Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

I've come to the conclusion that the majority of "liberals" on this board don't HAVE their own opinions on much of anything! Far too many of you troll sites like The Daily Kos for your daily helping of anti conservative propaganda points. Without those sites most of you couldn't carry on an intelligent dinner conversation on the economy because most of you don't seem to know the first thing about Economics.

It's obvious that the "Obama Economy" wasn't as good for the Middle Class as it was for the wealthy...yet people like yourself want to claim it a rousing success! The fact is...Barack Obama didn't have a coherent strategy to grow the economy since Larry Summers and Christina Romer left nearly seven years ago following the Obama Stimulus's failure to create jobs. .

Wtf are you rambling about? You bitched about the source, I give you THE source, BLS. So now you got nothing to reply with except this lunatic drivel? Pathetic.

Man up and admit that Obama has solid job growth record.

Solid? They spent hundreds of billions of dollars in government stimulus and created so few new jobs that they had to hide how bad it was with "Jobs Created or Saved"! That right there tells you EXACTLY what happened and if you weren't such a partisan hack...you'd "man up" and admit that!

yes SOLID.

11+ million jobs created since Obama got into office, 15 million over the last 6 years.

Those are solid numbers and your rambling about "hiding" something is completely nonsensical. What is hidden? How?

These are official, objective numbers that your little partisan pea-brain has trouble dealing with in a rational way.

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


You've been shown repeatedly that Obama did not create the measure, "jobs created or saved," that Bush used it as well.

Now THAT is complete bullshit, Faun! The Bush Administration did not use "Jobs Created or Saved"...that was something that the Obama Administration came up with to hide how few jobs they created...constantly citing that number instead of the previously used number of jobs created.
I've come to the conclusion that the majority of "liberals" on this board don't HAVE their own opinions on much of anything! Far too many of you troll sites like The Daily Kos for your daily helping of anti conservative propaganda points. Without those sites most of you couldn't carry on an intelligent dinner conversation on the economy because most of you don't seem to know the first thing about Economics.

It's obvious that the "Obama Economy" wasn't as good for the Middle Class as it was for the wealthy...yet people like yourself want to claim it a rousing success! The fact is...Barack Obama didn't have a coherent strategy to grow the economy since Larry Summers and Christina Romer left nearly seven years ago following the Obama Stimulus's failure to create jobs. .

Wtf are you rambling about? You bitched about the source, I give you THE source, BLS. So now you got nothing to reply with except this lunatic drivel? Pathetic.

Man up and admit that Obama has solid job growth record.

Solid? They spent hundreds of billions of dollars in government stimulus and created so few new jobs that they had to hide how bad it was with "Jobs Created or Saved"! That right there tells you EXACTLY what happened and if you weren't such a partisan hack...you'd "man up" and admit that!

yes SOLID.

11+ million jobs created since Obama got into office, 15 million over the last 6 years.

Those are solid numbers and your rambling about "hiding" something is completely nonsensical. What is hidden? How?

These are official, objective numbers that your little partisan pea-brain has trouble dealing with in a rational way.

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!

1. that doesn't change the "standard" BLS job growth of you are replying to. Do you accept that job growth was solid under Obama?

2. People that say stupid shit like that are missing even most basic economic understandings (embarrassingly common on the right)

Here it is, pay attention:

There is a big economy and there is a relatively small policy effect. There is simply no way to say if any given policy created or saved a job as it's effects have to isolated from what is going on in the economy on the whole.

Example: Economy goes in recession and is losing 1000 jobs a day, you pass a tax-cut (I know you have a soft spot for this fix-all policy) and lets say it's estimated effect is to add 100 jobs. But it is macro-effect and beyond estimates by the economists there is no way to actually know where any specific dollar went to create a job or to prevent someone from losing one - NOR DOES IT MATTER.

What matters is that tax-cut reduced 1000 job loss to 900 job loss, so it's effect was to save/create 100 jobs.

Small policy effects? You call the ACA a small policy effect? Something that affects 1/6th of the economy? You call the proposed Cap & Trade legislation small policy effect? Something that would have increased the energy costs of every single business across the entire country? Estimating what effect a given policy will have on the economy is what government economists DO! Both the ACA and the proposed Cap & Trade legislation were job killers because they introduced concerns by business that costs would increase in the future.

So please save you pompous attitude that I don't understand basic economics when it's you progressives that don't have a clue about the subject.
Wtf are you rambling about? You bitched about the source, I give you THE source, BLS. So now you got nothing to reply with except this lunatic drivel? Pathetic.

