when Bush's administration used the term, right, ya lying con tool?


When those two administrators in the Bush Administration used that term "save or create" to describe how their policies were affecting jobs... they were as full of shit as the Obama Administration was! The difference between the two is that the Bush Administration weren't lying to the American people by going on national TV and claiming over and over again that their stimulus was a success because they'd created or saved millions of jobs when in fact their stimulus had created so few jobs that even the President admitted that the shovel ready jobs they'd promised didn't materialize! The Bush Administration used jobs created as their statistic when reporting on jobs. If they hadn't...they would have been tarred and feathered by the liberal press! Obama used "created or saved" because he knew the main stream media would report what he fed them.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I just proved you lied when you falsely claimed Obama "created" that term, and all you can do now is defend Bush's administration by saying they weren't lying to the American people? And that they only said that to avoid the "Liberal media?"

How about apologizing to the forum for you lying again?
How about showing an example of George W. Bush ever using the term "created or saved", Faun? I can show you dozens of examples of Barack Obama using that term. The reason I can and you can't...is that Bush didn't attempt to fool the American public with a bullshit made up statistic the same way that Barack Obama and his people did!
I take that as a 'no,' you won't apologize for lying to the forum?

I take that as an admission that you CAN'T find a single example of George W. Bush using the term "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Yet you accused him of creating that false economic statistic? According to you HE created it...yet you can't provide a single example of him using the term? I on the other hand can provide dozens of examples of Barack Obama claiming to have Created or Saved jobs! So who's the liar here?

Your whole premise is a lie.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...
Created/saved has only one real purpose...to make it impossible to gauge how effective an economic policy IS! You can claim that you've "saved" any number of jobs that you like to make the number of jobs you've "Created/Saved" be whatever number you want it to be and there's absolutely no way to prove your number is total bullshit!

1. lets make something crystal clear - NOTHING OBAMA CAN SAY THAT CAN POSSIBLY PREVENT ANY GAUGING. That's just total nonsense. Anyone inclined so can study the policy's effects...and they did, see CBO estimates.

2.....you sooooo don't understanding anything at all about how macro economic estimates work.

Lets take baby steps with small, easy to understand example:

Suppose you take 1 million dollars out of foreign account and spend it traveling around America.

Now try to answer these questions

How would you go about "gauging how effective this economic policy IS!"?
How would you be able to say if your million dollars SAVED or CREATED any given job?

If you can constructively think about these questions for just a little bit, you surely will see how idiotic your objection to created/saved language. There is NO WAY to track every dollar and to know exactly what happened with them, there is no way to run an objective tally how effective the policy has been perfectly isolated from all the other stuff going on in the economy. That's not because Obama said something, those are the limitations of what we can know. Macroeconomic estimates is really the best we have.

Did you seriously question my education and then post THAT? Is English a second language for you? It's obvious you never studied Economics. It's also rather obvious that you struggle to write a coherent sentence in English. So what exactly DID you study in school, Anton?

LOL that's your response? NOTHING?

What kind of fucking cretin do you have to be to try to maintain that ARRA that pumped 800 billion of liquidity into recessionary economy and DIDN'T save and create jobs?

It's as simple as it gets but you got that politico need for denial of even basic facts.

What kind of a "cretin" would you have to be not to figure out that the REASON the Obama Administration was forced to start using "Jobs Created or Saved" was that the Obama Stimulus created so few jobs that they were desperate to put some kind of positive spin on what they'd done? Did spending 800 billion create or save jobs? Of course it did! The problem for the Obama Administration...and it was a HUGE embarrassing problem...was that all that money created way fewer jobs than promised! When you do the math it worked out to an estimated $278,000 per job! THAT is why they started using "Jobs Saved or Created"! They needed a number that wasn't shocking to the American public so they made one up.
When those two administrators in the Bush Administration used that term "save or create" to describe how their policies were affecting jobs... they were as full of shit as the Obama Administration was! The difference between the two is that the Bush Administration weren't lying to the American people by going on national TV and claiming over and over again that their stimulus was a success because they'd created or saved millions of jobs when in fact their stimulus had created so few jobs that even the President admitted that the shovel ready jobs they'd promised didn't materialize! The Bush Administration used jobs created as their statistic when reporting on jobs. If they hadn't...they would have been tarred and feathered by the liberal press! Obama used "created or saved" because he knew the main stream media would report what he fed them.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I just proved you lied when you falsely claimed Obama "created" that term, and all you can do now is defend Bush's administration by saying they weren't lying to the American people? And that they only said that to avoid the "Liberal media?"

