Obamacare Enrollment Passes 5 Million

Hey dumbass! They are signing up because if they don't the government will fine them. They aren't doing it because its a wonderful thing.

I didn't sign up because I had to... I signed up because it was a wonderful thing ... it has saved me 300 dollars a month, that's a wonderful thing
Hey dumbass! They are signing up because if they don't the government will fine them. They aren't doing it because its a wonderful thing.
I refuse to explain things to liberals, I'm not the Jackass Whisperer.
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no ...you're the dumb fuck learner
Obamacare Enrollment Reaches 5 Million


More than 5 million people have signed up for health care plans under the newly created Obamacare insurance exchanges, according to a Monday press release from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.




more than 5 million lost it because of obamacare. so it took them this long to break even?

and most of the people who have signed up were/ ARE people WHO LOST THE INSURANCE THEY HAD because of obamacare; NOT new enrollees who didnt have health coverage

libs are losers who lie to themselves

the only loser here is you.... loser!!!!!
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Hey dumbass! They are signing up because if they don't the government will fine them. They aren't doing it because its a wonderful thing.

I didn't sign up because I had to... I signed up because it was a wonderful thing ... it has saved me 300 dollars a month, that's a wonderful thing

ooooooooooooooooooo, it's wonderful thing being FORCED by threats of fines to sign up for this government program AND living off the backs taxpayers make him all gooey too

he be so grateful for Obambam and now we should all HAIL OBAMA
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Seven million was the number Sebelius said they needed for this to be a success....
Now it's 5 million?

And where are the 48 million that Obama said needed coverage.

why is it so hard for you morons to grasp how many people needs health care ... first one of you repub-LIE-clowns said 43 million ...then one of you repub-LIE-clowns said 45 ... then one of you repub-LIE-clowns said 48 million so which is it or do anyof you reapub-LIE-clowns really know ... for the record a total 0f 14 .6 have sign up ... that includes medicaid, and people under 26 along with the 5 million do you morons ever read???
"and doctors and major hospitals are now refusing peoples health insurance. " (quote from Roudy)

A blatant lie. Medical providers never "refuse" insurance. they simply do not necessarily consider the amount reimbursed by insurance to be the total due from the patient....which is a hell of a lot better than telling an uninsured person that they are responsible for 100% of their bill, and if they can not demonstrate that they can pay, refuse to provide services at all, which is a job that I once held, in a major cancer treatment center in Houston.

If you can not attack ACA using the truth, why should anyone pay any attention at all?

Hospitals "refuse" insurance all the time.

Try to get cancer treatment at Moffitt Cancer Center with Wellcare or United Healthcare.
Obamacare Enrollment Reaches 5 Million


More than 5 million people have signed up for health care plans under the newly created Obamacare insurance exchanges, according to a Monday press release from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.



At least 12 million have lost their insurance because of Obama care, and when it enters the business phase, it is estimated that over 70 million will be out of insurance. Not to mention those who already had insurance are seeing drastic increases in insurance premiums and doctors and major hospitals are now refusing peoples health insurance.

To add to it, the much desired youth aren't signing up and not falling for the govt.'s cheesy media campaign using celebrities. Neither has a dent been made in the "uninsured" that Obama care was supposed to alleviates the first place. Not one doctor or health professional I know has a single positive thing to say about Obamacare. And let's not even mention the epic fail that the website launch was.

And you ask how this piece of shit legislation that was passed by fascists, and shoved down American people's throats has failed?

On the bright side this Obama presidency and his health care bill will yield a much worse outcome to the the Democrat party and platform than even Jimmy Carter. :clap2:

not only are you a liar your ignorant to ...
38 million to go...


here let me enlighten you it seems you are off a tad bit
5.million orivate insurance
6.12 million medicaid
3.2 million under 26 on parents plan
thats 14.4 million people who have health care
you want to try again... the 5 million sign up is the number on private plans paid by a private individual ... I do realize that the 6.12 are medicaid signups but they are still a private plan ... so if you're going to quote a number then try and get it right... that would be 28.6 million to go

Good luck substantiating that with any sort of proof.

14.4 million?


Good luck proving the 5 million "paid" too.
Seven million was the number Sebelius said they needed for this to be a success....
Now it's 5 million?

And where are the 48 million that Obama said needed coverage.

why is it so hard for you morons to grasp how many people needs health care ... first one of you repub-LIE-clowns said 43 million ...then one of you repub-LIE-clowns said 45 ... then one of you repub-LIE-clowns said 48 million so which is it or do anyof you reapub-LIE-clowns really know ... for the record a total 0f 14 .6 have sign up ... that includes medicaid, and people under 26 along with the 5 million do you morons ever read???

you people are such frikken LIARS

everyone already had ACCESS to health care and IF they couldn't afford it we ALREADY HAD PROGRAMS to help them with it

all obamaCare is some FORCED by threats of fines INSURANCE SCAM by your dear leader and his comrades in arms

you left like your Dear Leader are the most dishonest no honor people I have run across
"and doctors and major hospitals are now refusing peoples health insurance. " (quote from Roudy)

A blatant lie. Medical providers never "refuse" insurance. they simply do not necessarily consider the amount reimbursed by insurance to be the total due from the patient....which is a hell of a lot better than telling an uninsured person that they are responsible for 100% of their bill, and if they can not demonstrate that they can pay, refuse to provide services at all, which is a job that I once held, in a major cancer treatment center in Houston.

