Obamacare in Oregon - ZERO enrollees!!

Illinois Policy Institute | Our Story

Didja read the link?


The Illinois Policy Institute is a nonpartisan research organization working to make Illinois first in economic outlook and job creation.

Illinois Policy Action is a nonpartisan social welfare organization that advocates for the free market ideas developed by the Illinois Policy Institute.

Both the Illinois Policy Institute and Illinois Policy Action seek to make Illinois the nation’s free enterprise leader.


Our approach is to transform liberty principles into marketable policies that become law.

Economic freedom in Illinois is our top priority, and our work focuses on six key policy pillars: budget and tax issues, labor reform, health care policy, education reform, good government, and jobs and growth.


The Illinois Policy Institute and Illinois Policy Action promote personal freedom and prosperity, changing hearts, minds and laws along the way. Both entities advance free enterprise and the Founding Principles.

Government regulations govern the activities of nonprofit organizations. In keeping with these rules, the Illinois Policy Institute is focused on generating and sharing sustainable policy solutions with citizens and elected officials. Contributions to the Illinois Policy Institute, which is a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax deductible and support our research mission.

As a 501(c)(4) organization , Illinois Policy Action engages stakeholders to turn the Illinois Policy Institute’s ideas into law. Contributions to Illinois Policy Action support our advocacy outreach and are not tax deductible.

her is prime proof that MeBelle60 hasn't a clue in what we are talking about ..501(c) (3) ... can ya try and keep up

WTH are you babbling about now?

if anyone is babbling that would be you Mebelle60 .... your source of information is wrong ... it always is ... if you love to post blogger information fine I won't believe it .. .heres information from BCBS

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85″ percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.

so mebelle60 if you want to believe those lies of your bloggers friends then fine, its your choice ... but don't expect the informed people to buy your nonsense
Last edited:

The Republicans got it right when they claimed there would be an Obamacare "death spiral". But it turned out, Republicans were the ones doing the spiraling.

Sad Sack Republicans can't believe the truth even when their pabulum is fed to them by a rightwing rag like Forbes ☜ Link

Obamacare Truthers Get Caught in a Lie on Delinquency Rate
Michael Tomasky
Politics 05.02.14


If you don’t want to take it from Democrats, take it from the insurance officials themselves. They dispute the GOP numbers. Karen Ignani of AHIP, a large group of providers, said the pay-up rate so far in her realm has been 85 percent. The Blue Cross-Blue Shield group says 80 to 85 percent of enrollees have been paying. And WellPoint announced, on the very day of the GOP report, that its figure was 90 percent.

Did anyone who posted in Obamacare in Oregon - ZERO enrollees!! that Oregon's co-op was folded into Obamacare/ACA?

If so or if this is the first time, let's close the thread.
her is prime proof that MeBelle60 hasn't a clue in what we are talking about ..501(c) (3) ... can ya try and keep up

WTH are you babbling about now?

if anyone is babbling that would be you Mebelle60 .... your source of information is wrong ... it always is ... if you love to post blogger information fine I won't believe it .. .heres information from BCBS

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85&#8243; percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.

so mebelle60 if you want to believe those lies of your bloggers friends then fine, its your choice ... but don't expect the informed people to buy your nonsense

Hey Billy, here's a link to your post...

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying - Forbes
4/02/2014 @ 1:25PM

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85&#8243; percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.

:eusa_clap: Your welcome! Sad you had to plagiarize an article however.
..heres information from BCBS
No Billy, that was an article written and printed by Forbes, not BCBS.

Anyhow, lets continue.
Let's see, the article was dated April 2 2014:
The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today
Cool! Where's the announcement from April 3, 2014?

The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.
Did you hear that Billy?
An April survey which will give us what, exactly, as of Feb 1.
Remember we are now in May. May 5th to be exact.

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.......Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans.

Are you following along here Billy?
Forbes is writing about a (health insurance) trade association.

So, what is a trade association?
Let's find out:

Trade Associations | Business Financing News

Trade associations are also known as industry trade groups.

...trade associations are generally non-profit organizations who have a group of board members who develop by-laws.

Non-profit? Non-profit you say?

Does that mean *gasp* The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is a non-profit organization?

Let's find out...


Form 990's
For more information on compensation in nonprofit organizations, and related source data, please see ERI's Nonprofit Comparables Assessor™ & Tax-Exempt Survey.

Below is a list of IRS Form 990 Tax Returns for Exempt Organizations for BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD ASSOCIATION. Please click a link to display the PDF form. (Document size is indicated at right.)