How about apologizing to the forum for you lying again?
How about showing an example of George W. Bush ever using the term "created or saved", Faun? I can show you dozens of examples of Barack Obama using that term. The reason I can and you can't...is that Bush didn't attempt to fool the American public with a bullshit made up statistic the same way that Barack Obama and his people did!
I take that as a 'no,' you won't apologize for lying to the forum?

I take that as an admission that you CAN'T find a single example of George W. Bush using the term "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Yet you accused him of creating that false economic statistic? According to you HE created it...yet you can't provide a single example of him using the term? I on the other hand can provide dozens of examples of Barack Obama claiming to have Created or Saved jobs! So who's the liar here?

Your whole premise is a lie.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I just proved you lied when you falsely claimed Obama "created" that term, and all you can do now is defend Bush's administration by saying they weren't lying to the American people? And that they only said that to avoid the "Liberal media?"

How about apologizing to the forum for you lying again?
How about showing an example of George W. Bush ever using the term "created or saved", Faun? I can show you dozens of examples of Barack Obama using that term. The reason I can and you can't...is that Bush didn't attempt to fool the American public with a bullshit made up statistic the same way that Barack Obama and his people did!
I take that as a 'no,' you won't apologize for lying to the forum?

I take that as an admission that you CAN'T find a single example of George W. Bush using the term "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Yet you accused him of creating that false economic statistic? According to you HE created it...yet you can't provide a single example of him using the term? I on the other hand can provide dozens of examples of Barack Obama claiming to have Created or Saved jobs! So who's the liar here?

Your whole premise is a lie.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Let's be clear: "Jobs saved or created" was never an official statistic but was used occasionally by Obama during the early stages of job recovery. The monthly report was always just "new jobs."

We now have 7 full years of economic data since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”). So, as Republicans in Washington continue their relentless assault on the ACA, it’s a good time to take stock of how America actually fared in the Obamacare Economy.

Before turning to the facts, a reminder of the narrative that the GOP has been pushing about the ACA for so long:

“It will bankrupt our nation, and it will ruin our economy! … This health care law … is already destroying jobs in our country.” — John Boehner, 2011

“We now know that Obamacare has been one of the single biggest drags on job creation since early 2010.” — Mitch McConnell, 2012

“[T]his is going to blow a hole through the deficit even more than we had already thought.” — Paul Ryan, 2012

“Obamacare is directly responsible for destroying jobs and lowering wages for workers” — Senate Republican Policy Committee, 2014

“It is the biggest job-killer in this country.” — Ted Cruz, 2016

“Obamacare is devastating businesses." — Donald Trump, 2016

“Obamacare … this disastrous policy that's been killing jobs." — Mike Pence, 2016

Let’s tackle these false “job-killing, wage-reducing, deficit-busting” myths one by one:

The Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 Million Jobs Created, Middle-Class Incomes Up $3K

How about showing an example of George W. Bush ever using the term "created or saved", Faun? I can show you dozens of examples of Barack Obama using that term. The reason I can and you can't...is that Bush didn't attempt to fool the American public with a bullshit made up statistic the same way that Barack Obama and his people did!
I take that as a 'no,' you won't apologize for lying to the forum?

I take that as an admission that you CAN'T find a single example of George W. Bush using the term "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Yet you accused him of creating that false economic statistic? According to you HE created it...yet you can't provide a single example of him using the term? I on the other hand can provide dozens of examples of Barack Obama claiming to have Created or Saved jobs! So who's the liar here?

Your whole premise is a lie.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Let's be clear: "Jobs saved or created" was never an official statistic but was used occasionally by Obama during the early stages of job recovery. The monthly report was always just "new jobs."

Forget clear...let's be honest, Pinqy! "Jobs Saved or Created" wasn't used occasionally by the Obama Administration...it was used on nearly a daily basis! Whenever someone would question an Obama official on how many jobs had been created by the Stimulus the reply was always the same and it was always about jobs created and saved because that would allow them to quote just about any number they wanted to since there was no way to prove or disprove what they were claiming! Now if you're extremely naive you might believe that was simply a coincidence but if you have even a dollop of common sense and you really wanted to be honest...then you'd admit that the Obama Administration made a deliberate decision to use the "Jobs Saved or Created" figures to hide how bad the Stimulus was actually doing creating new jobs!
What's illuminating about this entire discussion is how bad the Democratic Party has gotten when it comes to taking responsibility for their own policy shortcomings. To paraphrase "Love Story"...being a progressive is never having to say you're sorry because it's always the fault of someone else!
I take that as a 'no,' you won't apologize for lying to the forum?