Man up and admit that Obama has solid job growth record.

Solid? They spent hundreds of billions of dollars in government stimulus and created so few new jobs that they had to hide how bad it was with "Jobs Created or Saved"! That right there tells you EXACTLY what happened and if you weren't such a partisan hack...you'd "man up" and admit that!

yes SOLID.

11+ million jobs created since Obama got into office, 15 million over the last 6 years.

Those are solid numbers and your rambling about "hiding" something is completely nonsensical. What is hidden? How?

These are official, objective numbers that your little partisan pea-brain has trouble dealing with in a rational way.

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!

1. that doesn't change the "standard" BLS job growth of you are replying to. Do you accept that job growth was solid under Obama?

2. People that say stupid shit like that are missing even most basic economic understandings (embarrassingly common on the right)

Here it is, pay attention:

There is a big economy and there is a relatively small policy effect. There is simply no way to say if any given policy created or saved a job as it's effects have to isolated from what is going on in the economy on the whole.

Example: Economy goes in recession and is losing 1000 jobs a day, you pass a tax-cut (I know you have a soft spot for this fix-all policy) and lets say it's estimated effect is to add 100 jobs. But it is macro-effect and beyond estimates by the economists there is no way to actually know where any specific dollar went to create a job or to prevent someone from losing one - NOR DOES IT MATTER.

What matters is that tax-cut reduced 1000 job loss to 900 job loss, so it's effect was to save/create 100 jobs.

Small policy effects? You call the ACA a small policy effect? Something that affects 1/6th of the economy? You call the proposed Cap & Trade legislation small policy effect? Something that would have increased the energy costs of every single business across the entire country? Estimating what effect a given policy will have on the economy is what government economists DO! Both the ACA and the proposed Cap & Trade legislation were job killers because they introduced concerns by business that costs would increase in the future.

So please save you pompous attitude that I don't understand basic economics when it's you progressives that don't have a clue about the subject.


1. YOU IN NO WAY RESPONDED TO CREATED/SAVED EXPLANATION. Nothing. Not a beep. Not a word. Do you UNDERSTAND why created/saved is the correct language to describe policy effect within economy?

Yes silly, relatively small:

Annual economy ~14 trillion, annual ARRA (NOT ACA, which didn't have much of an effect until 2014) spending/tax-cuts was about 100-200 billion.
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No it doesn't moron

here is one that does:


So the net was negative for his administration - and still considerably below the value in 2000

Median income: The jump in median income was one of the largest annual increases Census has recorded. The growth was also widespread, with geographic regions and races (except for Asians) seeing increases.

Behind the pay hike is the big increase in employment, Census officials said. Some 3.3 million more Americans were working full-time, year-round, pushing up median income. Some 1.4 million more men and 1 million more women had jobs last year.

"Strong labor markets make a big difference in helping to connect low- and middle-income working families to the broader economy," said Jared Bernstein, senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Median income jumps 5.2% in 2015

Note the underlined....what do you figger will happen to real median household income consequent to a Lost Decade where private sector payrolls SHRANK over the course of 8 years?

Of course, it still didn't make up for the decline that occurred during his administration. The net result is that average income declined under Obama, It sill hasn't risen above the level we enjoyed in 2000. That's a record no sane person would crow about.

Why are you still here? Have you no shame?

The "decline" occurred because a guy for whom you cast 2 enthusiastic votes left the US (and world) economy a smoking crater. This was, by far, the worst economic disaster to befall the nation since The Great Depression. That labor markets have recovered to their present state is a miracle. The ONLY way income were going to rise was if the economy could generate enough jobs to make up for the slack of the previous 8 years......that "slack" represented about 8 million private sector jobs....

And unlike every other post WW2 recovery, this one - in the wake of the WORST recession during that time - had to proceed without the benefit of discretionary fiscal lift.

In fact, the recovery in labor markets was strong enough to grow real median household income at the highest annual rate recorded, in 2014.

That doesn't jive with the known facts. Obama and the Dims implemented a "fiscal lift" called the "stimulus." All that did is funnel a lot of money to government employees.

The fact is that the recovery during the Obama administration is the slowest on record since the Great Depression. The reasons are the same: some douche bag sitting in the Oval Office decided the government needed to get involved. The recession was the worst because of the legislation Obama and the Dims passed. Dims like to pretend that what happened over the course of the Obama administration was Bush's fault. You're just admitting that Obama's policies were ineffective, at best. In fact, they were counter productive. They took an typical recession caused by the government and turned it into a depression.
Thank You! x 1

So I give you data from authoritative sources and you give me the usual Pork Roast Narrative entirely devoid of facts?

