Obamacare in Oregon - ZERO enrollees!!

Because Oregon has their own state health insurance program :eusa_whistle:

Oregon Health Plan Apply for Health Coverage in Oregon

That's expanded Medicaid.

Guess what?

So far, about 242,000 Oregonians have enrolled in coverage through Cover Oregon. About 70,000 of those enrolled in private health plans, while 172,000 enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan.

DURHAM, Ore. — Oregon officials voted unanimously Friday to jettison the state's disastrous health insurance exchange and switch to the federal system, admitting disappointment and defeat in an arena where the state had been a trailblazer.

Oregon scraps state health insurance exchange - latimes.com

Expanded Medicare is part of the ACA.

Affordable Care Act | Medicaid.gov

Tell that to guno.
More proof - govt can't do anything right. They don't even try. Obamacare is just a scam to make the rich richer.

More Scrutiny for Failed Cover Oregon Rollout

21 Mar 2014
The debacle of the “Cover Oregon” website may be the biggest healthcare scandal you’ve never heard about.
Cover Oregon is the name of the state health insurance exchange for The Beaver State. The name is now synonymous with perhaps the nation’s largest IT failure. More than $300 million in federal grant money was at stake. The state had already spent an estimated $200 million on the website that has yet to register a single Oregonian for healthcare. It may be a couple of years before the website will be up and fully functioning.

The events on Thursday have shone a national spotlight on the failed Cover Oregon website rollout. As of Friday morning, virtually every single state official associated with the state’s healthcare exchange effort has resigned, including Kitzhaber’s staunchest healthcare ally, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, who resigned on Thursday as executive director of Cover Oregon, a position he assumed only a few months earlier.
When you try to apply for coverage, you get a message saying you must use Internet Explorer. If you don't, they will mail you an application. The problem of course is IE has only 1/3 of the browser market. When enrollment opens again in the fall, Oregon will be using the federal website which is what they should have been doing from the beginning. The purpose of the state exchanges was to handle the larger states like New York and California who already had healthcare enrollment web sites.
Obamacare is a temporary law that will ruin a lot of people's lives until it is finally repealed. Why? 2 words. Political Correctness.

if the republicans tried to work with the dems on making a excellent law then we would have had a better system ..all we got from the right is _________
that's right a blank space ... health care for all ???? not a peep from the right ... accept oh no were not going to help-the people of this country ... we don't care about the sick people of this country ... that's was the plan from the right from the get go .... you want to say to talk about what is political correctness??? if is political correct for saying health care is a right, call me political correct ... if is political correct for saying the poor can't afford health care lets put them in medicaid program then call me political correct ... if it calls for helping people to pay for health care by giving them a subsidy, then call me political correct .... but if its for "if you get sick then die quick", I say that's not political correct ...
More proof - govt can't do anything right. They don't even try. Obamacare is just a scam to make the rich richer.

More Scrutiny for Failed Cover Oregon Rollout

21 Mar 2014
The debacle of the “Cover Oregon” website may be the biggest healthcare scandal you’ve never heard about.
Cover Oregon is the name of the state health insurance exchange for The Beaver State. The name is now synonymous with perhaps the nation’s largest IT failure. More than $300 million in federal grant money was at stake. The state had already spent an estimated $200 million on the website that has yet to register a single Oregonian for healthcare. It may be a couple of years before the website will be up and fully functioning.

The events on Thursday have shone a national spotlight on the failed Cover Oregon website rollout. As of Friday morning, virtually every single state official associated with the state’s healthcare exchange effort has resigned, including Kitzhaber’s staunchest healthcare ally, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, who resigned on Thursday as executive director of Cover Oregon, a position he assumed only a few months earlier.
When you try to apply for coverage, you get a message saying you must use Internet Explorer. If you don't, they will mail you an application. The problem of course is IE has only 1/3 of the browser market. When enrollment opens again in the fall, Oregon will be using the federal website which is what they should have been doing from the beginning. The purpose of the state exchanges was to handle the larger states like New York and California who already had healthcare enrollment web sites.

none of these state web sites were in operation at all they were created in 4 years of work were you get these states alread had web sites is beyond me ...Oregon had a company by the name of Oracle that did their web site for them the botched it ... some say it was because of state telling them it doesn't work ... other say it was because Oracle wouldn't respond to the state complaints ...
See, progressives don't get this. We were punished with obamacare because we did not agree with socialized medicine, period. The system wouldn't have been messed up in the first place if it weren't for medicare and medicaid, and the insurance bullshit that were its precursors.

Socialism doesn't work. It does't work politically, it doesn't work economically, it doesn't work socially, and it doesn't work medically. Get that through your stupid heads. Obamacare spells the doom of America.
More proof - govt can't do anything right. They don't even try. Obamacare is just a scam to make the rich richer.

More Scrutiny for Failed Cover Oregon Rollout

21 Mar 2014
The debacle of the “Cover Oregon” website may be the biggest healthcare scandal you’ve never heard about.
Cover Oregon is the name of the state health insurance exchange for The Beaver State. The name is now synonymous with perhaps the nation’s largest IT failure. More than $300 million in federal grant money was at stake. The state had already spent an estimated $200 million on the website that has yet to register a single Oregonian for healthcare. It may be a couple of years before the website will be up and fully functioning.