I take that as an admission that you CAN'T find a single example of George W. Bush using the term "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Yet you accused him of creating that false economic statistic? According to you HE created it...yet you can't provide a single example of him using the term? I on the other hand can provide dozens of examples of Barack Obama claiming to have Created or Saved jobs! So who's the liar here?

Your whole premise is a lie.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Let's be clear: "Jobs saved or created" was never an official statistic but was used occasionally by Obama during the early stages of job recovery. The monthly report was always just "new jobs."

Forget clear...let's be honest, Pinqy! "Jobs Saved or Created" wasn't used occasionally by the Obama Administration...it was used on nearly a daily basis!
No it wasn't.
Whenever someone would question an Obama official on how many jobs had been created by the Stimulus the reply was always the same and it was always about jobs created and saved because that would allow them to quote just about any number they wanted to since there was no way to prove or disprove what they were claiming!
In his campaign speeches for the 2012 election, Obama's main talking point was the number of new private sector jobs since February 2010. Not "saved or created." While the phrase was used frequently, my main point was that it was never an official statistic, nor presented as one.
Can you give examples of this after 2013

Now if you're extremely naive you might believe that was simply a coincidence but if you have even a dollop of common sense and you really wanted to be honest...then you'd admit that the Obama Administration made a deliberate decision to use the "Jobs Saved or Created" figures to hide how bad the Stimulus was actually doing creating new jobs!
And yet every month BLS published the actual new jobs numbers. So how on earth could the Administration's use of saved or created hide the headline new jobs numbers every month.
I take that as an admission that you CAN'T find a single example of George W. Bush using the term "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Yet you accused him of creating that false economic statistic? According to you HE created it...yet you can't provide a single example of him using the term? I on the other hand can provide dozens of examples of Barack Obama claiming to have Created or Saved jobs! So who's the liar here?

Your whole premise is a lie.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Let's be clear: "Jobs saved or created" was never an official statistic but was used occasionally by Obama during the early stages of job recovery. The monthly report was always just "new jobs."

Forget clear...let's be honest, Pinqy! "Jobs Saved or Created" wasn't used occasionally by the Obama Administration...it was used on nearly a daily basis!
No it wasn't.
Whenever someone would question an Obama official on how many jobs had been created by the Stimulus the reply was always the same and it was always about jobs created and saved because that would allow them to quote just about any number they wanted to since there was no way to prove or disprove what they were claiming!
In his campaign speeches for the 2012 election, Obama's main talking point was the number of new private sector jobs since February 2010. Not "saved or created." While the phrase was used frequently, my main point was that it was never an official statistic, nor presented as one.
Can you give examples of this after 2013

Now if you're extremely naive you might believe that was simply a coincidence but if you have even a dollop of common sense and you really wanted to be honest...then you'd admit that the Obama Administration made a deliberate decision to use the "Jobs Saved or Created" figures to hide how bad the Stimulus was actually doing creating new jobs!
And yet every month BLS published the actual new jobs numbers. So how on earth could the Administration's use of saved or created hide the headline new jobs numbers every month.

Of course Obama's main talking point was the number of new private sector jobs, Pinqy! He couldn't talk about public sector jobs because local and State governments were laying off huge numbers of employees because the Stimulus money that kept them employed during the downturn was now gone and local and State governments had insufficient revenues coming in to pay for them. What's amusing is that the private sector numbers that Obama wanted to boast about were being driven by an energy boom taking place because of fracking technology...something that Obama himself had opposed! He opposed the thing that actually created jobs but then turned around and boasted about those jobs being created as if HE had something to do with it! That's one more example of how the Obama Administration manipulated jobs numbers to try and put a pretty face on something that wasn't pretty at all! The reason you don't see them using the "Jobs Created or Saved" after 2013 is that they no longer had to cover up how badly the Stimulus was working because the Stimulus was over. That in and of itself should tell you EXACTLY what that "Jobs Created or Saved" narrative was all about!