Why the fuck do you, a celebrated Imbecile, PRESUME?

Are you of the opinion that your uninformed tripe is relevant? You're possessed of the analytical capacity of a nematode.

If you've grown weary of seeing me tear your cherished media sources fresh assholes - THEN QUIT READING CRAP!
Wtf are you rambling about? You bitched about the source, I give you THE source, BLS. So now you got nothing to reply with except this lunatic drivel? Pathetic.

Man up and admit that Obama has solid job growth record.

Solid? They spent hundreds of billions of dollars in government stimulus and created so few new jobs that they had to hide how bad it was with "Jobs Created or Saved"! That right there tells you EXACTLY what happened and if you weren't such a partisan hack...you'd "man up" and admit that!

yes SOLID.

11+ million jobs created since Obama got into office, 15 million over the last 6 years.

Those are solid numbers and your rambling about "hiding" something is completely nonsensical. What is hidden? How?

These are official, objective numbers that your little partisan pea-brain has trouble dealing with in a rational way.

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!

1. that doesn't change the "standard" BLS job growth of you are replying to. Do you accept that job growth was solid under Obama?

2. People that say stupid shit like that are missing even most basic economic understandings (embarrassingly common on the right)

Here it is, pay attention:

There is a big economy and there is a relatively small policy effect. There is simply no way to say if any given policy created or saved a job as it's effects have to isolated from what is going on in the economy on the whole.

Example: Economy goes in recession and is losing 1000 jobs a day, you pass a tax-cut (I know you have a soft spot for this fix-all policy) and lets say it's estimated effect is to add 100 jobs. But it is macro-effect and beyond estimates by the economists there is no way to actually know where any specific dollar went to create a job or to prevent someone from losing one - NOR DOES IT MATTER.

What matters is that tax-cut reduced 1000 job loss to 900 job loss, so it's effect was to save/create 100 jobs.

Small policy effects? You call the ACA a small policy effect? Something that affects 1/6th of the economy? You call the proposed Cap & Trade legislation small policy effect? Something that would have increased the energy costs of every single business across the entire country? Estimating what effect a given policy will have on the economy is what government economists DO! Both the ACA and the proposed Cap & Trade legislation were job killers because they introduced concerns by business that costs would increase in the future.

So please save you pompous attitude that I don't understand basic economics when it's you progressives that don't have a clue about the subject.

Let's make this easy....

How much economics have you actually studied?

Judging from your content, I'm wagering "almost none"...

You don't learn this stuff by Osmosis.....or listening to that douche Stu Varney.
There are fewer than half a million people who are not in the labor force because they "gave up." And that's not necessarily due to being unemployed for a long time....Some who lost his job, looked once for work and then gave up would be not in the labor force for discouraged reasons 4 weeks later.

Half a million? You are far more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal!


Sure does reflect a number far, far higher than half a million!
You're a fucking moron.....LFPR is NOT a proxy for "discouraged workers". BLS tracks the actual number....

Damned cretin..
Solid? They spent hundreds of billions of dollars in government stimulus and created so few new jobs that they had to hide how bad it was with "Jobs Created or Saved"! That right there tells you EXACTLY what happened and if you weren't such a partisan hack...you'd "man up" and admit that!

yes SOLID.

11+ million jobs created since Obama got into office, 15 million over the last 6 years.

Those are solid numbers and your rambling about "hiding" something is completely nonsensical. What is hidden? How?

These are official, objective numbers that your little partisan pea-brain has trouble dealing with in a rational way.

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!

1. that doesn't change the "standard" BLS job growth of you are replying to. Do you accept that job growth was solid under Obama?

2. People that say stupid shit like that are missing even most basic economic understandings (embarrassingly common on the right)

Here it is, pay attention:

There is a big economy and there is a relatively small policy effect. There is simply no way to say if any given policy created or saved a job as it's effects have to isolated from what is going on in the economy on the whole.

Example: Economy goes in recession and is losing 1000 jobs a day, you pass a tax-cut (I know you have a soft spot for this fix-all policy) and lets say it's estimated effect is to add 100 jobs. But it is macro-effect and beyond estimates by the economists there is no way to actually know where any specific dollar went to create a job or to prevent someone from losing one - NOR DOES IT MATTER.