The events on Thursday have shone a national spotlight on the failed Cover Oregon website rollout. As of Friday morning, virtually every single state official associated with the state’s healthcare exchange effort has resigned, including Kitzhaber’s staunchest healthcare ally, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, who resigned on Thursday as executive director of Cover Oregon, a position he assumed only a few months earlier.
When you try to apply for coverage, you get a message saying you must use Internet Explorer. If you don't, they will mail you an application. The problem of course is IE has only 1/3 of the browser market. When enrollment opens again in the fall, Oregon will be using the federal website which is what they should have been doing from the beginning. The purpose of the state exchanges was to handle the larger states like New York and California who already had healthcare enrollment web sites.

Obamacare has never been about improving the system. It's about deliberately crashing the system, and bringing about a socialized state in the US.
See, progressives don't get this. We were punished with obamacare because we did not agree with socialized medicine, period. The system wouldn't have been messed up in the first place if it weren't for medicare and medicaid, and the insurance bullshit that were its precursors.

Socialism doesn't work. It does't work politically, it doesn't work economically, it doesn't work socially, and it doesn't work medically. Get that through your stupid heads. Obamacare spells the doom of America.
You forgot the appropriate emphasis.
Obamacare spells the doom of America.
Fleeee, flee while you still can!!!!!!!
And where is the rage now?

Why did Democrats and others concerned about illicit war contracts and spending
QUIT harping on this?

What happened to the big push to pay for health care and education instead of war?

This is why people discredited those complaints as only being for "political points"
for election campaigns. If there's no follow up, it just looks like anti-Bush tactics.

Had Democrats (and also Republicans) followed up on taxpayer money owed back,
we could easily pay for health care reform
instead of using conflicts over ACA for MORE political ammo and warfare.

Don't you think we could solve this problem by now if both major parties weren't so bent on spending millions if not billions of dollars campaigning for political points against each other?

So why spend 300 million....err.....lose 300 million?

It wasn't lost.

It was spent.

You want lost?

CNN.com - Audit: U.S. lost track of $9 billion in Iraq funds - Jan 30, 2005

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nearly $9 billion of money spent on Iraqi reconstruction is unaccounted for because of inefficiencies and bad management, according to a watchdog report published Sunday.

Where was conservative rage back then?

[/QUOTE] Obamacare in Oregon - ZERO enrollees!![/QUOTE]

Not true, of course.
Hmmm I've been thinking
that maybe the Democrats should be developing this huge enrollment site
for documenting Immigrant workers, student visas, and former inmates being counseled to integrate back into working jobs in society.

If the demand was coming directly from the populations affected, who wanted to work off credits they owe toward privileges of citizenship,
maybe it WOULD be in their best interest to MAKE the system work.

The track to citizenship could be based on "managing the status" for people paying off restitution owed for past violations and earning their amnesty "in proportion" to the extent of any violations, so it is fair to those without any such violations or restitution owed.

If every resident under a "visa" or "probationary" status (not a full citizen with equal standing) had to be enrolled with a sponsoring party, school, business or other affiliated organization that agrees to share legal and financial responsibility until the person is self-sufficient, then the parties who "claim to represent these voters" would be responsible.

Those parties or groups could AGREE to be responsible for any costs or "insurance" needed to cover health care or other risks, and for education and job training needed to become independent.

Obamacare has never been about improving the system. It's about deliberately crashing the system, and bringing about a socialized state in the US.

Also the Republicans, NRA, etc. could have their own system of managing their members and cover their own health care without conflict with how any other group manages theirs.

As long as they don't impose costs on the public, whatever system they agree to use to accept responsibility should count as an "exemption" or "state innovation" under ACA.

Any crimes, corruption or other abuses/violations that Party members "otherwise cost the public," that party/group agrees their members are responsible for covering THEIR OWN costs,
in whatever manner they agree works and represents them.

So if a party caters to criminals or deportees, that party is responsible for setting up a system of tracking restitution that otherwise costs taxpayers. If a party caters to Corporations, then any grievances, violations and costs to taxpayers caused by Corporate abuses or damages would be that party's responsibility to redress and resolve.

Either way, the public cannot continue to pay the costs of crime, abuse and corruption. And this system is BACKWARDS if it burdens lawabiding citizens instead of wrongdoers owing costs to the public.

If the point is to hold wrongdoers accountable for costs, whichever party solicits that vote of those corporations or populations accepts the legal and financial responsibility that comes with it.

Instead of forcing the public to register under ACA, all people should have an equal free choice to enroll under any program or policy they trust to represent them and protect their interests.

If this was done per Party, the Parties would have vested interest in making sure their systems work for the taxpayers supporting it; and voluntary participation at will would reduce unnecessary conflicts.
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It's irrelevant anyway.

If you aren't enrolled by today and you're over 138 percent of the federal poverty level, that means they're attaching your tax return next year.

Enrollment is closed.

And you're screwed.

This was the goal all along..to target and rob working men and women, in order to support the welfare class, and enlarge it....