As for what was "hidden"? If the main stream media doesn't report on the BLS numbers...but instead reports on the made up numbers given to them by the Obama White House...are they not in essence "hiding" the truth from the American people?
Last edited:
What kind of a "cretin" would you have to be not to figure out that the REASON the Obama Administration was forced to start using "Jobs Created or Saved" was that the Obama Stimulus created so few jobs


How many jobs Stimulus created WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED. Stimulus effects were always ESTIMATES, not exact account of what happened with every dollar in the program. They go adjusted as the timeline of spending was shifted, but they were never objectively known.

That is why what you say about Obama learning that few jobs were created is COMPLETE AND UTTER NONSENSE, there was no such learning possible as we never knew effects beyond macroeconomic estimates.

It is so frustrating to discuss this with dumbass like you because not only are you making things up directly out of your ass, you are completely unable to understand the explanation of why what you say is laughable nonsense.

Read up dummy:



Last edited:
What kind of a "cretin" would you have to be not to figure out that the REASON the Obama Administration was forced to start using "Jobs Created or Saved" was that the Obama Stimulus created so few jobs


How many jobs Stimulus created WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED. Stimulus effects were always ESTIMATES, not exact account of what happened with every dollar in the program. They go adjusted as the timeline of spending was shifted, but they were never objectively known.

That is why what you say is COMPLETE AND UTTER NONSENSE.

It is so frustrating to discuss this with dumbass like you because not only are you making things up directly out of your ass, you are completely unable to understand the explanation of why what you say is laughable nonsense.

Which is why Obama used that phrase on and on and on...because it WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I just proved you lied when you falsely claimed Obama "created" that term, and all you can do now is defend Bush's administration by saying they weren't lying to the American people? And that they only said that to avoid the "Liberal media?"

How about apologizing to the forum for you lying again?
How about showing an example of George W. Bush ever using the term "created or saved", Faun? I can show you dozens of examples of Barack Obama using that term. The reason I can and you can't...is that Bush didn't attempt to fool the American public with a bullshit made up statistic the same way that Barack Obama and his people did!
I take that as a 'no,' you won't apologize for lying to the forum?

I take that as an admission that you CAN'T find a single example of George W. Bush using the term "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Yet you accused him of creating that false economic statistic? According to you HE created it...yet you can't provide a single example of him using the term? I on the other hand can provide dozens of examples of Barack Obama claiming to have Created or Saved jobs! So who's the liar here?

Your whole premise is a lie.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said the Bush administration lied when they used the term, "jobs saved or created."

And so what if there were only two people in his administration who used the term. I needed to show only one to prove Obama did not invent that tern, as you falsely claimed and for which you flat out refuse to accept the personal responsibility of owning up to your lie.

I also note that you are continuously trying to project your shortcomings upon me. When I prove you lied about Obama inventing that term, you tried to turn that on me and falsely claim I said that about Bush. When I proved you have no character because you refuse to own up to the fact that you lied about Obama inventing that term, you tried to turn that on me and falsely claim I have no character because you deny the Bush administration used it.

Lies and false projection are all you do.
What kind of a "cretin" would you have to be not to figure out that the REASON the Obama Administration was forced to start using "Jobs Created or Saved" was that the Obama Stimulus created so few jobs


How many jobs Stimulus created WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED. Stimulus effects were always ESTIMATES, not exact account of what happened with every dollar in the program. They go adjusted as the timeline of spending was shifted, but they were never objectively known.

That is why what you say is COMPLETE AND UTTER NONSENSE.

It is so frustrating to discuss this with dumbass like you because not only are you making things up directly out of your ass, you are completely unable to understand the explanation of why what you say is laughable nonsense.

Which is why Obama used that phrase on and on and on...because it WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED

And the use was exactly CORRECT, as it would be correct language to talk about effect of ANY policy. ARRA has certainly created and saved jobs
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Let's be clear: "Jobs saved or created" was never an official statistic but was used occasionally by Obama during the early stages of job recovery. The monthly report was always just "new jobs."

Forget clear...let's be honest, Pinqy! "Jobs Saved or Created" wasn't used occasionally by the Obama Administration...it was used on nearly a daily basis!
No it wasn't.
Whenever someone would question an Obama official on how many jobs had been created by the Stimulus the reply was always the same and it was always about jobs created and saved because that would allow them to quote just about any number they wanted to since there was no way to prove or disprove what they were claiming!
In his campaign speeches for the 2012 election, Obama's main talking point was the number of new private sector jobs since February 2010. Not "saved or created." While the phrase was used frequently, my main point was that it was never an official statistic, nor presented as one.
Can you give examples of this after 2013

Now if you're extremely naive you might believe that was simply a coincidence but if you have even a dollop of common sense and you really wanted to be honest...then you'd admit that the Obama Administration made a deliberate decision to use the "Jobs Saved or Created" figures to hide how bad the Stimulus was actually doing creating new jobs!
And yet every month BLS published the actual new jobs numbers. So how on earth could the Administration's use of saved or created hide the headline new jobs numbers every month.