What matters is that tax-cut reduced 1000 job loss to 900 job loss, so it's effect was to save/create 100 jobs.

Small policy effects? You call the ACA a small policy effect? Something that affects 1/6th of the economy? You call the proposed Cap & Trade legislation small policy effect? Something that would have increased the energy costs of every single business across the entire country? Estimating what effect a given policy will have on the economy is what government economists DO! Both the ACA and the proposed Cap & Trade legislation were job killers because they introduced concerns by business that costs would increase in the future.

So please save you pompous attitude that I don't understand basic economics when it's you progressives that don't have a clue about the subject.


1. YOU IN NO WAY RESPONDED TO CREATED/SAVED EXPLANATION. Nothing. Not a beep. Not a word. Do you UNDERSTAND why created/saved is the correct language to describe policy effect within economy?

Yes silly, relatively small:

Annual economy ~14 trillion, annual ARRA (NOT ACA, which didn't have much of an effect until 2014) spending/tax-cuts was about 100-200 billion.

Created/saved has only one real purpose...to make it impossible to gauge how effective an economic policy IS! You can claim that you've "saved" any number of jobs that you like to make the number of jobs you've "Created/Saved" be whatever number you want it to be and there's absolutely no way to prove your number is total bullshit!

As for when the ACA had an effect? Once again you've displayed a complete ignorance of how jobs are created...something that seems to be a congenital defect among liberals! Once again...for those of you that don't have a clue about how this works in the real world...investment in equipment, inventory and workers will only take place when a business owner anticipates an opportunity to make a profit. Anything you do to raise even the possibility of added costs in the future is going to dampen investment because added costs mean less profit! Even the threat of passing Cap & Trade legislation would make business investors recalculate risk to profit projections. The uncertainty of what the ACA would be and what it would cost would be a HUGE factor for businesses contemplating expansion!
Solid? They spent hundreds of billions of dollars in government stimulus and created so few new jobs that they had to hide how bad it was with "Jobs Created or Saved"! That right there tells you EXACTLY what happened and if you weren't such a partisan hack...you'd "man up" and admit that!

yes SOLID.

11+ million jobs created since Obama got into office, 15 million over the last 6 years.

Those are solid numbers and your rambling about "hiding" something is completely nonsensical. What is hidden? How?

These are official, objective numbers that your little partisan pea-brain has trouble dealing with in a rational way.

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!

1. that doesn't change the "standard" BLS job growth of you are replying to. Do you accept that job growth was solid under Obama?

2. People that say stupid shit like that are missing even most basic economic understandings (embarrassingly common on the right)

Here it is, pay attention:

There is a big economy and there is a relatively small policy effect. There is simply no way to say if any given policy created or saved a job as it's effects have to isolated from what is going on in the economy on the whole.

Example: Economy goes in recession and is losing 1000 jobs a day, you pass a tax-cut (I know you have a soft spot for this fix-all policy) and lets say it's estimated effect is to add 100 jobs. But it is macro-effect and beyond estimates by the economists there is no way to actually know where any specific dollar went to create a job or to prevent someone from losing one - NOR DOES IT MATTER.

What matters is that tax-cut reduced 1000 job loss to 900 job loss, so it's effect was to save/create 100 jobs.

Small policy effects? You call the ACA a small policy effect? Something that affects 1/6th of the economy? You call the proposed Cap & Trade legislation small policy effect? Something that would have increased the energy costs of every single business across the entire country? Estimating what effect a given policy will have on the economy is what government economists DO! Both the ACA and the proposed Cap & Trade legislation were job killers because they introduced concerns by business that costs would increase in the future.

So please save you pompous attitude that I don't understand basic economics when it's you progressives that don't have a clue about the subject.

Let's make this easy....

How much economics have you actually studied?

Judging from your content, I'm wagering "almost none"...

You don't learn this stuff by Osmosis.....or listening to that douche Stu Varney.

What's sad, Slim is that the two Econ classes I took in college...Macro and Micro...seems to have given me far more knowledge of the subject than most of this board's liberals or our last President! I don't think most of you took ANY business classes at all!
As for Stuart Varney? I don't watch his show to be honest but a simple Google of his resume shows him graduating from the London School of Economics so I'm going to guess that he knows a bit more about the subject than "Iceberg Slim"! Just saying...
There are fewer than half a million people who are not in the labor force because they "gave up." And that's not necessarily due to being unemployed for a long time....Some who lost his job, looked once for work and then gave up would be not in the labor force for discouraged reasons 4 weeks later.

