Obamacare flack now blames Talk Radio for people's "negative impression" of Obamacare


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Yep, you heard that right.

People in some rural areas have a "bad impression" of Obamacare.

But it's NOT because of the higher prices and costs imposed by the legislation.
And it's NOT because of the penalites government will impose on you if you don't obey.
And it's NOT because of the way Obamacare is forcing insurance companies to cancel every existing plan that doesn't already have all of Obamacare's Cadillac-plan features.
And it's NOT because of the lack of choice in the plans approved by government.
And it's NOT because of the constant crashing and hangups of the website.

Nope, none of those things are the reason that people have a bad impression of Obamacare.

It's because of TALK RADIO!

In a similar vein, many people have a bad impression of militant Muslim fanatics, especially after the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

But it's NOT because a bunch of them hijacked planes, killed the pilots, and crashed the planes into various buildings, killing thousands.
And it's NOT because they have caused constant warfare, strife, starvation, and death in various middle Eastern countries.
And it's NOT because they keep trying to impose Sharia Law on their populaces, reducing women to slave status, their economies to 13th-century-bazaar levels, and their religions to whip-imposed theocracies that make Nazis look benign.

No, people have a bad impression because of the newspapers that keep REPORTING what they are doing.

Just take away the people who have been reporting the facts, and Presto! those rural folks won't have a bad impression at all. No bad impressions of militant Muslim fanatics, and no bad impressions of Obamacare. At least, not until Obamacare arrives at their doorstep and the IRS starts putting even more penalties on them, for not paying the penalties listed in the Obamacare legislation in the first place.

Yes, this Christopher Mitchell person has at last identified the real culprit in all the problems Democrat are having in their attempts to convince people that Obamacare is a "good" thing. Obamacare's huge numbers of problems, aren't the culprit. It's the people REPORTING all of Obamacare's huge problems, that are the real culprit!


Obamacare Advocates Struggle To Convince Rural Uninsured

Obamacare Advocates Struggle To Convince Rural Uninsured

01/06/14 10:37 AM ET EST

FREEPORT, Fla. (AP) — In this rural part of the Panhandle, Christopher Mitchell finds few takers when he delivers his message about the importance of exploring insurance options under the federal health overhaul.

People in the conservative-leaning area tend to have a bad impression of President Obama's signature law because of negative messages they hear on talk radio or from friends, said Mitchell, marketing director for a network of nonprofit health clinics. Even for those with insurance, a doctor's visit may require a long drive because there are few providers in the area — and some are selective about the coverage they accept.

"I tell people that I am not here to advocate for the law, I am here to support the law and empower people to be able to use and understand the law," said Mitchell, whose employer, PanCare of Florida, received a federal grant for outreach efforts. "But when people are hearing over and over and over that is bankrupting America, it is hard to break through."
Good Gawd.

All anyone has to do is look at the high deductables and all those folks we will be subsidizing on medicaid to realize what a POS Obamacare really is.

As for bankrupting America? Kinda sorta think this POS bill could do just that.
It's like a lying, adulterous husband blaming his divorce on the fact that someone told his wife he was screwing another woman on the side, rather than accepting that it was HIS OWN ACTIONS which caused the divorce!

Obamacare passed through Congress because of sneaky, underhanded, dirty tricks by the POTUS and Pelosi and the Dems.

Pelosi aide says Dems have a legislative "trick" to pass Obamacare; So why have a summit?
Washington Examiner ^ | 02/10/10 | Mark Tapscott

Posted on 2/10/2010 3:19:05 PM by Mrs. Don-o

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's senior health care advisor has told Congress Daily that congressional Democratic leaders have settled on a strategy they believe will allow them to make changes in both Senate and House Obamacare bills, then send a single, revised version to President Obama for signature.

Congress Daily is a subscription-only publication, but LifeNews.com has these details:

"In comments reported by Congress Daily, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s top health care aide Wendell Primus admitted top Democrats have already decided on the strategy to pass the Senate's pro-abortion, government-run health care bill.

"Primus explained that the Senate will use the controversial reconciliation strategy that will have the House approve the Senate bill and both the House and Senate okaying changes to the bill that the Senate will sign off on by preventing Republicans from filibustering.

“'The trick in all of this is that the president would have to sign the Senate bill first, then the reconciliation bill second, and the reconciliation bill would trump the Senate bill,' Primus said at the National Health Policy Conference hosted by Academy Health and Health Affairs.

“'There's a certain skill, there's a trick, but I think we'll get it done,' he said."

The comments from Primus raise an obvious question: Since it is inconveible that Democratic congressional leaders are moving in this direction without the knowledge of the White House, why call a health care summit and challenge congressional Republicans to come with their best ideas when the plan is already in place to use legislative trickery to pass Obamacare?

The most logical answer would seem to be that the summit is part and parcel of a White House/congressional Democratic strategy to distract attention from what is about to happen on the Hill. It's the classic magician's trick of distracting you with the left hand while the right hand does the "trick."

Pelosi aide says Dems have a legislative "trick" to pass Obamacare; So why have a summit?

NOT because of Talk Radio.