Of course Obama's main talking point was the number of new private sector jobs, Pinqy! He couldn't talk about public sector jobs because local and State governments were laying off huge numbers of employees because the Stimulus money that kept them employed during the downturn was now gone and local and State governments had insufficient revenues coming in to pay for them. What's amusing is that the private sector numbers that Obama wanted to boast about were being driven by an energy boom taking place because of fracking technology...something that Obama himself had opposed! He opposed the thing that actually created jobs but then turned around and boasted about those jobs being created as if HE had something to do with it! That's one more example of how the Obama Administration manipulated jobs numbers to try and put a pretty face on something that wasn't pretty at all! The reason you don't see them using the "Jobs Created or Saved" after 2013 is that they no longer had to cover up how badly the Stimulus was working because the Stimulus was over. That in and of itself should tell you EXACTLY what that "Jobs Created or Saved" narrative was all about!

As for what was "hidden"? If the main stream media doesn't report on the BLS numbers...but instead reports on the made up numbers given to them by the Obama White House...are they not in essence "hiding" the truth from the American people?
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


The oil production boom caused by fracking didn't begin until 2012....


The unprecedented job growth in the private sector began in 2010

What kind of a "cretin" would you have to be not to figure out that the REASON the Obama Administration was forced to start using "Jobs Created or Saved" was that the Obama Stimulus created so few jobs


How many jobs Stimulus created WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED. Stimulus effects were always ESTIMATES, not exact account of what happened with every dollar in the program. They go adjusted as the timeline of spending was shifted, but they were never objectively known.

That is why what you say is COMPLETE AND UTTER NONSENSE.

It is so frustrating to discuss this with dumbass like you because not only are you making things up directly out of your ass, you are completely unable to understand the explanation of why what you say is laughable nonsense.

Which is why Obama used that phrase on and on and on...because it WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED
Are you saying Trump didn't actually save jobs at Carrier because saved jobs can't be "objectively quantified?"
What kind of a "cretin" would you have to be not to figure out that the REASON the Obama Administration was forced to start using "Jobs Created or Saved" was that the Obama Stimulus created so few jobs


How many jobs Stimulus created WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED. Stimulus effects were always ESTIMATES, not exact account of what happened with every dollar in the program. They go adjusted as the timeline of spending was shifted, but they were never objectively known.

That is why what you say is COMPLETE AND UTTER NONSENSE.

It is so frustrating to discuss this with dumbass like you because not only are you making things up directly out of your ass, you are completely unable to understand the explanation of why what you say is laughable nonsense.

Which is why Obama used that phrase on and on and on...because it WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED
Are you saying Trump didn't actually save jobs at Carrier because saved jobs can't be "objectively quantified?"

No, that would suggest I was as ignorant as you.
What kind of a "cretin" would you have to be not to figure out that the REASON the Obama Administration was forced to start using "Jobs Created or Saved" was that the Obama Stimulus created so few jobs


How many jobs Stimulus created WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED. Stimulus effects were always ESTIMATES, not exact account of what happened with every dollar in the program. They go adjusted as the timeline of spending was shifted, but they were never objectively known.

That is why what you say is COMPLETE AND UTTER NONSENSE.

It is so frustrating to discuss this with dumbass like you because not only are you making things up directly out of your ass, you are completely unable to understand the explanation of why what you say is laughable nonsense.

Which is why Obama used that phrase on and on and on...because it WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED
Are you saying Trump didn't actually save jobs at Carrier because saved jobs can't be "objectively quantified?"

No, that would suggest I was as ignorant as you.
Then you're saying when Trump saves jobs, they are objectively quantifiable but when Obama saves jobs, they are not.
What kind of a "cretin" would you have to be not to figure out that the REASON the Obama Administration was forced to start using "Jobs Created or Saved" was that the Obama Stimulus created so few jobs


How many jobs Stimulus created WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED. Stimulus effects were always ESTIMATES, not exact account of what happened with every dollar in the program. They go adjusted as the timeline of spending was shifted, but they were never objectively known.

That is why what you say is COMPLETE AND UTTER NONSENSE.