Half a million? You are far more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal!


Sure does reflect a number far, far higher than half a million!
How do you figure that? The labor force participation rate in no way represents people who gave up looking for work. The vast majority of those not in the labor force don't want a job.
There are fewer than half a million people who are not in the labor force because they "gave up." And that's not necessarily due to being unemployed for a long time....Some who lost his job, looked once for work and then gave up would be not in the labor force for discouraged reasons 4 weeks later.

Half a million? You are far more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal!


Sure does reflect a number far, far higher than half a million!
Moron.... how can you not understand, "because they gave up?"
Wtf are you rambling about? You bitched about the source, I give you THE source, BLS. So now you got nothing to reply with except this lunatic drivel? Pathetic.

Man up and admit that Obama has solid job growth record.

Solid? They spent hundreds of billions of dollars in government stimulus and created so few new jobs that they had to hide how bad it was with "Jobs Created or Saved"! That right there tells you EXACTLY what happened and if you weren't such a partisan hack...you'd "man up" and admit that!

yes SOLID.

11+ million jobs created since Obama got into office, 15 million over the last 6 years.

Those are solid numbers and your rambling about "hiding" something is completely nonsensical. What is hidden? How?

These are official, objective numbers that your little partisan pea-brain has trouble dealing with in a rational way.

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


You've been shown repeatedly that Obama did not create the measure, "jobs created or saved," that Bush used it as well.

Now THAT is complete bullshit, Faun! The Bush Administration did not use "Jobs Created or Saved"...that was something that the Obama Administration came up with to hide how few jobs they created...constantly citing that number instead of the previously used number of jobs created.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Despite your fallacious denial, I've already posted examples of the Bush administration using the term you falsely claim Obama "created" and that Bush never used...

Johanns announces investment of $9.2 million in business development funds for rural America

"I applaud the local community leadership for their efforts to secure these investments, which are needed to create economic opportunities and improve the quality of life available in their community," said Johanns. "These funds are part of the Bush Administration's ongoing efforts to spur economic development in rural areas and will help save or create more than 1,800 jobs."​

USDA announced $19.75 million in rural business loans, economic development loans and grants

"These funds will help support local economic development agencies, finance infrastructure improvements, establish low-interest revolving loan funds, and help jurisdictions implement regional business and community development plans," Dorr said. "The funding announced today is expected to save or create more than 2,300 jobs in 20 states."

Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman regarding National Homeownership Month Kennett Square, PA - June 23, 2004

"Our Rural Development programs also help communities with infrastructure such as electricity, water and telecommunications and with economic development assistance. We have estimated that our rural development programs have saved or created more than 500,000 jobs just since the Bush Administration took office in January of 2001. Recently we have seen more positive numbers showing that the U.S. economy created nearly a quarter of a million jobs last month alone for a total of 1 million jobs created in the last three months and about 1.5 million jobs in the past nine months.​
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Go look up what was happing pre Mc Cain Obama election, every one running around like chickens with there heads cut off when they figured out that they could not fix the Wall Street mess on the quiet, Who got to be the president required to fix the mess, then think about what could or could not have been done different.
Solid? They spent hundreds of billions of dollars in government stimulus and created so few new jobs that they had to hide how bad it was with "Jobs Created or Saved"! That right there tells you EXACTLY what happened and if you weren't such a partisan hack...you'd "man up" and admit that!

yes SOLID.

11+ million jobs created since Obama got into office, 15 million over the last 6 years.

Those are solid numbers and your rambling about "hiding" something is completely nonsensical. What is hidden? How?

These are official, objective numbers that your little partisan pea-brain has trouble dealing with in a rational way.

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


You've been shown repeatedly that Obama did not create the measure, "jobs created or saved," that Bush used it as well.

Now THAT is complete bullshit, Faun! The Bush Administration did not use "Jobs Created or Saved"...that was something that the Obama Administration came up with to hide how few jobs they created...constantly citing that number instead of the previously used number of jobs created.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Despite your fallacious denial, I've already posted examples of the Bush administration using the term you falsely claim Obama "created" and that Bush never used...


"I applaud the local community leadership for their efforts to secure these investments, which are needed to create economic opportunities and improve the quality of life available in their community," said Johanns. "These funds are part of the Bush Administration's ongoing efforts to spur economic development in rural areas and will help save or create more than 1,800 jobs."​


"These funds will help support local economic development agencies, finance infrastructure improvements, establish low-interest revolving loan funds, and help jurisdictions implement regional business and community development plans," Dorr said. "The funding announced today is expected to save or create more than 2,300 jobs in 20 states."

