Obamacare in MN costs $91 a month!!!

I pay $100.00 a month. It would be a good deal IF I actually got some kind of care. The government provides for free preventive care. But it has already determined that those tests sre unnecessary. My doctor dropped out but I have a physicians assistant. She's not bad provided that I have already made the diagnosis and determined what the treatment is. If I want to see a real doctor, there are doctors I can pay just like always.

I pay way too mucb. $91.00 a month is too much if there isn't any real care.

Well, I pay $160 a month for both the wife and I. Premium Kaiser plan. Equivelent to the Platinum on the 4 tier. Of course, I have a full time job, and chose this job years ago because of the healthcare with it. At that time, the company paid full, but the rise of 13.2% a year for the two terms of Bush forced them to have us pay part of the cost. Still, a real bargain.

Now, were I to retire, after the first of the year, it would cost me about $1700 annually to cover my wife, and I already have Medicare.

Sounds like you really should find a better place to work.
Waivers are either for the unions contract remaining time, 2017 at most, or crappe plans like McD'S or Walgreens, etc, until O-care starts.. I guess you think those are great plans, dingbat. LOL. Do you want a fecking diagram...jeebus dupes are dumb...

Another fail, nice try. But the waivers were for after Obamacare starts, that's why they are waivers.

All of the annual limit waivers expire at this end of this year and cannot be renewed.

In order to protect coverage for workers in mini-med plans until more affordable and more valuable coverage is available in 2014, the law and regulations issued on annual limits allow the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to grant temporary waivers from this one provision of the law that phases out annual limits if compliance would result in a significant decrease in access to benefits or a significant increase in premiums. Plans that receive waivers must comply with all other provisions of the law and must alert consumers that the plan has restrictive coverage and includes low annual limits. Additionally, these waivers are temporary and after 2014, no waivers of the annual limit provision are allowed.
Waivers are either for the unions contract remaining time, 2017 at most, or crappe plans like McD'S or Walgreens, etc, until O-care starts.. I guess you think those are great plans, dingbat. LOL. Do you want a fecking diagram...jeebus dupes are dumb...

Another fail, nice try. But the waivers were for after Obamacare starts, that's why they are waivers.

All of the annual limit waivers expire at this end of this year and cannot be renewed.

In order to protect coverage for workers in mini-med plans until more affordable and more valuable coverage is available in 2014, the law and regulations issued on annual limits allow the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to grant temporary waivers from this one provision of the law that phases out annual limits if compliance would result in a significant decrease in access to benefits or a significant increase in premiums. Plans that receive waivers must comply with all other provisions of the law and must alert consumers that the plan has restrictive coverage and includes low annual limits. Additionally, these waivers are temporary and after 2014, no waivers of the annual limit provision are allowed.

I know, you haven't followed Franco's stupid logic through many of these threads have you? He misrepresents them. He claimed that waivers were granted for really bad healthcare policies. Thanks for spewing though.
Minn. health care exchange's rates lowest so far - Yahoo! Finance

the lowest cost plan in MN for Obamacare will be $91 a month!!!

that's amazing!!!!!! I would totally get that!!!!!

What's the deductible? What does it cover? Do you ever bother to ask these questions or are you a simple reactionary?

Why? Coverage has to meet federal standards. The lowest cost plan would be the same nationwide no matter what company offered it. That's the whole point of the exchanges.
Another fail, nice try. But the waivers were for after Obamacare starts, that's why they are waivers.

All of the annual limit waivers expire at this end of this year and cannot be renewed.

In order to protect coverage for workers in mini-med plans until more affordable and more valuable coverage is available in 2014, the law and regulations issued on annual limits allow the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to grant temporary waivers from this one provision of the law that phases out annual limits if compliance would result in a significant decrease in access to benefits or a significant increase in premiums. Plans that receive waivers must comply with all other provisions of the law and must alert consumers that the plan has restrictive coverage and includes low annual limits. Additionally, these waivers are temporary and after 2014, no waivers of the annual limit provision are allowed.

I know, you haven't followed Franco's stupid logic through many of these threads have you? He misrepresents them. He claimed that waivers were granted for really bad healthcare policies. Thanks for spewing though.

...that's why those who received one of the temporary waivers "must alert consumers that the plan has restrictive coverage and includes low annual limits." Mini-med plans are not good plans, they're simply considered to be better than nothing. Which is the alternative until Obamacare's coverage expansions launch in earnest with the openings of new marketplaces selling competitive plans in the fall of this year.

Those annual limit waivers are simply a bridge until real coverage is available to these folks in the new marketplaces later this year. Coverage in the marketplaces won't have annual limits.
Minn. health care exchange's rates lowest so far - Yahoo! Finance

the lowest cost plan in MN for Obamacare will be $91 a month!!!

that's amazing!!!!!! I would totally get that!!!!!

What's the deductible? What does it cover? Do you ever bother to ask these questions or are you a simple reactionary?

Why? Coverage has to meet federal standards. The lowest cost plan would be the same nationwide no matter what company offered it. That's the whole point of the exchanges.

It is a bit odd. Quite a bit of whining was directed at the minimum essential health benefit requirements over the past few years (we want lower quality, less comprehensive plans because they'll be cheaper! the government can't set minimum quality standards!) and now folks seem to have forgotten they exist at all.

Here we have relatively cheap plans in Minnesota that offer the full slate of essential health benefits (i.e. ambulatory patient services; emergency services; hospitalization; maternity and newborn care; mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment; prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory services; preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management; and pediatric services, including oral and vision care.)
answer- better than the scam you have now, dumazz hater dupes...