It is so frustrating to discuss this with dumbass like you because not only are you making things up directly out of your ass, you are completely unable to understand the explanation of why what you say is laughable nonsense.

Which is why Obama used that phrase on and on and on...because it WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED
Are you saying Trump didn't actually save jobs at Carrier because saved jobs can't be "objectively quantified?"

No, that would suggest I was as ignorant as you.
Then you're saying when Trump saves jobs, they are objectively quantifiable but when Obama saves jobs, they are not.

In which company did Obama save jobs?

How many jobs Stimulus created WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED. Stimulus effects were always ESTIMATES, not exact account of what happened with every dollar in the program. They go adjusted as the timeline of spending was shifted, but they were never objectively known.

That is why what you say is COMPLETE AND UTTER NONSENSE.

It is so frustrating to discuss this with dumbass like you because not only are you making things up directly out of your ass, you are completely unable to understand the explanation of why what you say is laughable nonsense.

Which is why Obama used that phrase on and on and on...because it WAS NOT, AND COULD NOT BE OBJECTIVELY QUANTIFIED
Are you saying Trump didn't actually save jobs at Carrier because saved jobs can't be "objectively quantified?"

No, that would suggest I was as ignorant as you.
Then you're saying when Trump saves jobs, they are objectively quantifiable but when Obama saves jobs, they are not.

In which company did Obama save jobs?
How about showing an example of George W. Bush ever using the term "created or saved", Faun? I can show you dozens of examples of Barack Obama using that term. The reason I can and you can't...is that Bush didn't attempt to fool the American public with a bullshit made up statistic the same way that Barack Obama and his people did!
I take that as a 'no,' you won't apologize for lying to the forum?

I take that as an admission that you CAN'T find a single example of George W. Bush using the term "Jobs Created or Saved", Faun? Yet you accused him of creating that false economic statistic? According to you HE created it...yet you can't provide a single example of him using the term? I on the other hand can provide dozens of examples of Barack Obama claiming to have Created or Saved jobs! So who's the liar here?

Your whole premise is a lie.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said Bush "created" the term. I said his administration used it before Obama.

Meanwhile, you lied and said... "would that be like inventing a new economic statistic...Jobs Created or Saved...to hide how few jobs you actually created?"

Clearly, that's not something Obama "invented" since the previous administration used it before him.

So? Do you man up and apologize for lying? Or are you going to continue parading your lack of character?

The choice is yours...

Yeah, two people in the Department of Agriculture used the phrase trying to make their work look impressive and you seized upon that to try and pretend that the Bush Administration lied about job creation like the Obama Administration did! It's an absurd comparison and your lack of one example showing George W. Bush ever using the term himself while there are literally dozens of examples of both Barack Obama, his Vice President and numerous members of his Administration repeatedly pushing the "Jobs Created or Saved" number to show how "successful" the Obama Stimulus was!

If you had any character...you'd stop trying to push the lie that "Jobs Created or Saved" was a Bush Administration thing that Obama also used. It wasn't. It was a lie that the Obama Administration used to hide how badly they'd misused almost a trillion dollars in taxpayer monies!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I never said the Bush administration lied when they used the term, "jobs saved or created."

And so what if there were only two people in his administration who used the term. I needed to show only one to prove Obama did not invent that tern, as you falsely claimed and for which you flat out refuse to accept the personal responsibility of owning up to your lie.

I also note that you are continuously trying to project your shortcomings upon me. When I prove you lied about Obama inventing that term, you tried to turn that on me and falsely claim I said that about Bush. When I proved you have no character because you refuse to own up to the fact that you lied about Obama inventing that term, you tried to turn that on me and falsely claim I have no character because you deny the Bush administration used it.

Lies and false projection are all you do.

Lies and false projections are what "I" do? So why is it you can't show me a single example of George W. Bush using the phrase "Jobs created or saved" but I can show you scores of examples of Barack Obama using the phrase? The lie and false projection is YOURS, Faun! It's a lie that Bush used that statistic. It's a projection when you make that claim!

You don't have much choice though...do you? I mean the alternative is to admit the truth...that the Obama Stimulus failed to create jobs...failed so badly in fact that the Obama Administration came up with a way to confuse the American people about how bad it really was...they used a statistic over and over again that couldn't be verified...for the sole reason that it COULDN'T be verified! It's the perfect choice when you're attempting to lie. It allows you to make a false projection that the Stimulus was a success even though that wasn't the case!

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