Transcript of Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman regarding National Homeownership Month Kennett Square, PA - June 23, 2004

"Our Rural Development programs also help communities with infrastructure such as electricity, water and telecommunications and with economic development assistance. We have estimated that our rural development programs have saved or created[\color] more than 500,000 jobs just since the Bush Administration took office in January of 2001. Recently we have seen more positive numbers showing that the U.S. economy created nearly a quarter of a million jobs last month alone for a total of 1 million jobs created in the last three months and about 1.5 million jobs in the past nine months.

What's amusing to me, Faun is that you're still even ATTEMPTING to call two isolated uses of the phrase "saved or created" by two members of the Bush Administration the same thing as the Obama Administration abandoning an accepted economic statistic jobs created, for the meaningless statistic of "jobs created or saved" and repeatedly quoting that number when talking about how many jobs were created by the Obama Stimulus! As if two people using the phrase "save or create" in an earlier is even remotely the same as an Administration purposely misleading the American people with a made up statistic that can't be verified in any way!
yes SOLID.

11+ million jobs created since Obama got into office, 15 million over the last 6 years.

Those are solid numbers and your rambling about "hiding" something is completely nonsensical. What is hidden? How?

These are official, objective numbers that your little partisan pea-brain has trouble dealing with in a rational way.

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


You've been shown repeatedly that Obama did not create the measure, "jobs created or saved," that Bush used it as well.

Now THAT is complete bullshit, Faun! The Bush Administration did not use "Jobs Created or Saved"...that was something that the Obama Administration came up with to hide how few jobs they created...constantly citing that number instead of the previously used number of jobs created.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Despite your fallacious denial, I've already posted examples of the Bush administration using the term you falsely claim Obama "created" and that Bush never used...


"I applaud the local community leadership for their efforts to secure these investments, which are needed to create economic opportunities and improve the quality of life available in their community," said Johanns. "These funds are part of the Bush Administration's ongoing efforts to spur economic development in rural areas and will help save or create more than 1,800 jobs."​


"These funds will help support local economic development agencies, finance infrastructure improvements, establish low-interest revolving loan funds, and help jurisdictions implement regional business and community development plans," Dorr said. "The funding announced today is expected to save or create more than 2,300 jobs in 20 states."

Transcript of Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman regarding National Homeownership Month Kennett Square, PA - June 23, 2004

"Our Rural Development programs also help communities with infrastructure such as electricity, water and telecommunications and with economic development assistance. We have estimated that our rural development programs have saved or created[\color] more than 500,000 jobs just since the Bush Administration took office in January of 2001. Recently we have seen more positive numbers showing that the U.S. economy created nearly a quarter of a million jobs last month alone for a total of 1 million jobs created in the last three months and about 1.5 million jobs in the past nine months.

What's amusing to me, Faun is that you're still even ATTEMPTING to call two isolated uses of the "phrase" jobs created or saved by two members with the Obama Administration abandoning an accepted economic statistic for jobs created, for the meaningless statistic of "jobs created or saved" and repeatedly quoting that number when talking about how many jobs were created by the Obama Stimulus! As if two people using the phrase "save or create" in an earlier is even remotely the same as an Administration purposely misleading the American people with a made up statistic that can't be verified in any way!
Lying con tool... you claimed Obama "created" the term.

As I just showed, your lies are demonstratable. Obama got the term from the Bush administration.

It outraged you when Bush's administration used the term, right, ya lying con tool?

Fine, Anton...explain to me why it is the Obama Administration started using a brand new economic method of measure..."Jobs Created or Saved" after the Obama Stimulus failed to create the "shovel ready" jobs that they promised the American people? Give me a reason for that OTHER than that they were trying desperately to hide how few jobs they'd created after spending close to a trillion dollars in stimulus!
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


You've been shown repeatedly that Obama did not create the measure, "jobs created or saved," that Bush used it as well.

Now THAT is complete bullshit, Faun! The Bush Administration did not use "Jobs Created or Saved"...that was something that the Obama Administration came up with to hide how few jobs they created...constantly citing that number instead of the previously used number of jobs created.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Despite your fallacious denial, I've already posted examples of the Bush administration using the term you falsely claim Obama "created" and that Bush never used...