CHICAGO, IL 60601-7757

(Not to be confused with Blue Cross/Blue Shield or even Anthem in some cases)

I don't read blogger material ... its bias and hasn't any value to anyone accept the party that they support... I don't use liberal bloggers ... I surely won't accept and right wing nut job bloggers ... go to any health care site some will give you the information and some won't the ones that do say that they have received payment up to 85% ... the rest of the 15% are waiting for their policy to expire... so you can use your little right wing nut bloggers to satisfy you need to be uninformed .... I choose to go to the source .... the source says differently

Now, what were you babbling about 501(c) 3s or 501 (c) 4s, (non-profits) depending on what type of work they do, who write 'blogs'?
WTH are you babbling about now?

if anyone is babbling that would be you Mebelle60 .... your source of information is wrong ... it always is ... if you love to post blogger information fine I won't believe it .. .heres information from BCBS

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85&#8243; percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.

so mebelle60 if you want to believe those lies of your bloggers friends then fine, its your choice ... but don't expect the informed people to buy your nonsense

Hey Billy, here's a link to your post...

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying - Forbes
4/02/2014 @ 1:25PM

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85&#8243; percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.

:eusa_clap: Your welcome! Sad you had to plagiarize an article however.

No Billy, that was an article written and printed by Forbes, not BCBS.

Anyhow, lets continue.
Let's see, the article was dated April 2 2014:
Cool! Where's the announcement from April 3, 2014?

Did you hear that Billy?
An April survey which will give us what, exactly, as of Feb 1.
Remember we are now in May. May 5th to be exact.

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.......Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans.

Are you following along here Billy?
Forbes is writing about a (health insurance) trade association.

So, what is a trade association?
Let's find out:

Trade Associations | Business Financing News

Trade associations are also known as industry trade groups.

...trade associations are generally non-profit organizations who have a group of board members who develop by-laws.

Non-profit? Non-profit you say?

Does that mean *gasp* The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is a non-profit organization?

Let's find out...


Form 990's
For more information on compensation in nonprofit organizations, and related source data, please see ERI's Nonprofit Comparables Assessor™ & Tax-Exempt Survey.

Below is a list of IRS Form 990 Tax Returns for Exempt Organizations for BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD ASSOCIATION. Please click a link to display the PDF form. (Document size is indicated at right.)

CHICAGO, IL 60601-7757

(Not to be confused with Blue Cross/Blue Shield or even Anthem in some cases)

I don't read blogger material ... its bias and hasn't any value to anyone accept the party that they support... I don't use liberal bloggers ... I surely won't accept and right wing nut job bloggers ... go to any health care site some will give you the information and some won't the ones that do say that they have received payment up to 85% ... the rest of the 15% are waiting for their policy to expire... so you can use your little right wing nut bloggers to satisfy you need to be uninformed .... I choose to go to the source .... the source says differently

Now, what were you babbling about 501(c) 3s or 501 (c) 4s, (non-profits) depending on what type of work they do, who write 'blogs'?

Forbes is a credible source for anything that has to do with politics ...so as always your post is pointless ... when are you going to stop babbling about things you know nothing about
if anyone is babbling that would be you Mebelle60 .... your source of information is wrong ... it always is ... if you love to post blogger information fine I won't believe it .. .heres information from BCBS

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85&#8243; percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.

so mebelle60 if you want to believe those lies of your bloggers friends then fine, its your choice ... but don't expect the informed people to buy your nonsense

Hey Billy, here's a link to your post...

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying - Forbes
4/02/2014 @ 1:25PM

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85&#8243; percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.

:eusa_clap: Your welcome! Sad you had to plagiarize an article however.

No Billy, that was an article written and printed by Forbes, not BCBS.

Anyhow, lets continue.
Let's see, the article was dated April 2 2014:
Cool! Where's the announcement from April 3, 2014?

Did you hear that Billy?
An April survey which will give us what, exactly, as of Feb 1.
Remember we are now in May. May 5th to be exact.

Are you following along here Billy?
Forbes is writing about a (health insurance) trade association.

So, what is a trade association?
Let's find out:

Trade Associations | Business Financing News

Trade associations are also known as industry trade groups.

...trade associations are generally non-profit organizations who have a group of board members who develop by-laws.

Non-profit? Non-profit you say?

Does that mean *gasp* The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is a non-profit organization?

Let's find out...


Form 990's
For more information on compensation in nonprofit organizations, and related source data, please see ERI's Nonprofit Comparables Assessor™ & Tax-Exempt Survey.

Below is a list of IRS Form 990 Tax Returns for Exempt Organizations for BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD ASSOCIATION. Please click a link to display the PDF form. (Document size is indicated at right.)

CHICAGO, IL 60601-7757

(Not to be confused with Blue Cross/Blue Shield or even Anthem in some cases)

I don't read blogger material ... its bias and hasn't any value to anyone accept the party that they support... I don't use liberal bloggers ... I surely won't accept and right wing nut job bloggers ... go to any health care site some will give you the information and some won't the ones that do say that they have received payment up to 85% ... the rest of the 15% are waiting for their policy to expire... so you can use your little right wing nut bloggers to satisfy you need to be uninformed .... I choose to go to the source .... the source says differently

Now, what were you babbling about 501(c) 3s or 501 (c) 4s, (non-profits) depending on what type of work they do, who write 'blogs'?