Because what these people are going to do when their tax returns are garnished...they are going to quit their jobs...
More proof - govt can't do anything right. They don't even try. Obamacare is just a scam to make the rich richer.
When you try to apply for coverage, you get a message saying you must use Internet Explorer. If you don't, they will mail you an application. The problem of course is IE has only 1/3 of the browser market. When enrollment opens again in the fall, Oregon will be using the federal website which is what they should have been doing from the beginning. The purpose of the state exchanges was to handle the larger states like New York and California who already had healthcare enrollment web sites.

none of these state web sites were in operation at all they were created in 4 years of work were you get these states alread had web sites is beyond me ...Oregon had a company by the name of Oracle that did their web site for them the botched it ... some say it was because of state telling them it doesn't work ... other say it was because Oracle wouldn't respond to the state complaints ...
Most of the states that elected to establish state healthcare marketplaces had experience in running healthcare websites which handled enrollment in Medicaid and high risk pools. I don't know if Oregon was doing this before Obamacare. A state controlled healthcare marketplace allows states to make key decisions and tailor the marketplace to local needs and market conditions.
Because Oregon has their own state health insurance program :eusa_whistle:

Oregon Health Plan Apply for Health Coverage in Oregon

That's expanded Medicaid.

Guess what?

So far, about 242,000 Oregonians have enrolled in coverage through Cover Oregon. About 70,000 of those enrolled in private health plans, while 172,000 enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan.

DURHAM, Ore. — Oregon officials voted unanimously Friday to jettison the state's disastrous health insurance exchange and switch to the federal system, admitting disappointment and defeat in an arena where the state had been a trailblazer.

Oregon scraps state health insurance exchange - latimes.com

Expanded Medicare is part of the ACA.

Affordable Care Act | Medicaid.gov

Damn sallow are you being paid to have obama dick breath? You have defended everything he has done, has obama ever fucked up in your opinon?
Typical progressive moonbat response.

you talk about health care being socialized medicine ... its not in any way or form .... you don't know the meaning of the word socialized ... then when confronted as we all see here you start your name calling ... the other day I was accused of not being able to debate and issue ... I responded to the posters here that republicans aren't interested in debating anything .. they state their opinion that's it ...then when we confronted them like i did here you republicans start calling us names ....thanks for proving my point here ...
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More proof - govt can't do anything right. They don't even try. Obamacare is just a scam to make the rich richer.
When you try to apply for coverage, you get a message saying you must use Internet Explorer. If you don't, they will mail you an application. The problem of course is IE has only 1/3 of the browser market. When enrollment opens again in the fall, Oregon will be using the federal website which is what they should have been doing from the beginning. The purpose of the state exchanges was to handle the larger states like New York and California who already had healthcare enrollment web sites.

Obamacare has never been about improving the system. It's about deliberately crashing the system, and bringing about a socialized state in the US.

you sure say the most uninformed thing to date ...
And where is the rage now?

Why did Democrats and others concerned about illicit war contracts and spending
QUIT harping on this?

What happened to the big push to pay for health care and education instead of war?

This is why people discredited those complaints as only being for "political points"
for election campaigns. If there's no follow up, it just looks like anti-Bush tactics.

Had Democrats (and also Republicans) followed up on taxpayer money owed back,
we could easily pay for health care reform
instead of using conflicts over ACA for MORE political ammo and warfare.

Don't you think we could solve this problem by now if both major parties weren't so bent on spending millions if not billions of dollars campaigning for political points against each other?

you right wing nuts talking about Dems spending ...that Obama has spent 7 trillion dollars in debt ... when that isn't accurate at all ... here we have republicans spending money on their wars, like its going out of style, to contractors that donate to their campaign ... then when we dems want to help our own people in getting jobs, health care just because our people are not some third world country at war, where we tried to get a decent
stimulus started for our people, you guys go nuts with we're spending beyond belief ... ... you guys from the get go rag about dems spending and you never make a peep about republican spending way more money then we Dems ever have ... all you republicans do is when a dems get in the majority, now it all about this 7 trillion dollars of debt that your republicans created ... you start ragging about spending ... can ya answer that one Ecinicola??? its always a bad Idea when we dems help our citizens and its terrible if we vote against a war ... can ya explain that one to us???
It's irrelevant anyway.

If you aren't enrolled by today and you're over 138 percent of the federal poverty level, that means they're attaching your tax return next year.

Enrollment is closed.

And you're screwed.

This was the goal all along..to target and rob working men and women, in order to support the welfare class, and enlarge it....

Because what these people are going to do when their tax returns are garnished...they are going to quit their jobs...
good then they can live off the merican gubment tit .. at your expense ...
So what happened to the $300,000,000 obozo gave oregon to set up their website.? The companies just took the money and did nothing. That's what happened. All govt programs are like that.

actually the federal government is going after the company I believe the company name is orcale ... they are doing something ... nice try to spin another nutter lie

Oracle is the database of choice for most companies.

I am a little surprised they screwed up.

It's a pretty solid company.

I'm thinking it a case of what the state told them what to do and how to do it and they ignored them ...

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