If you can not attack ACA using the truth, why should anyone pay any attention at all?

really do you have a reliable source for your out right lies here??? didn't think so
How many of those 5 million actually have health insurance?

There's more to it than just picking a plan on the exchange.

these numbers are numbers who have signed up and paid for their plan

That is not even remotely true.

"As soon as we have our automated payment systems complete and tested, we believe that we'll be able to provide you some additional data about those consumers who have paid their premiums," said HHS spokeswoman Julie Bataille.

HHS Still Won't Say How Many People Have Paid Their Obamacare Premiums | The Weekly Standard
ObamaCare is a frikken failure with the MAJORITY of people in this country and it cost us taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars for it

all YOU pushing these lies should be ashamed of yourselves...disgusting government useful tools

"and doctors and major hospitals are now refusing peoples health insurance. " (quote from Roudy)

A blatant lie. Medical providers never "refuse" insurance. they simply do not necessarily consider the amount reimbursed by insurance to be the total due from the patient....which is a hell of a lot better than telling an uninsured person that they are responsible for 100% of their bill,

Well, no, not a lie at all.

Many hospitals and Doctors refuse Medicaid "insurance".

Pennies on the dollar they receive for reimbursement. Usually at a loss.

those aren't hospitals that are losing with medicaid ... those are hospitals who have to take people in their emergency room without any health care who are really losing ... at least medicaid pays them ... that more then you can say before obama care ...
"and doctors and major hospitals are now refusing peoples health insurance. " (quote from Roudy)

A blatant lie. Medical providers never "refuse" insurance. they simply do not necessarily consider the amount reimbursed by insurance to be the total due from the patient....which is a hell of a lot better than telling an uninsured person that they are responsible for 100% of their bill,

Well, no, not a lie at all.

Many hospitals and Doctors refuse Medicaid "insurance".

Pennies on the dollar they receive for reimbursement. Usually at a loss.

ah sugar, honey pie, sweetie ... try not to lose it ...hospitals can't refuse medicaid people its illegal ... now a doctor in a private practice can... but not any hospital or and doctor who works for that hospital can refuse medicaid ... I know you want it to be true ... cause thats what your right wing nut leaders have told you to believe ... when push comes to shove, they can't:D:D:D
here's something for you government useful tool to choke on..
links in article at site

Pew Poll: Opposition To Obamacare Nears All-Time High…


And just today we had Pelosi crowing about how Dems “couldn’t be prouder” of the law.

Via The Hill:

Problems with ObamaCare’s rollout are still not changing the public’s wider view of the law, a new survey found.

The Pew Research Center reported Thursday that, while the healthcare reform act remains unpopular, disapproval of the law has not risen over the troubled six-month enrollment period, when criticism has been the most vicious.

In fact, the public appears to be tiring of healthcare news in general. Only 1 in 4 are closely following media reports about how the rollout is going, compared with 37 percent in mid-November, Pew found.

The survey presents insights into the public’s opinion of ObamaCare, just as Republicans are ramping up campaign attacks over the law.

In total, 53 percent disapprove of the Affordable Care Act while 41 percent approve. Opposition is close to its all-time high, but the split has remained remarkably steady since last year.

all of it here
Pew Poll: Opposition To Obamacare Nears All-Time High? | Weasel Zippers
"and doctors and major hospitals are now refusing peoples health insurance. " (quote from Roudy)

A blatant lie. Medical providers never "refuse" insurance. they simply do not necessarily consider the amount reimbursed by insurance to be the total due from the patient....which is a hell of a lot better than telling an uninsured person that they are responsible for 100% of their bill,

Well, no, not a lie at all.

Many hospitals and Doctors refuse Medicaid "insurance".

Pennies on the dollar they receive for reimbursement. Usually at a loss.

ah sugar, honey pie, sweetie ... try not to lose it ...hospitals can't refuse medicaid people its illegal ... now a doctor in a private practice can... but not any hospital or and doctor who works for that hospital can refuse medicaid ... I know you want it to be true ... cause thats what your right wing nut leaders have told you to believe ... when push comes to shove, they can't:D:D:D

You are incorrect.

Hospitals regulated by EMTALA generally may not transfer an individual who has an emergency medical condition, unless the patient requests transfer or for a valid medical reason, such as a lack of resources that lead to an inability to further stabilize the patient.

not all hospitals have obligations under EMTALA. Only hospitals that accept federal funds from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), are subject to civil liability under the Act.

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)

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