"I applaud the local community leadership for their efforts to secure these investments, which are needed to create economic opportunities and improve the quality of life available in their community," said Johanns. "These funds are part of the Bush Administration's ongoing efforts to spur economic development in rural areas and will help save or create more than 1,800 jobs."​


"These funds will help support local economic development agencies, finance infrastructure improvements, establish low-interest revolving loan funds, and help jurisdictions implement regional business and community development plans," Dorr said. "The funding announced today is expected to save or create more than 2,300 jobs in 20 states."

Transcript of Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman regarding National Homeownership Month Kennett Square, PA - June 23, 2004

"Our Rural Development programs also help communities with infrastructure such as electricity, water and telecommunications and with economic development assistance. We have estimated that our rural development programs have saved or created[\color] more than 500,000 jobs just since the Bush Administration took office in January of 2001. Recently we have seen more positive numbers showing that the U.S. economy created nearly a quarter of a million jobs last month alone for a total of 1 million jobs created in the last three months and about 1.5 million jobs in the past nine months.

What's amusing to me, Faun is that you're still even ATTEMPTING to call two isolated uses of the "phrase" jobs created or saved by two members with the Obama Administration abandoning an accepted economic statistic for jobs created, for the meaningless statistic of "jobs created or saved" and repeatedly quoting that number when talking about how many jobs were created by the Obama Stimulus! As if two people using the phrase "save or create" in an earlier is even remotely the same as an Administration purposely misleading the American people with a made up statistic that can't be verified in any way!
Lying con tool... you claimed Obama created the term.

As I just showed, your lies are demonstratable. Obama got the term from the Bush administration.

It outraged you when Bush's administration used the term, right, ya lying con tool?


When those two administrators in the Bush Administration used that term "save or create" to describe how their policies were affecting jobs... they were as full of shit as the Obama Administration was! The difference between the two is that the Bush Administration weren't lying to the American people by going on national TV and claiming over and over again that their stimulus was a success because they'd created or saved millions of jobs when in fact their stimulus had created so few jobs that even the President admitted that the shovel ready jobs they'd promised didn't materialize! The Bush Administration used jobs created as their statistic when reporting on jobs. If they hadn't...they would have been tarred and feathered by the liberal press! Obama used "created or saved" because he knew the main stream media would report what he fed them.
Show me an example of George W. Bush using the term "jobs created or saved", Faun! You claim that it's something that originated with him, correct? Then you should easily provide me examples of him standing in front of the cameras and using that misleading statistic, correct? So let's see one...
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


You've been shown repeatedly that Obama did not create the measure, "jobs created or saved," that Bush used it as well.

Now THAT is complete bullshit, Faun! The Bush Administration did not use "Jobs Created or Saved"...that was something that the Obama Administration came up with to hide how few jobs they created...constantly citing that number instead of the previously used number of jobs created.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Despite your fallacious denial, I've already posted examples of the Bush administration using the term you falsely claim Obama "created" and that Bush never used...


"I applaud the local community leadership for their efforts to secure these investments, which are needed to create economic opportunities and improve the quality of life available in their community," said Johanns. "These funds are part of the Bush Administration's ongoing efforts to spur economic development in rural areas and will help save or create more than 1,800 jobs."​


"These funds will help support local economic development agencies, finance infrastructure improvements, establish low-interest revolving loan funds, and help jurisdictions implement regional business and community development plans," Dorr said. "The funding announced today is expected to save or create more than 2,300 jobs in 20 states."

Transcript of Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman regarding National Homeownership Month Kennett Square, PA - June 23, 2004

"Our Rural Development programs also help communities with infrastructure such as electricity, water and telecommunications and with economic development assistance. We have estimated that our rural development programs have saved or created more than 500,000 jobs just since the Bush Administration took office in January of 2001. Recently we have seen more positive numbers showing that the U.S. economy created nearly a quarter of a million jobs last month alone for a total of 1 million jobs created in the last three months and about 1.5 million jobs in the past nine months.​

What's amusing to me, Faun is that you're still even ATTEMPTING to call two isolated uses of the "phrase" jobs created or saved by two members with the Obama Administration abandoning an accepted economic statistic for jobs created, for the meaningless statistic of "jobs created or saved" and repeatedly quoting that number when talking about how many jobs were created by the Obama Stimulus! As if two people using the phrase "save or create" in an earlier is even remotely the same as an Administration purposely misleading the American people with a made up statistic that can't be verified in any way!
Lying con tool... you claimed Obama created the term.

As I just showed, your lies are demonstratable. Obama got the term from the Bush administration.