Forbes is a credible source for anything that has to do with politics ...so as always your post is pointless ... when are you going to stop babbling about things you know nothing about

:lmao: :lmao: @ you Billy!
Reading comprehension Billy?

heres information from BCBS
No Billy, that was an article written and printed by Forbes, not BCBS.
See>>> I even provided the link for you!
Hey Billy, here's a link to your post...
Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying - Forbes
4/02/2014 @ 1:25PM


The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85&#8243; percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb 1

Anyhow, lets continue.
Let's see, the article was dated April 2 2014:
Cool! Where's the announcement from April 3, 2014?

Did you find The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association announcement which states, according to Forbes...
Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying


Did you hear that Billy?
An April survey which will give us what, exactly, as of Feb 1.
Remember we are now in May. May 5th to be exact.

:lmao: :lmao: @ you Billy!

Where's the survey?

when are you going to stop babbling about things you know nothing about

:lmao: :lmao: some more @ YOU Billy!

You've been owned with facts.
Facts from your very own post.
Facts you can't refute.
Facts you didn't even try to refute.

What do you do in the face of facts?
You insult Billy, that's what you do best.

Forbes is a credible source
Cool! They must have printed the survey they claimed would be put out on April 2. Cough it up.

when are you going to stop babbling about things you know nothing about

Here's Billy!
Hey Billy, here's a link to your post...

Blue Cross Says '80-85' Percent Of Obamacare Enrollees Are Paying - Forbes
4/02/2014 @ 1:25PM

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, which represents the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans, says “80-85&#8243; percent of newly enrolled individuals buying plans under the Affordable Care Act are paying their premiums.

The figure was confirmed by Forbes this morning and is slated to be announced later today by the Chicago-based trade association for the nation’s Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans. The results, which confirm from a survey of most Blue Cross participating on exchanges, are as of Feb. 1.

:eusa_clap: Your welcome! Sad you had to plagiarize an article however.

No Billy, that was an article written and printed by Forbes, not BCBS.

Anyhow, lets continue.
Let's see, the article was dated April 2 2014:
Cool! Where's the announcement from April 3, 2014?

Did you hear that Billy?
An April survey which will give us what, exactly, as of Feb 1.
Remember we are now in May. May 5th to be exact.

Are you following along here Billy?
Forbes is writing about a (health insurance) trade association.

So, what is a trade association?
Let's find out:

Trade Associations | Business Financing News

Trade associations are also known as industry trade groups.

...trade associations are generally non-profit organizations who have a group of board members who develop by-laws.

Non-profit? Non-profit you say?

Does that mean *gasp* The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is a non-profit organization?

Let's find out...


Form 990's
For more information on compensation in nonprofit organizations, and related source data, please see ERI's Nonprofit Comparables Assessor™ & Tax-Exempt Survey.

Below is a list of IRS Form 990 Tax Returns for Exempt Organizations for BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD ASSOCIATION. Please click a link to display the PDF form. (Document size is indicated at right.)

CHICAGO, IL 60601-7757

(Not to be confused with Blue Cross/Blue Shield or even Anthem in some cases)

Now, what were you babbling about 501(c) 3s or 501 (c) 4s, (non-profits) depending on what type of work they do, who write 'blogs'?

Forbes is a credible source for anything that has to do with politics ...so as always your post is pointless ... when are you going to stop babbling about things you know nothing about

:lmao: :lmao: @ you Billy!
Reading comprehension Billy?

See>>> I even provided the link for you!


Did you find The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association announcement which states, according to Forbes...


:lmao: :lmao: @ you Billy!

Where's the survey?

:lmao: :lmao: some more @ YOU Billy!

You've been owned with facts.
Facts from your very own post.
Facts you can't refute.
Facts you didn't even try to refute.

What do you do in the face of facts?
You insult Billy, that's what you do best.

Forbes is a credible source
Cool! They must have printed the survey they claimed would be put out on April 2. Cough it up.

when are you going to stop babbling about things you know nothing about

Here's Billy!

as I said your post never prove anything... you just love to rant about things you don't understand... its that simple ...
p.s. mebelle60
I don't sit on these web sites 24/7 like you do ... I come on in th morning ... not every morning ... I will respond to your post or anyones ... if you have to have to have a answer right this very second, unlike you I have a life, but I will respond...
p.s. mebelle60
I don't sit on these web sites 24/7 like you do ... I come on in th morning ... not every morning ... I will respond to your post or anyones ... if you have to have to have a answer right this very second, unlike you I have a life, but I will respond...

But you don't, you merely insult, Billy!

as I said your post never prove anything... you just love to rant about things you don't understand... its that simple ...

And now you lie. :thup:

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