Talk radio merely informed the public of the truth of Obama and Obamacare.
You wrote "Obamacare passed through Congress because of sneaky, underhanded, dirty tricks by the POTUS and Pelosi and the Dems." I have to disagree, because ObamaCare passed EVEN THOUGH the Anti-Obama Republican/Tea Party do-nothing but obstructionists failed to derail it before the vote. And they are still trying like the no-minds that they are, and still achieving nothing, even after the Supreme Court declared its constitutionality. They are so dumb that they cannot realize what is futile, even when their great(?) leader John Boehner sighed up for ObamaCare himself. They will soon lose their House majority and become even more a bunch of "nothingness", merely drawing their huge salaries for getting elected in jerry-rigged districts, and actually continuing to accomplish nothing.
So it's not the law that's the problem it's the right wing talk shows that bring out the fact that the law is the problem.
When the 48 million who did not have insurance before ObamaCare get and pay for coverage then the
Libs can claim success...

And I don't count the millions that lost coverage because of ObamaCare.
The ones that did not have it before...
How many of them now have coverage.
You wrote "Obamacare passed through Congress because of sneaky, underhanded, dirty tricks by the POTUS and Pelosi and the Dems." I have to disagree, because ObamaCare passed EVEN THOUGH the Anti-Obama Republican/Tea Party do-nothing but obstructionists failed to derail it before the vote. And they are still trying like the no-minds that they are, and still achieving nothing, even after the Supreme Court declared its constitutionality. They are so dumb that they cannot realize what is futile, even when their great(?) leader John Boehner sighed up for ObamaCare himself. They will soon lose their House majority and become even more a bunch of "nothingness", merely drawing their huge salaries for getting elected in jerry-rigged districts, and actually continuing to accomplish nothing.

Glad the newby is a non bias poster.
A highly intelligent one at that. :lol:
Yep, you heard that right.

People in some rural areas have a "bad impression" of Obamacare.

But it's NOT because of the higher prices and costs imposed by the legislation.
And it's NOT because of the penalites government will impose on you if you don't obey.
And it's NOT because of the way Obamacare is forcing insurance companies to cancel every existing plan that doesn't already have all of Obamacare's Cadillac-plan features.
And it's NOT because of the lack of choice in the plans approved by government.
And it's NOT because of the constant crashing and hangups of the website.

Nope, none of those things are the reason that people have a bad impression of Obamacare.

It's because of TALK RADIO!

In a similar vein, many people have a bad impression of militant Muslim fanatics, especially after the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

But it's NOT because a bunch of them hijacked planes, killed the pilots, and crashed the planes into various buildings, killing thousands.
And it's NOT because they have caused constant warfare, strife, starvation, and death in various middle Eastern countries.
And it's NOT because they keep trying to impose Sharia Law on their populaces, reducing women to slave status, their economies to 13th-century-bazaar levels, and their religions to whip-imposed theocracies that make Nazis look benign.

No, people have a bad impression because of the newspapers that keep REPORTING what they are doing.

Just take away the people who have been reporting the facts, and Presto! those rural folks won't have a bad impression at all. No bad impressions of militant Muslim fanatics, and no bad impressions of Obamacare. At least, not until Obamacare arrives at their doorstep and the IRS starts putting even more penalties on them, for not paying the penalties listed in the Obamacare legislation in the first place.

Yes, this Christopher Mitchell person has at last identified the real culprit in all the problems Democrat are having in their attempts to convince people that Obamacare is a "good" thing. Obamacare's huge numbers of problems, aren't the culprit. It's the people REPORTING all of Obamacare's huge problems, that are the real culprit!


Obamacare Advocates Struggle To Convince Rural Uninsured

Obamacare Advocates Struggle To Convince Rural Uninsured

01/06/14 10:37 AM ET EST

FREEPORT, Fla. (AP) — In this rural part of the Panhandle, Christopher Mitchell finds few takers when he delivers his message about the importance of exploring insurance options under the federal health overhaul.

People in the conservative-leaning area tend to have a bad impression of President Obama's signature law because of negative messages they hear on talk radio or from friends, said Mitchell, marketing director for a network of nonprofit health clinics. Even for those with insurance, a doctor's visit may require a long drive because there are few providers in the area — and some are selective about the coverage they accept.

"I tell people that I am not here to advocate for the law, I am here to support the law and empower people to be able to use and understand the law," said Mitchell, whose employer, PanCare of Florida, received a federal grant for outreach efforts. "But when people are hearing over and over and over that is bankrupting America, it is hard to break through."

Ha.Ha. no one wanted it in the first place. What's he picking on rural areas for? (The guns and bible people) Does he think they're "bitter" about Obamacare? He's right this time ha.ha.

Talk radio--LOL. Obamacare is it's own self made train wreck--it's doesn't need talk radio--it's got it's own show going on right now.

You wrote "Obamacare passed through Congress because of sneaky, underhanded, dirty tricks by the POTUS and Pelosi and the Dems." I have to disagree, because ObamaCare passed EVEN THOUGH the Anti-Obama Republican/Tea Party do-nothing but obstructionists failed to derail it before the vote. And they are still trying like the no-minds that they are, and still achieving nothing, even after the Supreme Court declared its constitutionality. They are so dumb that they cannot realize what is futile, even when their great(?) leader John Boehner sighed up for ObamaCare himself. They will soon lose their House majority and become even more a bunch of "nothingness", merely drawing their huge salaries for getting elected in jerry-rigged districts, and actually continuing to accomplish nothing.

The gator aid deal, the cornhusker deal, the union deal, the Luisianna purchase-all made behind closed doors--with a filibuster proof democrat senate and congress was what gave us Obamacare.

Not one single Republican voted for Obamacare, they were even blocked from attending committee meetings on it.

You are a NEWBIE and you own this disaster.


Welcome to your hope and change!
Well, that settles it, then. We'll have to revisit the Fairness Doctrine.

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