It outraged you when Bush's administration used the term, right, ya lying con tool?


When those two administrators in the Bush Administration used that term "save or create" to describe how their policies were affecting jobs... they were as full of shit as the Obama Administration was! The difference between the two is that the Bush Administration weren't lying to the American people by going on national TV and claiming over and over again that their stimulus was a success because they'd created or saved millions of jobs when in fact their stimulus had created so few jobs that even the President admitted that the shovel ready jobs they'd promised didn't materialize! The Bush Administration used jobs created as their statistic when reporting on jobs. If they hadn't...they would have been tarred and feathered by the liberal press! Obama used "created or saved" because he knew the main stream media would report what he fed them.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I just proved you lied when you falsely claimed Obama "created" that term, and all you can do now is defend Bush's administration by saying they weren't lying to the American people? And that they only said that to avoid the "Liberal media?"

How about apologizing to the forum for you lying again?
Now THAT is complete bullshit, Faun! The Bush Administration did not use "Jobs Created or Saved"...that was something that the Obama Administration came up with to hide how few jobs they created...constantly citing that number instead of the previously used number of jobs created.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


Despite your fallacious denial, I've already posted examples of the Bush administration using the term you falsely claim Obama "created" and that Bush never used...


"I applaud the local community leadership for their efforts to secure these investments, which are needed to create economic opportunities and improve the quality of life available in their community," said Johanns. "These funds are part of the Bush Administration's ongoing efforts to spur economic development in rural areas and will help save or create more than 1,800 jobs."​


"These funds will help support local economic development agencies, finance infrastructure improvements, establish low-interest revolving loan funds, and help jurisdictions implement regional business and community development plans," Dorr said. "The funding announced today is expected to save or create more than 2,300 jobs in 20 states."

Transcript of Remarks by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman regarding National Homeownership Month Kennett Square, PA - June 23, 2004

"Our Rural Development programs also help communities with infrastructure such as electricity, water and telecommunications and with economic development assistance. We have estimated that our rural development programs have saved or created more than 500,000 jobs just since the Bush Administration took office in January of 2001. Recently we have seen more positive numbers showing that the U.S. economy created nearly a quarter of a million jobs last month alone for a total of 1 million jobs created in the last three months and about 1.5 million jobs in the past nine months.​

What's amusing to me, Faun is that you're still even ATTEMPTING to call two isolated uses of the "phrase" jobs created or saved by two members with the Obama Administration abandoning an accepted economic statistic for jobs created, for the meaningless statistic of "jobs created or saved" and repeatedly quoting that number when talking about how many jobs were created by the Obama Stimulus! As if two people using the phrase "save or create" in an earlier is even remotely the same as an Administration purposely misleading the American people with a made up statistic that can't be verified in any way!
Lying con tool... you claimed Obama created the term.

As I just showed, your lies are demonstratable. Obama got the term from the Bush administration.

It outraged you when Bush's administration used the term, right, ya lying con tool?


When those two administrators in the Bush Administration used that term "save or create" to describe how their policies were affecting jobs... they were as full of shit as the Obama Administration was! The difference between the two is that the Bush Administration weren't lying to the American people by going on national TV and claiming over and over again that their stimulus was a success because they'd created or saved millions of jobs when in fact their stimulus had created so few jobs that even the President admitted that the shovel ready jobs they'd promised didn't materialize! The Bush Administration used jobs created as their statistic when reporting on jobs. If they hadn't...they would have been tarred and feathered by the liberal press! Obama used "created or saved" because he knew the main stream media would report what he fed them.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?


I just proved you lied when you falsely claimed Obama "created" that term, and all you can do now is defend Bush's administration by saying they weren't lying to the American people? And that they only said that to avoid the "Liberal media?"

How about apologizing to the forum for you lying again?
How about showing an example of George W. Bush ever using the term "created or saved", Faun? I can show you dozens of examples of Barack Obama using that term. The reason I can and you can't...is that Bush didn't attempt to fool the American public with a bullshit made up statistic the same way that Barack Obama and his people did!
But that's what you liberals DO...isn't it? Hillary Clinton gets caught using private email servers to conduct pay for play deals without anyone seeing what she's doing and your excuse for that is that other Secretaries of State used private email servers too! Of course none of them ran virtually all of their State Department business through those private accounts however and none of them paid a couple hundred thousand dollars out of pocket to set them up like Hillary did! None of them lied to Congress about having those private accounts either.

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