AND you already pay for the uncovered, just in the stupidest and cruelest way possible- ER care with no doctor or preventive medicine- AND everything Pubs tell you is BS.

And, right on cue, this was stuck in one of the posts:

... 10 million illegal aliens....

For the 10 millionth time, illegals have been getting care via Reagan's socialist EMTALA.

For the 10 millionth time, illegals will not, are not eligible to buy health care insurance at the lower rates of ObamaCare.

Simply put, Joe Wilson LIED.
Commerce Commissioner Mike Rothman said Minnesota will offer the lowest average rates compared with the 17 other states that have released rates so far. Officials could not promise people will pay less compared to current coverage, but said they are confident customers will get more for their money.

That is the first sentence of your article...(rolling eyes)

Now, you do know that the rate is for a 20 something healthy female not for a 40 year old?
Why? Coverage has to meet federal standards. The lowest cost plan would be the same nationwide no matter what company offered it. That's the whole point of the exchanges.

It is a bit odd. Quite a bit of whining was directed at the minimum essential health benefit requirements over the past few years (we want lower quality, less comprehensive plans because they'll be cheaper! the government can't set minimum quality standards!) and now folks seem to have forgotten they exist at all.

Here we have relatively cheap plans in Minnesota that offer the full slate of essential health benefits (i.e. ambulatory patient services; emergency services; hospitalization; maternity and newborn care; mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment; prescription drugs; rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices; laboratory services; preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management; and pediatric services, including oral and vision care.)

Low cost and easy to understand but it's still not good enough for the right wingers. It is, indeed, odd.
Another fail, nice try. But the waivers were for after Obamacare starts, that's why they are waivers.

All of the annual limit waivers expire at this end of this year and cannot be renewed.

In order to protect coverage for workers in mini-med plans until more affordable and more valuable coverage is available in 2014, the law and regulations issued on annual limits allow the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to grant temporary waivers from this one provision of the law that phases out annual limits if compliance would result in a significant decrease in access to benefits or a significant increase in premiums. Plans that receive waivers must comply with all other provisions of the law and must alert consumers that the plan has restrictive coverage and includes low annual limits. Additionally, these waivers are temporary and after 2014, no waivers of the annual limit provision are allowed.

I know, you haven't followed Franco's stupid logic through many of these threads have you? He misrepresents them. He claimed that waivers were granted for really bad healthcare policies. Thanks for spewing though.

Actually, it's obvious to anyone but a brainwashed dingbat that I've been right all along, and that you're the one spewing rw idiocy. Idiot. LOL:eusa_liar::cuckoo:
Wow. My employer provided plan right now is ok, but costs me 250 a month.

Hmmm. 160 bucks a month extra could help out.

Too bad South Carolina Republicans have sworn to fight Obama to...well, whatever means possible, or as Tea Party Queen Gov. Nikki Haley says "NEVER" will they accept it, in any form.

Too bad you don't have enough brains to find out what prices were last year before you start giving Obamacare credit for lower prices that don't exist.
The dangers of crying wolf. Now every premium announcement comes with the note that premiums are lower (sometimes substantially lower) than expected. The rate shock never showed up.

(In fairness, it isn't just the GOP--the premium estimates the CBO used to calculate the cost of the law 3+ years ago have now also turned out to have been inflated).

Tell me something, idiot, why don't you put up comparison numbers anymore? Given that individual coverage in Minnesota was going for $53 /month last year, and is going to be $91/month next month, why should I accept your interpretation that this is good news?
Minn. health care exchange's rates lowest so far - Yahoo! Finance

the lowest cost plan in MN for Obamacare will be $91 a month!!!

that's amazing!!!!!! I would totally get that!!!!!

Sorry, but you ain't getting off that easily...deductibles? coverages? Doctor referrals, minimums? maximums? Prescriptions?

Let's hear "The Rest of the Story" as Paul Harvey used to say.

You forgot the biggest one, how much did it cost before Obamacare?
The dangers of crying wolf. Now every premium announcement comes with the note that premiums are lower (sometimes substantially lower) than expected. The rate shock never showed up.

(In fairness, it isn't just the GOP--the premium estimates the CBO used to calculate the cost of the law 3+ years ago have now also turned out to have been inflated).

Not according to the 'tool' you furnished the board with a few days ago.

The one I used to walk through an example showing that a plan for a family of five will cost only a quarter of what the rightwing mob was claiming only a few months ago?

Again, see the point about crying wolf.

Can you explain why I should accept the absurd notion that an increase in expenses that turns out to be lower than predicted because the economy sucks soggy green donkey dicks is good news?
Waivers are either for the unions contract remaining time, 2017 at most, or crappe plans like McD'S or Walgreens, etc, until O-care starts.. I guess you think those are great plans, dingbat. LOL. Do you want a fecking diagram...jeebus dupes are dumb...

Another fail, nice try. But the waivers were for after Obamacare starts, that's why they are waivers.

All of the annual limit waivers expire at this end of this year and cannot be renewed.

In order to protect coverage for workers in mini-med plans until more affordable and more valuable coverage is available in 2014, the law and regulations issued on annual limits allow the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to grant temporary waivers from this one provision of the law that phases out annual limits if compliance would result in a significant decrease in access to benefits or a significant increase in premiums. Plans that receive waivers must comply with all other provisions of the law and must alert consumers that the plan has restrictive coverage and includes low annual limits. Additionally, these waivers are temporary and after 2014, no waivers of the annual limit provision are allowed.

Obama already handed out more waivers that go into 2015, and are illegal. I guess that makes your argument that there aren't going to be any waivers next year total ass excrement.
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